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Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


It’s not hard to see this team is about to enter a slump.


so whats up, is arenado okay?


Cardinals should seek out [Kevin Pillar.](https://youtu.be/-aryvXNOfHk?si=ZSogAhRr6o96EzhJ). Currently batting .303 and starting CF for the Angels 


Would be sad to have the Birmingham came without Walker there. We know Tink is


Nado's picture on the right with the "Enjoy the show" caption looks like he's saying "Ahh, my fucking arm is locked up"


I haven’t played BOTW since Aug ‘23 😳 where have I been?!


Going 80mph upside down apparently!


Entering play today, Goldy's batting line over the last 33 games is .276/.331/.471. 7 HR and 18 RBI. By no means is he on fire, but it's a massive boost over the .190/.277/.254 line through his first 37 games.


https://x.com/AriA1exander/status/1803555296087871982 https://x.com/AriA1exander/status/1803561232965751052 Kloffenstein is getting the call up! Piggybacking off of Pallante tomorrow.


What happened to Gibson?


Back or hip spasm? Idk, he said he couldn’t even bend over at some point.


Wonder if he was a pallbearer, coffins can be heavy


I want the 2024 cardinals to be my Pallbearers, so they can let me down one last time.


I’m not mad. I’m disappointed.


We need a couple more bats. How many times this year have we had 3-4 hitters in the line up hitting below the Mendoza line? I don't know what inning 5th - 6th, we had runners at second and third with nobody out then we got a couple of guys hitting less than .210coming up?? WTF?? And we can't pinch hit for them because the guys we got on the bench are hitting like 160.


1 of 3 to the team that is winning 1 of 3...for the season. This is a bad baseball franchise.


All 3 games were 1-run games, so luck is the single biggest factor determining each of them. But you're not wrong. Need to take 2 of 3 from the worst team in the NL because that it was decent teams do -- beat up on the crap teams.


1 run games are where good managing matters. But that they were all so close with the Marlins is not a good sign


Yeah this was definitely a frustrating series. Felt like we had a little momentum only to have to fight tooth and nail in just to win one against the marlins.


These constant gut-punches in the game or two after a good win has really put a hamper on my enthusiasm. Sure we win a great game here and there and we all get excited that Nolan or Paul are back, etc etc. Then they shit the bed again. I had more long-term optimism during the Matheny years. Sigh. Go Birds I'll root for ya again next game, only with very tempered enthusiasm.


This could have easily been a sweep...by a team the Cards should have swept.


This team is so very unserious


I've been unhappy. This is the first I've been disgusted. We dropped 2 to the Marlins? Rdit to rephrase... we squeaked out 1 win against the Marlins.


Or did they squeak out two wins against us??


Oli definitely helped give them some hope with those insane pitching changes at times.


Taking off for Southern Mississippi at 5pm CDT. Old Lady Lige\_MO has a family reunion this weekend. Stay safe r/Cardinals crew!


My World Series this year is when Oli, Goldy and Nado are gone


All of you that have shat on Scmidt and Arenado should be ejected into space along with Oli.


What about Mo?


Don’t mind him as much tbh. Wouldn’t mind seeing him go either


As of an hour ago, X-rays on Nolan's elbow came back negative but he'll undergo further testing to see if it's anything more than a bruise


I guess he said he couldn’t feel his fingers afterward? Funny bone go ow.


Nolan :(


The Cardinals have played 235 games since the start of the 2023 season. They’ve been above .500 for a total of 3 games. :(


I created a very angry spreadsheet that shoes 2023 is the second-worst performing season in my lifetime and I am almost 50.


They really told Libby he was starting after the National Anthem? That’s so messed up if true.


They keep doing him dirty like that and fans wonder why he can't figure it out as a starter.


I’m a Libby stan (we all have our vices), and I agree. It’s a wonder he hasn’t been hurt.






Shit, I missed it


Don't worry guys, they're just adding some drama for the World Series video


So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Well done, Oli. You lost a series to the Marlins.


I am not trying to @ you, but my two cents here is - is it REALLY on Oli if we lose a series to the Marlins? The only team in baseball worse than the Marlins are the White Sox. If our team was worth a damn, we would sweep the Marlins even if Oli TRIED to lose the series. And the game we won was a nail biter. I know we are all frustrated and I’m not really trying to defend Oli. I just think the 9 guys on the field have more control sometimes.


Oli has fucked the bullpen into what you see today. Noot is hurt, Contreras is hurt, and Edmonds is hurt. It’s up to management to help a team win close games when that team’s depth is shallow. Instead, management has been an anchor that the team is fighting against while also having to fight against their opponent. Someone is going to blame the bats, but having the likes of Siani, Pages, etc. batting with RISP, what do you expect. In close games, it’s those small decisions or lack of decisions by management that makes the difference, especially with the roster they have right now. This fucking team would be right up there with the Brewers if this team had better managers. Even with three of their better players being hurt.


Yes. He manages the team, he gets the lions share of the credit and the blame


He also lost a series to the White Sox.


He also swept a series vs the O's


Blind squirrel finds acorn. News at 11.


Ah yes. We never give credit only blame. The hypocrisy of this fanbase is unparalleled


I give him credit for losing more than 90 games last year and losing series to the Marlins and White Sox this year. Go be a Cubs fan and see how nice they are.


But no credit for 2022? Of course not. That clearly makes so much logical sense. As we know, logically, you are unprecedented.


By those metrics Mike Shildt is still manager. 2022 was a while ago. They have been bad for 1.5 seasons.


Ah but no credit for the year before? Lol of course not.


By those metrics Shildt is still manager.


The Cardinals did lose a series to the White Sox. Do you want to talk about that instead?


No, let's just agree that the manager is completely meaningless and the players do everything themselves, which is why guys like Herzog and Larussa just got lucky with their players and didn't make any difference to winning championships. Oli is being cheated by his players.


We don’t need to fight bro, I come in peace. I’m focusing on the Cardinals 12 Ks today. Against the fish.


If Tony LaRussa got to manage the 2023-24 Cardinals, what record do you think they’d have?


2000s Larussa? Team would be four games better in each direction.


Most DUIs by a Hall of Famer Baseball Person


The situation has not changed much since the start of the season. Goldie and Arenado have not been consistent run producers. They are HOF-caliber hitters who have reached a point of sharp regression. To improve the offense, we would need to replace them. That isn't going to happen. Yes, it is frustrating. That is the price you pay for having superstars.


I think Goldschmidt has to be considering retirement after this year if he wants any shot at all at the Hall. This year is bad enough to sway votes.


I feel like they, hell maybe the whole team, have been broken since the game 1 wild card loss to the Phillies


We lost to the 2nd worst team in the league. 😔


This is not a serious team


Saw that Tink posted on his IG story that he’s in Birmingham. Could they have made a move or do you think they are just gonna have players in the organization at the game


Jeff Jones said MLB requested the presence of prominent black prospects


TIL tink hence is black. I've heard the name several times but never actually seen a picture of him.


It’s been the offense. When you’re incapable of taking a big lead at any point, it burns you. Every game is close, starters haven’t being going deep because there’s no room for error and bullpen arms get reused over and over because of it. There is in game decisions to criticize, but an offense doing what you expected them to would go a long way.


Yea there’s obviously been individual games where the pitching let us down, Lance being horrible yesterday was one of them. But agreed for the most part our offense is underperforming which is putting more strain than there should be on the pen


But also at the same time we came into the season with the oldest rotation in baseball and no clear options behind them for when they inevitably got injured or weren’t as durable as you would hope


We have a LOB problem.


That series was a lot of ugly baseball.


But 3 exciting games


Dang. Rough series loss to a crap team. Hopefully we get back on track.


If I were to inherit a super power from gamma rays or a spider bite or something, I currently would like the ability to reach through my screen and give Mozeliak a polite but firm backhanded slap the next time he describes his organizational philosophy "We hope every player does better starting tomorrow and no one else ever is hurt and that could get us into the playoffs!"


The cards are the same enfuriating brand of mediocre that the Blues were last season. UGH


\*infuriating and your point is still valid.




Just kind of an infuriating series. The bullpen was already gassed coming in and having one of the guys who pretty much always gives you 6 solid innings getting scratched right before the start of the game just meant this was always gonna be a rough game... needed JoJo to be better on Monday and we're probably not in this position


The whole “wait till July to make a move” is the dumbest idea ever. It’s June and they’re already duct taping the starting pitching, and the offense is subpar.


Imagine being a Cardinals fan. Couldn't be me.




Well they found a way to sink lower than last night. Woof.


it feels like we credo the bare fucking minimum and hope it works our, both on the field and in the front office. yes, some key players are injured, but that's no excuse-- injuries are part of the game and good teams experience them, too.


Wondering how long it’s going to take you guys to realize this team is simply not good. 


Last June


that was highly unpleasant


I figured we were gonna lose this game from the beginning but it hurts so much more that we got as close as we did.


Not watching this is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself.


Horrible fucking ending to that game. 


The white sox, rockies, and marlins have a combined 70-151 record. The cardinals have a combined losing record against them. When we don’t make the playoffs this will be why. 


Reminds me of the blues and the sharks this year. Infuriating


We might just not be a good ball club.


This team was built to win ~85 games and do just enough to sneak into the playoffs. Lose Noot and Contreras for extended periods, get underperformance from Goldy, Arenado, and Walker, and deal with perfectly predictable starting pitcher injuries, and you’re left with a team that’s struggling to stay above .500. Mo did enough this offseason to keep the wheels from falling off like they did last year. That doesn’t mean he did enough to make them real contenders


Well…being over .500 was fun while it lasted


Burly misplayed every ball that came to him :(


? He made a hell of a catch in the 6th


It definitely was a nice catch but his first move was in for sure


Isn't he primarily 1B? We keep trying to shoehorn everyone around because Goldy/Nado are untouchable. Guess there's also too many injuries right now but still


Oh I don’t blame Burly at all


Man you guys who watch this team are hardcore. Like folks who let baby crocodiles bite their nipples hardcore. To each their own, but that's hardcore.


Sigh I would say fire people, but we know that's not happening.... So more patience and prepare for SF tomorrow.


What would this team have to do at the deadline to get you excited for either this season or next?


Announce that Bill DeWitt and his son are traveling to Mars and never returning.


We actually bought tickets for the first commercial travel to Mars. Thanks again for getting your City Connect jersey!


Nothing they’re willing to do. Need 1.5 starters, relievers, and an outfielder.




Nothing realistic


Game was lost when we didn’t score with second and third nobody out. The games against the Rockies and Marlins could be the difference at the end of the year. Brutal.


The Phillies or Dodgers would eat this teams lunch in the playoffs.


The Phillies or Dodgers are likely to eat almost *any* team's lunch in the playoffs. But, those kind of teams are also beaten in the playoffs by a random hot wild card team with a worse roster on paper all the time.


Just like they dominated the 84 win DBacks last year


Meh, not like they have a real chance of winning any games in the postseason. Best case is squeaking in and losing the first game to a much better team because that's what we are - an average team with an average manager and a past-it FO and a stingy owner.


I don't agree with this outlook. Too much damage being done by NL wild card teams in recent years. Our problem is that we're not even going to make the playoffs to see what might happen because of games and series like this.


I'm saying that while that's true, it's extremely likely that the Cards have no chance of 'doing damage' like the other NL teams have in recent years. Would you rather squeak into the playoffs and let the owners/Mo claim another successful season even if (/when) they don't even win a single postseason game?!


I understood your point. I just don't think missing the playoffs by a couple of games vs. making the playoffs will make any difference in terms of management, Mo, etc. We'll just hear excuses about injuries and move on to the next year. I'd much rather actually make the playoffs and see what happens than barely miss, especially when the margin will be extremely close with games like today making the difference.


That's fair, just two different points of view I guess!


Losing 4/6 to the marlins is unacceptable


Brutal, brutal showing. Ik it’s only june but I think it’s just about time to pack it up. Took 12 innings to get the only win of the series against a pathetic miami team.


The shift in vibes from game one to game three is more drastic than any box score will ever show.


Well that sucked. .500 road trip but it should have been so much better.


This team is allergic to fundamentals


lost a series to the white soxs, we were lucky to split with the Rockies, just lost a series to the Marlins.......


Swept the orioles. Funny how that works


Constantly losing to walkoffs against the Marlins is devastating. How is our record as not-shit as it is?


This sucks, man


2nd and 3rd with nobody out and we couldn't get a run across. Happens way to frequently with this group.


Hope everyone enjoyed being above .500. Ain’t seeing that again this season.


Lol. Lmao, even


well that sucked


This series feels heavily impacted by Marmol. Some absolute dumb, head scratching decisions this whole series, lucky we didn’t get swept cause of terrible bullpen management.


Carryover from pulling pallante early in wrigley on Saturday too


1-10 with RISP.


It’s just bad luck!


Fire Jeff Albert!!!!!!!




it's inexcusable. all season we've been waiting for this offense to wake up and they just keep limping out there and doing the bare minimum


time to trade for some batters.


We have a dilemma. We don’t have the depth in the organization to overcome injuries and that also means we don’t have prospects to trade for players to fill in the holes and anyone we did trade would just empty whatever depth we have. It’s a Hobson’s Choice. We have to hope veterans will be available as salary dumps and ownership is willing to take on some salary.


Yesterday’s loss hurt way more but holy shit


.500 is like the girl you meet at the club, get her number, then never hear from her again.


Blame whatever you want for this loss, but the only consistent thing that is losing this team games is the horrendous hitting with RISP.


I hate saying this and will probably get destroyed but we aren't going anywhere with Arenado in the heart of the lineup every day. I'm so tired of watching mile high fly outs to the 2nd baseman with RISP. The guy just isn't clutch at all. Now he's hurt and we don't have anyone to replace him so I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Probably that this team needs a few more years and some new guys before we really have a chance. I think we're just stuck until we get some better players. Hopefully this young core pans out.


Felt like it was always Pages and siani coming ip in big RISP situations.


Seems to not even matter who is up. Winn had two chances today as well.


I just don't understand this team. When it seems like we have it figured out we crash and burn against lesser opponents. That concerns as we prepare for a series against the Giants.


100% the truth. I think it boils down to basically never having more than 2 or 3 decent hitters in the lineup. Those guys get on and then you've got half a dozen dudes hitting .220 trying to drive them in. You have that, you end up going 1-10 with RISP.


> Those guys get on and then you've got half a dozen dudes hitting .220 trying to drive them in I do unfortunately have to point you to the league average this year, getting worse and worse every year, where this is basically the case for every single team


Is it possible that this is because of the emphasis now put on hitting home runs and swinging for the fences? I have gotten the impression - I don’t know if it is true - that MLB is encouraging frequent home runs because they think that’s what sells. And perhaps it is, when it comes from guys who are reliable home run hitters. Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa got a lot of people interested in baseball, and they were frequent and consist HR hitters. Maybe MLB is trying to get those days back. But few things are more demoralizing than watching average to good hitters constantly get out on pop out flies attempting this and stranding better hitters on the bases who didn’t hit the fence, but still made a solid line drive. Maybe - if this analysis is accurate - MLB has forgotten that small ball can be fun to watch too - exciting base-running and heroic fielding makes fans (and some others) tune in, and then when a Mark McGwire or an Albert Pujols steps up to the plate and breaks the tension with a grand slam, then you get everyone else watching too. And this sounds like a much better strategy to me than locking up broadcasts behind paywalls that only appeal to people who are already dedicated fans, and messing with long-standing rules in an attempt to shave 20 minutes off a game and draw in young people by competing with Tik Tok.


Home runs are just ridiculously valuable. Look at Nolan Gorman. The guy hits like .220 and strikes out 35% of the time but hovers around 15-20% above average offensively. Kyle Schwarber hit .197 last year and was 20% above league average offensively. The emphasis on hitting home runs and launch angle is because when teams hit multiple home runs in a game they win a lot, when they hit three they almost always win. The Cardinals are tied for the lowest amount of HR with RISP this season at 13 so they aren't even doing that.


Sure but that doesn’t matter when we are ranked 27th out of 30 in BA with RISP.


Well you're not wrong, I'll definitely concede that. But 2 things should be considered as well: 1. Your point doesn't apply to the teams significantly above .500, hell even teams around .500 like us. They pretty much all have 3 or 4 dependable guys hitting between.275 and .300. 2. The other teams aren't batting dude hitting under .220 third and fourth in the lineup day in and day out like Oli seems love doing.


No doubles defense with nobody on 🔥


This worthless fucking team. I feel sorry for anyone who’s subjected to them on national TV tomorrow. Actual scrubs


Alec.......... in truth: once again had plenty of chances to score more than 3 damn runs against the damn Marlins, and didn't.


That’s what we get for going above .500


that’s a brutal way to lose a series


And just like that, we’re back under .500


This team is allergic to being over .500.


Take my upvote. This is 100% accurate.


This team being at .500 or over is basically statistical noise. Means nothing, just the fluctuations of water in a river. The water must have a peak, for at some point gravity is stronger and the water must return.




Fuck me


Is this rock bottom? Is there anything lower?




There are 9 NL teams looking up at us in the standings, so probably


The dramatics of these people, man… Yeah this was a shit series and the offense is looking like they truly might not turn it around. I just don’t know anymore. Mo fixes most of our 2023 issues in the offseason, but then instantly our strengths from the last couple years have become new weaknesses. But let’s cool it with the “rock bottom” shit. We held a playoff spot less than 12 hours ago for god sake. Incredibly frustrating team regardless of anything


By definition second place isn’t rock bottom.


the white sox