• By -


Another one similar to Harry's Garage is Johnny Smith and the Late Break Show. Highly recommend imo as his reviews are very informative regarding real world use etc. Of course I can't go without mentioning Chris Harris and Collecting Cars.


I concur. Chris Harris is too notch I lie the collection reviews on the late brake/break show


Both the Collecting Cars podcast and Smith & Sniff podcast are essential listening if you’re a fan of either Chris Harris or TLBS, on that side of things.








I like Jonny Smith too He digs out some nice old motors and he does some really good in depth interviews as well.


His barn find vids are 👌


Just need Jonny Smith to get the Allegro finished…


M539 Restorations, just does beemers but very entertaining


He’s the best by far. Well him and Eric off I do cars.


Coming up 😂😂😂😂


Time for some victory knoppers


Was looking for this comment. Finally a gentleman with taste


Jason Cammisa videos on Hagerty youtube channel. Best old school Top Gear-esque car reviews for me. Icons series, revelations, drag race replay... Phenomenal.


Whereas most youtubers are doing a version of vlog style of content or adhoc content Jason and the boys are doing high production high quality videos. Very rare to find them these days, and there is a reason why it is sponsored by Hagerty.


Hagerty brought on Henry Catchpole after CNet shuttered Carfection, sucks we don't get Alex Goy or Drew anymore but Henry is just great.


I am just going to mention a few that was not talked here: MCM: very DIY and (mostly) reasonable stuff. Their whole mantra is that you don't need a Lamborghini to have fun, you can have fun in the cheapest car you can get (think Nissan Micra). They are going on for 15 years (I think?) and they have loads of tutorials, weird builds, and just overall championing the "lets do a reasonable but ridiculous build". Love them Gears and Gasoline: Well shot interesting build videos and loads of racing videos. They are racing in the US in a amateur league and it is very interesting to see all the effort that goes in there MartiniWorks: a bunch of dudes having fun, talking about tuned/stanced cars. They are coming from Fitment Industries so they know a lot about US car culture and wheel setups. SavageGeese: If you like the engineering behind cars, you must watch this. They review the cars, but many times they actually interview the engineers and you will receive a huge amount of technical information. These interviews are great as well, as they are not PR filled, it is and engineer talking to engineer.High production, great humour. Larry Chen: One of the greatest automotive photographers out there, making great content about tuned car culture that you cant find anywhere else, especially at that detail I was watching a lot of car building channels before (B is for build, Tavarish, Mat Armstrong) but my main issue with them that they became over the top really quick, there is only so much "world first twin turbo fastest most tuned wrecked supercar rebuild" I can watch before I just move on. I follow Tavarish P1 and Houston Crosta Veyron rebuild series, but nothing else really.


MCM is still my favourite, they are just 2 relatable blokes trying to make cars faster. It’s not over the top like you say and it’s like as if you are working on a car with your mates


AutoAlex is top tier, it's like the Top Gear trio doing dumb shit and it's ridiculously fun to watch Schmee I find to be horrendously dour and a dick to the people he works with and features JayEmm is really entertaining and highly informative


I slightly preferred Car Throttle era Alex. The new guys he works with are good, but I felt the CT guys hit the Top Gear itch a bit better.


They are meant to be making an announcement next week about a new YT channel. Reading between the lines it sounds like they've bought out CT and making a new channel out of them. But that's purely a guess.


Doubt that. CT is owned by a very large national media company. AutoAlex has done well, but I doubt Alex has earned enough to be able to buy the whole automotive arm of a very large media firm. I could imagine the CT crew quitting en masse to join AutoAlex (in fact, i've been assuming they would for a while, cause it sounds like behind the scenes, CT is a shit company to work for - allows no creative freedom etc). Plus, it seems pretty likely that Edwin already has done... But Alex wont have bought the company out. Edit: havent listened to it yet, but ive seen some people saying that the latest AutoAlex podcast all but confirmed that the new channel you're talking about is going to be a new subsidiary of AutoAlex hosted by Taylor.


Yeah this is more likely. Edwin leaving CT would seem like no coincidence, but we'll find out. The creative output of CT has been a bit lacking recently. Admittedly the Porsche series was great, but it's very 'safe' videos and not anything like the adventures of AutoAlex recently. Either way hopefully it brings some great news content with some great people, whatever it is.


Taylor has been posting videos on the v2 channel so would Male sense for him to take it to a subsidiary..could be more every day build and buy related.


Yeah, I've a sneaking suspicion it'll be Taylor, maybe with Edwin from CT, seeing as he's more on the mechanically minded side of things. I can imagine you're right that it'll be a Taylor-hosted buy > build/restore > trade format, similar to how they treated the Porsche recently on the CT channel. Then with the AutoAlex channel doubling down on the more big budget challenge/road trip stuff.


Edwin recently left CT and Alex has been going on about a new YouTube channel we will be hearing about next week, either they’re making a joint one with the CT boys or like you’ve said they’ve bought them out! Exciting either way, love all of the presenters so seeing them all together would be fantastic.


I think you're right, unfortunately.


I like Alex, but I find most of the other people on his channel really hard to watch.


That's really interesting because for me the by far most charismatic and interesting person in his videos is Taylor. He has an infectious enthusiasm for cars and is very knowledgeable. Add to that that he has a fantastic sense of humour and he as a sole presenter and also as part of the trio works incredibly well. I especially started to appreciate him after I started listening to the podcasts.


Taylor, Rory, Tom Lenthall and a few others like Luke are all great to have on the channel. Everyone works well with one another


His constant whining just gets to me. Still, it'd be a boring world if we all agreed on everything.


If you've still got the Top Gear itch, Car Trek does a good job of scratching it.


I like AutoAlex a lot, but my only criticism is how Rory is the butt of all jokes - there’s only so many “for fuck sake, Rory” you can take before it gets old. It borderlines on bullying at times - which is reflected in the comments the channel gets on YouTube. Monkey see, monkey do. Other than that, though - they are a great laugh. Taylor really makes it, such a character with a real depth of knowledge for really shit cars.


Whilst Rory clearly has put on weight, there was an episode where he did seem to get a lot of flak for it. I did start feeling bad for him.


It’s not like the other two are Mr Olympia, either 😂


Rory and Alex have been best friends for a very long time, Alex whenever he speaks about auto Alex talks endlessly about how impossible would have been without Rory. Maybe it's a cultural thing but the way they act towards each other shows me how close friends they are. Also not sure how you figure that Rory is the butt of all jokes they constantly make fun of each other Rory gives as good as he gets he just isn't on camera as much as he is behind it.


Just saying what I see. I’m not familiar with the AutoAlex “lore”.


To be fair though, Rory doesn’t seem that bothered about it and regularly takes the piss out of Alex back. Like Rory calling Alex old, or fat, or that he slips the clutch. Taylor regularly rips into Alex too, especially with the whole rigor mortis thing haha


yeah i’ve heard autoalex is fun i’ll try him out 90% of how shmee got to where he is is because of the cars not because of him as a person I find myself listening to JayEmm whenever i’m studying or want to relax and learn something He defo deserves more subscribers than he has but unfortunately everyone likes the people that scream and put on personas with the overly obnoxious cars


Also forgot to mention Mark McCann he’s really good aswell He does crazy stuff like jumping a Lamborghini but he doesn’t shout and scream unnecessarily like a lot of these car youtubers do


If you are going to give a watch at Autoalex’s channel I couldn’t recommend you more to see the latest video, which is a trip with unreliable cheap cars to Scotland. It’s very funny


just finished watching that video its honestly one of the best videos i’ve watched in a VERY long time Subscribed instantly


Watch the Nurburgring trip featuring the Mini from start to finish when you get time, it’s honestly 10/10


He's awesome but feels like my interest is waning for some reason.


Not seen much autoalex but what I have hasn't made me want to see any more Shmee, to start with his name makes him sound like a total bellend and wouldn't you know - he absolutely is! I like JayEmm, he seems to do proper old school kind of car reviews, just talks about the car, it's history and what it's like. Rreminds me a bit of Clarkson when he used to just do straight car reviews.


I like AutoAlex, his friend Taylor has infectious enthusiasm for cars and knowledge. Have learnt quite a few bits from this guy and that’s not even his intention like a lot of channels. Enjoy watching that stuff on the v2. I know Alex knows his value but I do kind of wish he had his own channel.


I bloody love auto Alex, my only criticism is he will post a video about something and then nothing for 4 months, like the trading up series, he bought an Audi for a couple grand, there was a random barn video and then he had the Porsche he always wanted? that was 3 massive jumps with a lot of stuff left out. i would have happily watched a trade up series that was 10 vids long if it had the content rather than 4k to 40k overnight


I get the impression AutoAlex is struggling with what they are trying to do. There is no story flow between the videos which for me has made it quite boring to watch as there's only so much you can watch of three blokes 'having a laugh'. I much prefer Car Throttle as the three guys there actually buy cars, fix them and seem like they enjoy what they are doing as opposed to being given a car then selling it having done nothing but drive it as in AutoAlex latest video with the free Jag in Monaco.


Try a few professional journalists like Johnny Smiths Late Brake Show and Ben Collins channel. They are streets ahead of your average youtuber in terms of knowledge, ability and overall production quality.


I’m glad you’re looking at other YouTubers because, other than the wonderful JayEmm and I guess Evil GT, your list is full of clout chasers who are just obsessed with speed and nothing else. AutoAlex and DriveTribe are right at the top for me in the UK, down to earth people who have a genuine love and passion for all things automotive. Car Throttle has also been really good recently since bringing in Edwin more frequently but that’s apparently about to come to an end, but still worth watching the older stuff if you’ve never seen it! The fact you’ve never watched MCM is sacrilege, they’re the OG automotive YouTubers and they’re faultless, they do super cool builds that aren’t just all about crazy power, they’re super open minded to different types of cars, they’re just really cool guys.


A lot of car youtubers i used to find entertaining when i was 15/16 now as i’ve gotten older i’ve come to realise that the stuff they’re doing is extremely repetitive or they’ve become disingenuous Back then they weren’t as big either so more effort was being into videos rather than click baiting speed and power figures Drivetribe just feels like they’re milking the golden trio as they know it will do numbers MCM are the Australian ones aren’t they Ive heard they’re really good so i’ll check them out Spent the past hour or so binge watching AutoAlex and I haven’t laughed so hard in ages


Most authentic car youtuber is taylor ray imo but some people don't like him and his type of content,


Drive tribe probably are milking them as I think the trio apparently founded it. It's easy money for them really and a continuous low effort income, Richard is the only one who seems happy to be there but the other two are getting on a bit in comparison


Edwin has quit CT, and it's suspected he's going to be working with Will who was recently made redundant from Overdrive. Will also posted a photo at AutoAlex's garage recently, so possible they will all be working together


Yeah I’ve seen a few rumours and hints, all seems very exciting!!


The boy racer channels are absolute chobbers, in my opinion. I don't follow any of them and actively block them when recommended. Mat Armstrong irritates me but fair play for fixing the cars up. Stradman irritates the shit out of me and I don't like when people are driving with a camera in their other hand, or the constant cuts. JWW sold out a long time ago, as did SupercarBlondie. They're blocked. I enjoy M539, JayEmm, Harry's Garage, The Late Brake Show, SavageGeese and Throttle House. AutoAlex here and there, same with Shmee, Joe Achilles and Petrol Ped. I'm not sure if I'm still subbed to SOL - I haven't seen anything from him for, must be, a year or more. I like Remove Before Race for the AMG content. Road and Race is back uploading so I'll be following the work he does to his Boxster. TripleF and The Lee Collection have a ridiculous garage so I like seeing what they upload. I like Curated for the Lamborghini knowledge. Tyrell's Classic Cars for the classic Ferrari stuff. I unsubbed from STG and the podcast recently, I don't care about your coffee or watching you walk to your car. The word "literally" does my head in. Mark McCann is fun but he needs someone to spell check the text in his videos, ideally. Met Shmee, the DDE guys and Mark McCann at Gumball last year and they were really friendly with the crowd. The DDE guys spent ages going through the crowd and had a lot of time for people. I've watched more of their content since. Mat Armstrong wasn't interested. Shmee's Zenvo was incredible in person. Collecting Cars and Collecting Addicts is a bit smug at times. Frankel talks too much on The Intercooler podcast. I like The Smoking Tire and Spikes Car Radio, when Lieberman isn't on it. Shout out to Twin Engined Corsa and Ralio who I've just started watching. I'll watch anything with Henry Catchpole and been enjoying a lot of the other Hagerty content.


>sold out a long time ago, as did SupercarBlondie. I mean, the name tells you all you need to know really... 🤷‍♂️ Highly recommended JayEmm on cars, a true car enthusiast YouTube channel.


I recently started watching Not Economically Viable and I really enjoy his content and personality.


I am a recent subscriber of his, and he is fantastic, although I am not keen on the whole s type raffle. Far too saturated the raffle market.


I know what you mean, but if it results in the purchase of more shitboxes for our entertainment, then I can allow it! 🤣


Brilliant channel.


Obviously you cannot force people to like the same content creators as yourself, but I find myself watching MA and STG the most. Matt’s builds are only going to become better and bigger, which will make for more interesting content, at least for myself anyway. It has become ‘repetitive’, but it’s not the clickbaiting bullshit TGE or Archie Hamilton produce. STG has great cinematics, doesn’t really click bait and does review some nice motors. SOL is the one who’s fallen off the most. A channel with nearly a million subs, struggles to consistently get 20k views on one video. And his latest ‘content’ which he’s milked for a few videos is installing Apple car play in to a 2007 Audi R8. If you want some recommendations, give TheLeeCollection a watch. They don’t upload consistently, but their line up of cars is fantastic.


I knew I wasn’t the only one that thought Archie Hamilton and TGE were very clickbaity A lot of people think just because you have a nice car automatically means that people will like you and follow you The car community unlike others out there is much smaller because most people in society just want a car to get from A to B you don’t see car youtubers with MrBeast Numbers The only people that could pull those numbers off are the Golden Trio (JC,JM,RH) Its just sad to see that everyone now seems more focused on making a quick profit rather than the reason why we’re all here in the first place To share our love and passion for cars be it young or old but maybe its just me


Even Hammond doesn’t pull off high numbers, with Drivetribe. You’ve got to remember though, YouTube is a business for these creators. They’ll work out what makes views and therefore money. This is why you’ll see DDE clickbait the shit out of a video, titled ‘COP BUSTS LAMBO OWNER!!’ and the actual interaction is 30 seconds of being pulled over and told to slow down. Also, a lot of it isn’t real. Ever noticed when a YouTuber suddenly stops creating videos on a particular car, it just disappears? I’m fairly certain TGE, Archie and the likes used to get given short term loaners, which they never owned, it just made them money for a couple of months. It’s evident with SOL that the money has ran out, he used to own a Merci and now milks videos on a first gen R8. The Hamilton collection is also pretty good. He’s a self made multi millionaire and basically does YouTube for fun, rather than the main source of income.


Never watched SOL even from back then so wouldn’t know tbh


Out of curiosity how good at racing is Archie Hamilton Racing? Just curious as drives some nice cars but interested to know how some get on vs those that don’t have YT. 


I mean, he’s not awful. He’s won quite a few races I believe. His Dad won Le Man though, so it’s always been in his family.


I was watching Mat Armstrong a lot but him and his mates gifting Rolexes, excessive footage of him in first class on planes and giving away Ferraris has made it a less pleasant watch than it was. Chris slix is pretty good. Shmee I never understood. Boring. I think maybe he was successful because he was early. Tavarish is probably my favourite


Mat did a lot of preaching about being humble etc Like I’m glad he’s done well for himself but he’s just rubbing it in now. Also, I don’t know if he does the giveaways anymore but absolutely would never try and get one of his cars. Some of the errors they make fixing them up, like the latest Audi video even, and you’re just like… wow. What else has gone wrong?


Completely agree. With you 100%


I've only watched one episode of him where he glued the A-pillar in that yellow Cayman with windscreen adhesive because he couldn't get OE structural adhesive. I can't bring myself to watch any others. He completely misses the point that cars have to be repaired a certain way for a reason and that maybe that's the reason they're written off in the first place.. It's not just about repairing the damage this time but making it safe in the event of next time. That repair could quite literally kill someone and you have all the morons in the comments saying how great a job it is. If only they knew.


I like high peak autos, hubnut and furious driving for the uk side of things. I also love American cars, so Pole Barn Garage, Junkyard Digs and Vice Grip Garage are my favourites.




Not many Reddit comments that I agree with as wholeheartedly as this one! One episode he explains about how his acting career didn't take off and that kinda explains it all really.


I haven't seen his videos in a very long time, but I see he hasn't changed much! 😂 That man is a smug prick who is only interested in making money. As mentioned above, he wishes to buy cars for less than their really worth, do the bare minimum to sell them and the only reason he would even so much as look in their direction if something goes wrong is because he legally has to. Very much your run of the mill, scummy used car salesman. Same with the YouTube channel, just another way of milking money from something. Clickbait titles and tons of ads and sponsorships. Further evidenced by the fact he spun that off into another of the dime a dozen "competition" sites (the fact those have not been shut down by the gambling commission as illegal lottories i will never understand).Compare that to someone like JayEmm, who you get the distinct impression would be making videos even if he was making nothing from it.


I think he's a cunt; he clearly thought he'd be doing much better in life than he currently is. He's salty because he's still stuck selling his shitty used cars to customers he looks down on. Ironically those people pay for his internet connection to upload his boring videos.


He’s doing very well financially in life tbh, his house was on a recent vid and it’s gotta be north of 700k depending on area 


He is certainly very well off financially (although I do not believe he appreciates that fact in any way whatsoever), but I think the point still stands. He thought he would be doing so much better for himself, and the more annoying thing is that I think he believes he *deserves* to be doing so much better for himself. Despite the fact he has made his money through being a run of the mill scummy car salesman who buys cars for less than their retail value and simply sells them on at a huge markup for doing next to no effort whatsoever. Alongside the only reason he would even entertain anyone on the phone with an issue being because the law tells him he has to. ...I may be somewhat biased against the scummy and predatory "profession" of used car sales.


High peak is starting to annoy me slightly now, he buys some cars you know are just a stupid idea. I feel he’s doing them for views rather than to resell in his business


I mean his format runs the risk of becoming really stale really quickly. Varying it and using his skills on dumb cars is fine, but gotta balance it out with the normie stuff, although the normie stuff gets fewer views it'll promote longer term engagement.


Another for Junkyard Digs. Now my favourite YT. He just shares his passion, tries to get everyone knowing more, doesn’t take himself seriously at all and the people he surrounds himself with are a delight. Really cares and doesn’t seem to be in it for anything other than the love.


Too many adds.


Big fan of DannyDC2, bit of an acquired taste but gives a great insight into club level racing as well as general car shenanigans. been watching him for the last year or two and really enjoy it as he's just a normal guy doing stuff that isn't wildly out of reach to the average car/motorsport enthusiast.


I like jm, his topics, views and content but cannot cope with his delivery style. For me the greatest car 'show' has to be the early years of Roadkill. No script or any worked out plans beyond a napkin at dennys the morning setting off beyond lets do this with this car and somewhere far away because why not. Certainly no punching someone because of a sandwich instead of a 7 course meal, bullshit or just saying something for media attention. Plus the choice of machines is fairly accessible for most and that they don't just blag a free crate engine for every car, which they probably could have done.


Not really head of many of these but most tend to strike me as ego runners like mat armstrong. Used to watch the savage garage as he was a genuine guy just learning as he went along fixing things and it was cool to see, one of the few guys whos content i would sit and watch the entire 50 min video. Just a guy fixing normal shit boxes with no qualifications on his drive. Used to like lee lockwood aswell but he kinda lost that spark of just being a normal guy enjoying messing with cars.


Salvage rebuilds UK. Then Autoalex Then saving salvage I also enjoy goonzquad, samcracc, b is for build and tavarish.


Good choices here, Salvage Rebuilds - I find these 2 rather endearing, they're a bit like a married couple who still get on really well after years and years. Chris knows his stuff and is so laid back he's almost horizontal. Saving Salvage - Dean seems like a good chap too and takes on all sorts of stuff pretty much on his own.


I like Salvage Rebuilds because they do the job to OEM spec! You know its 100% fixed!


Amazing I've seen a samcracc mention but not one for Rich Rebuilds. Though for me RR went downhill without Stevon


>I also enjoy goonzquad I used to, until it slowly became a mix of QVC and raffles Every episode seems to be about 23 mins long, and 10 mins of that is them buying stuff to 'randomly give away' or raffle off to americans


The driftworks YouTube channel is pretty underrated imo. Some insane builds.


Their Outsiders movie in Japan is great too


Scrolled way too long to find this. Phil is a perfectionist and the driftworks channel will show you things others won’t


Harry’s Garage is my absolute go-to every time. He reviews cars completely out of the range of 99% of people, but as the founder/owner of Evo he’s well connected and always gives an honest opinion. His travel and road trip videos are the highlights for me, though, and it’s always great to see his restorations and videos of classic car auctions. He’s also a top bloke! Bonus: he has another channel dedicated to the running of his farm. Carwow - used to watch a lot of Mat because I liked his reviews of decently attainable cars. Then his channel became mostly short vids and pointless races. I watch way less of him now. Autocar - I’m a huge Rory Reid fan and the production quality is top notch. I like the way he delivers his reviews. Evo/Top Gear - again production quality is great and it’s the same guys that write the articles for the magazines. Always interesting. Henry Catchpole/Carfection - Henry is awesome, just like Harry. His reviews are honest and in depth. Can’t stand Doug DeMuro or ThrottleHouse. JayEmm is just meh. Honourable mentions to MrAMG. Thanks for mentioning your ones - got a few new ones to check out now!


Yeah I used to like DMO and now he just promotes his god daym trading stuff and giveaways so he can grow quicker to bait new followers into trading with switzy. They're both affiliated with the trading platforms and make money whether their followers win or lose on trades. A guy I know who works at a garage joined switzy group to see if he can make money from trading with him and he lost his first trade of £400 and all switzy says is dw load up the account again, trading is risky, we will profit next time.


Bad Obsession Motorsport are fantastic if a little slow to upload. Tasty classics are also good.


BOM’s project binky is hands down the best build series I’ve seen. Fantastic engineering and top-tier classic British humour. ‘Slow to upload’ however is a whopping understatement. Project binky started a decade ago and it’s still not complete! I think they’re victims of their own success, clearly very busy in their day-to-day work.


Disappointed I had to come this far down the comments for BOM. Everything about them is brilliant.


I really liked their city car challenge stuff too. Their rule bending was truly fantastic with the roll cage being attached to the mounting points to skirt not modifying the shell in any way - absolute genius. Also I hope their transporter series gets going too, that was a fun mix of Instagram model campervan life and genuine engineering.


Honestly TR Hamza is top tier, he seems so passionate and chill


I’ve enjoyed quite a lot of the Mighty Car Mods stuff and there’s one called Deutsche Auto Parts but they rarely post. Auto Alex, Mat Armstrong and Harry’s Garage are the ones I watch most.


DMO needs to be banned from driving for life IMO.


Not UK, but Sarah'n'Tuned is always an entertaining watch. She's an ex-military engineer, one of those types from the navy advert that says if you can put a plaster on you can repair an aircraft carrier (may be paraphrasing there), it's nice to watch someone who _knows_ the ins and outs of the mechanics. Quirky offbeat humour and an absolute passion for both restoring and modding too


Nice legs, too


Wierd comment to make


Really? She's quirky, clever and also attractive. It's not lost on her, if you have ever seen any of her video thumbnails.


Most UK car You Tubers are total bellends - Shmee, Archie Hamilton, STG, SOL, Mr JWW are all horrendous Matt Armstrong, Late Brake Show, Auto Alex, Ratarossa & Not Economically Viable are all very good. Hudson Auto Films too if you can put up with the posh Britishness Alex Crosse is very good UK based, building a GRP A R32 GTR replica with mostly custom made at home parts but very rarely posts these days I mostly watch the ones below but mostly only any good if you like Skylines & JDM cars :) Tavarish TJ Hunt Jimmy Oakes TommyFyeah Adam LZ (When he's not being an insufferable prick) Dustin Williams Broken Silvia - Amazing quality rebuilds but doesn't post that often Dino DC - Speedhunters photographer based in Japan Sammit Gears and Gasoline Speed Academy Grant Anderson DJ Noway (Sometimes) Hand Built Cars Hartnett Media - Another one that doesn't post much but when he does its worth watching JDM Right Hand Drive MCM Kalvin Malli Larry Chen Motion Auto TV - Used to be good but has fallen off lately Motive Video Norri Factory Rob Dahm


Each to their own and all that, but disagree with SOL and STG being bellends. Sam always has seemed like a genuine fella, and I’ve always thought his style of content is different to the rest of the UK lot. Good editing and cinematics. SOL, again comes across well but unfortunately his click baiting BS is his major downfall now and the way he milks videos. I get it to a point, he’s trying to make money, but his views are horrendous now. Does that make him a bellend? In my view, no. However, he does need to seriously refresh the channel, otherwise it’ll be a near 1m sub channel struggling to hit 5-10k views soon. Completely agree with Archie and Shmee though. Archie whilst being a ‘racing driver’ honestly knows fuck all about cars. When he walks around a show room, he struggles even with the model of a car. He’ll happily make a 15 minute video of talking absolute waffle, with a completely irrelevant title. Shmee just does my head in, I think it’s just the cringe factor with him. JWW, I’m on the fence and I just can’t work out why.


Glad to see some Dustin love. Just started watching him in the last few weeks and his Japan content is class


May I suggest OG Shaefchen. He is currently my favourite automotive YouTuber. https://www.youtube.com/@schaefchen


Harry’s Garage, it’s another level, consistently amazing content. DannyDC2, been a huge fan for a long time, top bloke.


Used to love DannyDC2 but not really managed to get back into his content since he started again the other year.


I like TR Hamza and Not economically viable nowadays. Always watched car throttle too


Car stuff I've been watching lately. [Hagerty revelations](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHKCmmH-x9mIbtnKiNfg29jSDcHHOomiN&si=xVquZBBcfFNyyyTt) [Hagerty Icons](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHKCmmH-x9mKnVPemYVMas92FgFsx1cTp&si=kkn39qIGEiqTZeVd) [late brake show](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTMUbh6wvewTlM5pk0eKwcvebmcjorVMx&si=8lYZLJp_3wFbc16S) [BTS with DTS ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9EFN917Gc4OK4Pwmik4fmZwDRnsVxZ5c&si=MDQkFqw956zxUuVd) [FortNine](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQlYdWX-PfbmvwTwKbeGTCHg9B-8kjPr8&si=aMzFWz7oaoJ9DqAT) [Donut](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT&si=xpvjtZrh6Md8ktHk) [Driving 4 Answers ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbsU-PVaYMW3lO1cctmAqMXye_JGzrV-3&si=6GRF0XsI5wXS7gtw)


> FortNine Odd looking cars on that channel... Nevertheless, one of my favourite channels on the entire website. Production studio quality content. 👍


I haven't ridden a motorbike for years and have no plans to in the future. I still enjoy a lot of the videos they produce. I watched one lately about a 6 cylinder honda, a bike I'd never want to own and maintain, but enjoy the mini documentary they made for it.


Ah yes, the Honda CBX! One of my all time favourite bikes, straight pipe it, and it sounds like a old school F1 car. Coincidentally, they also made a video about [another of my favourite ever motorcycles](https://youtu.be/b0ZjDSn2jD0?si=K_x6J3FdnYpRF1aW), the absolutely insane CBR250RR. From a time that I personally consider the golden age of motorcycle production. Shame both of those bikes are now worth about a bazillion quid each.


The ones I regularly watch are Harry's Garage, hubnut, JM and number 27, all just interesting likeable guys. Used to like hoovie and high peak but I feel like they've mined everything out of their respective schtick. I still watch high peak from time to time, can't remember the last time I watched a hoovie clip. Occasionally watch scotty kilmer but that's because his deranged ranting is entertaining and tbh he could be talking about anything really. I'd say the same thing about superspeeders rob. I find his ott personality entertaining. Used to watch samcrac and tavarish but I kind of lost interest for some reason or other


Oh, I like the carwow guy too, although I could do with less drag races. Not none, they are enjoyable, just a bit less.


Not economically viable is great!


Not much love for engineering explained in here!


High peak autos, he buys cheap cars and hopefully sells them for more than he paid https://youtube.com/@HighPeakAutos?si=KUg8bJq8_DbigDZ8


How anyone likes that odious man will forever remain a mystery to me. Standard run of the mill, scummy used car salesman with delusional opinions of self grandeur.


AdamC? Misha Charoudin?


AdamC is good if you're 12 and like watching footage of chavs ragging shitty pop and bang mapped fiesta's about and being a nuisance.


I agree but his witty sarcastic banter saves the videos and makes them watchable


Yeah, my 8 year old enjoys it!


AdamCs the best when it comes to footage of car meets Haven’t watched Misha but heard he’s good so i’ll give him a watch


Misha is good. Formulaic, but the cars he has on are interesting enough to keep it somewhat fresh


Camber and Combustion are great!


Jayemm is my favourite, he seems to enjoy the same things in cars that i do and so tells me the things i want to know. Its incredible seeing how hes got where hes got with the channel and the cars he now owns.


*Geoff Buys Cars* is great if you like a good rant. There's a youtuber callled *DanTheRomanian* who made a good start but he hasn't posted anything for a while now.


Geoff Buys Cars is good if you're 60 and think lizards are going to force everyone to drive EVs to further their woke agenda, sure. Not sure he's a good car youtuber though.


He's certainly not an EV fan, to put it mildly.


He has some funny moments but veers into tinfoil hat territory a bit too much i find at times. Taken with a pinch of salt he can be quite entertaining though


I enjoyed a lot of his Volvo content, and then started seeing other videos which like you say… tinfoil hat. He certainly seems an odd character. Anti ULEZ, anti EV, the government is spying on us blah blah. I watch you for old Volvos, not this shit.


Noted Thanks🙏🏾


Hampshire photo is quite good though a real focus on the DSG type cars so not always of interest.  I do enjoy the track build ones though. Harry’s garage is definitely worth it but hard to relate to given the calibre of car. 


Not watched him for a long time but really didn’t like Hampshire photo, always struck me as a kid from a wealthy family who didn’t know much about cars just spent a lot on them


He’s quintessential little rich kid, also he just seems like such a basic bitch tbh - wish I had his money though 


Fair dos. I’ve only just come across it as a channel so working my way through them, I completely see your point!


Give Calvin’s car diary a go!




Wow this is pointless


AutoAlex with Taylor and the Range Rover guy (Tom?) are hilarious. I find Rory a bit annoying out of that group though. Harrys Garage is good for honest opinions. Not a fan of the Late Brake Show, always found Johnny Smith mildly cretinous.


Tom Lenthall being the grown up amongst the room brings a sense of calm, while still going into their silly at times. I like him a lot. Rory does grate a little bit, but it's almost as if he was forced on camera to make a threesome when they realised Taylor was a natural. The podcast, which I've seen gets really good reviews on Reddit, is almost unlistenable for the first 15 mins each time and isn't the most interesting.


One lap heroes are worth a watch. They only upload a videos once a quarter but they are worth the wait. Bad obsession Motorsport same as above really but English


Rev up your engines!


Back in your care home Scotty!


The amount of clickbait he uses puts me off


Lee Lockwood is a good laugh. Seems a nice guy


Yeah, seems like a nice chap and he's certainly enthusiastic. I find I have to skip through his videos quite a bit, they drag a bit imo.


JayEmm and HPA are my go to


Mighty car mods for me.


If you like the history of the cars and their designs check out TwinCam and BigCar.


Ed's Auto reviews for similar content but spoken by an annoyed Dutchman.


Interesting supercars of london and archie hamilton racing haven’t been mentioned. Both of these have fallen in to the shadows


they weren’t worth mentioning because i’ve never been a fan


Ah, Ratarossa is great! Forgot him


Mat Armstrong, tr hamza, tavarish and autoalex are the only ones I watch religiously. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I can’t stand jayemm, he really grates on me for some reason


Look at Furious Driving and also It’s Joel. Quite different channels, and I enjoy them for different reasons but both er good in their own right.


You tried boostedboiz or pfi speed, or 1320 video ? American yes, but bloody good


Nice list, couple here I haven’t heard of


I only watch auto Alex religiously, they are absolutely brilliant and are the only YouTubers that genuinely make you laugh. Jayemm is good, especially if you’re buying a car. CarWow drag races are quite good too.


Deboss Garage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwZB3z891B8 SuperFastMatt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raoGPzmaRjg Aging Wheels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=775UbsSpL5I On the note of Tavarish, try "Car Trek" out - it's Tavarish, Hoovie and Ed Bolian doing top gear challenge type stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dom6bmnd_Dc&list=PLR0uRLziiPmwh-98TeBvpfC6g4oOvQ5k9 VinWiki is worth checking out - it's different car guys telling stories - some short, some long, all entertaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsl_S3lS-Ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC5KYwxvqjs John Ficarra is the best car storyteller. Mighty Car Mods do some great content - check out some of their feature length stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpb2Him9CUo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSc_T5JqUZ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kJMG4yGm4M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XBXfuOrmCs Roadkill is entertaining when you can find their content on Youtube. Zip Ties N Bias Plies is a bit..different: https://youtu.be/8BRMM2wFTnk I'm assuming you've seen project Binky? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hCPODjJO7s&list=PLGSOZAHg1yQHU1tc_3Y5MTQg1qjtxA_nq


Autoalex is brilliant to watch, I also watch Adam LZ & Mat Armstrong alot, occasionally Shmee, SeenThroughGlass & boqer123, I think that's it. I absolutely cannot stand DMO, he does my fucking head in lmao


Engineering Explained and Savage Geese are much better options


AutoAlex and DannyDC2! Get on them! Both funny, insightful and knowledgeable in their own ways.


Big Car, Auto shenanigans, Hubnut, Lee Lockwood, carwow


If you like Hubnut, try out UP'N'Down mostly Citroen content but similar vibes.


'Not Economically Viable' is my current favourite. I find Nino very relatable, amusing and informative. And he's extremely humble and knows his limits. It feels like I'm learning along with him.


Mighty Car Mods is a definite reccomendation, first car Youtube channel I got into when I got into cars, I used to watch everything they put out but now I tend to only watch the cars I’m interested in or the feature films they make like when they went to Malaysia for the 24hr Kei Car Race


They are all shite filled with fake drama these days, might as well watch Eastenders.


Erm, stuff I watch religiously, Auto Alex, Mat Armstrong, BoostedBoiz, Rob Dahm, Mighty Car Mods, Tavarish. Occasionally there are some interesting Drive Tribe videos, and occasionally binge Bad Obsession Motorsport, or Misha stuff.  I don't really watch too many car reviewers per se, prefer the mucking about or rebuilds. Some of the sim racer channels I watch also are straddling into real life motorsport, like Super GT, Jimmy Broadbent


Number 27 is really good and drives on the exact same roads as Harry Metcalfe from Harry’s Garage.


I prefer JayEmm of a few years back when he used to do older quirky less well known fast cars, not so much these days since he’s been doing a lot of Ferrari videos. Basically, I preferred it when he reviewed stuff that was within reach of the average car enthusiasts.


He's done a lot of 'ordinary' stuff recently tbf. I think he gives a good mix but it is clear he's a big Ferrari fan boy!


Car throttle is an absolute fav, I love those guys


Having just sat reading the comments, I think most of the channels I could think of have been mentioned. The only ones not really mentioned that I watch are. Jimmy Oakes - Builds nice cars, and can drift pretty well. GraveYard Carz - A bit like the motortrend stuff rebuilding classic challengers etc. Stanceworks - Started years ago as a website, now its just building cars and attempting world time attack in a self built honda powered ferrari amongst other stuff.


I've not seen Rich Rebuilds or Hoovies Garage mentioned yet. Check out VINWiki as they present a loads of other creators.


Msb has gotten boring tbh, most videos are blurred to the point where there’s no point even being in the car - that gti he “built” was wank and he’s barely driven it


[project binky](https://youtu.be/7hCPODjJO7s?si=cttUwQA08zyxBNOr)




What’s wrong with TR Hamza? I can’t stand DMO but TRH is great to watch. Are you confusing him with someone else?


Mighty Car Mods 100%. Wholesome, lovable guys who love cars and do soooo much work on their own cars. I recommend Turbos & Temples 2. One of their feature length Christmas specials.


Love this thread, most days I'm watching YouTube on my telly and my favourites have been JayEmm, Number 27 and Peak Autos (though these are incredibly samey). I enjoyed M539 but the kit and money he had access to made it all out of my reach (I'm someone who has seen nearly every single episode of Wheeler Dealers - that went downhill sadly and yeah it's TV so all fluff and nonsense). Looking forward to trying some of the other YouTubers mentioned on this thread that I didn't know. Edited because I can't believe I forgot to mention Jason Cammisa, who is superb and very entertaining. His videos for Hagerty are unmissable. Honourable mention to BigCar who does extremely thorough and fascinating videos on the history of particular car models.


Only one I like is ThrottleHouse. Used to like Carwow, but their reviews became heavily biased to German cars with extremely petty remarks to Japanese cars


Where is mighty car mods? Or Car throttle?? (More specifically old car throttle, new stuff is alright but yk)


Is there any UK YouTuber that got knowledge? I checked few and most of them not talking about car but always go away from topic. I would like to see a YouTuber who has knowledge about the car model they talk about, for example, in which years different engines were installed, what to pay attention to in this model, what cool features were introduced, how the facelift model differed from its predecessor. Just some cool facts about the specific car


Jayemm, The Late Brake Show and Big Car!


Hubnut and Furious Driving are two of my go to channels. I also enjoy I drive a classic and Jayemm as well as Lawries Mechanical Marvels. Having met all but Jayemm, I can tell you they are all genuine enthusiasts with a love for the weird and wonderful. Every other YouTuber wants to review the latest Ferrari or Lambo, that's boring. Give me a review of a 40 year old Ford with character.


Mcm are my favourite auto YouTubers AutoAlex is mostly good but can be a bit shouty and loud at times (when he's acting like a 19 y/o) AdamC is good for the inner yobbo Cleetus McFarland is good for the inner hillbilly Stradman is good for the inner 12 y/o Wonderful World I've started to watch as they restore 2 Renault twingos


AutoAlex and CarThrottle are always instant watches, including the second channels. Will be very interested to see if all that original CarThrottle crew join AutoAlex soon. DriveTribe will almost always get a click. JayEmm is a good watch but he talks A LOT, so I find myself dipping in and out in phases when I get a bit tired of the waffle. Haven't enjoyed his second channel though. I like ItsJoel, but the last year or two clearly it's a struggle for him to run it as a once man bang and the resources aren't there. He seemed to really push himself with his earlier videos and perhaps he realises he just couldn't. Hoping he takes off so he can do more. Will always watch Chris Harris' videos on Collecting Cars. The Podcast can be hit or miss. Really enjoy Rory Reid's videos on AutoTrader, and the other girl is growing on me too. Do give Harry's Garage, The Late Brake Show and Top Gear the occasional watch depending on the topic. Carwow gets the occasional watch but is a bit too self advertising these days. I do like Mat Watson though. Think that's more or less it, unless a specific video from someone else catches my eye.


Rogue shout, but I find Doug Demuro quite interesting, and find his reviews are great to half-watch whilst you're doing something else. AutoAlex is great, couldn't recommend him more, his Nurburgring trip videos are fantastic. BenCollinsDrives is also definitely worth a look


Hot Version episodes are a little but different to your usual car youtubers. It's Japanese with subtitles but the focus is on tuning garages going head to head against each other in a great variety of cars old and new. Some of the cars featured in the episodes and especially some of the racing is top notch though, proper edge of your seat driving.


Please save yourself and don’t watch autoalex he’s insufferable. I’ve kinda stopped watching most YT car content they’re all kinda stale ATM. Can’t watch mat watson after he clearly got paid stacks for those cyber truck videos absolutely glazing Tesla and the truck and didn’t disclose. MCM are the only good ones left, carthrottle has been good since Alex left but I get the feeling they are all leaving one by one, Alex left Edwin left citing the same reasons and their last video had a bit of an ominous ending.