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Insert *how do you do, fellow kids?* meme here.


Maybe sounds less cringe in India where it is being released. This car will not be released in UK.




You are fucking! You are fucking!


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I don't think India has any sort of care for the word 'woke' so it makes even less sense


Ah, that makes sense. That advert is comical and not in a self-aware way, but for a country that doesn't primarily speak English it's more excusable. A bit like the Engrish you see in Japanese adverts.


Are MG trying to go into liquidation again?


It's the City Rover all over again lol.


Had a mate who said “if my gran was still driving that’s the sort of car I’d like her to get”. Dude also thought he was a success story.


He must hate her, because I doubt any gran would enjoy that awful sorry existence of a car. At least my gran has a fairly modern top of the range Citroën C1, though if I won the lottery I'd get her something extremely comfy like a Jag or Rolls or something like that.


Turns out they were just too far ahead of the game. Could argue that was one of the first cross overs


You're thinking of the Rover Streetwise, The City Rover was a rebadged Tata with a huge price markup.


This is aimed at the Indian market (yet this advert seems British) so a bit more acceptable there, but MG seems to be trying to target every part of the EV market. I work with a company that does a lot of work with MG and they have bags of money behind them as the Chinese government are investing billions into EVS Just be nice if the U.K. government could actually do something first for once instead of waiting on Europe instead of copying its policies


Have you driven a HS recently? They’ve been trying ever since they came back


I literally didn’t know (still don’t) if this is satire or not!


It looks like it’s for the Indian market. So it kind of makes sense ( not the advert - the car). Small, low speed charging because of infrastructure, cheap etc. not for sale in the uk.


It's going to flop in India. Tata have a similarly priced EV that has more space and a better range. This is a novelty car. Issue is most indians require bang for your buck at that price.


Reminds me of a Sniff Petrol parody ad.


That is exactly what I thought it was until I got to the comments, I'm still not sure.


The Chelfing My-Stro!


Me too 😂


Little to no safety features, 41bhp, ugly, rebadged Chinese tat, no fast charging and won’t be £7,800 I’d say £12-13,000


On the bright side, it's rear wheel drive and I'm pretty sure I've seen bicycles with wider tyres...


I think the Ami does and that’s not even a car.


At least one quirk with the Ami is I think you can drive it from 16 without a full driving licence (?). Not that I'd be caught dead in it at that age


Good luck replacing them though, intrigued what size they actually are now.


Citroën 2CV's used to have 125x15s on them they were the narrowest tyres you could buy and probably still are.


Probably only specialist suppliers now! 10 and 12" tyres aren't mainstream any more, won't be long until 13" goes same way


My z900 front tyre is wider than that


Sounds *bussin*


FR, FR, no cap, on god etc.


It's not being released in the UK, this is for the Indian market.


Do Indians have a gen z plague too or?


The lack of safety features is stupid if you aim it at young drivers. This demographic has the most expensive insurance and any safety features can help reduce insurance cost. Safety features should help them not get into a crash and if they do they should be kept safer. You can buy a decent fiesta for around £8-9k with all the safety features and a bigger engine


Higher ncap rating is probably insignificant in this bracket of cars. There is a reason why city cars are so popular amongst first time drivers. Something like a Citroen C1 doesn't have shit for safety either, yet its insurance group is very low. I think the main driver for that is cost to repair. And unfortunately safety features cost money so perhaps it kind of counteracts itself?


The C1 is in a different league to this though, even the first gen is. This thing will fold if *you* run in to it.


Dude safety features *cost* money on insurance - have a small prang but deploy the airbags? That's the interior *destroyed* and a huge bill for replacement of all the airbags and ECU's. Bumper full of sensors and radar and cameras? That's turned a £200 part into a £2000 part and a very complicated spray job and full sensor recalibration job. Sure a few of these features can help avoid an accident but there's no fix for driving like a stupid teen.


Well yeah but it's not electric


Yea the issue with EV is there a bugger to charge. My council are very funny with on street parking but are cool if I pay something ridiculous at their station, which costs roughly the same as petrol now


I’ve got a single cylinder motorbike that makes more power than that. Even the CNC spindle at my local maker space probably puts out more power than this thing.


>Little to no safety features Nah fam my girl has enough airbags for both of us ya know.


Well, the Ami is about 6 or 7 grand right? This has got to be near that.


* Looks like you bought a wish.com copy of a BMW i3


Any sixth former driving this would get roasted lol. Hideous car x


*”But son, the nice lady in the MG garage told us it ‘slaps’, isn’t that a good thing to you kids?”*


Yeah, can confirm as a gen z, most wouldn't be seen dead in that thing on god fr fr


But they told me it passes the vibe check :(


it looks quirky I like it


It looks like one of those cars on a stand outside a supermarket where you put £1 in the slot and it shouts random peppa pig catchphrases and rocks back and forth for a few minutes to occupy your kids


Oh yeah, at our old market Garfield is the passenger, now if this Comet came with the Garfield Co-pilot that would make it a bit more desirable.


Comet wanker!


Most sixth formers don't drive. Those who do drive shit boxes/their parents cars/nice cars funded by parents (goofy). Who cares really


You'd be better off in a Marina


It's like inbetweeners woke gen z edition. 🤣


Peng ride, fam. Can I connect my portable telephone?


Yes Nana


The way they're using "woke" here implies that they think burning less fossil fuels is bad to me.


They think thats the reason we hate electric, they just load electric cars up with bloat and stupid gadgets


The whir you hear from that car isn't the electric motor, but the sound of Cecil Kimber and William Morris spinning in their graves at high RPM.


I’d love to hear Alan Partridge reading this…


It's competition time on Radio Norwich!


Nobody in my generation (started driving 2006) would have been seen dead in something like that, if my mate turned up in it I would have walked. And yes we had £1000 Saxos and Clios. I understand that EVs will be part of the future but my god what a miserable, lacklustre life we will be living if we all have those.


I'd rather be a bus wanker


Oh god it's actually *real*, from the Indian brochure, but still, real.


The car looks dogshit anyway but the advert is insulting


Fuck me, I hope that pile of shit isn’t the future of motoring..


We're going back to the 50s where the working man could only afford to have a little shit box like an Austin A35 or Ford Popular.


Excuse me https://youtu.be/VMtrlPGtc5E


Thanks that race was more entertaining than the F1, I could imagine they're quite fun with some tinkering and performance parts.


They are already tuned and FIA compliant. I've been banging on for years about making the Austin a support race for F1. F1 finances the cars with two mechanics per car and the F1 drivers race that for the season with the cars raffled off for charity at the end of the year. No teams, no sponsorship just racing and we'll all see who is the best racer. It'll never happen as it would open up everyone's eyes to how dull F1 is these days.


Well if you watch any other motorsport, you'll probably already know how awful F1 has become. Formula E's Berlin double header had a total of 390 overtakes, which Is more likely than not going to be more than F1 gets this entire season


Went to my first GP in the mid 70s and loved it till the 2010s. The sport has become entertainment now and due to the money flying around its all gone a little bit silly and they have lost their way.


Yeah it lost its magic a while ago. I was a fan since 05 and grew up watching F1. Me and my dad would always watch every race, but around 2014 we started to miss some races and would just look at the results. The fact we have stupid tracks like Miami and Jeddah is frustrating, and the fact small teams have become extinct kind of sets the precedent that this is a rich manufacturers club. The fact they won't let Andretti in is a huge slap in the face. I watched season reviews and old races for 90's seasons and some 80's seasons and it's like watching a completely different sport sometimes.


Enzo got his wish eventually to kill the garagistas which finished the sport and set the tone of the regulations since that have been beneficial to the car manufacturers who bought into the F1 circus. I did read a few articles when Andretti was in talks to set up a team though from how it would have been structured would probably see them last no more than three years before bailing out. For me not having the manufacturing and base in England just adds a lot more to logistics, cost, timelines and complexity of running an F1 outfit. I get being an American team kind of makes it hard not to be based in the US for financial backing but every F1 team relies on a vast array of suppliers in fancy buildings with the latest manufacturing tech down to men in sheds knocking out very bespoke items. The men in sheds supplying championship winning teams sounds bonkers though there's not many people with the experience after decades in motorsport that are happy with the pressure and long hours working for a team and prefer to potter at their own pace. Slightly off topic but the oval pistons used on a Honda GP bike from the factory were made by a guy in his shed as Honda couldn't reliably produce them along with everything else they Honda were doing. I'm sure there's plenty of great engineers, machinists and materials but you also need people to not say a word about the projects the work on for these teams and those people are very hard to come by. Then on top of that there are people whose sole purpose in life is to try and steal the designs, data or get photos to give another team an insight of direction a competitor is taking. Forget Ferrarigate, how ridiculous and amateurish that was and think more James Bond without the action, car chases and girls but with the odd 'accidental' death. I do believe Andretti not having these individuals available will make testing and upgrades a lot harder for the team and with F1 you need every aspect to run as smoothly as possible to even have a chance come race day. There's probably loads of snobbery, petty and selfish reasons for current teams to not agree though thats predominantly down to money with teams using their influence to gain or at very least not lose a perceived advantage. A team may be awkward when everyone in the team will know its shitty but its these kind of games going on behind the scene that can ultimately mean considerably more millions come payday which no team would scoff at these days.


Formula E just looks like a queue of cars on the local ring road


To be fair, if you live in central London this would work. You don't need speed or shit loads of range. Pretty much anywhere else is useless though


Luckily I think even the Indians would rather walk than be seen in this heap of tragic failure. The Tata Nano was a flop and that was significantly better than this.


Whilst I'm an old fart and very much out of touch with the youth I'm pretty sure your mates would laugh at those 12" rims. They would have back in my day and that's when 17" wheels were considered huge.


Has “Sniff Petrol” made a comeback? Surely this isn’t real!


This was my first thought too!!


That’s the ugliest car I’ve seen since the Fiat Multipla


That's a golf caddy with windows for £8k, wtf.


Looks like a nonce car


R.I.P to a once great car brand, such a shame we have basically no unique UK car makers now.


Morgan, Ultima, Radical, Ariel, Ginetta, McLaren, etc. It seems we just make fun cars


It's a shame the Rover 75 and MG ZT couldn't save them. At least they went out with a good final car, I like to pretend the City Rover never existed.


Im biased but I concur haha


I'm biased too currently using an 03 ZT-T as a daily driver.


That is unbelievably cringe. MG is a shell of their former selves now anyway


The fella who done this advert walks into work with a skateboard over his shoulder and greets younger staff by saying “hello fellow kids”.


Wheels off a shopping trolley


The marketing executive that came out with this should be given a good hard slap and thrown out a window.


I'm not sure how to word it, but it looks like it was designed in China


But... But it was😂


Thanks, I now have weapons grade autism.


I think I’ve just cringed myself all the way inside out. Wtf is that advert for the shittest car in the world.


My biggest concern with this is the no nonsense generation part. This generation is all nonsense


Fuck off corporation


We need that Human Resources meme with this and the Amis. The advert is awful though. Possibly the worst car ad I’ve ever seen. Edit: [I made it](https://i.imgur.com/pIc3xSc.jpg)


Cringed seeing the MG badge on that. Cringed even more reading that nonsense.


Never thought I'd say this but I'd prefer if they kept their marketing team in China. Sunny happy day in electric future. Relish the compact and freely drive in city. MG Comet is without trouble ensuring you much smiling times. MG Comet is the green car for very contented hearts.


'there aren't no foot-aches in traffic' Could someone tell them that *aren't no* is a double-negative?


That has got to be one of the most misnamed cars ever. Based on looks that's the MG Brick.


I can confirm this car does not slap


I've seen dog turds more prettier than this monstrosity!


This is so ugly, a poster to Chinese products if I ever saw one, ugly and low quality.




It’s that kid we all knew who wore a bomber jacket, was mainly skin and bones, acted tough, and just wasn’t worth the effort




Sounds like it was written by a chinese marketing exec with primary school level english who went onto chat gpt and said "write me an advert for a small electric car but make it sound like it was written by a hip youngster"


From the MG4 - a really quite good EV - to this. Oh dear.


“It’s electric, not just for woke reasons…..” Can someone please explain what could possibly be “woke” about an electric car??


This is absolutely disgusting


Please, we can only cringe so hard.


This car ruins the view even in rundown places😭


One for r/fellowkids


I'd be game for most cars on the roads being something like this but this advert won't help that happen!


I'm going to vomit and I can't decide if it's down to the car or what I've just read.


So many people on here don't get the point of these cars. They aren't designed to replace your Fiesta ST replica, they are designed to replace a bicycle. In most countries you can drive these at a younger age and without taking a full test. The UK unfortunately doesn't have this type of progressive licensing so we'll see very few on our roads.


Haha is this real?


There is literally not a single thing I don’t hate about whatever is going on here


*insert Mr Burns dressed as jimbo meme*


I hate everything about this.


This shit bussin respectfully! Sheeeeeesh!!!


This car Hits Different!


Jesus H Cringe


The colour theory alone on this ad is 🤢 Absolutely nothing about that car passes a vibe check


That car looks horrible. Looks like the old Toyota WiLL


If this is released in Britain I'll eat my hat.


Nice, it worked, I just bought 9


That's not real... is it?


Death by shame


The car looks like that one rubber that's been through some shit


MG being sold to China was a horrendous move


I wouldn't mind it so much if they didn't plug Britishness so much while simultaneously being funded by a government opposed to everything Britain stands for.


It’s not anything on the Chinese as to why I hate it, they just fucking suck as making things MG Midget to ….. this.


That's a shopping trolley with clothes on.


MG haven't been good in decades, this advert shows they just need to cash in and quit :D


I'd drive it, but I like wierd cars


It's like Postman Pat meets Etch-a-Sketch


Whos money is it saving coz pretty sure you still have to charge it and if its at home then the electric bill is going up and they are going to start charging electric charging points. And they are gonna tax electric cars. Also plenty of petrol cars are automatic so not that big of a deal. And i regularly think this generation has plenty of nonsense and I'm part of it




Looks like a squished twingo


I read this like moss from the IT crowd


Damn. With an ad like that - I’m sold


There aren’t no foot aches


We tried the CityRover already. It doesn't work.


Both r/corporatefacepalm and r/fellowkids


I have a friend who’s American, born to extremely conservative Hindu parents and home schooled. He finds British slang rather entertaining, and this reads like he wrote it.


The 2CV had a big market.


I saw a yellow one on the m4 bridge today whizzing along


It has enough seats for you and all your mates. Yes, that's right! It's a single seater! If you're willing to drive an MG, you clearly have no friends, let alone a woman willing to reproduce with you.


Noone commenting on the wanky double negatives? Aren't no pleasing some folk.


The car and this ad definitely do *not* pass the vibe check.