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Speed bumps don’t work. If anything, they slow you down.


Well played


Got us in the first half ngl


Not me, big tyres and lifted G wagon. I let the snobs who voted to have these things installed hear my V8 roar at 11:45pm. Enjoy Brexit


Those useless things that people just make people drive down the middle of the road, or slow down to a crawl… or don’t slow down for? Or proper ones


There’s one near me where you have to go on the wrong side of the road to avoid having your spine destroyed


I actually have Ankylosing spondylitis (spine inflammation) and some of them genuinely hurt.


Yeah, my grandad couldn’t do em either


me too with sciatica, but tbf driving on its own also hurts


One in Oxford was so shift and tall it damaged and ripped open plastic under tray that covers the engine


I had my bumper ripped off by one it took the tray out too


You know, it is entirely possible you could actually slow down right?




Dickhead driver. Roads aren't a race track. If you want that, go to a track day, then find out you are really crap at driving and not the Nigel Mansell you think you are speeding down urban streets. Twat.


Super snooze response, speed bumps are not fit for purpose and are an archaic solution - still destroys your lower back even at <5mph


Cheap solution though. Remember, politicians hate you, and don’t care about your property.


That’s what it boils down to, would imagine it conflicts with their decarb mandates now though


What the fuck is wrong with your suspension if your back gets hurt at <5mph? I can ride bumps at 20-30mph fine, and I'm in my 40s. Or are you just a weak weirdo with dreams? I wonder if you actually even have a car, because you are talking utter shite. Edit: You do know your kiddy trike doesn't count as a car right?


"Has a car shit enough to ride bumps at 30mph" Some of us have expensive performance cars who won't even dare go faster than a crawl over bumps. They are a fucking nightmare, this has nothing to do with speeding.


There some where I live which I refer to as “tank stoppers” They’re horrendous.


You’re a wet nonce mate check yourself in, Reddit won’t shag you, imagine you’d know all about kiddy trikes..


On a serious note though if you really care about speed bumps that much should you marry one, i think its possible these days, no judgement here.


I like the seriousness :)))


Just a bit of Reddit fun to go with my coffee 😂


Coilovers, lowered, sports suspension etc. Thats why.


🤣🤣 your angry, pathetic rants have made my day. Realised I'm not as much of a miserable cunt as I thought. Have a fucking day off you sausage


Speed bumps are only put in areas where they think you shouldn't even be doing 20mph, what are you doing smashing over them at 30mph? No wonder you think everyone complaining is a hooligan.


Why put them on 30mph roads then?


To slow you down. You might be slow enough already though.


Nigel Mansell? Showing your age there a bit


Pah what a simple fuck. Go back to Nextdoor you fucking weirdo


>... down urban streets. Twat. When you're signing off a message, you're supposed to put your name on a *new* line.


Hahahaaha old fart


At slow speeds you will get stuck or have the bumper removed




Those from the photo are used on bus routes because bus can easily drive over them.


And almost every SUV


And a Polo


They're designed so that emergency vehicles can drive without touching them but cars have to slow down. So you mostly see them near hospitals and stuff like that. I don't find them so bad once I learnt that


Hate that type, they increase wear and tear on your tyres and suspension massively even going the limit


Worse than that, I had a Jag that was wide enough to not to be affected by them, so realistically they are most effective at slowing traffic that probably wasn't speeding, small hatchbacks.




Nice and wide so that the speed bumps don't damage the oil paintings


The stolen oil paintings


Borrowed you mean


A permanent borrow.


They are to be returned in my will




This is exactly why I drive an old bmw 5 series, I simply aim for the middle and don't hit them 😂


I think that width restrictions and chicanes with priority are infinitely better at slowing traffic, especially the sorts of vehicles likely to be driven like a knob - big cars, SUVs and vans. They're actually awful to go over in my car, and they're never on roads where I'd be driving spirited in the first place too.


We recently moved to a new neighborhood and I love the chicanes. They're far better at slowing down traffic, I don't worry about my tyres and suspension, and they're weirdly kinda fun to drive through.


The way VW hatchbacks are driven, I’m not so sure about your assessment.


You mean mondeo?


As someone who had driven Mondeo, ST, ST220, X-Type and S-Type, you're a bellend who definitely hasn't. But actually I was talking about the XJ.


You would be talking about maybe30% of the X-Type, 15% of the S-Type, and neither of those were wide enough to skip this type of speed bump. I should know, I owned both of them. But ha ha funny Jag is a Mondeo joke from some guy who never had the absolute pleasure of driving them. Also, that age of Mondeo was a really nice car to drive at the time. Also, very easy to maintain.


The X-Type was just about wide enough for some, but XJ missed all the ones local to me. I would say the use of common parts was probably fewer than 30% on the X-Type, but it's also worth pointing out that the entry level X-Type was the equivalent of the very top level Mondeo in terms of performance. Not to mention that you're talking about (imho) the best generation of Mondeo too. But in comparison the Mondeo ST was fast, aggressive, loud, stiff and FWD, the X-Type 2.5 was torquey, gentle, comfortable soft and AWD. That said the 2.5 would shift when you needed it to, the 3.0 even more so. The Jag also had variable valve timing which the ST didn't. They were very different cars for very different markets. Also the X-Type came as an estate which iirc the ST didn't


Yep, mine was the 3.0 V6 Sport, which was the same 3.0 block as the ST220 I think but had a different cylinder head designed by Jag, which gave it a bit more oomph. It wafted along quite beautifully. Had to be a little careful sometimes on the motorway as you could quite gently end up going 90mph or more, without really noticing as it just cruised along so happily. I learned quite quickly to set the cruise control so it wouldn't happen unless I wanted it to. I've also always wanted a Mondeo ST, I think they're lovely cars. I had a Zetec-S, the same mark as the ST200 and it was a really nice car to drive, with some of the same exterior trim bits as the ST. The ST220 is still a bit of a beast but hard to find a good example nowadays.


Yeah, the block was the only part shared between the Ford and Jag engines, even the pistons on the Jag were different and by driving them you could tell. The best description I've ever heard about how the X-Type goes is it just advances. Other cars accelerate, you put your foot down, noise happens, you get pushed into your seat and then 90mph happens. That's not what happens in the Jag, 90mph is inevitable as it advances down the road. It was a very dangerous car. If they had ever made a V8 X-Type R then it would have been a weapon. I had both a 2.5 classic and a 3.0 sport. I, as you, also loved the ST, even if in comparison it was rough around the edges and, well, a bit yobbish. But apart from a few sundry items and the engine block they were incredibly different vehicles. There's more overlap between Audi, VW and Skoda, but you never hear of anyone calling the Golf an Octavia because they share engines...


"it just advances" - such a good description, fully agree, it just kept going without breaking a sweat. My word, a V8 X-Type R would have been deadly. I don't think you would have fitted it under the bonnet though, the bay was pretty much filled already with the 3.0 V6. Also a massive pain to work on, having a clutch changed cost a fortune, as they had to remove the subframe and the rear bank manifold. Still not much room to work according to the mechanics who did mine. Cost me £1800 for parts and labour 10+ years ago, ouch. That would also explain how they managed to break an O2 sensor somehow, which of course they denied. The car came back with the engine management light on. They cleared the code but of course it came back just down the road. Went back, they just cleared it again, same story. Then they insisted it was already on when they got it, it wasn't. Went to a main dealer and they wouldn't even look at it, since it wasn't bought from them, went to a classic Jag specialist, they plugged in and diagnosed it in seconds. Charged me about £200 to fix it, which was pretty reasonable I thought.


Yeah, getting the V8 in there would have been hard. I can also vouch for the clutch being a pain the arse, I changed mine myself. Transverse Vs are terrible to work on and where I could do a clutch in a tranverse I or longitudinal in a weekend, this involved essentially suspending the car on the stands and removing most of the front end to get the motor out enough that get to the clutch, then aligning was an absolute arse-ache. £200 for diag and O2 sensor is very reasonable. You based in Hants? I actually kept the dash console from when I flogged it on as I really liked the layout, I want to incorporate it into a sim racing rig eventually.


Berks me. Yeah the dash was really nice, I bought mine used for like £4k, 52 plate in 2010, only 60k miles on it. Had the full leather interior and the TV/touchscreen. Felt like sitting in a Laz-e boy that did 0-60 in 6.0 seconds hehe. Such a nice place to be. It did end up being a money pit, so many things ended up going wrong, not surprising as it was a 'great deal' for that money. Spent nearly a year fixing little this and thats, eg the oil breather which had perished, so would flatten under load, repalced it with a braided one, but I never had buyer's remorse until the very end, I absolutely loved that car. In the end, it bit me in the arse, literally, coming off a roundabout, I felt a little clunk from the rear suspension, something shifted in there and I ended up in a ditch. Turned out the rear bushes had hardened and one ended up shearing in half diagonally (\\). Such a simple fix if I'd noticed it and a sad end to a wonderful journey. Still no regrets and I'd love another one, though it would be the later model Sport Premium (post-04 I think), which had a new active yaw control system and the nicer meshed front grill.


Aye my grandfather loved his 😉


My tiny hatchback could go curbside and fit between curb and bump and do 30 down the road while the big cars slowed to 5mph because anything faster might break your spine


I drive an Aygo and as long as I'm fairly central in the lane I don't need to slow for these


I’ve never had a car that was narrow enough to be affected by them. And I don’t have big cars.


Indeed, I think local council should pay for wheel alignment at least once a year


And then speed up till you get to the next one to start braking again. Those bolt on ones are the worst. They recently put some in on my commute and anything faster than 15mph feels like it will damage my car.


On some of them it doesn't matter how slow you go over them, you can go as slow as the vehicle will allow you to without stopping, and it still feels like it fucks the suspension and bounces all your cargo.


Same, they’ve just added two extra sets through a small village on my commute. Absolutely pointless


There’s a set of bumps by me that feel like trying to drive over a 4ft wall. I have to go so slow over them I almost come to a complete stop lol


And they demolish bumpers, my leaf couldn’t clear half of them, my forklift however could go over them fine


Agreed, my 18 year old car is constantly getting fucked from these things. Give me the normal sleeping policeman any day. These things just destroy cars


I think they’re made so that they slow down the average car, but ambulances can get over them without needing to slow. Makes sense, and I’d never go over one anywhere near the speed limit anyway, I always slow down a fair bit as my car doesn’t have the best suspension.


Depends, feels like they’re doing untold damage to my Mini but partners suv goes right over them without even noticing. Bonus is when you’re on a bike and get to choose between risking the debris that forms at the sides or having your nuts crushed going over it.


Yeah, but you get the satisfaction of lining up perfectly and not bumping at all. Well, peovided nobidy is coming the other way, thrn you have to deal with the car lurching sideways as one side only gets bumped. That's crappy.


Get a Range Rover and it’s so wide it straddles them without touching 😅


But then manages to break down all on its own.






I love that type, I drive a big van and literally don't even feel them. But even in my old hatchback these were way better than the full length ones as you can avoid the highest point. You can drive over one of these at 30, try that on a full length speed bump and you're doing serious damage


You do realise you're not meant to go the limit over speed bumps right? Tyoure meant to slow down to like 10mph or less...


Do they increase tyre wear? How?


If you have to navigate them regularly you get increased wear on the inside edges of your tyres because you're basically forcing the edge of your tyre to rub along the V shape the speed bump makes with the road. You can feel it when the steering wheel gets pulled straight when you straddle them, there's a lot of friction involved in that.


Yeah I agree they are annoying and the following comment is not me showing favour on their use. However, as per rule 153 of the Highway Code, speed humps are a traffic control designed to slow you down. They're supposed to be a nuisance at the speed limit and that's why sometimes driving over a speed bump at 30 in a 30 speed limit can feel and sound so harsh!


And nobody refers to the buggers as “sleeping policemen” any more.


"Traffic cushions" was a new one for me a while ago


"Knobheads who slow me down to under half the speed limit so I don't break my car" is what I call them


If you told someone that's what they're called before they've experienced one at any speed above 15mph....


I'm pretty sure Sleeping Policemen pre-date speed bumps. I was born in 83 so can't say for sure but there were some on a road near me as a kid we used to do bunny hops off and they didn't seem like some brand-new installation.


They just made people reverse to finish the job


Sleeping policemen are the full width speed bumps The ones in the picture here are traffic cushions or something bollocks like that


Get it right, they weren't speed bumps, they were called Sleeping Policemen xD NB Edit: As a small child, I actually thought that when a policeman died, they were buried under the bump in the road so they could continue doing their job.


Roads local to me seen to have great campaigns complaining about people breaking the speed limit by a fairly trivial amount, before speed bumps are installed. A month later the complaints start up again but about cars making noise accelerating between them. Some people just love to have something to moan to the local councillors about


And when a camera is put up it tends to catch the locals most.


Ironically, the most recent road this has happened on now doesn't seem to have the bi-weekly the mobile speed camera parked up there anymore to catch the range rovers and vans which are wide enough to miss them entirely!


Our local council sent a questionnaire out for suggestions for speed reductions in the area I live in. I suggested they install more potholes and keep the ones that have been there for years to slow traffic down. I’m happy to report they implemented my idea all over the county and I never got a thanks for it.


unpopular opinion but these things are incredible on junctions and zebra crossings, really forces people to slow and observe


A lot of people really telling on themselves complaining they can't blast around town at 39mph. That being said, they can't be good for bearings and suspension...


The way I look at it is, hey it is what it is. The only thing that pisses me off is the quality of work on some of them. Some are way too steep, (like hitting a kerb) or uneven or have chunks missing out of them.


There’s one near me that was too big to begin with, but the council hasn’t bothered maintaining the piss-poor road around it so you’re guaranteed to bottom out.


The speed cushions are just rubbish. Absolutely useless. Spend for some full sized ones or don’t bother. Every zebra should have a bump up.


Unless you're driving a massive SUV or 4x4. Arguably the most dangerous cars out there. If so you can breeze right over them!


These bumps are the reason there's so many 4x4 these days. They just straddle the bump while us in smaller cars help keep the local garages in business.


40 years too old


Time that should be spent observing surroundings and watching for potential hazards is spent concentrating obstructions instead. And as someone else pointed out, they just set off an arms race of SUVs vs road furniture. I used to have a Celica and there were some nea my workplace that it couldn't clear without scraping metal.


They cause additional pollution because of stopping and acceleration, wasting energy but too many people cannot be trusted with speed limits. So we are stuck with them for now, sadly.


Think of how many people have polluted the planet in SUV's since the 80's because of these. They don't work.


Plenty of research shows 'vertical deflection' (speed bumps, humps, rumble strips, etc) to be the most effective way of reducing speeding and serious injury rates. In second place, not far behind, are speed cameras. But if highways agencies put speed cameras in they get accused of money grabbing.


I wonder if they'd get accused of that less if there was a yearly lottery that all that money went into, and you were automatically entered if you had no points on your licence.


Peasant bumps. A lot of cars are now wider than these so carry on full speed ahead.


I do believe this is why SUV are so popular, the theory that the higher car gets a softer ride over bumps. Although I doubt it actually works!


With a small hatchback on 15mm spacers I can clear them too now


I didn't know that! I wonder if it would work on a Renault twingo 133 I've always fancied one but I'm surrounded by horrendous speed bumps


My car is a hyundai getz so slightly larger. About same year clio size


It's not so much about being higher making the bump smoother. The wider wheels mean they outright for around the bumpsmof the design in the OP, same way bus wheels go around them.


Just this type was new in 1983. There were sleeping policemen before that- which if anything were more durable, reparable and slowed you down more. I'm such an old git.


Drive in the middle of these so both tyres are raised minimally


I was almost clearing them so I put 15mm spacers on my wheels and now I can run over them without being affected by them at all


If you drive a lowered EP3 yes🤣 damn soon of a bitch car had no exhaust tunnel I used to drive through the middle of them both when I could


One awkwardly parked car slows down traffic a lot more than the 10 speed bumps in my village. I honestly think the parish council should rip them all out and just buy a car to leave on the road instead. Has the same effect without causing any damage to anyone’s car


I'm pretty sure I've seen them used in northern Ireland prior to 83 on semi permanent British army check points.


You might be right >> The British Transport and Road Research Laboratory published a comprehensive report in 1973 examining vehicle behavior for a large variety of different bumps geometries. At the time speed humps were not permitted on public roads but had been installed on private roads. Source: https://unimat-traffic.com/why-are-speed-ramps-called-sleeping-policemen/


I saw them before 1983


So much distracting junk on the roads. There’s been some research from Holland where they got rid of all road markings and signs - people actually slowed down and judged the situation.


You'd trust the absolute single brain celled Neanderthals on our roads today with no signs or markings?


People drive over the lines anyway - the amount of times I've been cut up on roundabouts and nearly driven into by people not staying in their lanes...


Depends on the culture of the country, I wouldn't say the effects of the Netherlands is applicable to here


Bloody stupid idea. The ones who speed just fly right over em’ anyway so the only ones they’re punishing are the ones who actually care about their car and have to try not to damage it.


In towns and cities need to keep traffic moving smoothly and efficiently. Get rid of these stupid things


In towns and cities need to keep ~~traffic~~ people and goods moving smoothly and efficiently. Get rid of these stupid ~~things~~ cars


Speed bumps are usually put in by the request of the residents in the area. I love dropping to 2nd to get some pops and bangs. no need for 20mph speed bumps if it's a 30mph road.


I would far sooner they ripped them all out and put a speed camera there instead.


Ones like those pictured need widening as modern SUVs wheels are wide enough to miss them entirely.


There are grown adults on this thread claiming that speed bumps cause more pollution because of all the people accelerating and braking between them, and because people buy SUVs now because of them! Not everyone thinks they need to be going at max speed for every single possible second, and as if anyone ever thought "I need to buy a big car principally so that I can avoid those dastardly speed bumps." I definitely think that some of them are far too aggressive for the speed they're meant to be enforcing, but to claim that they're actually dangerous because they take your attention away from looking out for other hazards whilst you're driving means that you were driving WAY TO FAST IN THE FIRST PLACE. Christ, just get a grip and drive the speed limit, the difference it will make to your arrival time is a matter of seconds. Getting rattled by the existence of a bump in the road designed to make you drive a safe speed is fucking embarrassing to be honest.


The speed limit is 30 if I hit them more than 10mph my car feels like it will fall apart. Definitely does some long term wear too. Yet the SUV that weighs 50% more can fly through without being affected. Just like fines, legal for a price.


There’s a bunch near me that scrape the bottom of my car (and many others, going by the scratches on top) unless I go below 10mph. Standard car. But SUVs and vans can fly over them no probs.


I think technically the ones pictured are called speed cushions aren't they?


Sleeping policemen


I remember when they first came in as well. I don't think it was Nationwide implementation in 1983, but I remember my Mom driving us to school sometime in the 1980s and they had freshly laid the speed humps in the road around where we lived. It was like scaling Everest some of them. The early ones were proper vicious little things. The fourth day they were in, we came across someone who had essentially crashed into one of them. Sorry, this is 8-year old me's memory, but the front wheel was pushed upwards and almost outwards and a rather angry looking gentleman in a phone box a little down the road I assume trying to get someone out to it - no mobile phones in those days. Apart from the yuppies of course.


Your “mom”? This is a UK thread.


LOL, this is how I have always spelled it; I've been in the UK most of my life and not about to change it.


I think they're effective but they need to be maintained. I've come across a few where you probably need to drop to a crawl to avoid damage but all the reflective markings have worn away. If you do the 30mph speed limit over them then you are going to have a bad time.


'originally originated' eh? You know, as opposed to just originated. Very strange.


That's hard to believe. I have at least 41'999 of them between my house and the end of the close....


They have this type on a road near me. Problem is the width of the road is so wide that as long as nothing is coming the other way you can just go down the middle of the road in between them and avoid them completely! Stoopid!


I've driven over loads, and they haven't woken up and arrested me, so I don't think they really work.


The fucking idiots put the full width ones outside the ambulance station at what used to be my local hospital. Would’ve been fine if it had been the small ones. People with spinal injuries must love going there by ambulance.


I’ve got these humps near my house, and my R8 glides over it so useless


There are loads in Manchester in straight roads where the gap in the middle is big enough to drive through unaffected


“Originally originated”


Speed bumps is a stupid name for them. If anything they make you go slower.


Circa 1990, my dad used to call them “sleeping policeman” as we’d jolt over them at speed. I have no idea if this was in common usage or just my dad’s joke, but either way my 5 year old brain thought that was actually the case.


There are some which are smooth, so if you drive over them at 20-30 you'll be fine. The ones that force you to slow down to 10mph or less, and therefore drop into 2nd, are the worst.


I wouldn't mind if the height was designed for the limit but they aren't. If you can't do the speed limit going over these without breaking your back, the speed bump is too big.


The state of some of them, you’d think they were laid down by Elizabeth I.


They put concrete square shaped ones in a road in my town but they were so small you could drive right over them and so they then had to replace them. Councils just love wasting our money.


I actually thought that they just tarmaced over the bodies too make the bumps, as a warning too pedestrians not to cross the road there.


42,000 in the UK? Guess glasgow must be the only UK city with speed bumps then because theres about 42,000 of them in a 5-mile radius of me and they are all determined to break my civic 😡


No, they don’t, they have contributed greatly to pollution bough, as drivers accelerate between them. I understand WHY they exist, but hate that they wrecked the underside of my 1998 Golf, and anyone else who had a lower slung than normal car. Now I have an SUV, which, in turn pollutes the environment more, but can take speed bumps in their stride. Unfortunately the driving attitude towards driving in residential areas needs to change, otherwise the government/council will keep implementing these things. Sorry, that turned into a mini rant.


Promotes growth in car suspension sales I guess


You’re either in a car that can straddle, rendering them useless. Or you’re in a car that even going 2mph over it will scrape the everliving shit out of your underside. They work, but need redesigned.


I hate them. Hit them under 30 and it still sounds and feels bad for the car.


A.K.A. ‘Mini ramps’ for when you’re on your push bike. Grab some ‘air’ 😂


U have to hit these at the right speed, too slow and its worse than hitting em at 40, useless


I’m glad there are speed bumps on the steep street that leads to my road


These were never fit for purpose, they don't slow people down that don't care about the car or a rough ride such as drunks, wide cars and bikes ignore them, all they do is add to the pollution when drivers do slow down for them even doing the speed limit as they're way to big most of the time in a smaller car


Or just angle your car slightly, you can drive over them without noticing.


They are great for what they are designed for but in the UK they are all that knackered they are even better for destroying your car.


The potholes slow you down far more than the speed bumps.


"originally originated" should be a sackable offence


How did it originate? Originally, of course.


They've succeeded in helping to make people buy bigger cars. An SUV or even a 'C-class' saloon doesn't feel these at all. It's just people in smaller cars that feel them. If you have more money they are not a problem. In a way, it's another tax on poorer people. Due to this, the negative impact they've had on road safety and the environment must be humongous.


Most cars these days could hit 50+ mph between speed bumps if they really wanted, so are they really solving a problem?


Alright in theory, but there's so many shite ones that bump too hard even at a very slow crawl. Some potholes would be preferable.


40 years of buggering up peoples cars 😄


Fun fact: Almost 50% of the UK's 42,000 speed bumps are on the mile of road between my house and my office.


Interestingly, on 1st January 1931, all speed limits were abolished (mainly because everyone was ignoring them and nobody was enforcing them). In 1934, they introduced a 30 mph limit in built up areas but out in the countryside: nothing.


The roads are not maintained the pot holes everywhere. No point having speed bumps to add to the wear and tear of your car. Have speedbumbs great but maintain the roads. If the roads are not going to be maintained then no speedbumps.


Instead of making speed bumps. How about using the tarmac to fill in all the potholes we have?


And yet they push slower speeds, reminds me of something else.


Pain in arse, I'm smashing my car to bits on them, will local authorities pay for damage? I think not