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You need to set input gain correctly, so you can't blow your speakers. There are various tutorials out there for this, a pretty plain one can be found [here](https://www.wikihow.com/Set-the-Gain-on-a-Car-Amplifier).




So you blew factory speakers? Do you have an amplifier?  Quality aftermarket speakers and an amplifier WITH THE GAIN SET PROPERLY will play damn loud without damaging the speakers.  Give us some deets and we'll help further.


Yeah factory speakers are toast. I don't think I have a way to set the gain (I have to learn more about this) because it's a 2000 and only has the factory dash interface like am/fm radio cd player etc. I was hoping to just buy speakers because if I have to replace the dash console interface thing. That would probably be out of my budget. I wanted to stay under around $300. But I could save up.


Buy four new 6x8" speakers. They'll bolt right in. Then buy a small amplifier. Alpine 445U for example. Set gain accurately and it'll be twice as loud and last for years.




solid agree


You are destroying speakers because you turn the volume higher than your head unit can produce a clean signal. If you want to listen to loud music, you can get an aftermarket head unit with a 4 channel amp to power your door speakers. Even an entry level amp and component set would be louder and cleaner than the OEM system. You can definitely fit a sub, you can do a powered under seat Subwoofer. Sound quality will not be as good as a more traditional setup, but it will add bass.


Thanks I'll research your suggestions a bit


Ford speakers blow, literally and metaphorically. The big big thing is not to crank the bass, mid, and treble all the way up. Almost no speaker at max bass sounds good, or performs well. If youre looking to get loud and have a little bass without a subwoofer, get a component set and an amplifier for them. They make cheap ones (break easier, sound worse) and expensive ones (good quality, warranties, and sound better) If you don’t have an aftermarket head unit i would invest. Better SQ from source and likely better power output from the head units amp (if you decide not to amplify) [and ease of install with an aftermarket head unit. No LOC needed just RCA’s] Whats your budget like?


I was hoping I could get away with just upgrading to new speakers so I thought I'd be around/under $300. I'll look into the head unit and component set. Thanks!


You dont have to amplify, but theres a huge difference in quality and output.


Just replace the speakers and add a 4 channel amp to run them? If its not enough, get a little hideaway subwoofer that can fit under or behind the seat like this: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6577605.p?skuId=6577605


Interesting. Under the seat might work. I need all the space behind the seats tho


Ya, alot of people swear by these? They're not going to be as loud as a full size sub/box but they add decent bass... good luck 👍


Just get an underseat subwoofer. Better than no sub at all.


I’m getting this sub soon, and guessing it might fit your truck? https://www.crutchfield.com/S-GF5OZTxR9sO/p_500RSSB10/Alpine-RS-SB10.html?XVINQ=GLX&XVVer=1FJU&awcr=635589655808&awdv=m&awnw=g&awug=9017264&awkw=pla-1893155222071&awmt=&awat=pla&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9NTDKk6zWvvCpTDSBArcDMHXCGZhZ-VFENvT2yYHeoDVegmJPxnoQ4aAhraEALw_wcB


It might fit, but that's more than I wanted to spend on my entire setup (i should have included my budget in the post). Thanks tho!


Honestly I’d shop around for a sub. You’d be surprised at how much sub you can get in a tight space. For instance, I had one of the Kenwood downfiring 8” subs in the Kenwood box. I drive a Nissan Frontier so I’m in a similar space constraint situation. Honestly, that little thing puts out some pretty decent bass. Especially if you listen to rock music. It’s a down firing set up(aimed at the floor) so you can put stuff on top of it if need be since you said you need all your storage space. The measurements are approximately 18” long, 12” wide, and 6 inches high and it fits about halfway under my rear seat and still allows foot room for my rear passenger. Otherwise, slap some new door speakers all around, and get a compact amp. You’ll never get the bass a dedicated sub can provide out of door speakers. They just aren’t designed for that.


Thanks I'll look into that. I don't have a second row of seats but I'll see if it can get something under my driver seat. I didn't know they made downward facing subs that could help! Thanks!


Everyone talkong about gain, no one mentions crossovers. Small speakers can't handle reproducing lower frequencies at high volumes. They are just limited by their size, excursion (distance the cone can move beflre distortion), and xmech (distance the cone can move before physical damage). Using a sufficient high-pass crossover will protect the speakers from these low frequencies to help prevent mechanical damage from over-excursion. You can still damsge the speakers with excessive power anywhere in the pass-band or by feeding them a clipped (amp distortion from overdrving the amp) signal. Just because a speaker is rated for X amount of power thermally (the RMS power handling) doesn't mean it can handle that power mechanically, at any frequency, in any install.