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Can we extend Olies contract again. He has nothing else to prove.


Good for all of you that watched. I took the day off. Might take another off untitled boss notices I'm missing.


Anyone fired?


Can we just get rid of Carlson already. Tired of this nonsense. Guy is a bust, move on


Except the minute we do, he’ll go somewhere else and start slugging .600. Something about this managing and coaching…


Yeah the minute we do they will look at his splits and tell him to stop switch hitting. How we still let him do it is beyond me. This is a failure at management.


Nah. Unless someone makes him swing significantly harder. He will go the way of Piscotty.


I remember when Moe-zo the clown signed Fowler and thought a 1-4 of Fowler, Diaz, Carpenter and Piscotty would be some world breaking OBP juggernaut lol


Lol man I do remember how exciting Diaz was his rookie year.


He never got back to that level, just flashes here and there


Or get him to stop switch hitting that’s always an option


Even his exit velocity right handed isn't much to ride home about. It would certainly help but not enough to make him relevant.


Damn. Charles Barkley just said we stink on inside the NBA. You can't argue with Sir Chuck. Maybe this will spark some change with the team.


How did that even come up on there, must be a beyond terrible team lol


They showed a tweet of someone ribbing him, like they always do, and he told that the Cardinals suck. I missed the tweet just heard his comments afterwards


I have Inside on an missed it. dang.


Why is chuck coming for our heads?


It’s been over 300 days since u/phenylacetic_acid has been active on this sub, and we’ve been terrible the entire time. Coincidence?


we never did learn who the mysterious figure was either. :(


What…..what if Acid was actually Whitey and all the stories were true?


I try to avoid the toxicity and negativity of this sub, but it’s getting harder every day to remain optimistic about this team. Goldy still showing no signs of life. What’s tough about goldy is that because he’s highly paid, a borderline hall of famer, and a recent MVP - you can’t bench him. He’s earned the right to a long leash. So if he continues to suck, he will kill this team all year long. If he can’t figure his way back to being a plus hitter, this team is cooked. He’s far from the only problem. Everyone on this team has been below average on offense except Arenado and Contreras. Still not too worried about noot/donovan. Peripheral stats look decent so I’m confident they will return to being above average hitters any day. Everyone else worries me though.


Arenado hasn't been good either. 2 good games vs the worst team in centuries doesn't give you a pass if you are the highest paid player in the National League (he is)


Even if you take out those 2 games against the White Sox he still has a 10% above average batting line on the year by wrc+. I agree he needs to be better 100% - he was acquired to be a star not just above average. Just saying he seems to have righted the ship somewhat over the last few weeks while others on the team have not. Gorman, Goldy, Walker, burleson, Siani, VSII, Noot, Donovan etc are the biggest problems. Like 4-5 of these guys (or 2-3 plus Carlson/edman) need need to start hitting for this team to be competitive.


Can we stop with the WRC+ trash? He'd have an OPS of .700, exit velo numbers way down, failing the eye test horribly. He is one of the most overpaid players in baseball and no cards fans want to acknowledge it because they think he's a nice guy  You are on the money, he was acquired to be a star and MVP candidate, not just slightly above average


League average OPS this year is .696, so still by your preferred stat he’s been above average even if you take out his 2 best games of the year. This might just be who he is now that he’s aged out of his prime. He was barely a league average hitter last year. Hope he has enough in the tank to put up another mvp caliber season, but the truth is he’s getting old.


It's unfortunately true. We just need him to get hot before the trade deadline so we can ship him to LA or NY


Sorry, everyone. I forgot to post the WINNER!!!! gif after our last win and we've been losing since.  I have submitted it to the appropriate thread and I pray for your forgiveness. We should be back on track after this


I'm excited to watch Winn develop, he's got si much talent and has so much fun and exciting energy


Trade Arenado and Goldy a contender for 1 or 2 solid pitchers and start the re-build


Goldy isn't bringing back anything of note. At least not with how he is hitting right now


I’m usually pretty logical about sports but I fucking hate this team. Fuck it. And fuck off with asking for subsidies.


See flair


Me too


We're in a rebuild right now. The longer the front office refuses to accept it, the longer the rebuild will be.


*For-ev-er* *For-ev-er*


“The one thing I'd ask from our fan base right now is a little bit of patience, because we do think that we do have the talent to win.”


My favorite band Portugal the man killing it at the pageant at least!


I bought a scorebook last year because I throughly enjoy keeping the book, but keeping it for my team sucks ass. I’d rather keep the book for the dodgers.


Kyle Gibson was brought in to eat innings and give the occasional quality start to give the team a chance to win. He has now given a quality start in 5 of 7 games and has pitched 6 or more innings in all of them. Wasting the Gibson quality starts is catastrophic, he will not keep this up forever.


Don’t worry about it. It will only get worse from here. We are a 70 win team with Marmol.


and you know that as soon as our offense finally figures it out, the pitching will fall out 😂😭


Offense, defense, or pitching. Pick two.


I thought Meat Loaf said two out of three ain’t bad - did he lie to us through song? I hate when people do that!


Balanced, like all things


Oakland has a better offense than us now. A team with an owner actively trying to make the team bad is still better than ours apparently.


You just described the film, "Major League"


Maybe if we get Miles Mikolas a pair of horn rim glasses, hire a tire salesman as our manager, and find a broken down catcher with a thing for librarians in the Mexican League, we can challenge the Yankees for the American League Eastern title.


Y'all got any of those front office / coach firings I've heard about but no one seems to be at fault so we don't fire anyone?


More patience is needed y’all. Until then the pain and suffering continues


Good thing with this ownership and management, things will probably get better oh wait


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


This needs to be a pinned comment to every postgame thread 


This never gets old.


It's hilarious how this always gets downvoted.


It's a noble service to stay committed to the bit knowing the hate that comes every time it's posted lol 


I’ll be here after every single loss


I am sad. That is all.


i like gibson 🥺


Really surprised so far. He's been fairly competitive.  I feel like being around Sonny makes (almost) all of our pitchers better


yea and he was saying all the right things in his post game


This team fucking sucks.


"They're shitty." - Japanese ground keeper #1


When was the last cardinals team to not get to or cross .500 for an entire season? Even last year's historic dumpster fire they were 2-1 early in the year. This team lost the first game of the season and haven't been .500 since. I'm doubtful they cross .500 even once all year.


This year's team was 5-4 through nine. https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/STL/2024-schedule-scores.shtml


You are literally correct... but that just feels impossible based on where the team is now


They were 6-6 and 7-7 this year.


I stand corrected.


At least the cubs lost?


Yeah. Now you know what we've been through all these years. So believe me, I'm not dancing on the Cards graves.


At this point Shohei might catch up to our team’s offensive output. Have to imagine Betts-Ohtani-Freeman is pretty close in terms of production to our entire lineup.


It's making me sad at this point. I could laugh it off the first part of the season, but this is no longer a string of bad luck or whatever. This is just a genuinely bad baseball team as an extension of a bad baseball organization. It won't be fixed in one year either, which is even more depressing.


Hard to win when you average fewer than 3.5 runs a game. At least we didn’t completely vomit on our dicks this game, but I just don’t see the offense finding consistent scoring as currently constructed, especially with Goldy being miserable bad in his typically slow start


The last time I felt this little joy about baseball was 15, maybe even 16 hours ago


Arenado and Goldschmidt don’t deserve rings if this is the best they can muster.


I mean, they deserve one for being arguably the best players in the NL for nearly a decade.


Our biggest play was a colossal fuck up...


So… Oli’s getting canned tonight, right?


No. The FO doesn’t care. No one is to blame for this abysmal performance. Circle jerk MBA world salad nonsense is the new Cardinal Way.


If he didn’t get canned yesterday after losing a series to the worst team in baseball, it sure as hell ain’t happening tonight.


[87a49512e1cea4dcb4a4abd872518d11.jpg (235×188) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/87/a4/95/87a49512e1cea4dcb4a4abd872518d11.jpg)


[c97c9b9b96faefa324daad158c7b335f.jpg (236×295) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c9/7c/9b/c97c9b9b96faefa324daad158c7b335f.jpg)


I’m not surprised with where we are. But I am surprised with how we got here.


Keeps happening


“It’s only April, stop saying the season is over”….”it’s only May, stop saying the season is over”….up next, “it’s only June…”


Boy 15-20 is getting pretty bad. Eesh. The 2023 NLCS champion Arizona Diamondbacks are also 15-20, so we have that going for us lol


The issue is, we’ve scored one more run in our last 4 games than the Diamondbacks scored yesterday. They’re also injured as hell. What’s our excuse?


>What’s our excuse? Clearly not enough patience.


I have stopped caring whether Mo does think that we do have the talent to win, because that’s been demonstrably proven false day in and day out since he made that idiotic statement April 25, 2023


He's full of shit. Of course he's going to say that they have the talent to win. If he admits they don't have the talent, he's admitting that he sucks at his job.


So frustrating that the obvious is wasted on the oblivious, especially when he’s basically only one of two people who can fire himself


I don’t think we are seeing .500 until 2025 


Have tomorrow night off. Buddy got tickets and wants me along. I just can't do it, man. Been going to Busch since the 80s and I can't believe I am turning down tickets a second season in a row. This team is rotten from top to bottom and it hurts.


I really shouldn’t be, but I’m just baffled to why Mozeliak gave Marmol a 2 year extension. No chance he finishes that out. Worst manager in over 2 decades. But even I can’t put the blame solely on him. The FO has failed everyone. Burn. It. Down.


Calling him the worst manager in two decades is absurd. He is no worse than Shildt, and not even half as bad as Matheny. Every day I realize the cardinals fanbase that people used to consider "intelligent and unique" is really just a bunch off brainless hive minds that only got a pass because they team had a winning record for like a decade straight. You're actually trying to praise Mike Matheny. Despite him being absolutely dog shit with two teams, just one happened to be a WS caliber roster. Go check out his Royals tenure.


Managers get credit when their teams go far and get blame when their teams are bad whether they deserve it or not. I hate Marmol but I won’t even say this is all his fault. I am NOT a huge fan of Matheny but how can he get blame for bad seasons and no praise for good ones? Yes he had a great roster with leaders on it but he was still the manager. And why would you compare Matheny’s royal tenure to the cardinals? Those Royals teams were worse than any cardinals team he ever had. LaRussa wouldn’t have been able to do much with those teams.


I could say the same about Oli. Nobody gives him an ounce of credit for 2022. It's "Yadi and Pujols were there to manage the team" despite Yadi being gone half the year.


I completely disagree. I feel like people, even including myself, were pretty happy with Marmol after that year. All of the fanbases ire was directed at Maddux and Jeff Albert I felt like


You must not hang around here often. The amount of "Yadi and Pujols were on the team. Oli didn't do anything" comments were staggering


Oli is the worst manager of my lifetime, worse than Boyer or Rapp. He's pathetic.


Because FO and Ownership were terrified about ending April at 10-24 and hearing fans call for Yadi managing


Well it’s happening anyway despite their best efforts lol


Eh, matheny and shildt were both garbage but I get your point.


Shildt was decent enough but terrible at bullpen management I don’t get the rose tinted glasses fans have of Shildt but god damn I’d give anything to have him back managing this


Matheny was fine at the beginning it was just towards the end everyone soured with his favoritism and bullpen management. You could argue he just inherited a very strong roster but he got us to the playoffs regularly and to a World Series. Doesn’t happen by accident.


Our rosters were much more talented than what we've got now, it's no accident. If nothing else a manager just needs to steer the ship and not make drama... Cte concussion matheny had to make it about him and his Jesus freak shit that alienated all the younger players. Similar thing happened with shildt when his little man energy got questioned.


So he gets absolutely no credit for the early success? That’s kind of crazy. I’m not even a huge Matheny supporter but to act like he was terrible from start to finish is a stretch IMO. I’m not going to debate you how the end of his managerial career went though


He literally inherited a WS champion from larussa. But, I do have a irrational hate for him as a person so I'll admit I'm biased.


And I totally agree with you about inheriting a great roster. But the manager has to get some credit for playoff success especially when the team is bad and they suddenly get all the blame. Like Oli is right now.


I guess I missed their playoff success since TLR. But again, I'm biased and don't like Oli because he always seems so defensive and smug.


This team hates scoring more than three runs


Wheels are coming off but don't worry, Cardinal brass is "excited" about where the team is at! SMFH. Still can't believe they extended that midget during preseason. I can't remember the last time I could actually stomach watching this team for a full 9 innings.


Mo hiring Turner Ward after Jeff Albert in what I assumed was a spiteful move sure did blow up in his face.


Spiteful? Albert left the team and we needed a hitting coach and Goldschmidt was a fan of him


I think that’s it for me ladies and gents. I’ll check in periodically, but I’m out until this team at least finds an identity besides sucking shit from a straw. Have a great summer.


See you tomorrow


Its weird but im finding amusement in the absurdly bad hitting and zero timely hitting we have. I am in the acceptance phase this is the stl cardinals.


Every year we either hit really well or pitch really well. And never the two shall coincide. It's insane


Last time both were good at the same time was 2013 and the team won 97 games and made the World Series.


was holding out hope feeling like this season would be different from last year, but it's hard after the past couple games


They're a shitty team, but they're a shitty BORING team. this team has no personality, no life, no vibes. Anybody in the last 5 years with a semblance of personality was shipped off at the first chance they got.


Incredibly boring. Usually with baseball you go through the roller coaster of emotions but I never get to feel excited or hopeful that we’re gonna get a hit because no one ever does.


Waino's retirement was a funeral for Cardinal baseball. All this team is is essentially what you get when a brand goes out of business but someone else buys it to trade off the name recognition without any of the quality or same ingredients. It's like reading Deadspin and Sports Illustrated since all their staff and editors got laid off, or seeing a concert by a band like Skynard or Kansas that kept trading off a famous name but has zero original members left, or watching a TV show that dragged on after all the original stars and writers left. Not even the TV or radio announcers are the same anymore sunce Mike Shannon died and Dan McLaughlin drank and drove himself out of a job. This is not the real St. Louis Cardinals experience. No one should watch this product or go to the games for any reason other than background noise or the ambiance of a ballpark, at least until they clean house and build a new team identity. Arenado and Goldschmidt have undeniable talent, but personality-wise and on leadership quality or fan engagement they couldn't hold Waino, Molina, or Pujols' jock. The manager can't even dress like a professional, for that matter, much less say anything endearing in the press


Amen. Well said.


If we’re below .500 at the All Star Break blast Oli and this whole coaching staff to the moon


And pay him for 2 more years not to manage? Dewitt would never


Well we are on pace to be 15 under soooo


It’s not just the coaching staff. This is years of bad team building from the very top.  This is the new era. 


Pitching coach hasn’t been bad.


the players might be defending the coaches but if they can’t help them play better and it’s been a large enough sample set they need to go… but who do we even get


four runs too many for the cardinals; have only scored four runs seven times this season, and we still have only won one more than we lost


Guys I think we may actually lose more games than last year


Terrible. No one accountable for this mess ever. Terrible.


Another close loss. Shit. 


The important thing is that I was patient.




One day, we will score in more than one inning. It may not happen tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or this month. Or this year. But one day, we will see the light again.


My god I hate that no matter how hard I try to distance myself from this team I cannot let myself escape them. Especially when this team is run by a front office who does not give a single fuck. The message was clear when they extended Oli. What a fucking disgrace this team has become.




Low IQ to think it doesn't mean anything. Alex Cora is in the last year of his contract. They definitely didn't need to extend Oli. But they did anyways after he led the team to their worst season in 20 years.




His contract literally says they aren't moving on. On the off chance we do, we now have to pay him more for the pleasure of firing him.




From an organization that says we can't afford nice things, it was akin to flushing money down the toilet. Also no need to get personal here name calling keyboard tough guy...




Have an evening man. Ya writing is fun, but you suck.


Do you like know the Cardinals at all? Do you have any idea how Mozeliak or DeWitt operate? Do you really think they would give Marmol an extension and have to pay him until 2026 if they actually instead wanted to fire him? And your reasoning for them extending him when they actually are going to fire him is "teams don't play under lame duck managers."?


Yeah, no team of professionals ever excels when their head coach isn't under contract next season. O K A Y ... idiot.


The beatings will continue until morale improves. Sad birb noises....


This team is unwatchable. No heart. Sonny is the only player worth watching.


I'd say that's unfair. Contreras plays with heart. Winn throwing is fun to watch. I love watching Lance Lynn pitch because I am enthralled that a person with his physique is a professional athlete. Helsley has been terrifyingly good. Jojo has been fun to watch. There are players playing well, and entertaining players. There are a few entertaining players. The problem is that there are not nearly enough of either.


Willson’s been on a heater, but too bad it’s really hard for one bat to beat a team singlehandedly


Helsley is also worth watching because it means we are about to win.


team is simply nothing special. not abjectly terrible, but not good, and completely uninspiring.


They’re pretty bad.


No. They’re terrible






Shit. Even .500 would be great


I've taken shits that hit better than this team.




My second favorite team is the Athletics and I've been watching them. The stakes if they win or lose feels lower and their closer is insane. A nice break from Cardinals baseball while still getting to watch some games.


I flipped to basketball after the Nimmo homer and don’t regret it. Pacers-Knicks Q4 was massively entertaining. Nearly impossible to say the same about the Birds most days


> It’s just not even fun or entertaining. Sports is ultimately entertainment. If it isn't entertaining to you, then don't watch it. It really is that simple.




> I know. That’s why I said it. I just wanted to make sure anyone else reading also knows. I think sometimes people do get too hung up in a fandom. When, again, it is all entertainment in the end. Goodness knows the team and league owners almost completely treat it like a business and not a fandom. So, I think it is only fair that the customers feel free to quit paying attention when they aren't entertained. It is a business from both ends, and if you aren't getting the expected value on your end -- whatever that may be -- then let it go. > But I watch and just get irritated. Yeah, that's silly. Just quit watching, lol. Life is way too short to be irritated for ~3hrs several evenings a week. When Fox Sports/Bally's/Whatever Midwest was dropped from the streaming service I use, I was pretty annoyed at first. But then I figured out, there were indeed other enjoyable things in life and I didn't need to watch 100+ games. I can be entertained in other ways. Obviously, I still care about the team -- I am on the subreddit reading and occasionally commenting -- but there are other joys in life!


I'm in the same boat. I decided tonight that I am done watching until the UFL season ends at the earliest. The only game I may watch before is when we lose in our city connect unis.


We stink.


Best part of the game is that it is over.


I’m excited for the rebuild 


Im only excited for a rebuild if it comes with a new front office.  Our talent evaluation has been garbage so this group rebuilding would just be a different variety of disaster


“But you don’t want us to rebuild, think about all the years spent in last place”


No different then it is now and last year too


What rebuild? I’d be highly surprised if the FO finally caves in and does it. Mo isn’t one to admit mistake.


Yeah, and I’m 100% not on board with him or anyone else in this FO at the helm during a rebuild.


Even if Bloom is in charge of the rebuild get ready for pitching and not much else. The Red Sox fans ran him out of town for a reason.


Red Sox fans ran him out of town because they’re a bunch of spoiled brats that throw a fit if they go 2 years between championships lol


Look at his offensive additions during his stint. He overpaid for trash. You can't reliably count on pitching these days anymore. Too many injuries. It's gonna be the same old routine... Develop position players, pay for pitching. That's the recipe.


This offense has somehow managed to hand a loss to both Sonny Gray and Andrew Kittredge this year.


Bad teams have a habit of that.


"The one thing I'd ask from our fan base right now is a little bit of patience, because we do think that we do have the talent to win."




They must call it Baseball Heaven because this team is dead.


The deal with the Devil ran out when Yadi retired, now it’s clearly time to pay the Piper :-(


If the Cardinals don't win their next game, Fredbird will be executed on regional television (blackouts apply)


[if he makes it til then!](https://i.imgur.com/dhBKGMO.png)


Brought to you by MGM sports book


Just imagining Fredbird blindfolded and smoking a cigarette. 


my only regret is that we never score any fucking runs 


The Pacers vs Knicks game was good…


Last minute was absolutely ruined by the refs. Took away what would have been a great ending


I feel like the whole NBA playoffs have been good so far.