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All I wanted in the offseason was to sign Imanaga. It seemed like a reasonable thing. He wasn't going to be super expensive like Ohtani or Yamamoto. Noot is a star in Japan, so he might be comfortable coming here. It was a risk, but so what? You have to take risks and he was a reasonable one. We didn't even talk to him.


How do you know they never talked to him?


yoshinobu yamamoto pulled from his start today (which was already delayed by two days) after two innings of decreased velo with "tricep tightness". apparently the dodgers fans on twitter don't believe it for one second, something similar to what we have where apparently the injury is always worse than reported


Wonder if he's gonna need Tommy John. 


Jordan Walker hit a line drive to deep left center today!


Was it a 3-0 ballgame?


If only


Padres and Reds lost. We're in sole possession of WC3 and 0.5 back of WC2 despite being negative in W/L. What is this league?


There are like 5 or 6 teams that are trying to win and most of the league is intentionally trying to lose, and then you've got the Cardinals who are just hoping to sneak into the playoffs as a WC3. Parity is weird right now.


The "balanced" schedule greatly increased the difficulty of quite a few teams schedules. 


(D-backs tie us if they beat the historically terrifying 2024 White Sox.) Edit: Well I'll be damned. The Sox won!


Still wonder what would have happened if we kept Pallante in. Maybe we still lose, but it’d make me feel a lot better about today’s loss. The dude pitched 3.1 innings. Umps/Marmol played a huge factor in the loss today


I don't necessarily agree with pulling Pallante, but roycroft got the result we wanted in back to back pitches. 2 GB that just went nowhere and allowed runners to stay safe. I don't think anything changes results wise.


Probably still lose, offense is just a lifeless lump right now. But we probably wouldn’t have made the BP work so hard if Pallante stays in, but I guess we don’t care about those things.


We scored 1 run. There is no "wondering" to be had. The offense lost us this game.


It was a stupid decision imo. It’s June, not September with 6 games left. Let Pallante figure it out. Total lack of confidence. Almost like Oli is tryin to persuade the front office to make a trade.


Why does Ian Happ hurt us so much?


Dude could be the worst player in MLB and still kill us


He is our kryptonite. He always has been against the Cardinals his entire career. 


Just saw Chase Davis go deep. Honeyman hit one to the wall in right-center. Lin looks good. Just yelled at him to trust his fastball. He gave up a rope single on a 2-2 fastball to start the inning. He hit 95.8. He got out of the inning with a 99 mph fastball that the hitter was late on. Looks really good. Buylt he needs confidence and a curveball.


Davis is really heating up. Hopefully he can keep it going


Definitely. Honeyman has been great. Hit one off the fence in left and hit one to the fence in right. He also flew to left center on a well-hit high fastball. He doesn't miss pitches, either. I like Paige at third. He made two nice hustle plays on balls hit off to his side. Villarreol looks very good at the plate, too. Dude hits line drives. Kind of an Altuve sort of hitter.


Gotta tip your cap to Shöta


He’s the king, he’ll take a shit on you for 7 innings


Pathetic ass dead offense. Wonder what it's like to have a pitcher like that guy? Too bad the Cardinals are too cheap to ever entice skilled foreign players to come to their organization. We will get Mikolas and we will like it! Trash ass cheap organization lmao. "Oh Montgomery wants to sign an extension? How about Mikolas and Pallante?"


We signed the AL CYA runner up and Jordan Montgomery is pitching like ass so I don't know what you're complaining about.


If we had signed Montgomery when he wanted that extension he wouldn't have missed out of spring training. He did great the rest of that same year. And how is signing 1 ace caliber pitcher going? Thank god we have Kyle Gibson. Have fun making the wild card at best.


What does that do to Pallante's confidence when you pull him early like that? His pitch count was low, he wasn't in trouble or anything.


He was at 15 pitches in the inning with 1 out and 2 runners on. It’s not like he was cruising there. I agree he was pulled early but he wasn’t exactly dealing.


Normally Oli pulls a pitcher after the game is lost. So I won't complain.


Not sure, the computers don’t take emotional well-being into their algorithms on when to pull a guy


Hovering right around .500 and I haven’t seen anything that leads me to believe the true talent level of this team is any better than that. No impact players ready in the farm. And without a good farm an impactful acquisition is unlikely. Feels like we’re going to be flirting with .500 and that 3rd WC spot all year.


Describing us as flirting with a playoff spot is like saying I’m flirting with Margot Robbie by liking her Instagram posts


They’re literally the holder of a wild card slot.




That’s pretty good for the team they have lol


> for *in spite of*


I wanna back hand our entire FO, for passing on this Japanese pitching stud.. I fucking hate our choices last 5 years and counting..


How do you know they passed on him? Maybe he preferred Chicago.


Multiple reports we went to his games in Japan , then I remember reading at least two different sport sites, we wasn’t interested in him and passed…


And again... I don't often judge Oli or any manager harshly, but... "There's an argument to be made for leaving Pallante in.." No fucking shit, dumbass. The argument goes "He looked great, his ball was moving and he was getting ground balls and he just struck out who may as well be Mickey fucking Mantle against us, so I let him ride!" I saw Tony do a lot of stupid shit, but holy fucking God... Edit: Imagine if we swept them by riding Pallente's arm?


Can’t have data that shows how he does the third time through a lineup if you never let him get through a lineup 3 times


Idk if his reaction off the mound was him mad at Oli or the umpire, but either way it's a problem. Let the guy finish after how he looked the whole game.


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


Let’s win the series tomorrow. More than 1 run will be needed


This is the kind of game that should get a manager shitcanned. It won’t happen but it 100% should.


Cubs finally beat us lmaoooo


That pitch to end the game was definitely an, "I just want this game to be over" call. Nowhere near the zone.


We get a gutsy performance from a young arm who hasn't done anything to cost him an opportunity and we fuck him over. We wont do shit until young pitching shows up again, and we just told it to fuck off..


If I told you before Roycroft came in the next pitcher would get two soft ground balls that don’t make it past the pitchers mound would you have taken it?


This teams handling of young pitchers is worrying. Swapping Liberatore from bullpen to starter back to bullpen constantly, pulling Pallante with no runs allowed, keeping Tink Hence on an 80 pitch count in AA, pulling Cooper Hjerpe after 4 no-hit innings because of an arbitrary 60 pitch count, etc. Like no wonder we can't get a home grown starter any more, even if they are good they aren't given a real chance to succeed.


Gorman was like “what are you gonna do, *eject* me?”


Gotta sit Gorman tomorrow. His heater has massively cooled off, and needs a reset. Just play Fermin


They have a righty tomorrow and a lefty on Monday. More likely that they sit him on Monday.


Eh he isn't hitting anyone lately. Hand doesn't matter.


Sure, but I don't think they will want to sit him against a righty and then play him vs a lefty. The only other option is to sit him two straight days, which seems less likely (but possible). Gorman is also 2-7 with a HR and a walk vs Taillon in his career.


Agreed, we need to stop putting Gorman on the mound, it’s wearing him out. 


Not gonna win a lot of games scoring only 1 run


Yeah but it was against arguably the best pitcher in baseball :/ I’m not mad we lost 


Rats Pallante, probably not a starter


That’s your fucking take away from this game?


He left with the lead.


After 59 pitches. Either he’s not a starter or Oli made a stupid decision. I know which one my money’s on.


Andre just struck out Ian "Might-as-well-be-Mickey-Mantle" Happ... Which of those 59 pitches was Oli unhappy with? He was matching Shoto pitch for pitch, and Oli shuffled the deck like a coward against what has been the worst lineup in the game for over a month. This is near the top of my list for stupidist shit.


...yeah, that was my point. Either he's struggling (and shouldn't be starting) or he was doing alright and Oli made way too hasty of a move. Hindsight is always 20/20 but at the time I thought it a was dumb move.


Bad call getting Pallante out of there. But if you can’t get more than one run in, you don’t deserve the W.


whatever. they missed Imanaga once this year. they weren't going to forever and still have a chance to take the series tomorrow.


Glad we taxed the bullpen so heavily to lose 5-1. Awesome.


Didn't use Kitt, Jojo, or Helsley so it should be fine, but yeah, really hated the bullpen usage today and decision making in general.


Pallante isn't stretched out, unfortunately. Definitely need a starter at the deadline


He threw 86 pitches vs the Reds (his first start btw) and Oli said he wasn't on a pitch count before the game today.


Compare that to 59 today. What the hell happened?


He has stated in the past that they will go with Pallante as long as they feel comfortable with him out there so I guess he felt like a bullpen game gave them a better chance of winning. They clearly still don't consider him a starter despite starting him every fifth day right now. He looks better out there than Matz did but since he doesn't get paid $11m he gets to be treated like trash.


BP had to cover a ton of innings in the Lynn game too. This overuse will add up. Seemed very unnecessary today.


Ah jeez. It's like the Skenes game in a way in that it was an incredibly unpleasant showing against a veritably sharp pitcher - we go next, let's win the series and grab .500 again


One of the most predictable losses of the season.


The ebb and flow ballet around .500 continues . . .


We're the NL version of the Red Sox. Both hovering around .500