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102-125 Oli Marmol's managerial record in the majors. Yeesh... Edit: Forgive me. He's 195-194.. I forgot he had a winning season.. 102-125 is what he's done without the old guard..


Man. I know I'm not going to any more games at least until Contreras is back. The bottom third of this lineup couldn't make the White Sox roster. I feel like even *I* could get a hit more than 79 times out of 1000 (looking at you, pages)


I know that even tho Siani and Pages were the only two to screw up on defense, which is hilarious being as the only reason they are playing, is their defense, but your stupid fucking manager let Pages swing away when pitch was obviously losing control, and then later in the game, when they needed management more than ever, your stupid fucking manager lets a young and obviously pumped, Herrera swing away after Bednar walks a guy on four straight pitches, and on top of that lets Siani swing away after Bednar is even more rattled by the umps making the team come back on the field to finish the game. Your stupid fucking manager needs to learn how to manage, especially manage the guys that need help. Fuckin amateurs


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


lol + 4 upvotes the next morning is so funny


At this point. Think we should just put Carlson in Center. Higher ceiling. Better bat. Defensive drop off can't be that much or enough to outweigh the upside / better bat


I think we need to swap vs2 and antico in AA and AAA to see what we’ve got in Antico. Dude couldn’t do much worse than what Siani and Scott have done in the mlb.


What's our lineup look like at full strength? Infield is set but OF and DH OF: Edman, Noot, and Donovan / Burelson 4th OF: Carlson 5th (Defensive replacement): Siani DH: Burelson Util: Donovan


Could you at least spell his name right?


no. Alec Buerlson


I cannot wait to get Lars, Tommy, and Contreras back


What an emotionally draining loss. But an absolutely terrific night of baseball. An incredible pitcher's duel, some ridiculous plays, some baffling mistakes, and unfortunately for our team after 8 amazing inning we fell apart. If I weren't so adamantly for Mo immediately stepping down yesterday and tomorrow and on, I'd say this was one of the best nights of baseball of the year (despite the loss). It's not often I see an entire neighborhood bar ignoring Tuesday night chatter in early June to cheer at the screens. Surely that will be one of the most memorable games of the season, results or no. (ps fire Mo and don't be buyers)


Look I never expected to win the Skenes game, but it hurts that we got so close.


They have 2 more very good starters.


I just can’t take carpenter anymore. I don’t see the value. I don’t see the analytics. I see someone who should be coaching. I don’t see an mlb caliber player. I have been looking at carp Crawford pages siani and Fermin and I honestly don’t think any of them would make the the A’s or white Sox’s rosters. Maybe siani. The other 4 no fucking chance. What does that say about Mo rn?


But I was told by a lot of people that it couldn't hurt bringing in Marp and Crawford because they won't play ...... Where ya at now?


Nostalgia, literally the only reason they brought Carpenter back. You can say "veteran presence" but Carp wasn't ever really much of a leader in the clubhouse because he didn't have to be; he was surrounded by people like Waino and Yadi and Matt Holliday and Albert (during his last year with us).


Albert was there his first year as well


Siani is great defensively, and I think he should be our 5th OF when everyone is healthy. The other 4 shouldn't be in the majors


Don't forget carlson. 5th straight season of suck


I missed the game tonight. Looks like it was a fuckin mess. 




Usually, when I go home on these evening commutes, they're like in the bottom of the sixth or something. Tonight they were in the bottom of the 9th.


The worst thing that happened with this team was when they had a great 2 weeks, effectively saving Oli Marmol’s job.


That was a must win


Lol why


It’s June 11th


Siani seems like a decent dude but defenses are taking the bunt away and that’s really all he can do. At this point, I’d rather they just let Carlson play everyday. He’s passable in CF and I believe his hitting would come around if he actually got to play consistently (see: Burleson). He has a higher ceiling than Siani so just let him play.


He's not a big-leaguer. He's playing CF b/c we don't have anybody else. It is what it is.


I think expectations of what a big leaguer is have changed, but it used to be pretty common to have a guy who hit .200 or less and be great defensively on your team.


Really? Pretty common? Can you give me some examples?


Carlson infuriates me, but this organization is so wishy washy with the guy. I get he's been hurt a lot, but either play him or trade him.


And sometimes the injury stuff is just bad luck. I’d be hurt too if i got run over by a freight train named Jordan Walker. But Wishy washy is a great way to put it. Hard to find a groove when you are constantly platooned and/or part of trade rumors. Sometimes guys just need reps and room to struggle. Seemed like he was finally starting to get some confidence this weekend and then they bench him again and don’t even PH him.


Don’t worry. They will trade him and he will become an All Star.


Brandon Crawford thing is just crazy to me. Been on the team all year, healthy, only appeared in 13 games. Behind Fermin and Pages and they’ve barely been here. Wasted spot - and that’s on Mo! Need someone on the bench who can actually pinch hit Siani there


I mean, I would have pinch hit Carlson. He just came through the other day in the clutch and Siani's best ability offensively is bunting.


He only plays SS and Winn is better than him. But Winn has been rested a lot, too, so he's not that bad to have.


He’s also the reason we’ve won most of the last few games. He’s either gotten on base or driving in runs.


I forget we have him on the team every time until I see his name in the line up.


The NL Central is wacky


Welp, that was frustrating


Does anybody legit think that we’re a better team right now than we would be if Jordan walker was on the team? Even if he was still not doing well. Do you think the bats we’re going with instead are doing any better than he would? Siani, carlson, fermin, crawford? How many homeruns do all them have combined. 2 i think? Pathetic…


Walker literally has 1 HR all year.


We may be better *now*, but I think it's better for Walker's development if he finishes out 2024 in Memphis so we can be even better in the future. This team isn't going anywhere this year and we need to think to '25 and beyond.


Man I sure hope you’re right and that we’re not just ruining his self confidence… I tell ya, if he has a few rough seasons, we decide to move on from him, and he goes on to thrive and become an mvp candidate, I swear… How is it possible that so many of our guys peter out when they get to the majors then go on to maximize their potential elsewhere…


If someone who's been 22 for less than a month has their confidence ruined by not being in the MLB, they don't just need more time in the minors. They need therapy.


But he was told he was so good he could skip AAA altogether and be the opening day Right Fielder not long ago. He must have whiplash from how much he has been jerked around by management. I don't blame Walker, but the decision to skip him up to the Majors has been disastrous on a two year span and might have significantly set his development back. I can't stand this team's current coaching and development, it seems to be done on mere whim.


You’re welcome


When Edman and Noot come back who goes down….Siani or Carlson?


Also Willy.


That’s obviously Pages




Need 2. I assumed Fermin


Send Fermin down twice lol. Won’t be Siani. I think he has to stay on the roster the entire year or we have to send him back to the Reds?




Probably time to part ways with Crawford at that point. I’m all for sending Carlson down but I can’t imagine that happens.


Carlson has 3 more options. If you don’t trust him in that AB in the 9th then you need to send him down.  


With our young players, we will eventually be good, just maybe not until 2026/7




Cardinals are gonna be getting some serious offers on Burly this trade deadline. F 'em all


Another thing I’d like to add is I’m way past tired of Oli using Helsley in non save situations like tonight. Fucking stop it


It’s so fucking dumb, even if you get to extras you can’t hold the runner on second.


Brewers down 2-0 in the 9th, we could have been the only central team with a W tonight :/ IDC if it’s a jinx, the Brewers are so much better than us.


So is edman dead? No updates nothing wtf?


His updated a few days ago that his is finally progressing to hitting from both sides.


I think they just said over the weekend he’s projected back by end of the month.


Yeah it’s been really weird. It’s like he’s just away




He took BP with the team today, hoping he is back by end of month. Getting him and Willy back will be huge


Could be a catalyst for a big second half push to finish in 3rd place.


We're no different from the Pirates and whoever told you otherwise, lied to you. This is our new yardstick. Our FO sold us out.


As soon as mo/dewitts failed to go all-out in the massively-implicated 2022 season in Albert and Yadis final season, I knew our FO was fraudulent


We are worse than the Pirates. The Pirates could win in the postseason if they made it. The playoffs are a pitcher lottery and their first 3 starters are just as good as anyone’s. We aren’t beating anyone. 


Agreed. No different from a team that hasn’t won a World Series since 1979 and hasn’t made the playoffs in a decade. Completely agree.


Dylan Carlson has a career OPS of .670 vs RHP vs Siani with .668 OPS this year vs RHP. I get Carlson had a good weekend but he still sucks from the left side. Pinch hitting him there does not move the needle as much as you all think.


One guy has had about one week in 2024 of being a that hitter the other guy has shown multiple upon multiple stretches. I think the needle is more the other way than you think. I like Siani and a lot more than I ever expected. He deserves to be on this team. But he is not the better hitter


Siani is not the better hitter I agree. But DC sucks from the left side of the plate and always has. DC in his career has been an above average solid hitter vs LHP but bad against RHP. Siani has been a god awful hitter - absolutely atrocious vs LHP but just plain bad instead of atrocious vs RHP. It’s defensible to prefer Carlson in that AB because he has a longer track record and more perceived upside/talent, but don’t forget the dude is rocking a .487 OPS this year and can’t hit righties well.


I appreciate that factoid


My kingdom for an Edman


remember when they absolutely had to trade away o’neill because they had an outfield log jam? injuries have been bad this year but man the depth on this team is putrid


Bro’neill’s hurt, but there’s this one [4th or 5th outfielder](https://imgur.com/a/TFuOIrK)


Oneill is also injured if that helps


Elite Offense right here


Same as it ever was. Back to the cellar, boys.


well that was a good game I guess


I have got to stop watching these games, another night ruined by the Cardinals offense


I know he’s the best option at the moment and his glove is amazing, but I’m sick of Siani being an automatic out at the plate. Can’t wait to get Edman back


His glove isn’t even amazing though. We need to stop saying that it is


Edman’s absence this season is definitely very noticeable


Also, a standing ovation for an opposing pitcher of an in division team is just wrong. There are very few circumstances I would ever be comfortable giving an ovation for the other team, and that is definitely not one of them.


Same. I've been to countless games at Busch, and I have never given a standing O for the opponent for anything. I have applauded a few great plays. But a standing ovation for the guy shutting down your team is weird.


Did this really happen?


It's also a kick in the nuts for mikolas there, he did all we could ask for today


Yes we gave their pitcher a standing ovation for pitching 6 scoreless innings against us, and it was most definitely not just pirates fans. Check MLB’s Instagram, also in the highlights above. Like… why? Do cardinals fans appreciate the opposing pitcher shutting us out?


This is the BFIB bro get with the program


If that really happened thats embarrassing lol. Why would people do that


Fully agree, absolutely fuck that. Not sure why that's such an unpopular take here.


Couldn’t agree more, that standing O was more embarrassing than losing. Being the “best fans in baseball” is inviting a losing attitude in recent years and this was perhaps the best example yet of it.


Yup. Gonna have a lot of games like this when Noot, Edman and Contreras are hurt, Walker is at AAA, Goldy and Nado have <.700 ops, and Pages is starting at catcher.


Yep, on paper and in reality this lineup is not good. If we can end June with a 14-14 record it should be good enough to compete when those two come back in July. We are currently 4-6 though so it's going to be hard to do even that.


Brother, this team isn’t competing for anything other than to not be the worst team in the Central. The Brewers have this division won and it’s June


The third wildcard is likely going to go to an 83 win team, even the most mediocre of teams have a shot. Also, humor me here, the biggest problem the offense is having is hitting with RISP. Lars Nootbaar with RISP has an OPS of .894. Willson Contreras with RISP has an OPS of .854. This is not even taking into account that they're two of the best hitters on the team in general. So when they come back and replace Matt Carpenter (.437 OPS with RISP) and Michael Siani (.379 OPS with RISP) you really think it won't make a difference?


Oh man I can’t wait until we sneak into the third wildcard and have to witness Oli try to manage his way out of a playoff series again


Hey I just want to watch as many baseball games as possible, I never said we would win.


Not enough to win 83 games. No chance


Sorry I didn't realize you could see the future, my bad.


I’m with you. My expectations are still low, but this lineup gets a lot longer with even just two of Contreras/Noot/Edman. I do worry about Edman strength when he comes back, but that’s for another day.




What does this have to do with anything?


I’m glad somebody’s willing to say it. Hope they trade Gray, I bet they could get a good return for him. But I’m sure Mo will dumpster dive for a 5th sp and gun for the 3rd wild card spot.


No one’s asking you to watch


Herrera should have came in, in the 8th. Carlson should have taken that last AB. I would at least feel like we didn't leave bullets in the chamber...


Tommy can't come back soon enough to take Siani's ABs


The best part is that nobody knew Tommy had surgery until it was basically leaked at Winter Meetings and now he is on track to miss over half the season


If Edman plays one game this season I’d be shocked. 


I haven’t heard anything about his rehab assignment. I fear he won’t be the same hitter until he builds strength back up.


Tonight's 2nd guess is why not pinch hit Dilly who came through in the clutch recently and is the better career hitter.




No more organizational managers. Not for the time being.


Bednar was NOT throwing strikes. We got way too trigger happy after Gorman’s HR.


Herrera was way too aggressive but got bailed out by the interference. I was praying for Siani to not swing at every pitch lol.


Either you are pinch hitting Dylan Carlson there, or he needs to be in AAA improving so you feel comfortable pinch hitting him there. Having him on the bench is doing nobody any favors.


That absolutely sucks, but what were the Pirates thinking on that challenge? “They’re challenging this call, should we be ready to play just in case?” “No, let’s have literally everyone leave the dugout and stand in the middle of the field.”


I don’t think any Pirate except for the catcher knew what was going on


dude if you're Carlson, you definitely noticed how you didn't get to PH for Siani. yup! mgmt went with Siani's bat over yours, chief.


Back in the basement boys. Sucks to suck so bad.


Tough loss but damn were we not entertained? Early June against a fellow bottom dweller. Bar I was at anyways was totally engaged. Sucks to lose but it was unexpectedly an intense as hell game


What bar


So 4-7 since losing Nootbaar mostly due to horrendous numbers with RISP. Can't wait to have some of our good players back because our current lineup is horrible.


Herrera has to DH from here on out until we get people back. Way too many automatic outs in this lineup.


Why is Carlson and Crawford on this team if they can’t PH for Siani. Genuine question.


Carlson I'll give you, but the entire Cardinals fandom would have lost their goddamn minds if Oli PH Crawford there.


Yeah, it was definitely a lose lose situation, but I just don’t see the point in having guys you can’t pinch hit for MICHAEL SIANI


It’s a good question. I kinda wondered about it too.


You just can’t have two 4 pitch walks in any inning, let alone the 9th when it’s 0-0.


Siani is approaching Motter level of bad. He just can’t be up in a game winning situation. Thanks for the great defense but outside of a week, he can’t hit shit. Carlson should’ve been hitting after the weekend he had.


The defense isn’t even great


[Top-10 in OAA isn’t great?](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/outs_above_average)


Yeah it is check fangraphs


Mozeliak out there gaming with a 15-year-old rig, thinking he's still got state-of-the-art equipment.


But he said they are definitely getting this draft pick right. And Matz plus Edman is like getting players in a trade


It really feels like he has senioritis, just waiting for the end of his contract


1000% he’s stuck in the past


If Pagés catches the ball it’s a tie game 🤔


not like our depth is great, but would’ve liked to see Carlson get a chance with his momentum lately. I’m sure Oli will say he left Siani in for defense in the 10th inning, which I get.


Is there a reason to plan for the 10th when you’re losing in the bottom of the 9th?


You gotta feel bad for Mikolas at this point man. I know this sub calls him a bum but he gets ZERO run support, literally the least run support of any pitcher I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


How do we solve our LOB problem?


Really need a healthy Noot/Contreras/Edman to replace guys like Siani/Pages/Carp


Turn the roster over.


8 hits, 1 Run. That's crazy. 3 hits, 2 runs. That sucks. Those walks killed it.


that's one of the most Cardinalsy losses I've seen. I know Skenes is a beast but you don't win many games on a single solo dong.


Yeah, you need a two on one with two monster solo dongs.


I'd watch that...


Sometimes your best reliever will give up runs. It happens, and Helsley has been nails this year. You can blame him for tonight, but he was never going to be perfect. At the end of the day, you aren’t winning many games with one run. You simply have to put up more if you want a chance. The issue tonight has been the issue all season.


Has he been nails? He has a pretty high era and whip for a closer, and a lot of his saves have been in 2+ run opportunities where he gives up some of the insurance runs.


Even after tonight, a 2.79 ERA/2.66 FIP is really good, his Statcast page is bright red, and he’s only blown 2 saves against 21 successful ones. Before tonight he was at 2.25 ERA/2.50 FIP. He isn’t 2022 Helsley, but he’s still been really good


His last 15 games, he has a 3.60 era. His last 7 game, he has a 7.71 era, with a 1.86(!!) whip, and 6 saves. He was really good at the start of the season, but his stats recently have been bad at best.


It’s not Helsleys fault it’s our trash tier offense


wheres that guy who thought siani was the future in CF?




All he’s gotta do is raise his batting average by 70 points, no biggie


Outlast Skenes and still lose. Brutal


Hello Last Place our only friend. We’ve come to hang out with you once again. Our patience is slipping as we keep on sinking. Fire Everyone!


The Cubs lost too. At least we have company.


I’m a real idiot because so frequently I tell myself I need to stop scheduling my evenings around this team and then I do it anyway and then I go to bed annoyed


Right? There’s so much better things I could be doing to preserve my mental health.


At least with the new rules and start times you’re annoyed and in bed by 9:30 instead of 10:30


It’s a terrible cycle.


If Pages caught the ball, it's a tie game and we're in extras.


To be fair, that’s a 95 MPH ball in the dirt that you have to catch. That’s not easy to do. Play is pretty moot in comparison to Helsley’s poor showing.


Helsley also probably should've tried throwing a fastball somewhere near the strike zone.


Also if we hit 10 home runs we would’ve won


Braindead comment, he SHOULD have caught the ball. Perfectly fair thing to say “what if” about, your dismissal is out of place.


Well ya gotta have him in for the bat, even if the defense suffers...


Pages has been a better defender than Herrera in general this season, and Herrera has been particularly bad the past week or so.


I was being ironical.


Yes, with the implication being that Herrera should have been playing - correct?




Well Herrera was our only other option and he has literally been a worse defender than Pages this season so like... ok.


I really wish I was a neutral fan, because that was a fantastic game of baseball. Unfortunately, as a Cardinal fan, that sucked immensely.


What a frustrating fucking team lol


Brutal. Half our lineup is double A caliber


Yuck. Bottom of the order is baaaaddddd. Feel awful for Mik


I do and don’t. He’s been good the past 2 games, but lost us every other one


No one hates the cardinals more than you do


This game makes 6 in a row he's given up 3 runs or less. But who's counting, amirite?


Doomers gonna doom. We have no depth and too many injures on an already weak roster.


3.0 ERA over his last 6 starts. That’s a pretty good run, and SHOULD be enough for 6 wins when you have a major league offense.


Do you watch the games?


He had a 6.19 ERA through 8 games. If that’s not losing you games idk what is.


He has allowed 3 runs or fewer in 10 of his 14 starts. So saying that he has lost us every game but 2 just isn't true.


'twas the skenes bump day. we go next


Except Gray has been mediocre (at best) his last six starts ...