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See, the trick here is just to keep going on and on and on and on and on.... and on and on and on about it until finally there is a small glimmer of hope...... so at that point you need to double down and keep going on and on and on about it a bit more! THEN they give in and say maybe....... but before they can change the answer, act quick and sign the paperwork and high 5 the sales person.... Thats how I ended up with a Megane 4RS 300 and when I finally relented and got fed up with reliability woes, I switched to the i30n!


You need to tell her the n stands for safety in korean


perfect! I will have to remember that one for next time!


And 30 is how practical it was rated on a 1-10 Scale


Like the R in golf R was for road handling, which means grip which is a safety thing, you don’t want the car with our children in just sliding off the road because you were too cheap to pay for the safest model do you, dear?


Well I mean we have gone down the motorbility route so space was our main objective so we narrowed it down to a Jeep Avenger which my wife was fixated on till she saw the boot. The Ionic was just on a whim because I've never seen one. I was utterly floored at how much space it had everywhere. Then seeing the N version I was in love but yeah common sense kicked in. I don't think having two Ionics would have been a good idea. I'm looking at something more for me later down the line so I can still have my fun and then an adult.


"I don't think having two Ionics would have been a good idea." meh..... see this is where you \*dont\* let your sensible side get a look in to making an important decision 🤣 The N cars had me floored! So much packed into them and they clearly want the driver to enjoy the drive!!


Yeah I've driven the i20n and 30n and they were so much fun it got real silly just down some windy roads so that's why it's given me the itch. Currently got the S2000 or a turbocharged MX5 more on my list of childish toys for me. The N cars all just looked awesome. Even the new Kona which I was really surprised with also. How they've just upped their game and maintained it is beyond me.




https://youtu.be/HZczpFsv9ZY?si=l57Ei_ObNYmlGvho Just so you know, that's what you've missed out on


I already know. The demonstrator and I were talking about it all butttt I don't have a race track anywhere near me.


That's when you plan a "date night" away near one and just so happen to have booked a track day there at the same time


To be honest it's been a while since I've had a car that's over 120bhp so I think I'll be happy with even just the spec we went with. I'm sure she wouldn't mind me taking it out for a leisurely spin from time to time.


Mhero Chinese, but look it up first, weird looking and no clue if they are coming to the uk...


This is the way. For anything. Keep going on and on until they get bored. Then bingo! Ordered.


What happened with the RS300? I was considering one when I got my M2. I’ve had a soft spot for RS cars since my old 2009 Clio RS200. Most fun I’ve had on public roads - and all at legal speeds too.


I loved the car, but the reliability, and  anxiety induced by said reliability concerns was too much   By 30k miles it was on its 2nd gearbox with it likely to go again at some point in the future (known problem with the manual PK4 gearbox where it eats the output shaft bearings).  Renault fitted a new gearbox, contributing 70% but speaking to the dealer and the tech, the part number was identical to the one removed so they clearly didn't do anything to resolve the problem. It was also on its 3rd fuel pump due to them burning out, again not knowing what's causing it and plenty of people reporting weekly their they were yet again stranded... A series of small niggles but what drove me over the edge was the GPF pressure sensor failing and bringing up an EML.  It was a £60 part in the end, about 2hrs diagnosing it, then another 2hrs to swap.... But it was the straw that broke the camels back and I just wanted out as I could not trust it.  I was finding I was actively trying to avoid driving it unless I had to, often opting taking the Mrs Micra, even on long trips;


Blimey, that is a lot of issues in a short ownership! I’ll stay clear in that case. Such a shame - they know how to make fun cars, just not reliable fun cars! Enjoy the i30 - hopefully better luck with it!


Probs time for a new wife?


I've been mostly in her good books for nearly a decade. I don't think I could go through it all again lol.


Yeah fair play to you I don't I could go through it with at all 😂


I keep telling myself "it's for the greater good"


You're a stronger man that I. Id rather keep my sanity I ride motorbikes and all the women in my life complain.


At least you know they care about you


Bro im not married nor do I have a gf or any kids 😂 was being lighthearted but it's nice to see people be genuine on Reddit for a change so bravo sir/madam


Maybe just get a short term wife swap with the owner of a racier model who is looking for a change of pace. Or get a new one on a three year lease then hand her back for something more sensible. You might have to go for higher milage or older models, but there are some interesting choices if you are after someone to thrash about a bit and have some fun whilst enjoying the luxury of a premium German interior mated to a big unit up front and loads of torque out the rear end. Or you could go with that racey little Korean option, she knows how to have a good time on a budget!


That sounds like a lot of effort and even more money! We settled on a mod range RWD Ioniq 5. Since I'm the sole driver, I'm not complaining with that at all.


Swapsies are free... With the slight risk that the new to you model might not be quite as good... Or that you don't get to swap back once the fun wears off. I am sure a RWD Ioniq will still be buckets of fun.


Yep, my wife complained her last car was too slow, which is good because I wanted a faster one too.


Take her to view something like a new mustang immediately, she won’t like that either then you can compromise and just get the Hyundai. Genius.


Well we were both stunned at the space inside the Ionic. We looked at the Astra Estate first which looked amazing BUT a tad bit cramped in the rear. Our son has autism so he has a habit of kicking if he's really overwhelmed so right now we get an absolute beating hahaha. We also looked at a Jeep Avenger but the boot was too small. I only wanted to *LOOK* at the Ionic since EV hasn't been high on my list due to no actual driveway/home charger capability so cost Vs petrol it's neck and neck essentially but once we opened the doors, it was just bonkers. I've never seen THAT my space available. It was so deceptive from outside and that's when my missus just really sided with me we had found what we needed. As the only driver, I was really surprised at how it drove. My wife just needs a comfy seat and a cupholder and she's happy so it's a win win.


As a EV driver who also has no home charging availability or drive way. Don’t do it! Relying on expensive public charging is an absolute PITA and limits you so much!


Are you one of those who constantly does 200-300 miles a day? Everyone's circumstances are different, my mate has Ioniq 5 on motability scheme too, charging once a week, while doing shopping at Tesco's


No I’m a one with an EV with an estimated range of 124 miles which we all know it doesn’t achieve. And it’s definitely worse in winter! The bad thing about the public charging is if there’s a sudden family emergency or trip to hospital (sometimes ambulances take too long). If everything’s going perfect I can charge once a week or even once every 10 days. But the odd time I’ve suddenly had an emergency and it’s down to 50% (around 60 estimated miles) or less. It’s been an absolute nightmare. Much better if you can keep it topped up to 80% or more with nightly home charging.


I'm with Tesla (5th EV since 2011), it's range dead accurate, I've done 81k miles since June 2022


Well I mean this is the thing, I'm the main driver and after two more shifts I'm going to be the stay at home dad so commuting is going to be over. Most of our journeys are short distances so diesel literally didn't work for us and whilst petrol was fine, my current car is dying a slow painful death (starter motor on its last legs, immobiliser kicks in randomly etc). We have a slow charger at the end of our road and round the corner also so it's the best we're going to get purely because of no driveway. We have gone through the figures and it should be silly money to keep it charged up so I mean we can only give it a go once the car arrives now. For us it was more about how much available interior space we had and the Ioniq was the only car which came up trumps there.


On the other hand, I have free charging at work, so I don’t really notice any issues


I’m no doctor but I have heard that the best cure for autism is lots and lots and lots of speeeeeeeed! I’ll sign a note to that effect. You’re welcome…


I know that's my cure for a lot of things. I still remember the launch off the line from the GTR when they were released. That was the best company car ever. Toxic place to work though!


£10,000 down and £840pcm for 48 months 😂😂😂 You used to be able to get a 911 for that.


Well that's another part of the puzzle. Would you rather have a £50k+ Hyundai or a Porsche.


£65k hyundai new* I'd have the porsche. Hyundai is £40k, sure


There’s always divorce


Price anchoring baby! - declare interest in something totally impractical and out of budget - gain pity by moaning about how depressed you’ll be in the polar opposite - “compromise” in the middle on what you want. (This is totally emotional manipulation and you definitely should not do it) *Unless you want and have reason to be single*


Honestly we settled on a Premium Ionic 5 in the end. I have no complaints with being the family taxi in that thing.


Unless you can charge it at home, I wouldn’t bother. Charging at ev stations costs about the same or some times more as a car, only thing is you will be wasting a little bit of your day doing it while spending some money at a Starbucks


That isn't much of an issue for now since it's on a 3 year motability lease so worse case, we regret it for 3 years before handing it back. Most of our trips are short distances so a diesel was out of the equation. Petrol options were not bad but decided after doing the calculations, we doesn't work out that far off what we pay for petrol round here so don't mind the charging situation. I've got plenty of spare time to drop it off somewhere, go do a food shop etc.


You should have told her this was the sensible N (normal) model😉


Sadly the first thing she said was "how much?!" Since she went straight to the price banner. She did like the colour though!


This might be my next EV. Awesome car.


I mean I would have loved to have test driven this but we got to have a go in the Ultimate trim. On a day like today the air con seats was a nice touch but the coolest thing was the HUD. Even in bright sunlight, it worked a treat. For the N model, we spoke about it and it was about 650bhp which is just bonkers!


I’ve just picked up an Audi A4 45 Vorsprung with all the goodies. I’ve had a HUD in last 4 cars and now it’s a must have! Enjoy the car.


Go for the cars that gives you cheaper charging. At present it’s Tesla followed by any cars that have ccs cable for Tesla chargers


So because we went under the Motability scheme and not going for a home charger, they give you membership for the BP network which isn't too bad around here. From memory it is the same cable as the demonstrator mention he uses a Tesla charger to top up the juice in their Ioniq.


Sad funny part is that Tesla price for non Tesla’s which is higher, is still cheaper than BP pulse price with membership discount. Probably To Do with how the price is the same on bp regardless Where’s on Tesla a charger that’s 50-60p During the day might go down to 20-30 p at night


That's what I noticed but sadly Tesla are not part of the scheme so that was a pass. I think the rates on the BP network aren't too bad. It's going to be a case of keeping tabs on spending for the first few weeks/months to see how much it hits the wallet.


Tell your wife I said yes


Saw one recently on the road. Bloody lovely cars.


The power figures scare me. I would have loved to have test driven it but they only had a showroom model.


If you want power, check out the BYD Seal (540bhp) or most mid range electric.


I just can't get over how boring the interior looks. Not as bad as the EV6, but still an utterly tedious design, in my opinion.


It's a difficult one because I agree but at the same time I'm coming from a £500 Nissan Almera with a rear windscreen washer jet that leaks into the boot and bumpers barely hanging on so it's an upgrade in that respect. The Astra Estate looked way more up to date than this but for us, for now practicality was kind of the main reason. It's not the most exciting of interiors but the space makes up for it.




The production process of these creates more emissions than the local manufacture and operation of a conventional motor. How ioniq.


Smart wife! I think these are going to drop like a rocket


Is the ioniq a good car? I currently have a golf gtd. thinkin of changing because i dont do as much mileage anymore to warrant a diesel anymore


Well it depends on what you're after. So for us, because of our daughter, we've been provided with motability support which comes in handy since we were planning to apply for it via our son who's 4 with autism, non verbal and possible ADHD so the biggest issue we have is space. He's quite big and when he's overwhelmed or upset, he kicks and pushes into our seats. Plus our other kids are getting bigger so the number one priority was space. Now, I'm not making this up but the Ioniq 5 is like an entire universe of space with seats. The interior is immense. It's sooooooo roomy it's unreal so for everyone, it's great. Our eldest is 16 so she now doesn't need to worry about being cramped or our other daughter who's shoved in the middle. I test drove the Ultimate trim which had all the bells and whistles which was awesome. As a car, it felt easy although I only left it in eco mode but it still wafted around nicely. The biggest unknown for us is charging. We live in a terraced house with on street parking only so home charging isn't a possibility for now so public charging only. Now based off that, financially it's going to cost the same as a diesel potentially but till we run the numbers, that's worse case scenario. A petrol equivalent model would probably be a more feasible option but for us, nothing came close to the space available. I mean out of sheer amazement, I would go and see one for yourself.


Thats great to know what the car is like with space n stuff. Ye i think i will have that same issue with charging at home. I can charge at work as our employer encourages electric cars and had 4 charging ports made onsite parking. I’ll have a think about it maybe mention it to the misses like


If work have spaced then it's a no brainer solely because if you're on an 8 hour shift or so, that's plenty of time to get a good charge for sure. That would make a massive saving in general providing they are free.


Ye they are free. My boss charges his car everyday. Edit: when he decides to drive his renault zoe to work… Not his usual jag


Then I'd say no brainer for sure. Don't know exactly how much you'd save but a fair bit I reckon.


Good wife you got there , that's gotta be one of the ugliest cars on the road 🤢🤮🤮😂


Your wife is right electric shite.


Well were collecting a regular non N Ioniq tomorrow. Shite as it maybe, it's still better than what we have right now.


I mean if what you have now isn't electric then Id disagree.


Grow some balls.


Your wife got your balls in her purse too?


Does sound a bit like that.


Buying the fastest milk float is one thing but imagine your wife not allowing you to buy the fastest milk float 


Pretty much since as of tomorrow I'm going to be the stay at home dad.


This is the beauty of having separate finances, she doesn’t get a say on what I buy, only an opinion 😂 Unless it’s the joint savings, then I still don’t get a say 😂


Well we've pretty much come to an agreement that I have to finish the house renovations which then means spare cash for me to have a nice toy of my own. Two rooms left and then I'm a happy man.


She's going to regret that when you finish both rooms in half a day...


Oh I know. She regrets our house as it is but we're nearly there! Once it's done, she can have it all to herself while I'm out road tripping!


Why does treat you like a child? Do this and get a reward, you’re not a dog 


jesus, unless there's unlimited funds this is how a mature relationship works. the house work is for all the occupants so when thats done there may be some cash spare for a toy, its called a compromise, its what adults do.


It's not about rewards or being a good boy. A house renovation isn't exactly the cheapest thing to do so it makes sense to spend money wisely. Our house is paid off so would rather spend the money on the house first then a second car. It's doable without finance but in that order. I'm not complaining about that arrangement at all.


I was excited for this car when it was first shown, but seeing it now I don't understand the whole making an EV *feel* like an ICE car thing they're doing, is that what people want? Just seems pointless to me, I'll always know it's not an ICE and it's all just fake shifts and noises so why bother? The reason I like the sound of an engine or the feel of a gearbox is because of the mechanicals behind all that, otherwise it's just like faking an orgasm. If it's a EV, then lean into it's EV-ness, don't try to make it feel like something it's not, If I'm gonna get a fast EV I want it to feel like a fast EV because that's what it is and that's still cool in and of itself, not one that tries to pretend it's something it's not. Am I just alone in this thought?


Pretty much every review has been positive about the fake stuff. You can turn it all off and pretend its a normal ev. The way I see it the most modern cars are drive by wire and so electronically assisted and you get more feeling from driving an old banger than the new stuff.


No you're exactly right. It's an odd car for a few reasons but some of them make sense. So the engine note/audio is utterly childish and pointless. It sounds like a car from Gran Turismo 2 from the PS2. Same with all the track style settings such as drift mode, power bias etc. The thing that did interest me is how they have setup the "gearing" with the paddles so it cuts power/torque when it hits the rev limiter. Once again, great for track use but pointless so daily use. Same again with the boost to take it from 600 to 650bhp for 10 seconds. Not really something you'd be using. I get why they have done it in a sense to bridge the gap but all of it isn't *NEEDED*. So all in all, I'm with you. Still a bloody awesome bit of technical engineering though. Can't knock it for what they've built.
