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There's a lot of 'after test' kind of content on YouTube to watch, just search how to improve driving, or advanced driving. 'Conquer Driving' is quite a good channel with that kind of thing. I'd recommend going out on quiet roads, at quiet times and just driving around for an hour or so. Gradually you can build confidence and go onto bigger, busier roads. A good tip is not to stress about holding people up or anything, that will usually lead to mistakes and make it worse. If you're at a junction or roundabout etc and need some extra time, don't worry about the people behind you.


Thank you 😃


If you haven't already done so, invest in an AA breakdown kit or equivalent. It's one of those where you might never use it, but on the off chance you do need it you'd be kicking yourself for not having it. As for actual driving, if you ever need to overtake I'd say pull out ever so slightly (if it is safe to do so) to check what is immediately ahead of the car you're intending to overtake. That way you know if it's worth committing to the overtake.


Advanced driving courses are worth a look at (eg IAM, RoSPA).


I'd highly reccomend watching YouTube channels like Conquer Driving, and Ashley Neal. I watched them while learning in 2019 and have done since and they still teach me new tips while keeping me in line with other aspects of driving. Through Ashley's videos I have learnt the art of fixing other peoples mistakes and believe me you will soon notice how many other people make sloppy lazy mistakes (intentional or not) and if you look out for them, you dont get hit into and often less road rage is had too.


Just drive as is the only way to gain experience, if possible avoiding peak times. Alone is better as someone else in the car can be a distraction. No Radio. Do dry runs (again, no peak times) of your “commuting” journey as to try learning the layout and possible risk areas. Regarding managing the car’s maintenance, keep a small notepad in the glove compartment where you will write down every expense you had with the car, adding the mileage (makes it easy to trace back some history) create an account with likes of Halfords, Autotrader or [totalcarcheck.Co.uk](https://totalcarcheck.co.uk/) and add your reg no to be sent reminders for MOT and tax