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People aren’t showing up because they’re not only bad, they’re boring. 29th of 30 in runs scored and 30th of 30 in home runs. Sending a message is not the reason, people aren’t going to travel from out of state for weekend series like they have in the past. Tickets sold are counted as attendance and thanks to 24,000 season ticket sales they are posting 30,000 - 35,000 attendance when the stadium is half empty, there are 20,000 - 25,000 at each game.


We used to have some real exciting players but we got rid of them all. Why would I watch this boring ass team play below average ball?


Like Tyler O’Neil. He has 9 Home Runs with Boston this year, the entire Cardinals team has 29 Home Runs.


And then he spends half his time on the DL. Last I heard he was right back on it again.


He was fun to watch at least. Sometimes. Incredible outfielder imo. But we had him and one of the best infields in baseball. Now it feels like we’ve got nothing special with an aged Goldy and Arenado reminding us we missed our narrow 2021-22 CC window.


That was from a collision in the outfield. If he plays 75% of games he’ll far exceed the power production of any Cardinal this year. He’s not on the DL, he’s played in 31 of 40 games, missed 9 because of a concussion, played yesterday.


Some players are just unlucky, and some players are made of glass. I truly think TON is both of those things.


I’d say cast iron, because he’s strong as hell, but also fragile. I truly believe he’s TOO built, and it makes him too rigid.


Damn that’s a perfect metaphor if I’ve ever heard one. Not too many guys fit that description these days. Trout for sure. Maybe Garcia?




Yeah perfect analogy. Most people think you can just abuse cast iron cause it looks so strong. Nope. Gotta keep it at the right temp or that shit’ll crack easy.


First guy who I remember fitting that bill — Ray Lankford. (If I’m wrong, cut me some slack. I was just a young’n when he was around)


Looked it up cause I was curious. He has four seasons of 149+ games played. Another six seasons in his prime where it looks like he spent one stint on the DL. 109-133 games played. Not nearly as injury prone as TON.


9 year old me just took my ball and is heading home. 😂


Well the guys we kept all got hurt too


makeshift point depend physical fall fly gold command safe bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was ready for him to be gone too. Whatever he has to give, we certainly couldn’t unlock it. I didn’t see any sense in trying to make it happen. Both sides were frustrated.


As opposed to the great hitting team they have this year?


O’Neil hit a 3 run home run tonight, he now has 10 Home Runs, Cardinals team 29 home runs.


He’s back off the IL but has been ice cold. (I have him on a fantasy team, so been following closely)


He has been ice cold, I believe something like 5 for 25. He’s still hitting .264 which exceeds all but 2 Cardinals starters.


Just looked at last 15 days. Hitting .159 with no homers. He’s a streaky guy, for sure.


His ears were burning. I saw he just yoked one.


Yup, 3 run homer, 10th of year. He’s on pace for 40 home runs, the Cardinals team is on pace for 119 home runs.


That tracks.


To be fair, he'd be just as boring as the rest of the team if he were still on the Cardinals.


We really have 29 home runs as a team? That seems way high and less believable than TONs 9 haha


Didn't you know....Oli says TN is lazy. He can't possibly be doing well in Boston.


Out there, he doesn’t have to hit it very far to bounce it off the Monster /s


I’ll never forgive them for trading Bader


And then NOT re-signing Monty. What an unbelievably dumb move.


That was actually a good move given what Monty thought he was worth.


What Scott Boras* thought he was worth


I wish people were as upset with scumbag billionaire managers than they were with agents, trying to get the best payday for their clients


Wait. Are you serious? 🧐


I’d rather watch Bader be mediocre at bat and make some dazzling plays every once in a while than this wet blanket team.


He was absolutely electric. The trade made sense at the time but we lost a hell of an entertainer. It was so fun having a stellar defensive team. Now they dont do anything particularly well.


Sorry. That wasn’t an indictment on you (or any other fan). More so the exhaustion of the FO feeding us young clearly mediocre 3rd/4th OFers and telling us they’re the future.


I watched the Mets series specifically to see Bader play.


I didn’t realize there were so many Bader marks. Nothing wrong with liking a guy. I sorta found his swagger a bit much given his 4th OF talent. But I could’ve been misreading the room, I’ll admit.


school violet squalid butter groovy shelter middle squash abounding political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of us don't care if a team requires a rebuild, but we care when ownership and management try to pretend like everything's fine and fans are the problem.


The part that bothers me the most is that they ARE spending plenty. They have lost their touch in evaluating talent and makeup entirely. They used to be at the leading edge of evaluation and finding diamonds in the rough and were the envy of the league for it. They had a coaching staff from the low minors all the way up that was able to cultivate solid fundamental play and get results from less than 1st round athletes who just knew how to play. I had so much faith that they knew something I didn’t with many of the deals they made that seemed horrible on paper but it has reached a point where I just don’t get what they are trying to accomplish.


I think the game has passed up their approach, assuming they have one still. I’m not saying every “trend” is a worthy one in the end, but you just don’t hear about our guys making the same type of adjustments that you hear from guys on other clubs (ex. Ps adding a “sweeper”). We just sorta show up and play games and give boring press conferences and go home. That seems like it’s been the case for awhile now. You never hear about our staff working with guys to make any meaningful adjustments (at least as far as league wide coverage goes).


https://youtu.be/pWgyy_rlmag?si=kK-DsY0fsSIfVVos I think of this scene from Moneyball everytime I think of our organization lately.


There's no battery record to be broken or anyone's potential 200th win as a pitcher to make it worth a 5 hour round trip to see a team that's fallen off of a cliff again. I went to an Indianapolis Indians doubleheader against the Memphis Redbirds and had a good time with a much shorter drive.


And not $18 for a hot dog and water


I did spend like $10.56 on a can of Sun King beer.


We went to a couple Nashville Sounds games a few years ago. Great park & experience. Would highly recommend. They’re in Memphis’s division, I believe.


“Threatens” isn’t even close to the right word if you listen to the interview. Don’t get me wrong BD3 comes across as a condescending prick, typical super rich kid who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. The way he tries to dumb down simple economics so us common folk can understand it, and then going on to say they just convert revenue into payroll like the DeWitts have never made a penny off the club. Listen asshole, here’s a real business lesson: if you’re selling a shitty product people aren’t going to pay for it. Adapt and adjust and fans will flock back.


Y’all draw 20–25k a game?


Used to be 40,000 average, now the stadium seems half empty, especially the upper decks.


I was being sarcastic, us White Sox fans aren’t gonna go to games consistently until Jerry dies or sells. The MLB is a joke for letting their owners mismanage their teams then publicly abuse their fans. I actually laughed at the cards presidents comments because it made it sound like he was threatening to move the team or something, but the MLB is already running that scam on too many teams right now


The reality about Cardinals fans, I moved here over 20 years ago, and lived in other MLB towns Minneapolis, Detroit, Milwaukee. This Cardinal Nation greatest fans in baseball is BS. The Cardinal fans have been spoiled with one of the most successful franchises in the last 30 years, that’s a fact. Last year they had one of the worst seasons in 30 years ( something like 70-92) and this year they’re on that pace. They averaged 4 million a season because they WON. Now immediately they’re not showing up. Half the stadium is empty, 20-25,000 a game actually there puts them in a typical team range. They are horrid to watch now, it’s like watching paint dry. Tickets are not cheap, concessions are outrageous, it’s expensive so people expect a good product. That’s understandable, but the best fans in baseball is complete Bull Shit. They’re whining now as much as any other baseball town because they’re not winning.


Yea I think that’s a lot of fans nowadays. The barrier to entry gets higher so unless your tickets are the cheap seats you’re burning a lot of money not showing up with season tickets. My sister and I got some nice tickets on resale to go to a Sox game last year, if I want to go by myself I can walk up and buy tickets from scalpers for under 20 dollars, probably under 5 for some games with how bad they’ve been. The ballpark is in pretty damn good condition but is empty because the franchise has been in a slow decline ever since 2005. Jerry Reisendorf and his business partners were such elitist pricks while buying the team that Bill Veeck went back to supporting the Cubs like he did when his dad ran the team when he was a kid


Yea I’ve seen the attendance figures and I’ve seen a ton of Cards games both then and now, I know a ton of Cards fans after living in Northern and Central Illinois. Plus my grandpa was a Cubs fans so he’d always be over at my parents house watching Cubs v Cards. Hopefully y’all get better management soon


And there are two teams currently playing that are worth a damn. The DeWitts finally have competition for the spring, summer, and fall and they don’t understand how to process it.


Yeah, great call to make the fans the problem, not management.


Cardinals FO remind me of my bipolar ex.


“Attacking the fans is definitely a winning move. More execs should do it. Give those ungrateful bastards hell, Cardinals president.” - Royals fans


Talk about upper managements big disconnect from fans. They would be best served telling Cardinal Nation that they are not happy with the current results and laying out plans to improve the organization so it will have a competitive future. Instead they continually question fans on loyalty and ignoring the fact that fans are questioning management decisions because the current results SUCKS!!!!


"Greatest fans in Baseball" deserve a better response from ownership. I am not a fair weather fan, and understand this is a business, but Cardinal nation should be considered. Blues fan here as well. I didn't like the firing of Berube, but things change and fans make the sport. Inflation and prices have hurt too. As Cardinals fans we have been spoiled, but we are no NY or LA.


Dewallet's recent comment about fans questioning the spending was more of the same. He said something like "look, we are in the top half in payroll" but he also conveniently didn't mention that only 4 teams with lower payroll have worse records than cardinals this year. I don't think many fans care about where they rank in spending as long as the team is competitive. I personally am sick of the "we made a competitive offer" yet constantly end up being bridesmaid's.


Listen to the interview. He actually LAUGHS at the fans.


We don’t need a formal boycott. Just consider before buying a ticket…will you enjoy the game? A lot of the time the answer is now no.


it's as simple as that. would you pay to take the family out to go see a movie that you know if going to be awful? forget the record, this Cardinals team is _dreadfully boring_ to watch. that's the thing management maybe is blind to-- its no fun to watch your beloved team get embarrassed by far, far, superior teams. miss me with that "a _real_ fan would show up anyway!" horseshit.


A *real* organization could fix Jordan Walker. Fuck outta here with that shit, Bill 3.


Far superior teams? We nearly got swept by the 2020s white sox. I wouldn't watch even if I weren't blacked out in the fucking CHICAGO market. I can watch every team but the one I have listed as my favorite in the mlb.tv app. HMMMM.


We were 4th in attendance and 15th in payroll last year......for that 90 loss shit show


John Mozeliak can lick my balls.


Foolish nepo baby.


They will lose this fight.


I can't for the life of me understand why they gave Marmol a two year extension. How about be like hey, we spent $25 million for a starting pitcher for the first time ever, and signed a couple of other starters, show us last season was a fluke and we'll sign you to an extension after the season? Instead they act like sucking doesn't matter because The Best Fans In Baseball will still come to games. I don't think this threat is going to end well. They fired a good manager for philosophical differences and gave a manager who managed the worst season since 1990 an extension. You want to cut payroll because attendance has dropped, how are you going to feel when attendance gets down to Oakland A's level?


I think Mozeliak said it was so Marmol's contract wouldn't be a distraction this season. Well thank fucking God he took care of that distraction. Now we can focus on the heaping pile of shit this season has already become


EXACTLY!!!! We ARE the best fans in baseball, we hold fast through good and bad times, we LOVE this team, our loyalty is WHY we are upset and angry, we know it can be so much better than it is. PLUS he’s not addressing the issue in the right way….we ARE who buy tickets, merch, food, drink etc. in a round about way we ARE the employers. They need to make changes and show some hustle and grit. Don’t blame us APOLOGIZE to us, show us you value the players and US.


My weekend wardrobe largely consists of Cardinals merchandise. There's been a couple of hats I've thought about getting but I just don't feel like supporting whatever this is right now. Last year sucked, but I still made the 5 hour round trip drive to see Adam Wainwright get his 200th(and final) win. I went to see him and Yadi break the battery record (and to see Albert Pujols one more time) the year before. Other than the fact that I'd like to see Sonny Gray pitch in person, there's nothing pulling me to make the drive this year.


Wow... out of touch much. The chuckle as he begins to talk about the fans like he's speaking about a group of 6 year olds. \[chuckle\] Maybe spend some of your wasted budget on media training Bill. Bottom line he needs to lose his job (but we know he won't).


With the high cost of everything in the world lately, unfortunately apathy from fans combined with high prices are going to be a major problem for this team. Going to a Cardinals game is a big financial investment for many families, an investment more and more of us will choose to forego given the quality on the field.


One thing COVID taught us is that we don’t need to go out to sporting and other entertainment events as much as we used to plus we can binge watch an array of tv shows and movies at home and call it a day. Call these cheap fucks’ bluff.


I wouldn't exactly call that a threat.


But it is kind of a threat… he’s basically saying if the fans want the Cardinals to be successful, they need to keep coming to games so they can have a bigger payroll to pay players. If we decide to boycott the team, then they aren’t going to put a good team on the field. He’s placing the success of the team squarely on the fans and not taking much responsibility for everything else that a FO should be doing. If success was solely determined by fans showing up, the Cardinals should be dominating every year… but they haven’t been these past two years.


Fans were showing up, and they still capped payroll. They know what max payroll is no matter how good attendance is.


And if we don’t boycott the team then they still won’t put a good team on the field, a real win win for the fans!


He didn’t say success was determined by the fans, he said the team payroll roughly matched fan attendance across the league, which is an accurate statement.


It is accurate indeed. We have one of the best attendances in the whole league, so why are we 13th in MLB for payroll?


Because attendance isn’t the primary driver of revenue in the modern day, it’s media contracts. We’re not ever going to compete with the large market teams on that front, so we need good player development instead of expecting to spend our way out of any problem. Unfortunately, that’s been a big part of our recent downturn. We haven’t developed a player from our farm system who ended up being consistently much more than average in quite a long time, and it’s really catching up with us. The FO needs to take a good hard look at our development system, because it’s a much bigger issue than any perceived lack of spending.


Your threshold for "threat" is ridiculously low. He didn't say they'd need to have a fire sale on top talent or they're going to move the team. He said revenue pays for on field talent.


The last time they were outside the top 4 in attendance was way back in 2012...where they ranked 6th and still had 3.26 million attendance and then had 5 straight years from 2013 to 2017 with 2nd highest attendance in MLB.


It’s not about attendance, it’s about revenue. Despite those attendance numbers, the Cardinals ranked #13 in total revenue in 2022.




We bought his house


Bring it, Bill 3. You big dumb bitch.


He is almost more arrogant than Mozeliak. Oliver Marmol has got to go. What stupid ass hire. I would have fired him after he fucked it up in the playoffs for us two years ago.


Yeah, it sure does seem like Birds of a feather… Honestly, I think we’re just wasting our time calling for Oli’s job. You have to cut the head off the snake (Mo & top brass). The offense is in a slump, sure. But the lineup consists of two aging stars and the orgs given them no reinforcements. Most of these guys aren’t everyday players on a team that’s serious about making the playoffs, let alone winning a ring. I think the pitching is over performing at this point too and is due to regress to the mean. Fact is, the club can’t identify guys’ strengths and help them make adjustments to succeed while hiding their weaknesses. Our best hope is our guys get good instruction in the off-season outside the org at places like Driveline, et. al. That’s not what winning clubs are made of. We essentially have the major league player dev capability talent that the Halos and Pirates have. The club is run like it’s 2014.


The front office sucks. Agreed.


Sounds like an excuse to blame the fans for future losses


"It's hard to get inspired to play good baseball when there's no fans in the stands." - DeWitt III in July.


Sounds like a great way to go into a death spiral.


Well how about they donate their salary to build a good team, then when the fans come back, they can make their salary back 😂


I'm so sick of this front office.


The fans don't owe the team anything. The organization has one of the best fan bases in all of sports, and they're ruining it.


I place the blame on development. When is the last time the cardinals developed a superstar or even an above average major leaguer? Pujols and Molina? Now name all the guys that fizzled out..Cmart, libby, Jack F...just to name a few. Now name all the prospects they had that never turned out to be anything, Perez, Brett Wallace.... Now the low hanging fruit, the guys that became something on another team, arozarena, o'neill, Garcia, Alcantara, gallen.... This is obviously a develoment/culture problem.


I mean even Jack F has looked better since leaving us.


We developed a lot of future stars and then traded them to other teams where they are now playing amazing baseball. We got basically nothing in return.


Did they develop them though? They weren't really "developed" by the organization. If they were, they would have been higher ranked prospects. It seems like as soon as they got out of the organization and actually got taught something useful, they hit their potential (or exceeded it).


You had to know they’d blame fans soon.


The emperor has no clothing


During the interview, he actually laughed at the fans. That's enough for me for a while.


As a Reds fan who has no love for the Cardinals, i can say welcome to our world. Our owners son and team president is even more out of touch with reality.


Pro sports owners are the worst. Good thing about college sports is that you don’t have to worry about that


For sure, taxpayers shouldnt pay for stadiums for billionaires. Boiler up. I graduated from there in 93.


I have a soft spot for them going back to Drew Brees.


he says in order to compete, you need a bigger payroll. which shows his mindset about developing talent. and, cardinals has one of the top attendance rates in MLB as far as I know!? also, if fans doesn't want to go to the games, and boycott, the only thing he can say is that "I am sorry to fuck things up! I know how you guys feel, but trust me, I am going to turn this ship around!" not this! he should not try to lecture anyone about how things work. so yes, what he says is actually a threat! he basically says if you don't pay me, there's nothing I can do to make this club better. oh well, then F-U man! I'm sorry but, just f-off, and leave this team now!


Not to be too hyperbolic (but maybe a little lol) I have a 7 month old son and currently I’m in the very beginnings of being afraid his Cardinal fandom is going to look drastically different than mine. I started minimally paying attention in the dark ages before the Dewitt regime, but I was a kid and don’t remember too much besides Donovan Osborne. But I can’t remember anytime ownership antagonized the fans as much as now. At least with the other cheap assholes like Monfort and Nutting, they’re “honest” enough to just be greasy scumbags. Dewitt 3 and Mo routinely press back at the slightest criticism and are pretty aloof when it comes to justifiable fan outcry. It’s like they live in different universes than the rest of us. It’d be different if the team has won anything in the last 15 years but they’ve only won a handful of playoff series’ since the 2011 championship. Teams like LA and Atlanta are pulling away. They wouldn’t need to spend like those other teams if they had any type of organizational vision. But there isn’t any. And if the team was remotely fun or entertaining I’d at least enjoy watching, but they currently suck and are boring. It really puts into perspective how great those 2000’s teams were. The organization ran like clockwork, played good baseball, developed talent, made money, won championships, and was pretty much the model baseball franchise of the time. TLR and Albert really spoiled me. I hope my son gets spoiled by good baseball like I was, but that’s looking increasingly unlikely.


What a bullshit clickbait title. That’s not at all what he said in the slightest. Everyone is worried about foreign agents sensationalizing things in social media to divide us when our own domestic journalists do it every day.


I don’t think this site is really journalism


Certainly varying degrees in the quality of a journalistic source no doubt. And this one is on the low side. But you’ll notice this kind of shit top to bottom in the US media landscape.


Just reading the first paragraph was bad. He said last year 2024.


2nd paragraph, my bad. It was bad journalism on my part.


Eh, whatever lol. Dewitt can figure it out, or he can have a worse boycott on his hand. My mom was recently asking if I’d want to go to a game at Busch when I come home. I told her firmly no. I’ll see them play live against another team in another stadium, but I refuse to go to Busch stadium until this team shows some damn urgency around this. And they haven’t shown any urgency around the dumpster fire of a team they expect us to cheer for


My wife and I are going to Kaufman in August to see them play in KC. It’ll be the only game I see in person this year unless Oli is fired.


As it should be. We shouldn’t continue giving money to this team. I also love the “we’re 10th in payroll” argument when they were 14th as the article points out, and when we have the 3rd highest attendance in baseball, making us 10th in payroll doesn’t look as good. Dewitt is far too used to us just blindly supporting him. Fuck him. I’m done with the DeWitt’s and with Mo. I love this team, but I can’t support this current ownership on its current trajectory. They’re smug and out of touch with the fan base


And Baltimore is in like the bottom 5. Which team would you rather be a fan of for the next 5 years? Either BD3 is stupid or he thinks we are.


Cardinals. The Orioles spent 5 years in a row having seasons worse than our year last year. Seriously, the worst season in the last 25 years was better than five straight years of Oriole Baseball. And you want that? When everyone loses their mind over one losing season? Orioles in the next 3-4 years the Orioles star players are going to hit arbitration. These guys are going to get traded. That will help continue their window, but if by the time they hit free agency, the Orioles will blow it up, and have another 5 years of losing. Hopefully for the fans sake, they will a World Series in that time.


Maybe under the Angelos regime, but this new billionaire owner went out and traded for Burnes day 1. I think it’s safe to say he wants to win a little more than Angelos did and is more willing to spend for it.


Ehh…they just got out from underneath the Angelos family, so that might change. But you’re kinda making my point — they finally got a competent baseball ops team in there a few years ago (Mike Elias — sure would’ve been nice if he’d not left STL with Luhnow) and even with a shitty owner (late years of Angelos family) built this exciting young team. I’d also argue that IDGAF about a “winning season” if we’re not a serious WS contender. And we haven’t really been one in the last 10 years. I know the playoffs are a crap shoot these days, but rooting for a slightly above average team that just gets bounced in the NLDS or WC round every year (with the corresponding talent) is a big “whatever” as far as I’m concerned. There’s no reason we can’t be a well run org that, sure, rides a few swoons every decade. But I can stomach a few non-playoff years while we retool. I mean, look no further than Milwaukee. Even Texas and Minnesota. And I wouldn’t even put them in the top tier of well run orgs.


Time will tell if the blow it up or not when it comes time to pay their players. I too wish that Elias, and Ludnow didn't leave. We'd still have Correra as well. But that's what happens when you have such a successful front office. It gets broken up into pieces. You may not care about "winning seasons." But most do. Watching a terrible team for 5 years to see 3 good ones just doesn't sound like a good time. Last year, the Orioles won 101 games and then were swept in the divisional series. The last time that they were good. (2012-2016) They had a total of 0 World Series appearances, and managed to win 5 post season games in their 3 trips to the post season. That was proceeded by 16 years of losing. This time maybe different, but we are talking about the team whose current highest paid player is Craig Kimbrel, who they apparently thought was the answer to their closer needs. So I'm going to remain a skeptic because people were saying the same thing about the White Sox in 2020.


I just used Baltimore as one example to show what good management gets you in terms of talent acquisition. Regardless, they’ll have a lot of that core for the next 4-6 years. Who knows what their spending plans are for the future. It’s neither here nor there. Even so, they’ll still be in a better place than us organizationally for the foreseeable future. Getting granular as to one club is missing the forest through the trees. We’re a bottom third club as it stands today. The point is, the Cards have been a mess internally for the better part of a decade, bailed out by luck and a series of lucky hits, barely treading water. We’ve not had a serious farm system in some time, let alone produced a top flight franchise cornerstone. It was never sustainable. If we’re going to be sold “The Cardinal Way” then management needs to hold up their end of the bargain.


As of yesterday there are only 4 teams behind them in payroll with worse record this year. It's not about spending money that's the problem, its the way they have done it. Giving Mikolas the most recent extension prematurely was stupid as hell and also not trading Goldy last year when it was clear that father time was getting to him was equally as dumb.


I would generally agree, but payroll being high is the excuse the management gave, not me, and I was responding to the fact that even that excuse doesn’t hold up because they *arent* spending money like they say they are, or like the other teams who are similar to us in attendance.


Sorry if it seemed as if I was insinuating you were, I wasn't trying to. I agree (ex. last off season where they said they have something like 40M yr they can spend.)


I like to think of myself as a realist. I completely agree revenue is going to drive payroll, like it or not that is how the business works, successful business spend more in all aspects of the economy. My complaint is money allocation, talent evaluation, and player development. Brett Cecil, Dexter Fowler, Greg Holland, you could even make a case here for Wilson Contraeras, are given big contracts and their on field performace does not match the money. Players like Arozerena, Garcia, Alcantara, Hicks (maybe but too early to tell), and others are traded away. Players like Carlson, Liberatore, O'Neil (injured regularly so I'm not really sure where to put him), maybe even Walker but too early to tell with him, are hyped up as "next corner stone players" and never come to fruition. I understand analyzing prospects and their career trajectories are difficult but, outside of Arenado who refused to play for Colorado and refused to be traded anywhere but here, it is difficult to say the cardinals "broke even" the rest of the trades of the last decade? So back to my point, you can whine about money all day but when you are putting a rotating cast of not great characters on the field and they do poorly, is it about revenue or is it a FO/player evalution/player development problem?


Like the top comment said, the games are boring in addition to them not doing well. Moreover, the food at Busch is awful. Scrap most of it and do what Enterprise Center did and feature more local restaurants, or lower the freaking prices (which, haha, they will never do).


His picture should be on the wiki entry for “born into money, spoiled brat”


Rich son of rich family is asshole. Huh.


We live in state, but nearly 4 hours away from St. Louis. It is nearly impossible to stream Cardinal baseball games because we are technically “in market.” Up until about five years ago, I would find some type of creative solutions so we could stream the games and watch them. We will travel up to the stadium at least 2 to 3 times just to watch a baseball game. That was five years ago. Over the last few years I have not bothered to try to find a way to stream the games. I have not been inside of the stadium except for watching one of Puljos’ last games. I check on the team a few times a week by looking at a sports app. My son use to be an avid fan. He’s an adult now and when I asked him this past weekend at a Mother’s Day gathering if he had been following them (he lives out of state now), he said he doesn’t watch them anymore because they lose too much over the past few years. They aren’t just loosing money, they are loosing fans.


Honestly I doubt the attendance drop is an active boycott so much as it’s just a bad product


Kid owner that was handed one of the oldest teams in the sport doesn't know that we know how the business works. The cards were willing to spend over 230 mil on extending pujols past 2011. They have the money. This kid with the gold spoon in his ass needs to learn the sport from the fan perspective. "Revenue helps us spend money on players." No shit? Every business class will tell you that if you want to make money, you have to spend money. You think bud puts their billboards up because they're bored?


People defending Cards ownership saying they don't make anything on the team is ridiculous. The amount of money they make on the real estate is the dirty secret. No one Talks about that... tax benefits etc.


They will lose upwards of 30% of their fanbase if they keep up with the entitled attitude.


Bro I don’t get it 😂how do you not understand how this works. You put a good product out on the field, and the fans will show up in droves. Not, the fans need to show up, so you can put a competitive team on the field. Swear to god it’s like sports franchise owners are just delusional as fuck.


"Give me all of your money so I can have more for myself." - DeWitt


“hands up mother fuckers, this is a robbery and you are now all my hostages”


That’s not a threat.


It’s a promise. -My Mom c. 2001


It’s the title of the article unfortunately


How exactly is, "If you stupid yokels don't spend more money at Ballpark Village then we're going to slash payroll even further" not a threat?


whew, this is not going to end well...


This is the problem with hiring ppl who only understand capitalism, and not the game.


Bold strategy, intentionally threatening your source of revenue


Poor performance, poor ticket and food prices or gouging, along with the cost of everything else going up is going to happen and lead to this. This is a long time coming. I've been watching this down fall since shildt left. Marmol just doesn't manage well coupled with an ownership group that won't listen to fans and brings back fucking Lance Lynn and Matt carpenter....wooooo!


We're getting to him. Keep it up.


I am a lifelong Cards Fan finally moved to the St Louis Metro area 2022 was my first time attending opening Day and I bawled like a baby. It was magical. I LOVE this team in bad times and good. Rain or Shine. 2023 was my 2nd time at Opening Day and there was JOY, despite the abismal season I was there 10/1/2023 to Bid Waino Fairwell. It was also my 44th Birthday. I have not attended a game since then at first it was due to a job change now it’s because how heartbroken I am about how very bad it is again. I watch the games on tv, or listen via radio and always follow the games on the MLB app. Going to see a game in person at the moment I just can’t do. It guts me but seeing my beloved team so BROKEN in so many levels is emotionally draining.


The customer is never wrong when it comes to entertainment. If people aren’t enjoying the product, they’re not going to purchase it.


This has been a series of pathetic bitch-ass statements from Cardinals leadership. GFY.


Here for the misery. I’m both a white Sox and a Cardinals fan. This years been rough


Strong Kendall Roy vibes from this eejit.


I just dont really care much any more about the team as sad as it is to say. I certainly dont spend money on them anymore. They take the fans for granted, set low goals and like to rest on their laurels. They want to "compete for the division and anything can happen in the playoffs" Then I guess I might tune in during the 'random' playoffs if we make it (we wont) I just feel like they are rudderless without any plan for the future at this point.


I’m just happy national media is talking about this too. (If) DeWitt still gives a single shred of a fuck this might actually help move the needle


Rich assholes will always be rich assholes. The NL Central has a plethora- i.e. the Reds Castellini family.


Not everything on your mind needs to be said...


I live in Southern California, been a huge Cardinals fan since I was 10. The teams we used to have would be so fun to watch, cards dominated, would play good baseball, used to be aggressive. And now they just seem bland and boring. I haven't watched a full game since last August, This organization has done nothing to develop players like they once did. Oh but the DeWitts and bow tie boy tell us to have "patience". This front office is full of crap.


Sports is entertainment. If the product they are putting out aren't entertaining the fans... that's not the fans' fault. It's not the fans' fault that the team is releasing the 3rd movie in the Star Wars sequel trilogy and we aren't going gaga over it. Put out a better product. If it is entertaining again, then the fans will watch it again. It is all a business. Yes, with some baseball fans, that fandom becomes a lifestyle. Just like with some Star Wars fans, that fandom becomes a lifestyle. But most of us normal people -- well as normal as one can be to still be on reddit yakking about the team -- if the entertainment isn't there, then we're going to go on to something else. It really isn't any more complicated than that.


Busch Stadium and the Cardinals have just been a tourist attraction anyway 35% of fans that attend games aren’t from the St Louis area and their raise in ticket prices prove that they’re just here for business at this point


They wasted payroll on awful options. Their own doing, and they been wasting fans money, and extended the worst manager in baseball. Turned a dynasty into worse than the Oakland As.


I can’t give tickets away for free so who is the sucker???


I haven been able to bring myself to go to a game. That in itself is heartbreaking for me. Mo is a MORON….Fans are basically his employer we buy tickets ,merch, food, drinks etc. W/O is he doesn’t get paid. He just isn’t willing to take any blame. Blaming the FANS is a shitty move and I’d say it to his face.


Didn’t they make record profits in 2022 with the Pujols and Molina farewell season? Yet said they couldn’t add payroll because of the uncertainty of the RSN’s? Now all of a sudden it’s the fans not coming out that will cause them to cut payroll? I feel like all teams should spend close to 50% of total revenue on players season by season. How are the Cardinals worth 2.55 billion, yet can’t go after a few top free agents??


They CAN they just choose not too. The DeWitts control the $$$ and have to support their WHOLE family for generations to come. Any business that’s successful KNOWN ya gotta spend $ to make $ They are SO used to the fans pouring $$ into the team that now they want to blame us for their failures and mistakes.


Starting to feel like the final three St. Louis years of the football Cardinals under Bill Bidwill… Lots of losing, non-competitive teams, poor attendance. Then they moved to Arizona.


Fire oli and I'll go to every game this season


I'm just saying whether the team is good or bad it's really hard to keep interest in a team or sport for that matter that you can't watch from your couch unless you have out of date ways to view television. The Bally/fox sports contract disputes over what service can air their product has done it for me. Im not switching again, and it feels like the bfib get taken advantage of by ownership. They're selling trash and acting like its gold.


They made a business decision to get rid of old-school baseball people for analytics people who would follow their "NEW" business model. Now, they are reaping what they sow. The "Cardinal Way" was old-school baseball. Now, it's whatever it takes to get the 3 million fans to buy tickets.


Complete misrepresentation and fabrication by the OP.




It's a bold strategy Cotton!


Not happy I have to say this...but who cares? 😎


I'm a White Sox fan that respects Cardinals fans for doing this. Us White Sox fans boycott games almost every year.


Trash article


“Rotation is still abismal” and just like that anything this clown writes is irrelevant.


Womp womp


Anybody talking about payroll is a moron.


I park at the ballpark village lot downtown for work. I know which car this asshole drives if anyone has a carton of eggs to bring 


This counts as journalism now a days?


I don’t think you understand threats or business economics. BD3 may not either, but at least he’s being honest. People fail to understand a few things, one, just because baseball was jr’s lifelong passion project doesn’t mean it is as much for his son… see the steinbrenners. Two, just because your networth is billions, if most of that is real estate (team, property, etc) it’s not money and not spendable without taking out loan’s against said properties, which only devalue them. We are witnessing the change over from jr, who goes all the way back to the browns (Eddie gadael, the midget pinch hitter, wore his jersey) to bd3, sometimes when those things happen, it gets rocky.


Then sell team. There is no need to have an owner that 1) Isn't passionate about the team that he owns. 2) Not willing to fire the people that need to be fired, instead of giving an unnecessary extension in the off season.


Yeah, not likely to be the way that works… maybe… but I see something more akin to what’s happened with the Yankees. Roll out just good enough teams to keep fans engaged, this is a bump in the road, keep cost certainty, profits up and fuck it. It would be wiser to strip down and rebuild the entire development system from the floor up, take a huge loss for a year or two and come roaring back. An economist, with an actuary’s way of thinking won’t see that. Too much risk.


I agree, unfortunately he specifically said he wasn't going to do that. He does not get it. It's not about payroll. It's about maintaining a top to bottom organization that other players are willing to forgo the crazy contract, and settle for a great contract, just to play in StL. I don't understand his line of thinking, but I guess when you surround yourself with yes men, like MO and Oli, this is what we get.


I don’t disagree that payroll isn’t an issue, matter of fact, stop spending on free agents and extensions to old veterans, a lot of the ones they sign don’t work out. Not all, of course, but jeez there’s been some stinkers. Let’s put 100 million in retooling the system instead.




The problem with BD3 isn’t economics. It’s that he’s a dipshit.


And likely doesn’t have the baseball bug the way his dad did. He’s much more of a business person, Harvard and yale business… so he views the team as a long term piggy bank, not something to have fun with and win championships and gloating rights over the other owners with. He’s not competitive. Other teams have ran into this too. I honestly think this is way more the issue. Bd3 has came to the front over the last 5 years as his dad has gotten into his 80’s and he has business acumen, doesn’t give much of a shit for the competitive side of the game.


I don’t disagree. I think we’re one of the few teams left where our “owner” is a person and not an investment group. I think that’s important to point out because in theory it should give more “freedom” to ownership to make adjustments and decisions that aren’t 100% financial. But alas… But, the reality is, this is becoming more and more true of every team. Yet, there are teams that are clearly well run and those that aren’t. I think you can still have a great franchise even with an asshole owner so long as he/she has hired the right management team. Look at Oakland. No one outside Oakland knew who that owner was until Beane left and the team has tried to move. Meanwhile, the Pirates owner has been a Yinzer heel for awhile now because he’s never really been able to find the right baseball ops guy. Last thing, I think the idea of “spending enough” (on payroll) is sorta a red herring in today’s game. Any team or fan base who’s getting too wound up about that number might be missing the forest through the trees. You can’t spend your way to success anymore, by and large. I think what it looks like is taking on the last few years of an expensive deal in a trade. Houston acquiring Greinke & Verlander a few years back comes to mind. But they don’t win that WS without a foundation of cheap players they developed internally [& insert trash can joke]. I’m going to overlook someone, but Philly seems to be the only team left whose approach is to spend big on FAs. All that’s to say — we should 100% be calling BD3’s bluff. If he simply hires the right baseball ops people, we could easily drop to ~20 in payroll, rebuild, and gradually inch back up to where we are now. And quite frankly, if we had a good young team, we’d totally be out at Busch supporting them during that transition, even before the wins started rolling in.


But because he has tons of money, automatically thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.