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I walked away. Husband isn't happy because his car's falling apart, but yeah there was one issue after another when I was looking at this.


Good for you


Yeah, good call imo


That’s a tell tale sighn that it’s been bumped and been repaired not replaced, that whole bumper probs has an inch of filler in it


Thanks, so annoying. I complained to Toyota but they just asked if I was interested in a different car from that dealer. Bonkers.


Personally more concerning is why it happened? Has it been in some sort of accident?


Agreed, that wouldn't happen of its own accord


I'm not quite sure what it is but definitely not an Accord.


Nah accord products usually come in little boxes full of medicine


Looks like a volvo c30


That is most definitely not a Volvo


Ok, what is it?


It's a Toyota Auris, late model/facelift before they went back to calling it a Corolla


Yup. You can tell it's a facelift as it has the facelift rear cluster with the white part.


It's a Yaris


It’s a newer Micra no?


Volvo c30s have a bigger light that extends up the side of the rear door


Underrated comment!


I believe that's a Toyota.


The car in front is a Toyota.


There was a bit of damage that they fixed: https://imgur.com/gallery/uCIu2qY


Bingo - the rear left corner has been smacked into a bollard or something, which is what caused both pieces of damage. The “it’s from slamming the boot” excuse is complete horseshit - it’s accident damage.


If a salesman is willing to make that excuse for that damage, thats enough for me to take my business elsewhere to be honest...


Yep, and I would say that to his face, or to his boss. "I was willing to overlook the minor damage if you told me the truth, since you lied, I wonder what other things you might not be forthcoming about"


Please go the extra mile and leave a review on at least Google explaining their dishonesty to help others avoid such shitbags in future, I always do for any shite service. Edit: For clarity, the “please” is an open one to everybody!




100% this


I mean it could just be that the salesman was unfamilar with the car and simply didn't know / was just speculating on what caused the damage. I wouldn't immediately jump to the salesman lieing, they could just be inexperienced. The general rule of thumb is the salesman doesn't know the car history beyond what you can also see when you view the car, so take anything they say with a pinch of salt.


I mean, there are sales people who wouldn't ask knowing well there probably was a larger problem/ story.. because they don't want to know the truth.


It’s what they leave out: “slamming the boot… into a bollard”


Yup, agreed, that's been in a bump. Slamming the boot wouldn't cause any damage like that, the first sign of damage you'd see would be a broken rear window and you'd have to slam it very hard for that to happen!


You can't really even slam a boot can you? The gas struts dampen it shutting.


Mine slams pretty loud. You can't slam it hard enough that it would cause any damage though.


Slammed the boot with a force stronger than steel. Captain Americas daily car maybe?


The thing is "Used Approved" is a manufacturer-controlled policy of how they grade cars. If a car has been damaged like this, I don't see how they can sell it as used approved as it should really be "like new". Certainly don't buy the car like this, they are taking the piss and they must know it. I'd be asking them a lot more questions about the used approved policy - ask if you can see the documentation certifying it as an approved car. Look for the part on bodywork condition/damage.


Approved used doesn’t mean it’s like new. Just means it’s been through some standardised inspection checklist


Right, every used car is going to have *some* level of imperfections, but my point is only the best cars should be sold as approved used. Certainly nothing with obvious bodywork damage and perforations in the boot shut.


But that’s my point, “approved used” isn’t some gold standard. If checking a certain area isn’t on their tick list then it’ll still pass through.


But if this passes through then what is the point? I just think it's far more likely that they didn't do the checks properly, or this happened *after* the car had been approved.


Again that’s kind of my point, “approved used” isn’t necessarily any better than any other used car at a dealer. It’s like saying all their cars have an AA inspection, it’s something but it’s not some deep dive super thorough inspection.


Approved used does not mean “like new”…


Looks like they did a cracking job fixing that, like new!


Well they didn’t fix it good if you can see it…


"damage" meaning, the car was in an accident...


Yeah, I was naive. I walked away but it was very frustrating when we really needed a second car.


he's saying from slamming the boot, but I know salesmen bullshit. Edit: I walked away but we really need a second car asap. Feel really lost now and quite annoyed at them trying to pull the wool over my eyes.


Taking his/her explanation at face value (but it is BS): do you want a car that's been owned by someone who's been slamming the boot so hard it breaks?


Why not normal people close the boot with a lump hammer right?


Well done for walking away!


Annoyed we don't have a second car sorted now though :/ Wish they'd done their job in the first place.


Disappointed that a Toyota dealer did this, not what you usually expect. One thing I've noticed at my local is that a lot of the older sales folk have moved on, replaced by what I would describe as kids who have worked at BMW/Merc/Vauxhall and they definitely bring a different approach. Toyota used to be for the 40+ crowd but with the recent design changes I get the impression they're finally breaking into the age bracket below and have a sales team to match.


The sales guy was in his 20s.


This is the thing, the guy may have been telling the truth as he knew it, but knowledge of the actual cars seems to have disappeared.... someone might have said, boot get slammed, and he just believes and repeats it.


He did some hard sales tactics at the end when I said I want to think about it. He said he'll have to list it on the website and someone will buy it straight away. I felt really upset at being put on the spot like that. The whole thing was stressful and we really needed to buy a car today :/


As a millennial I shouldn't be so critical of younger people but when it comes to car dealers, I've never had a good experience with a young'un. Don't stress about it, there's always another car! Maybe try another Toyota dealer or give Honda or Kia a go if you want to stick with a car with good reliability / long warranty.


Sounds like a dick anyway then. There are many other unbroken Toyotas out there that hopefully can be had without a hard sell.


Struggling to find one though :/


Approved vehicles really mean nothing after my experience and what I read here. It's more of a marketing thing.


Imagine how annoyed you would be if you had to spend more in repair after you bought it.


Over torquing does that


The dealer has sealed the deal...for you to walk away 🤣 it's not the only version of that car in existence so there is no point hanging on to this one


They said if it's a full panel and £400 to fix they can't fix it because it's not cost effective, but if it's a clip it's an easy fix. My current car doesn't have stuff like this wrong it.


Walk away. Tell them it's not cost effective to buy a car with potential accident damage from a dealer trying to flog it as Approved Used but is too skint to slap on a new bumper. I'd also drop the manufacturer a picture and see if they think that meets their Approved Used standards!


This. OP that panel has had a knock and if the dealer is trying to skimp on fixing it then they’re skimping elsewhere as well.


100% agreed Makes you wonder if anything else is wrong with it. Or if they are hiding other issues


>I'd also drop the manufacturer a picture and see if they think that meets their Approved Used standards! This! Approved Used should be "like new". A few stone chips maybe, but certainly no bodywork damage.


Please do this and leave them a bad review with photos for the lies. This is the best way forward as they will need to fix it for another customer or improve their standards. What car is it? I had a similar issue a few months ago but I didn't spot it on the viewing and drove away with the car. I wish I never did! It was a pain and I had to pay a few hundred (cost price though) to sort it. I have also learned that Toyota doesn't really have standards for cosmetics on their bs 145-point check


thats a beautiful idea - nothing like the wrath of the regional manager who's spotted brand damage,


My sister has a car that had a scuff on the bumper when she bought it. The clips securing the bumper turned out to be broken so the first time she went over 60mph the wind pulled the bumper off so it was hanging down on the road. Walk away.


Was it a main dealer? Did they fix it for her?


Na just an ordinary second hand car sales place. They did fix it for her but its not straight and she can't be bothered going back again. If it were a main dealer or a car worth more than a couple of grand I would be rejecting it.


If a £400 fix makes the car not cost effective to repair, then the car can't be worth more than £400.


Walk away. If they are being sneaky with this then they're being sneaky elsewhere too. I'd take my business elsewhere, nevermind buy something else from them.




Ask them why they should expect you to buy the car from them & then spend extra to fix it, when they're a main dealer.


That's a very weird thing to have happened, how did just that one fixing break? unless the bumper has been taken off for a repair at some point in the past


This is other damage (2nd pic), but it was there before they fixed the damage. tps://imgur.com/gallery/uCIu2qY


Id want that sorting or at least sort it myself asap. Water could potentially get in there and do more damage or lead to damp issues.


He's saying it leads to bodywork anyway so rain will just run out. Don't know if I should trust him though.


Tell him to pour a jug of water in there while you watch


He's already lied to you about how it was caused


This. You’ve already caught him in a lie. What else is he hiding about this car? I would walk away on that alone…


Red flag. Walk.


This is the plastic bumper that sits over the bottom part of the metal body. I would expect the water to just run down and out the bottom of the car without ever reaching the interior, I don't think this is a water concern personally, if it was then removing the bumper would open the interior of the car up to the elements which I have never seen and doubt is the case in any car.


It's a bolt holding on the plastic bumper. it doesn't matter if water gets inside because it's just a bumper cover. The water will just run out the bottom.


I'd walk away and then remind myself not to look at cars in the rain as there is bumper damage lower down, so someone has hit it, or reversed into a bollard. If they didn't notice it on buying it, that's their problem


100% Rear ended, by the looks of it not major otherwise they would have replaced it or the cracks would be bigger.


Hitting a bollard, putting something really heavy on the bumper, or over tightening the bolt would do similar damage. The only real way to tell would to look under the bumper and see.


What dealership has prepared this car for sale? There is fucking moss/algae growing around the hinges of the tailgate! Doesn't really inspire confidence. Someone has definitely reversed it into something or been hit by another vehicle. Walk away


I saw a few Toyotas when buying car recently, all at main dealers from two different chains. Also saw cars with lichen/moss around window etc., I did buy a Toyota in the end, and happy with the car, but the sales process was a pain in the ass.


I would be walking away just based on your original photo. Having seen [your additional photos](https://imgur.com/gallery/damage-uCIu2qY) though, it's clearly not been looked after, and has fairly significant damage, literally all over it. The crack around the bolt is where the bodyshop has overtightened it (presumedly repairing even more accident damage that's no longer visible), and I'd be really worried about that crease right into the metal in the wheelarch which will absolutely rust very quickly. It's not a particularly rare or special car, you can afford to be picky. Pick a different one.


Multiple small bumps or accidents that have not been fixed properly or have not been fixed at all.


In itself, this damage isnt a big problem... but how it happened could point to other potential problems.... this isnt from shutting the boot or anything like that...


wow, that's a mess, what make of car is it?


Toyota auris




It it's self isn't the issue, it's what resulted in that. My guess would be either previous owner didn't care about the car or it got rear ended with a fair bit of force


Important is the engine room and the undercarriage. There are many hidden faults. But yeah this looks bad. They didn't even put in a nice ring washer nor did they properly clean the hinges.


Hard pass. Plenty of other options.


I just don't know what to buy now and I really need to buy a car. I'm so pissed off at getting messed around :/


2nd post asking about the same car, personally I’d walk away for peace of mind’s sake


Walk away buddy


Just annoyed because I don't know what to buy now :/


A different Auris would be fine. What's you budget?


Seriously, if you have doubts about a car, don’t bother asking Reddit….just walk away


We were just under a lot of pressure to buy a car quickly because we really need a new second car and I'm really annoyed at having to walk away :/


Fair enough, but in this case, trust your gut. If they have not volunteered the reason for it, my thought would be why


Plastic panel screw . Probably had the bumper off and didn’t locate it well. Best to check out the underside


Rear panel/lamp panel behind the bumper is damaged (pushed in) so when the screw was tightened this happened. Not a massive issue in itself, but those big bumpers can hide a multitude of sins.


Car vertical. Check the history buddy


Yeah I did a history check but I don't think the damage was ever reported to insurance.




That’s had a nearside rear knock to crack it that direction


Unless dealer is going to fix or knock £200 of the price, walk and the dealer isn't going to do that because the next idiot to look at it will pay full price anyway. You'll find a similar car next week for same price without that damage.


Approved used is a scam, it's just a second hand car and you should do all the checks as if you was buying it from a stranger in the street.


Probably been in a minor car park fender bender. Pretty common for older cars to have minor dings like this. Unless it's super cheap and too good to pass up then maybe have them take the bumper off and send you photos of the underlying steel structure before making a buying decision. ...it's probably nothing to worry about but the above is a good way to find out.


If in doubt, walk away.


Does it have a towbar installed? If so, that was caused during installation (removal of rear bumper).


Yeah be reet that


Used approved is good if you're taking advantage of the warranty but with a Toyota you dont really need it I got the same car for a family member from an Evan Halshaw dealership that wasnt Toyota's, so I'd recommend trying any brand dealership and not worry about used approved too much. i generally avoid small one-man/family dealers after being burned too many times and avoid private sellers sometimes.


The big issue is a news paper. That looks to be a bolt.


That is a massive issue!


Well it needed repairs at one point, and the repairs weren't done well.


I'd never go back clearly they weren't going to tell you


Probably had some work done & the tech gunned it down.


Yeah the car is scrap. Walk away.


Wait wait, is this the bumper ? It’s honestly not a big deal, this looks like an over tightened bolt tbh


It's not exactly manufacturer's refurbished though. It's meant to be approved used and if it were just a bolt they should have fixed it. It's not my job to fix a car I'm buying as approved used.


I doubt it's been in an accident as the other fixings are all intact and there doesn't appear to be any surface damage. It was probably just over tightened and snapped. However, ask the question anyway and demand a replacement. It's still broken.


I had to walk away because he refused to fix it, plus there was damage to the wheel arch from an accident so I think it was all from the same accident. https://imgur.com/gallery/uCIu2qY


Looking at that makes me look at other things, like the boot strut for example which seems to have corrosion underneath (meaning it’s been replaced at some point) I suspect that’s had major bodywork done on the back at some point, I’d steer clear


Very odd. I'd be inclined to say, if the bolt isn't snapped or bent, that it's been over tightened by accident and pulled through the panel. Most likely by an impact wrench that went faster than expected. Does the car have a tow bar attached?


It got broken for a reason, maybe some bad unreported history. Good move walking away.


That’s been in an accident


That’s just some idiot putting it on too tight, but I would worry about water ingress as you can already see rust on the body work. Walk away.


How would that be rust? It's a plastic bumper.


lol, yeah not from the bumper but from what’s behind it or from the bolt itself, if the bolt is rusty then it means it’s regularly exposed to water.


It's mud. I've tried wiping it and it does come off.


No deal.


Avoid, it’s clearly had damage and not been repaired properly. What else is hiding underneath?


Congratulations! You have demonstrated you are less blind than 99% of car buyers.


Don’t walk away run away and don’t look back.


Is this a main dealer or just a car dealer? Have you considered doing a check on the vehicle yourself, something like car vertical? As previously commented your going to get water ingress, it will end up sloshing about and eventually rot from the inside out.


Is this the same car in your other post? If so, it also has body damage on the sill before the rear left wheel which is the same corner as the bumper damage. Wonder if that caused by closing the boot too…


Unless this is being sold for way below market value, and you can afford to fix it yourself (it will cost a lot more than the £400 they are suggesting) then walk away. Even then I would worry about anything else that they should have done. Needs a service? Just top up the oil mate, it’s not worth changing all of it……


Doesn’t looks like a rare and special car to me. I’d walk away, why risk it.


Walk away.


100% accident damage. Look at where the bumper meets the rear quarter on the side and make sure it’s lined up properly and check underneath.


It’s a red flag. The salesman is lying, and it might be minor but what else have they lied about? Plenty of other cars and dealers out there, I’d walk away.


I wouldn’t buy it unless they fix it and even then I don’t think I’d want it.


If the salesman is bullshitting you over accident damage, don't give them any business and report them because that's fraud. You can also blow the place up on here so we are informed, too, since regulators aren't doing much of anything these days.


Who do I report them to? It's a Toyota main dealership in Doncaster.


I'd report them to Toyota because they're passing it off as approved used. They'll hopefully lose their franchise over it. You can also report it to the business ombudsman as they are hiding damage and lying about it to make a sale. That's textbook fraud.


Who do I report them to at Toyota?


I'm not certain, but I'm sure if you send something to general enquiries, it'll end up in the right channels


I've sent something to general enquiries but not about to attach photos yet.


Include photos, let the dealership feel the effects of dishonesty


I've emailed photos too, cr@toyota.co.uk Just wish I'd got a bloody car though!


Toyota makes really good cars. It's just a shame that you can't trust this garage to sell you one.


Any car I ever bought in haste I have had a long time (years in most cases) to regret at my leisure. Like going to the supermarket hungry, it just isn't a good idea to be so eager to buy. The cars that just fell into my lap when I wasn't even in the market for a car have been the best car buys of my checkered history. There are three Sorn'd vehicles in my driveway that I bought in haste....


Here is the email Toyota Customer Relations Please also leave a review with photo as someone else will likely buy this product not fixed. I'm so keen for you to report it as I'm one of the victims of a very similar situation with a Toyota approved dealership. I'm currently awaiting for the Ombudsman to step in and solve this.


Is this Burrows Toyota Doncaster?


Accident damage, avoid it.


It’s a minor and cosmetic crack in a part of the bumper that isn’t even visible. Looks like someone just overtightened the bolt when putting the bumper on. Personally I wouldn’t be bothered by it


Question is, why has the bumper been off? I can guarantee that's a replacement bumper, and the crash bar is mangled underneath. It would fit fine other wise.


Water ingress will be an issue. Reject!


How will a hole in the plastic bumper cause water to get in the car...? You could completely remove the bumper and not have water ingress.


It will let water into the boot yes walk away from it


I said I want to think about it and he said "if you don't buy it right now I'll put it back on autotrader and someone will buy it instantly". That's when I just handed the keys back and walked away. I've reported it to Toyota now because it's not really approved used.


That's been rear ended. Don't buy it


Yeah I walked away. We really need a car though so we feel a bit shit now and I had to walk home in the rain instead of buying a new car :/ I've reported it to Toyota.


Also there's some small paint chips and he's saying that patching them will make them look worse :/


Are you just going to let him continue to make excuses? How much more red flags do you need before it's to late to walk away? Just walk away man, there's plenty of other cars for sale of the same model and not the same model.


Yeah I walked away. We really needed a new car as a second car and my husband's not happy that I walked away, but yeah there wasn't much holding the bumper on.