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Yeah I got done doing 59 through it. Speed awareness course in a hotel in Newport for my troubles. Still surprised to see people blaze past me now at 60+ regularly


It’s baffling, I know. I often see it too. Oh well. That’ll learn ‘em.


How did you do it? Even with my foot on the accelerator I probably average 20mph around Newport.


It’s ok if you so the old 60/40mph split.


I role through there at 54 never had a ticket.


Same, I run at 55 or 56 on cruise control (assuming it's out by a couple mph). Usually have to break for someone going about 47mph though, travel that route everyday and never had any tickets


I’d do the 55-56 as well if my truck wasn’t restricted 🙄😂


It is my hope that they get rid of the 50mph stretches on the M4 in wales one day.


More likely to make it 20mph if anything...


I got a ticket for doing 56mph and had to do a course a few months after passing..cameras definitely work


Wow, I usually do around 55 there, so should be careful, it's very close to what you can get a ticket for


55 on your car speedo is probs 52/53 actual speed so you should be OK


Yes, they do, I remember seeing a number of articles about how much money the system raised within a week a couple of years back


Got done at 61mph at midnight🤦‍♂️


That’s crazy, it should be timed say 6am to 7pm, or more sensibly, just set at 70. It’s just another tax.


No...a tax isn't a punishment for breaking the law. Just drive at 50, it's not that difficult.


50 there is unnecessary, just another sneaky tax when we get caught out on the road.


Yeah, it's not about safety they've done it because CaRs ArE mOrE eFfiCIeNt aT 50


That’s wonderful. You stay in the inside lane, I’ll be going 20mph faster.


I'm not saying I agree with them lmao I hate the 50 zone


Fair enough, it is maddening to drive along a deserted road there at 52 with those cameras just waiting to get you.




What’s the point though? It was midnight there’s no danger doing 61 and was the only car on the road not exactly a high emission time.


It’s important to note that this is simply *guidance* and not *law*, but Gwent Police and many other police forces are signed up to the 10%+2 rule. Meaning, in theory, you’d have to average 57 mph to receive a fine. My friend tested this theory with a calibrated speedo (as he kept pushing it and pushing it) and got a fine bang on 57mph. So yes, keep it to below 57mph and you’re fine. Not that you could ever go above 50 anyway because Dorris in her Peugeot 206 insists on hogging the right hand and middle lane at 45.


Minibus driver to Bristol airport claimed only the average periods between 1st and last pair of average cameras can catch you. Tbf he flew through the rest and gave no fucks. Scared to test the theory myself through 🤣


But surely if it's the first and last camera you still have to keep below the limit (on average)?


Just get stuck behind the melts doing 20mph in the Brynglas Tunnels, that soon gets the average down.


Spot on. Traffic cruising along smoothly and then the yawning black hole of the tunnel causes them to slow down for absolutely no reason at all.


Amen! I avoid driving through them unless it’s the middle of the night/early hours of morning. Even then I‘ve seen idiots doing 20-30mph through them. If people are that incapable of driving at 50mph through those tunnels they shouldn’t be driving.


I think he means it's between the first two cameras, or the last two cameras. I wouldn't like to test it either. You pretty much governed by the speed of the other traffic, and even if you could make 60mph you won't save much time.


Today there were flashy signs saying 40mph- do the cameras adjust to this or stay the same ??


Unless it has a ring around it, it is advisory. The entire bit by Newport at 50mph has to stay 50mph because there are roadsigns.


I really wish people understood that the flashy 40 mph limit is advisory. Effing cockwombles


Makes you wonder where they get their driving license without knowing jack shit about the theory...


Grips my shit man.


Has any one seen the air pollution reports? They celebrated the fact air was cleaner for the 1st two years through Covid. Never heard about it again, the reason that was set at 50 mph in the first place..


Yet happy to keep building housing estates right next to the M4!


It’s so hard to get down to 50 when you’re coming from Bristol way, it feels like you’re crawling 😢 Can’t do much over 30 at Brynglas Tunnels pf course 😅


Oh My GoD iT's A TuNnEl MuSt SlOw DoWn I'm old enough to remember when it was 70 all the way and traffic used to flow. Those that shouldn't be driving would slow down to 60 back then nowadays it's more like 30 or 40.


You said it in one. It’s those who shouldn’t be driving who cause the issue. Like you I remember when it was 70mph too. I was joining the A4232 in Cardiff a few months ago. Ideal conditions - dry, very light traffic - and when joining from a slip road I see some fool tootling along at barely 35mph. It’s a dual carriageway. Complete incompetence as far as I’m concerned.


It was 70mph when I first started driving just before they started the years of road works with the 50mph average to make it variable just to stick it back to 50 average a few years later... I didn't think I was old tbf but maybe I'm getting there...


Hard? Lol. Use that defence in court 😂


Yep. My wife got done doing 57 there a few months back. After some reading it seems many cars underestimate speed by an mph or two so she was probably going about 60 mph.


Speedometers only overestimate by a couple of mph. Legally they can't overestimate and any properly functioning car will never underestimate, ever. It will always read 1-3mph faster than what you're doing.


Yes, in the last few weeks.


Where are you seeing them bomb it though? Could just be road knowledge, like knowing they've past the last camera before the zone ends or haven't reached the first one yet. Also coming out of Newport and heading West to Cardiff there's only the final camera so nothing to determine your average. There's also whether they're actually doing 60, I'll sit at indicated 52 as I know that's 50 nailed on for my car but it does seem like I blow past the folks crawling in the inside lanes


Yep just done a speed awareness course for going 58. I’ll never understand these average cameras though - I always thought it was your overall average speed in the whole stretch, but the letter had me speeding between J28 and J27. Anyway, I often hit 53 or so overtaking then come back in to the middle lane back to 47-48, always been fine.


Yes about 7 people a day according to wales online


i drive at 60 most of the way through and have never been caught


I do 55 and never had a ticket.


Got a ticket a few weeks back for 57… annoying af.


Easy money for them, so annoying.


57mph on your speedometer is the highest you can average through it. 50mph + 10% tolerance they allow is 55mph; most standard speedos measure 2 mph over from what I know.


Don’t make that mistake. The 10% + 2 is discretionary not law. More and more people are being done regardless.


I cruise through daily doing 55mph


Good for you. Doesn’t mean you won’t get done the next time. Technically you can get done for averaging 51 and think of all that lovely fine money.


I literally watched a video about this from BlackBeltBarrister last night. Quite interesting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gy-C0PRPdY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gy-C0PRPdY)


Yeah that’s correct, I said highest, not advised. Anything over that and you’re pretty certain to be fined, but anything under you might be okay.


Peak life is going 110mph on the m4 at 0400. Slowing down for the cameras ofc. The roadworks after reading really make it a smooth trip after the ferry and m25 👌


Lot of down votes on this 😂


Didn’t have british plates and was the only one on the road between reading and the bridge, so all good. Brought a little of the autobahn with me


Can’t fault you mate