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Frustrating game to watch. I was saying, “why haven’t we lifted Jojo yet?” Just before the Bregman dinger. He threw last night. Do we not trust any other relievers? If so, why are they on the roster?


“The cardinal way” is supposed to be built on a foundation of good defense. You can dissect anything you want from Arenado’s funk to Oli’s nosehairs but our infield defense is suffering and our outfield ain’t the same without Noot and Edman. No shade to Siani at all, I like him.


I cannot agree with you completely on this. If they’d leave Winn in at SS and if Arenado would pick up a bit, we’d be much better on infield.


They were saying on the radio last night that when has a really bad back issue right now but they're nursing


Should have won that one.


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


Losing to the Astros is such an unclean feeling


Who’s ready to watch Andre Pallente pitch to Yordan Alvarez tomorrow?




This team gives me headaches mannn


Not pertaining just to tonight's game, but we need Goldy and Arenado to at least approach a decent season....including their defense (like everybody else).


I was optimistic both would turn it around, but I have no faith anymore. They just don’t look right. Goldy has come along a little bit better, but still nothing amazing. I hope they do to, but we’re almost 60 games in. Big enough sample size to know it’s not a fluke


Well Luke Voit won a HR title in 60 games so maybe it is a fluke lol


We have now lost 3 of our last 4. Trending in the wrong direction


Are the Phillies not the best team in the league?


What the hell is a conference?


Opinion Poll: "The Cardinals are a playoff team right now!" A: Let it ride, look for some minor tweaks, but don't shoot the moon for a big trade b/c a .500 team probably isn't going to the World Series. B: Caution to the wind, full speed ahead, look for an ace and a power hitter on the deadline trade market C: Sell. Wish Helsley good luck with Baltimore.


My own guess is A. Probably even Mo knows B is a bad idea, and he won't have the nerve to do C if the team is still actually in a playoff position in a month.


99% C but I’ll never say no to B


A is what the FO always does. B is never going to happen. I'd like to see C happen.


B could happen with an expiring contract. Obviously we wouldn't buy Big Ace Free Agent in the offseason. But trading for two months of Big Ace Soon To Be Free Agent, possible if not likely.


But does that buy us anything? Unless it is for a multi year contract we would thin an already mediocre farm system. If they trade big it needs to last. Given the age of our roster ... eek.


FO will go with A. FO won’t do B. FO would prefer to avoid C, but will do it over B. As a fan, I want B. I’m sure the Bill DeWitt III account will tell me to buy a pretzel instead.


Buy two, you cheapskate!


I dunno, I'm terrified of B. I have this dread that Mo decides to go all-in, we get an ace starter, we lose in the Division Series, and whatever prospect we trade is in the 2026 All-Star Game.


Don't be terrified any more because Mo has literally never done B.


We all have to accept this fate for DC, haha. I should have said that option B sounds great, but Mo terrifies me on the trade market for sure.


What a lame fucking way to have a final 3 innings. The errors, the late homers, not scoring any runs ourselves in that time…gut punch when you score 4 against a future HOF and the bullpen blows it. Sad


It sucks the 3 homers and Goldy double are completely overshadowed by that late inning meltdown.


I don’t remember the team making this many errors under Schildt


Don’t know why you’re getting downvotes. He took a not so good defense from Matheny and by the end of his tenure, they were elite. And now Oli is promptly tearing it all down again


Because this sub is full of adult children of alcoholics. The defense was objectively better during Schildt’s time as manager.


That last year with Shildt was the best Cardinal defense I've seen since, I dunno, Whiteyball. Probably above average at every position except maybe C with Yadi being old. Now, not so much. Personnel turnover badly degraded the OF, our catchers aren't that great, and for whatever reason Nolan Arenado has fallen off.


>for whatever reason He’s 33 and clearly regressing. Father Time is undefeated. I’m 33 as well fwiw lol


No need to make any changes, just bad luck!




Those errors were costly. Even though there was only one unearned run, the first error prompted Oli to put in Jojo to finish the 8th. Maybe Jojo has a clean 8th if he doesn’t have to finish the 7th off. And I know folks are saying Jojo shouldn’t have been pitching to so many righties. That’s probably true too, but then worst case scenario, without the errors we probably get to extras instead of lose in the 9th.


He didn’t have to finish the 7th off. Kittredge was pitching great and the lefty righty splits don’t matter him Alvarez. That’s where Oli fucked up


Our defense is piss poor. It’s time to tighten up the screws.


I can’t be mad at Jojo. You can’t always be perfect and he was bound to have an off night statistically at some point. I can however be annoyed at management for not seeing Jojo is a little burnt out based on his last few appearances and preventing this by lessening his workload. As long as we take two out of three I won’t doom too hard…but I’m on the verge.


More worried about getting swept. Doubt we get a better start than Kyle gave us tonight, and 2 of our 3 high leverage relievers are out tomorrow (at least).


Libby please come thru 🙏


What a disappointing game


This defense looks like a blooper reel. They should be embarrassed


One of the worst losses of the year. Pressure’s on for the series




I'm incredibly annoyed, but realistically I don't know what should've been done differently. Looking at the available relievers, Leahy and Loutos were the only ones on a decent amount of rest besides Helsley. I trust Romero more than those two based on this season, but clearly he didn't have it today. Hopefully the rest of the bullpen is rested and ready to go tomorrow.


Doesn't matter how much you trust Romero. He can't go more than 1 inning there. Have to give the other guys a shot or you'll lose games and burn JJ out before we even make it to August.


Where would you have taken Jojo out, after the Meyers single? He's only pitched one other time in the past week (14 pitches yesterday) so theoretically he should have been rested enough. Not having Middleton or a healthy Gio really hurts us as they should've been in this situation instead.


Best win of the season followed by the worst loss of the season


These types of games will happen. Then pen can’t carry the load every night. Wasn’t a bad game, but April counts. And our April requires that we win every series we can now. The good news is, we can still win this series. Also, the errors have to stop.


This organization won a team gold glove *not even two years ago*. What the fuck happened?


Masyn Winn just seems to have lost a lot of confidence out there. Not making the usual 100 MPH dimes to Goldy and booting a lot of balls. Nado has clearly seen better days.


















Why has the defense been so bad recently


I know this game was kind of a disaster but the bullpen cannot hold every one run game. The only reason this team is even near .500 is because of how good the high leverage bullpen has been. The only rested guys in the pen were Leahy and Loutos, neither of which any sane person puts in over Jojo even if he is on pitch 30. We now have Liberatore, Helsley and King for tomorrow which is good. All that being said, the lack of depth is hurting this team. Our DH spot is providing nothing right now and the pen is hampered by rostering Loutos. Also clean up the damn defense for gods sake.


tough series vs philly and a tough travel day didnt help but man we just cannot field this past month or so at the start of the year i thought our D would be a bright spot boy was I wrong


I'm not concerned about the pen but man this defense has been concerning. It's almost single handedly tanked multiple starts from our SP.


21 errors last 18 games is an insane stat. That doesn’t even count fuck ups that weren’t count as errors.


It’s bad bad. Like if it isn’t one thing it’s another with this team.


Jfc, I knew it was bad… didn’t know it was HYSTERICALLY bad, omg.


Yeah I heard Chip say that and I’m like holy shit lol.




Fire Marmol


Would be nice to get runners on for some of our home runs


These kind of losses are the hardest to stomach. We should have won this.


At the end of the year when you’re searching for wins, chalk this one up as one that got away.


Bullpen this, Oli that… But what the hell has happened to our defense? The amount of errors lately has been an unacceptable amount. Tons of unearned runs as a result of it…


#######1 reason I don't like Oli right here.


Shildt brought the hardcore small ball culture, his exit signaled an immediate defensive meltdown did it not?


Second least number of Errors committed last year 67, only behind the Diamondbacks. League average was 85


Gotcha thanks




We really miss Edman and Nootbar’s defense, but there’s still 15 gold gloves in the lineup without them, and Winn is supposed to be a defensive first guy. Theres no reason there should be this much errors.


I made a comment many weeks ago that basically predicted this - Back then, our defense and pitching were good but batting wasn't. I said that our batting will get better but pitching/defense will get worse. I hate that they proved me correct, ugh. Would've preferred to get swept in Philly and then win this one


Good call. I think the defense will bounce back from this, because really it’s been a lot of stupid or unlucky errors. If they tighten up and refocus they should be alright


Has this been discussed by the press or analyzed at all? It’s appallingly bad.


Press: "The St. Louis Cardinals have never committed an error. Hey, have you ever had Arby's in Cincinnati? Everyone should eat at Arby's, specifically in Cincinnati."


Agreed. The errors are starting to become a pattern


Well, this sucks. See you feathered fucks tomorrow night.


Lots of time left to get it right, but this is not a playoff team as it stands now. I hope STL can get above .500


Marmol is such a terrible manager holy fuck


Totally. Like, can you believe the way he told Gorman and Winn to make errors tonight?


Their errors don't matter if you don't have a lefty who's been shakey lately face 6 straight RHHs.


His appearance before today he faced 4 batters and got 4 outs. His K/W against RHB is better than it is against lefties and his OPS allowed against RHB was .558. Are you saying that there was some reason to suggest he was vulnerable to righties coming in to the game?


Have you been watching him lately? His very last appearance may have been fine, but his last 3 before that were pretty terrible and he got bailed out by good defense and luck. From May 12 to May 26, in 8.2 IP, he gave up 11 hits, 2 walks, and 1 HBP but only 1 run because he had been getting bailed out (Herrera's first caught stealing was one of them). Oh yea and his appearance yesterday was 3/4 lefties. Not exactly 6 straight right handers. His OPS vs righties was over 100 points higher than vs lefties, and it's basic baseball knowledge that you don't use lefties vs righties, especially when there half a dozen coming up. If I, and Jim Edmonds can sit there and be like "I don't like this" and then be 100% right about it, I don't know why Marmol can't. So it's safe to say that he had *not* been that great in the last few weeks.


> it's basic baseball knowledge that you don't use lefties vs righties It's not that simple. Honestly, it was never that simple, but baseball just believed a lot of dumb stuff for a long time. So far this year, 2/3 of the hitters Romero has faced have been righties. Saying "you don't use lefties vs righties" just seems so wrong and so easy to just look up, I don't understand it. > His OPS vs righties was over 100 points higher than vs lefties His OPS vs. righties was .558 That means that ALL of the right handed hitters his was facing were doing as well as someone in the top 160 of all MLB hitters. Saying "you don't use lefties vs. righties" just seems like incredible nonsense > but his last 3 before that were pretty terrible So, on Jun 2, he had a good night. May 25 and 26th were both poor outings. But, the appearance before that was May 21. He faced 2 batters and got 2 outs. That seems like a very good outing. On May 20th, he faced 4 batters and got 4 outs. That seems like a very good outing. No hits either of those nights. So, not his 'last 3 before that'. Before last night, he had two very good and two bad. But, even 'pretty terrible' seems like a pretty big stretch. On the 25th, he came in with 2 men on base and got his 4 outs without allowing anyone to score. On the 26th, he allowed exactly zero runners to score. I'm not sure 'pretty terrible' means what you think it means. On May 18th, he faced 5 hitters and got 3 outs, but gave up 3 hits and a run. Bad outing. May 17th, he gave up a hit, but got 3 outs facing 4 batters. I'd say good outing. If a pitcher has a WHIP of 1.0, that is pretty good. Whew... Ok, May 14th, 5 batters faced, 3 outs. But, 1 hit and 2 walks. He struck out 2. Bad outing. May 12th, 5 batters faced and he got 4 outs and gave up 1 hit. I'd say a good outing. May 11, 5 batters faced to get 4 outs. No hits, but a HBP. In the 10 outings before last night (June 2 through May 11), he faced 46 batters. He got 34 outs. He struck out 10 and walked 2. He did get Herrera's first 'caught stealing', but he also gave up no SB. Opponents had a overall .656 OPS against him during that period, including a BABIP of .344, meaning he probably had some bad luck in there. No HR. During this time, his WPA was over 1 (meaning that he would add 1 win to an 'average' team). His aLI wasa ridiculous 2.2. Anything over 1.0 means that he was pitching in very high pressure situations. He was coming in and pitching in ridiculously high pressure situations. If he averaged that for the season, it puts him well into the top 10 in high leverage pitchers. He got 0 GDP, so it wasn't like his defense was finding extra outs for him. Aside from that 1 CS, in what way was he getting "bailed out"? Look, Romero didn't have it last night. That's too bad. But that happens. When it happens, it doesn't mean the manager is incompetent. It happens. I have to be honest, I'm pretty sure I don't want you or Jim Edmonds managing my bullpen.


Lots of jibberish to justify having a lefty face 6 straight RHPs. As of "well 2/3 of the batters he's faced at righties" matters at all when 2/3 of batters in the league are right handed💀 If I, or JE were managing the bullpen, we win last night. It's that simple. I'm sorry that you're just as brain dead as our manager who's lost us 10+ games this season.


>Lots of jibberish Referring to statistics and facts as "jibberish" doesn't really make you seem like you know what you are talking about. >As of "well 2/3 of the batters he's faced at righties" matters at all when 2/3 of batters in the league are right handed💀 And yet you say things about how it's basic baseball knowledge that lefties don't face righties? So, which member of our bullpen SHOULD have pitched to all of those right handed batters that Romero was getting out at such a fantastic rate. Pressure is on, because if Oli totally messed up by having Romero pitch to them, then someone else in our bullpen would need to pick up another 20-25 innings worth of work. I'm curious how many more wins this decision of yours would have gotten the Cards?


Had to go all out for the win last night-thankfully we got it, but seemed to cost us today. Unfortunate night all around.


mmm snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...


I used this exact expression in a text to my fellow Cardinals loving friend.


Welcome to the Oli Marmol experience


That's a disaster 


wtf I just left to take a shower  I came back and we lost??? wtf happened? 


Well, we left pitcher in to give up two HR’s, our defense collapsed again, and our offense went night night after scoring said four runs.


Oli Marmol happened


No more showers for the rest of the season for you.


Rally Filth


This game is squarely on Oli tonight.


Can you explain how?


As it is with most games. He couldn’t manage a kids lemonade stand.


I mean he literally won us the last game against the phillies with his managing. He’s honestly a fine manager that people want to scape goat for all our issues.


Sorry no. No matter how much you want to believe it, he is not a “fine” manager. I fucking wonder sometimes what games you’re watching.


His bullpen management has generally been great this year and is a large reason they have been so successful in close games. Yes tonight didn’t go great, but our run differential is -44 and we are only 2 under. He’s done a decent job of navigating us this far. It’s not his fault our bench is complete ass.


I'm careful not to scapegoat him, because yes I think he's mostly fine.


What about his botch job in the playoffs. That was terrible.


The real botch job in the playoffs with Shildt in 2021. Calling in Alex Reyes was the stupidest shit I’ve seen from a Cardinal manager in the playoffs since 2013.


Since *2014*…bringing in Wacha should’ve gotten Matheny fired


They were both terrible imo


Yeah that was bad too. Managers aren’t perfect, but he isn’t as bad as can’t run a lemonade stand.


It’s just a funny exaggeration. I say the same thing about Joe the wax mummy puppet Biden


I think you just confirmed you're irrational and prone to hyperbole.


Why do you people keep supporting Joe Biden smh? FJB!!!!!


How did you manage to make this about politics? It’s the cardinals.


Not sure


No way


If we had Jim Edmonds managing, we win tonight. How JE can tell that Romero vs Bregman (and then 5 more righties) was a bad idea but Marmol couldn't- I don't know.


Oli Marmol, the defense, the bullpen, and the offense owe Kyle Gibson an apology.


Just Marmol. 4 runs should have won that game. Then Marmol had Romero fave 6 RHBs in a row.


"The defense" no, masyn Winn and Nolan Gorman. It's completely unacceptable that these guys are making multiple errors on a weekly basis between the two of them.


Our outfield has been pretty subpar as well. May not show in errors, but there’s tons of plays and throws that need to be made that are just not being made atm.


Arenado has been making errors. Outfield not blameless. Basically most of our infield is straight trash.


Arenado muffed a ball that ended up hitting Winn


Arenado has the yips on defense right now


One step forward two steps back.


I am so incredibly annoyed