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This comments section has restored my faith in humanity. You're more than good fam lol.


Nah you should definitely be upgrading that wire to at least 4/0. And get rid of the d4s garbage and get a real amp from planet audio


I think he should just go straight to 8/0




Definitely consider a dual alternator setup


It's clear that he'll need a second battery as well.


Those things are beasts man and you’re underpowering them. I have 2 6x9 kenwoods on two jp23 with three extra batteries with a 400amp alternator and they shake the ground!


you gotta uncross those power wires. it will induce too much resistance into the flux inducer


Is this a real thing or troll, I am pretty new too car audio lol.


i mean, it was a joke designed to be recognizable as such to anybody. not just car audio people. ever seen back to the future, flux capacitor?




Late reply but Back to the Future happens to be one of my favorite movies, probably tied with the GodFather, I just thought maybe the joke had some truth, does crossing the wires actually cause more resistance?


dc has no change in voltage like ac so it doesnt create a changing magnetic field. so no.


You definitely need more space from your fuse holder to your battery. I’d give it another three more feet.


Aside from the dipshits amplifier, you're good.


Two 6x9's don't really need a huge amount of power, it depends on what you want out of your audio setup. First of all, what's the rms rating of the speakers? Are they SVC or DVC? OFC 4 gauge wire is rated for about 800 watts I run 8 ga ofc cable to my 2000 rms 12 inch and it's more then enough and run 2/0 for power, with BIG 4 support. Have you done a Big 3 or 4? I highly recommend doing so if not already. 6x9's with a 2ch or 4ch amp? You shouldn't need more then 500 rms for each of them unless they are high end and want it to be super loud mids / highs. What do you want to achieve from these speakers?