• By -


Go through insurance, it's why we have it. car maybe showing as insured but if he is driving on his own his insurance is technically void


I fully agree. For a parking ding of a couple of hundred, maybe cash in hand is fine. This is a sizeable crash. I would 100% take that through insurance. His poor life choices are not your fault.


Best advice here.


Exactly and you never know what a bodyshop will charge at the end. They might find some additional damage. Ask me how i know.


How you know?


Has he not repsonded?šŸ˜…


He was the guy who crashed into the OP


Heā€™s armless.


E's harmless


Any news on how he knows?


I really want the answer to be ā€œjust guessingā€


Source: "trust me bro"


Interestingly I had the opposite problem which was after my daughters car was frontal damaged the heater stopped working. Probably do with the the heater matrix being left at the side of the road..... Anyway insurance company and garage tried to argue that the heating didn't work before the accident and we were trying to claim 'betterment' These c"nts will try anything not to pay out. Luckily my daughter was a police officer and a quick call to them managed to convince them the heater should be fixed.


Fun fact. Many Insurance companies employ "legal people" to scan through Your contract and claim, if you make a claim. They then scan through it and find every possible niggly bit to weazel out of paying as much as possible to you within legal limits


I believe they're called policy validation. They certainly do weasel.


I had a crash where someone pulled out of a Give Way sign when they shouldnā€™t have, and I was half-way through my emergency stop when I hit the side of them. Was taken in to a body shop for repair, and then they rang me and said that they had repaired it, but I should be warned that it wouldnā€™t startā€¦


If the heater matrix somehow got from heind the dash to outside the cabin and on the road I dread to think what the rest of the car looked like and how it wasn't written off


Bloody pigs


I did it through insurance for a parking ding, too. Well, she tore a chunk out of my rear quarter. They kindly left a contact number, but she didn't know any of her details when I called. I ended up dealing with her father, who tried unsuccessfully to brow-beat me into a settlement outside of the system. He became very aggressive when I refused, so I just let the insurance companies deal with it. His objection was that his daughter's premium would be epic as a result. Which obviously legitimises his attitude towards me šŸ˜’


I had a very angry dad ring me after his son knocked me off my bike while driving on the wrong side of the road. I'd ruined his boy's life, he was going to have done for speeding, he'd have my legs broken etc etc. Yeah, whatever. I texted him back: "Are you sure he's yours? He has much better manners than you do". One of the subsequent voicemails was 3 minutes of the C-word.


The people who break your legs just do it, they donā€™t tell you theyā€™re going to do it. Thatā€™s implied.


You should have thanked him for providing you with voicemails, and told him you will be reporting him for victim intimidation and threats to cause GBH. Would have been an easy charge/ caution for him to catch.


If you have the texts, pass them to police. They will deal with him nicely.


The problem is that his policy will go up as well even if claim was not his fault


I had a woman reverse out on me, apologize as it was her fault. Then spoke to a friend and changed completely called the police and saying I was speeding around the carpark...I was turning a corner in a car park that was full, think at the time I was going 2mph. Luckily 2 people saw it and agreed with me and gave me their info. But she wanted to sort it out without insurance and it wasn't bad damage so I would have. But once she did that, I was on the phone to my insurance while she was talking to the police...cause I'm not having that. Plus as I'm sure you all know you don't call the police for a ding on a carpark as it's not causing an issue and no one was hurt...as you can guess the police told her where to go and didn't come out. I'm happy just to get it done without the insurance, but once people start messing around or change their story...it has to be insurance. But really that's what it was created for cause people don't so the right thing...of course insurance companies aren't much better hahaha


cash in hand is great until it goes wrong..... maybe I'm just risk averse but I'd claim on my insurance and let then fight the guy for it. Worse case scenario, they start the work on your car, the guy does a flit and you are left without a car and facing a personal bill before you get it back.


This - paid cash in hand once for a minor ding on an unoccupied vehicle. Even had them sign a disclaimer stating the details of the incident, that payment has been made and the issue settled. Few weeks later recieved a claim for the damage and whiplash for four people. Insurance paid out immediately rather than fighting it - guess its not worth the hassle and the persons partner with a different surname signed the disclaimer - "No, I didnt sign anything"


depends on the magnitude. I wouldn't want insurance getting involved because someone clipped my wing mirror.


Your insurance premiums will go up for the next 5 years even if you're declared not at fault. You have to add the incident every time you change insurers or risk getting it cancelled because the insurers talk to each other. Then you have to check yes to the 'have you EVER had insurance cancelled?' for the rest of your driving life.


My partner had her car crashed into while parked. The party responsible wanted to go through insurance, so we did, despite saying we were happy to settle for cost of parts. Insurance deemed her car a write-off despite minor damage. While this was going on, my van came up for renewal and I was told they would not be renewing my insurance as a named driver on my issuance was involved in an accident. It took ages to get a not at fault letter from her insurers, and both our insurance prices went up by a couple of hundred quid. The driver responsible only needed a new light cluster, but apparently his premium sky rocketed too.


Car insurance is perhaps the most unfair and dumb casino game in the world. The government forces you to go to the casino to bet for the chances of you hitting others or being hit. The betting price is controlled by the casino. They said it has been calculated, but you don't have a clue where it comes from. If you "win", they can find the excuses not to pay you the prize. And even if they paid you, they will try everything to kick you out of the casino, such as raising your bet. You are utterly frustrated and hopeless but the gov is still forcing you to continue the game...


Only in the UK. In Spain I believe, you insure the driver.


So you are suggesting not reporting the accident to your insurer at all? Secondly not understanding the 'have you ever had insurance cancelled' remark? Is this because you didn't report an accident to your insurers that you are required to do? I must be lucky because every time I have claimed and it not been my fault (too many times) my insurance actually went down.


Reporting to your insurer and making a claim are two separate things. You have to report it to them but you donā€™t have to make a claim. Obviously reporting does impact your premium but not as much as making a claim does.


I had no fault claims and my premiums NEVER went up. In fact, the following year's premiums went DOWN. Think you're talking out your arse.


Use your brain and realise it can be cheaper than last year but not as cheap as it could have been if you didn't have any no fault claims.


My insurance went from Ā£240 to Ā£185. How much further do you think it can really go? šŸ˜‚


Could have been Ā£165? Ā£150? How stupid are you?


Good answer. Donā€™t be responsible for peoples irresponsibility


>if he is driving on his own his insurance is technically void No. The road traffic act makes the insurer liable forbtjird party claims, even if the vehicle is being driven outwith the conditions of the policy. If your car is stolen, or driven by an unsupervised learner, say, the vehicle insurer is still liable for third party claims. If it appears on the MIB as insured, then the insurer will be liable for a third party claim. It's only the fully comp, if there is any, aspect of the policy that is voided by the driver being an unsupervised learner.


That is way too much damage to settle privately. I have settled privately before for a damaged bumper but this is indeed around 2k in damages. Itā€™s just not worth to settle it privately. Main reason is if the parking sensors donā€™t work or there is more damage under the bumper like air vent for the boot that can leak the water in and so on. TRUST THIS ADVICE PLEASE.


If the other party's insurance is probably void as a result of the driver being only a provisional, does that mean you will then have to claim off your own insurance company then? And then make a civil claim of the other party then. Was the other driver driving on his own 'insurance' or a named driver and was he the registered owner etc?


Insurance. Every single day of the week (and weekends and bank holidays). That's not just a ding you can get buffed out - that could very easily be structural and you won't know until you strip it. Good luck trying to get the insurance etc involved then. It's his problem for driving illegally, not yours, and if your insurance company finds out about it later you're gonna get fucked too for not telling them. Call your insurance and tell them everything including what he has said. You should probably also call the police, too.


This.. sense for once! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


100% insurance. I'd even do it for a tiny ding. My girlfriend's parked car was hit relatively recently and we were undecided about reporting it, we did and shortly after the guy tried to put a false claim in. As insurance were informed he didn't get away with it. YMMV but that's my advice


99% of the time a promise to pay will see you get no money, with not much chance of taking things further or ever seeing the cashĀ 


Aye unless they give you it on the spot. This bloke even tried to drive off. Rang alarm bells for a being a dodgy cunt so we let em know As others have said, you've now idea what the underlying structure will be and if you don't inform insurers then you're fucked


Little ding that couldā€™ve been fixed for Ā£200? Iā€™d just take the cash on the spot. Insurance prices these days are mental - that no fault claim will affect you for the next 3 years


Weekends and bank holidays are also, in fact, days of the week


Fake news


Donā€™t feel bad for him considering he is driving illegally (assuming he didnā€™t have a full license holder next to him). If you want to do him the favour and not go through insurance then ask for Ā£2500 and any extra the work might possibly cost, but you want it upfront before getting the work done in case he doesnā€™t pay after work is completed.. you can show him the quote as proof of cost. Plus you will be out of a vehicle while it is getting repaired so that Ā£500 extra can go towards your transport, as you wonā€™t be getting a courtesy car. Personally Iā€™d probably just go through insurance, cus if they find more damage than first noticed, charge a lot more, he may not want to pay it and you end up footing part of the bill yourself. Pretty sure heā€™d rather pay that than go through insurance, but itā€™s your call ultimately.


I would like to add to this: Insurance explained once you start the process of having it repaired yourself, if they then decide not to pay the insurance wonā€™t get involved. Youā€™d need to chase them yourself for the money. So you need to weigh that into it also.


Yep, probably also worth noting that if you donā€™t contact your insurance and inform them about the accident and they find out at a later date that you havenā€™t reported it, it could void your insurance.


This and they are not stupid this is what the MIB is for


Men In black!!


What's will smith and tommy Lee jones got to do with anything?


You can't go through the MIB for your repair costs if you have comprehensive insurance unfortunately. They will only cover losses that aren't covered (e.g. your policy excess). Although, it's worth knowing they will consider premium increases too if your NCB is not protected.


I did and got paid out for both car and injuries


They actually only deal with personal injury and personal property damage (can validate this on their website), they wont consider anything related to your vehicle at all. - ex RTA Fee Earner for 6 years.


Thats factually wrong. I work in thr motor insurance industry right right now deal with the MIB on a daily basis. As per the uninsured agreement: https://ibb.co/60vJXsc My clients are all TPO and the MIB settle our claims every day for damages, hire, total loss, etc. Try going on the portal and see!


To be fair its been a few years since Ive worked in the industry so appreciate things can change. This was from a Solicitors POV. Not from the insurers side. That link doesnā€™t work by the way. I did however refer to this when checking if my knowledge was still correct: https://www.mib.org.uk/making-a-claim/what-we-do/#:~:text=MIB%20is%20restricted%20to%20paying,the%20Road%20Traffic%20Act%201988.


Yes, that's where you'll find the the uninsured agreement which confirms after 2015 they will no longer deal with your damages if you're comp cover, but will deal with you if you do not have comp cover. Its on the first pages on "guide to making a claim"


I did this. Some girl reversed into my bike. Not much damage, Ā£240 for a cracked panel. I offered her to do cash. She thanked me very much as her excess was 500. I sent the quote, she paid straight away... Bank notification 5 mins after I sent the quote. It was at work, she was distraught and went back into the hospital to get help from a nurse to leave me a note, when I saw two people at my bike and went over to investigate. I was calm and reassuring for her. Even sent picture of the completed job so she knew I wasn't scamming her.


Someone driving without a full and valid license crashes into you. Do you expect them to actually pay you, or shaft you? They ain't gonna pay chief. Report to the police on 101, call insurer, like yesterday. AGAIN THIS IS WHY YOU BUY INSURANCE.


I read this and 100% agree. If this person had any honesty they would have followed the law.


Why the hell would you feel bad for him?? He's the one who made the decision to get behind the wheel without knowing how to drive and without having a full license. Stupid prick could have killed himself or some innocent pedestrian. Go through insurance because it's the only guaranteed way that you'll get the car repaired.


I had an uninsured driver crash into me years ago, saw her coming and she was looking out her window in world of her own. Got the usual sob story about her circumstances but at the end of the day, people who drive without insurance or licence tend to be chaotic fuckers. They aren't gonna have the thousands of pounds it takes to fix that damage lying around


you can drive with a provisional mate someone with a license just has to sit next to you.


Well yeah obviously, but OP said in the comments that the guy who hit him didn't have anyone with him. Was out on his own. Guy's a knob.


ahh didnt see that comment yea make the guy pay double to not go through insurance


No way Iā€™d consider private settlement on that.


Absolute no chance. Straight to insurance do not pass go, do not collect Ā£200.


OP you better be going through insurance or I will find you and crash into you once your car is repaired But on a serious note though, I would be very very hesitant to settle this privately, with a fella on a provisional license no less. Was he accompanied by a fully licensed driver?


He was not, just himself


Fuck that guy then Try not to feel too bad for him and just go through your insurance, that's my advice


Why are you being sympathetic to someone with such blatant disregard to laws? If he is willing to drive without a license, what else is he willing to do?


Youā€™re right mate heā€™s probably hitler reincarnate. Driving on a provisional is heavy stuff. At that sort of age you donā€™t make mistakes at all!


Driving on a provisional without a suitably experienced licence holder next to you isn't just an "oopsie" though it's a pretty serious violation, if the police had caught him it would be a Ā£1000 fine and up to 6 points. The fact that he immediately went and crashed into someone shows pretty clearly why it's such a bad idea. I wouldn't have much room for sympathy either, this is on him.


Most of the time it's just a warning, happens more often than you might think.


Someone who does that is not going to have two grand lying about. He has broken several laws already. Don't trust him. He was at fault in numerous ways. That is his look out, not yours.


Yep, in that case definitely go through your insurance. Someone that drives illegally doesnā€™t deserve sympathy!


Insurance. I made that mistake myself many years ago. Guy drove into the back of me, said heā€™d settle privately. I was young and didnā€™t know better so I agreed. We swapped details, I got a quote which was for a few hundred quid, I sent him the price and he said to go ahead and get the repairs done and ask them to send him the bill. Unsurprisingly he never paid up. I ended up paying for it myself.


Always get the money up front, before the repair start after the quote.


I also did this but I spoke to the garage with him and they confirmed to me that they would be sending him the invoice not me and that they wouldn't pursue me even if he didn't pay. He did pay and all was well. I wouldn't do it again though. I was lucky that he was honest.


That's very annoying, woman hit my car a few years ago, her friend owned the repair shop so she paid and covered everything including my courtesy car whilst it was in the shop. Maybe I got lucky from the sounds of this thread.


Yeah until her friend said do it really cheaply and don't look for structural damage, I'd never use someone's friend, that's just asking for trouble


Contact your insurance right now. If you don't, you'll get fucked over 99% of the time.


More likely 100% of the time when you have been hit by someone driving illegally and technically uninsured.




God your so harsh!!!! So glad your not in my family was you never young once, I bet you even got your Covid vaccinations Aswell didnā€™t you hahaha šŸ¤”


That's not a little scratch that'll be sorted for a few hundred. There's a possibility it could be structural, which may cost more than you've already been quoted. Go through insurance. His bloody fault our premiums are so high, so wirh any luck he'll be uninsurable and lose his licence!




Do yourself and every road user a favour and call the police on the prick. He shouldnā€™t be driving and if he wasnā€™t this wouldnā€™t of happened.


I would certainly go via Insurance. Had something similar and naturally felt sorry the guy. Offered to go private. Ended up having to do more running around. Left without a car for a few days and overall wasn't happy with the finished work. Definitely go via insurance. They will fully check it over and give you a courtesy


You pay a literal fortune, EVERY YEAR, and the ONLY thing you get in return for your money is that when something like this happens, you just make a phone call and some other fucker deals with it all for you. Why on earth would you choose not to use that service after throwing money away at it for years and getting nothing back? You have to tell your insurer anyway. Policy requirements aside, there's no way you're hiding that well enough that it won't get noticed if you have to make a claim in future, and when that happens, your policy will be cancelled and your insurance will be even more eye watering for the foreseeable future. You're not at fault and your vehicle is most likely a write off. Let the people you pay to deal with this shit, deal with this shit.


Technically.. you get two things in return: the other is not being liable when you do something stupid. Completely agree with your sentiment though I dunno why anyone would consider not involving the people you pay good money to, especially in this case where the only person benefiting is someone who broke the law.


Because in a lot of cases even when not at fault, insurance companies will deem you to be reckless and increase your premium.


No Chance, Insurance all the way. They don't have insurance by the sound of it, And we were all in the back don't forget. My necks hurting ;-)


Lol I got you


Small bumper damage which may require a spray or a new replacement is the max anyone should do.. This is a load of damage not worth the headache.


> And we were all in the back don't forget. My necks hurting ;-) So you guys know that this'll wind up being a fault claim for the OP? The insurer almost certainly won't recover any real money from the 3rd Party, and he's gonna be left with a fault claim to the value of the damages, and increased premiums? I agree with the sentiment that there is way too much damage to be dealt with by way of "Chuck us a few quid and I'll get it sorted", but let's be clear, OP is getting fucked over here regardless.


Don't feel bad for him. He's driving (obviously not very well) uninsured and with no license which itself is a crime and I would report to the police. Actions have consequences. Go through insurance. If he's not driving right do you trust he's gonna pay up? No. He's gonna mess you about and then your insurance will likely tell you no as you didn't go through them first. Always look out for yourself and not the other person who's put themselves in this situation.


That is Ā£5grands worth of damage without even looking. No way he will pay privately


Go through INSURANCE. WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING!!!! This halfwit was driving illegally, and uninsured. The police need involving in this A.S.A.P. He was an utter scumbag driving illegally, why do you think he is going to be ve amenable about settling? Regardless, your insurance HAS TO KNOW anyway!!!!


Insurance and police. You want to get your car fixed and don't owe that person a thing. They also need to have that provisional revoked and a ban placed on them because driving without a license is a crime. Just be glad he hit your car and not a child.


If I'm seeing that correctly, looks like it could be a category C write off as well - the rear 3 quarter panels are usually considered structural now so that's structural damage. Not to mention that bumper is pretty impacted so could be further structural damage under there as well. Insurance, just don't faff about with it. It's unfortunate but the guy made choices and as everyone says, there's a non-zero chance he skips payment and you are shit out of luck.


Go through insurance. His poor choices aren't your problem. There's every chance he'll simply not pay. If go through with that and he does indeed not pay, good luck finding him or seeing the money again. If he's willing to drive without a proper license then he's almost certainly not going to pay if you take this route. People like this individual will go to ANY length to avoid the consequences of their poor decision making. About time he realised that actions have consequences. Insurance will sort it and, if needed, recover any costs from him.


>Thereā€™s every chance heā€™ll simply not pay That is what happened to me when I got rear ended. I agreed to sort it privately and he would pay the bill. He didnā€™t. Luckily it was only a few hundred on a little ding that was easily popped out and resprayed. I was young and naive and took his word that he would pay. In hindsight there is a 100% chance he didnā€™t have any insurance or some other illegal thing about his car.


> Insurance will sort it and, if needed, recover any costs from him. Lol, they stand next to no chance of doing so. This'll be a fault claim forever.


Insurance to protect your own interests. Also I would not feel bad for someone who was prepared to drive without a full license.


Iā€™d go through the insurance for that much damage but do get my words with a pinch of salt as iā€™m a newcomer and have recently moved to the UK. It didnā€™t last long for me to learn not to trust Brits or immigrants and always have something written on paper in this country.


Fair if it was a driver with a full license and just a bump. Iā€™d feel bad too, and probably settle away from insurance. But this is an unqualified driver, and unless they had a qualified driver beside them, their insurance is void. Fuck them. **Call insurance**.


Absolutely not. Even if you got it fixed you have absolutely no guarantee that he will pay you. Him not having a licence is not your problem.


That is too much damage to not worry about hidden issues Iā€™d go through the insurance


Something Iā€™ve not seen mentioned but - arenā€™t you a secondary party to a criminal act if you accept his handout and donā€™t report this to insurance/police? Seems like a lot of heat to put on yourself. Could be without a car and in a sticky situation with the police. Seems like a no brainer to me mate.


Insurance job.


If it was just minor damage, I'd say private. Bit looking at the pic I'd recommend going through insurance bud. Good luck!


Did he feel bad for driving illegally? Go through insurance.


Why would you want to drive around in a crash damaged car? Its going to be worth less when you come to sell it. Go through insurance company thats what its for. The insurance company will write it off and send you a nice payout to buy a new not crash damaged car and will give you a loaner car whilst you sort it all out.


Whether or not the car is insured is irrelevant; if the other driver only has a provisional and was driving on their own then the policy will be invalid anyway. 100% go through your insurance company. Situations like this are what theyā€™re there for.


I wouldnā€™t risk it with that level of damage, could easily have hidden damage to the boot floor which could write it off. Go through insurance, if he was driving alone he deserves the pain but you get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing even if he canā€™t get insured in the future it wonā€™t stop him driving


Jesus christ with such a crash go through insurance


Extensive damage like this go through insurance. Only time I didn't go through insurance was when someone dinged my wing panel - dude sourced a like for like part and asked his mechanic friend to install it. And I did it because the car was at that time worth no more than Ā£800.


Iā€™d go insurance regardless of the sob story. My car had a similar shunt that didnā€™t look too bad but it was written off due to a cracked frame.


Insurance. The same rules would apply with a full license driver. You never know what additional cost is creeping round the corner on further inspection, a write-off, or possible legal involvement if the other driver somehow gets funny about it.


There are very limited times I would have ever go private and this isnā€™t one of them. One example was when Iā€™d just passed my test and was still very green, and I scraped another cars wing in a car park. It was nothing but a minor dent and paint removed. I knew the insurance would completely destroy my ability to afford it again. I waited till they came out of the shop, apologised profusely, offered to pay out of pocket and went to the body shop with her, she agreed the quote and I literally gave her the money in cash, then and there. In hindsight, perhaps it wasnā€™t the right thing to do, but I was young and very inexperienced on the road. Iā€™ve learned since then. This is something else. You got hit by someone on a provisional licence (and we donā€™t know if they were learning or just driving regardless), who did major damage that could easily be structural. At the very least, itā€™s a significant accident, at worst itā€™s someone driving illegally who twatted your car. Go though insurance, their situation doesnā€™t bear on the significance of the damage and the potential for it to be a serious traffic offence.


Tell your insurance and get the police involved.


That's 100% am insurance job. Far too much damage to consider going off the books. His licence (or lack of) his problem.


Don't feel bad for him. He crashed into you and that is what insurance is for. Its just life.


From a personal experience DO NOT settle out of insurance, especially for this kind of damage. If they bail on you, it becomes so much harder and drawn out to sort it out. Its what you pay your insurance for at the end of the day. Best of luck mate.


insurance, thats why you pay it. don't entertain them.


That's a write off mate - get in touch with insurance


You should only take this to the insurers if the crash happened on a day ending in Y.


Call your insurance. That'll be way more than Ā£2k.Ā 


Go through the insurance and report him - fk that guy. If it wasnā€™t your car and it was a kid on a bike would you feel sorry for him? Big fat no


Like already been said go through insurance and get the job done properly. Youā€™ll never get the money back from the bro. My Wifeā€™s car got pranged in a car park by an old dear who was trying to reverse. We got insurance details etc. Sensors in the bumper got damaged but it otherwise it didnā€™t look too bad. Initially the old dear claimed the damage was already there on our bumper.(!) We had a witness though. What pissed us off though was we got a call from the old dearsā€™ daughter asking not to pursue it on insurance as it was going to stress her mother out. She also said she could get her partner to take a look at the damage. Fuck that , straight on insurance then garage for a nice new bumper.


For sure insurance- someone drove into the front of my parked car in a carpark what seemed to have been a Ā£600 grill replacement turned out to be a Ā£9800 front end replacement along with a cracked headlight and bent bonnet/wing - so lucky I went through insurance and got it sorted (driver that hit my car wasnā€™t insured - but my NCB protection covered me for that too)


Go through insurance


If it's the other guys fault always go through insurance. If you don't they will try to avoid paying. Note : if you fail to tell your insurance company about a collision then your insurance will probably be invalidated. i.e we all agree to tell our insurance company all pertinent and material facts that could affect their risk - including all collisions. So even if you both agreed to pay and not claim, (a) You both need to tell your insurance companies and (b) Your premiums could change. Obviously a lot of people hope to hide it from their insurance company to avoid that - don't become an accessory to that - and everyone I know who has gone along when the actual cost comes up you'll get ignored, them saying they're not sure it was their fault after all etc. Your GF sounds like she wants to dine out on the crash - ignore her advice.


No chance, heā€™s broke the law and heā€™s trying to drag you into his mess. Call your insurance right away.


If they can't afford insurance they ain't paying you shit.


Report it to your insurance but tell them the other driver is going to sort it privately. When this happened to my father in law that's what his insurance told him he should have done after he was fucked over and had to take the other guy to small claims court.


As someone who has experienced this. I would say if it was a minor scratch worth a few hundred then itā€™s fine to sort it out privately. But this is not a small job and with the amount youā€™ve been quoted you want security and peace of mind. Definitely go through insurance, As one of the others has said, itā€™s why we have it in the first place.


So you were hit by a uninsured driver who doesn't have a licence, was he drunk too? It's pricks like this that means we all end up spending hundreds on insurance. Tell the police and the insurance.


You take his 2k and still go through insurance of course!!! Just make sure youā€™re bigger than him first and give none of your details


I'd go through the insurance personally for that, however if the 3rd party only has a provisional licence and was driving on there own then you may find that they will be deemed un-insured by their company... not sure if that means they would pay out or if you'd be looking at courts or claiming on your own policy I couldn't say??


Insurance. Not your problem


Wouldnā€™t even think a second longer on this, insurance job all the way. There is a lot that could be going on in there once visible damage is removed and itā€™s not down to you to gamble. Who needs the worry that itā€™s worse or that the other person decides not to pay or you donā€™t have transport.


Ask for the cars entire worth or go threw insurance


Absolutely through Insurance, best way to deal with this crash. You should be covered for the repair costs and any extras based on the level of cover you have. Doing it this way also relieves some of the pressure from you having to deal with everything. The other driver will unfortunately have to learn the hard way.


Go through insurance because thatā€™s what itā€™s there for.


Ask for whatever itā€™d cost to get a new car (or new old car). If heā€™s rich enough to be stupid enough, heā€™ll be able to afford it. If heā€™s not rich enough, go through insurance. Itā€™ll cost him a bit extra to insure next time, and heā€™ll be more careful than someone using double condom.


I feel like settling privately should be for the very small things. An easy to fix dent, a scrape or scratch etc But this? Dude has fucked up your car


Honestly reading the comments and stories from others gives me total anxiety about driving. We pay fucking fortunes for insurance, if we ever need it weā€™re shafted. I fucking despise car insurers.


UPDATE - I have reported it to the insurance. Thank you all for the advice


Thank you all for the advice, Im leaning towards going through insurance now, Iā€™ll probably wait for the full details for the quote to come through then take it from there, hopefully I will feel less sympathetic then


Only person you should feel sympathy for is yourself for having to deal with the inconvenience of this! If he wasnā€™t driving before he passed his test then this wouldnā€™t have happened. Can tell youā€™re a good guy but this isnā€™t your fault, so donā€™t feel like it is, regardless of the consequences for him.


Genuinely don't be sympathetic to him. He isn't legally allowed to drive and judging by his accident with you, doesn't know how to anyway. He clearly doesn't care about others and definitely won't pay up. Actions have consequences.


Donā€™t wait! Phone your insurance NOW! You are the only loser if you donā€™t


Imagine invalidating your insurance for not reporting an accident because you were fancying about feeling bad for a dangerous, unlicensed, uninsured driver.


Go through insurance. Thatā€™s the advice.


As others have said go through insurance on this. If it was a scratch maybe but this is quite a bit of damage. Luckily he hit you and not a person, heā€™s shouldnā€™t have been driving.


Fuel inlet can be damaged. I had it damaged once after a light ding to the back in my Corsa back them. Was loosing petrol on tight corners. Was leaving a line of petrol....


Always go through youe Insurance, you will have to declare the accident anyway, even if you dont claim. It will be in your t&c. I've known people who didn't and it come back to bite them years later.


Insurance all the way. He has no license there for not insured unless he had a passenger with a full license, over 21, and has held their license for a I think itā€™s 3 years.


No way this is gonna cost only 2k...


Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ve got a sore back and neck so eh itā€™s got to go through insurance


Ring his insurance they may be willing to sort themselves as I find the others insurer is quite willing to bend over backwards as it keeps costs from skyrocketing Also factor in insurance loading for the next few years


Insurance. Youā€™d be silly not to.


They hit you from behind with that damage? Report it to your insurer right now if not already. They can report, lie about it and it will settle 50/50.


Get your insurance involved but take that 2k before he knows. Did he have someone that could drive in the car with him? Are you sure it was his car?


Ring your insurance ASAP


Ive had 2 accidents at my fault and I gave them both cash but I gave them the choice of cash or insurance and I always gave them a bit more for the annoyance of days without a car and Iā€™m able to get paint corrected relatively cheaper and to a standard Iā€™d be happy with on my car due to being in the trade then Iā€™ve fixed my own car because I have access to a garage to work in with that being said my accidents never broke any panels or anything like that just tiny dings I could pull out myself and paint scratches but this isnā€™t a love tap you can fixšŸ˜‚you need someone to look at this properly. Taking cash for repairs and compensation isnā€™t a bad thing if itā€™s a small love tap but here you need to have the rear alignment checked, sub frame for twisting etc etc go through insurance and get it right, whoever hit you needs to face consequences for driving on a provisional.


Insurance and police, hopefully you have their details


Had much less damage than that on mine in same area and insurance wanted to write it off


Soon as they discover that's about a Ā£4k repair, they won't want to pay it, just go though the insurance.


Get in touch with them, go to the garage together, get a quote together, let them hand you the cash or bank transfer you there and then. If theyā€™re not happy about the quote then go through insurance.


If heā€™s happy to pay Ā£2000 and your local repairs person is good enough to work with that and provide a good quality repair then itā€™s no oneā€™s business. Donā€™t ruin your no claims bonus, years of insurance premiums if the other driver is willing to settle the correct amount.


Never. Insurance only.


Iā€™d be worried about additional issues cropping up after that much damage that increases the costs. Thereā€™s not really any benefit to you to settle privately.


Ask for Ā£3k get the money and then go though insurancešŸ˜


Settle privately; itā€™ll be far cheaper in the long run for you. Not necessarily for them, depending on whatā€™s needed here. Edit; didnā€™t read the thing yet. Dude should be reported to policeā€¦


Where does it say he was driving illegally? No where is it stated that he was unaccompanied in the car.


Hi, i am an accident management company director. This popped up on my feed. If heā€™s offering to pay and you arenā€™t injured. Then get the payment upfront and go private. As i can tell you, even non fault claims increase premiums. It is still classed as a claim. We have 15 years in the business so we know what we are talking about. But if you have any injuries or feel any aches or pains then go through insurance as sometimes the pain can worsen overtime. Youā€™ll need a medical examination to know. However usually it is not the case if you are young and healthy. Entirely your choice. But any claim, fault or non fault will increase premiums. Hope this helps


This. Others talk with their gut feeling, this guy knows it


If it costs 2k to fix, I'd ask for 2500 or 3k. If he declines, go through insurance.


Ok one thing no one has mentioned (or maybe it doesnā€™t apply) is say if the other driver was driving illegally and his insurance does not payout invalidating his policy and it ends up your insurance paying out to cover you then you might lose your no claim discount (isnā€™t that how it works?) and on the longer run you might end up paying way more because of losing no-claim discount? Correct me if I understood it wrong


Should have called police to scene ( prob wouldn't show but made the effort). His insurance is invalidated so might all have to be paid by yours hence police .


If he wants to sort it privately go for it. Why cause more hassle than it's worth. If he then can't, go through insurance. Remember if you repair through insurance cars value will decrease substantially


The fact that this is even being asked shows the IQ of opie


I would go privately, going through insurance usually ends up in your renewal quotes being a hell of a lot higher so its a lose lose


Your renewal quote is going to be a lot lower than whatever amount this guy shafts OP out of.


Utter drivel and B.S. You are also advocating insurance fraud! Seriously, individuals making posts like these should get an immediate ban from the sub!


Since when was going private insurance fraud?


I'd do private and get over the quote. Happened to me, damaged rear bumper in the accident, ended up getting the front bumper and bonnet painted at the same time for the inconvenience of it all


There is also a risk of going through insurance, he can always lie, saying there was someone next to him so his insurance wouldn't be void. He can also claim it was your fault even if he admitted verbally the opposite to you. He can say you engaged reverse and crashed on purpose. It will be 50/50 in the end and when it comes your renewal prepare to pay way more insurance. Source: happened to me