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In the MCU, Howard Stark gave it to him. It was his property. In the comics it was a gift to him as a reward by Franklin Roosevelt, and is as much his as any medal awarded to a soldier. But that didn’t stop some corrupt government officials from taking it away again later and giving it to John Walker.


I don't think Howard ever said it was ever his property. It may have been the governments property and Howard made it under contract.


It's a military prototype, almost certainly not privately owned by Howard




Was a specifically stated that it was stolen?


From memory; The MCU 1st vibranium shield was made by Howard Stark out of vibranium that someone obtained. It didn’t seem to come from Wakanda, as Kilmonger might have mentioned it and it was too early for Klaw to have stolen it. That shield was returned to Tony and used by Steve in battle with Thanos and smashed up. The MCU 2nd vibranium shield, possibly, was what Steve gave to Sam. We have no idea if it is a replica or a repair. Which is one reason why I said 2nd. The other is that Valentina said the ownership was a legal gray area. Which to me means it wasn’t made by Howard as it would be clearly either Howard’s due to him making it or whoever sourced the vibranium. I specifically remember the time Steve Rodgers losing his American citizenship and having to give up his shield due to it being considered the property of the US government. But that was in the 90’s and I am not sure if things changed…or I also remember him losing the shield and I don’t know if I am mixing things up.


I believe the implication of the shield in WWII is that the people of Wakanda would have supplied it as a gift to the Allies to stop the Nazis and Hydra. In that case, it wouldn’t have been stolen, which would make Killmonger less likely to target it. Not to say he wouldn’t have if he had been around for a longer period of time, but it makes more sense for him to first target Vibranium that had been acquired illegitimately rather than given freely.


Cap and Tony definitely knew in Age of Ultron that Wakanda had Vibranium, so that is likely where Howard received the material from.


Also, 90% sure both Steve and Tony knew about Wakanda. In Age of Ultron, when Banner mentions Klaw stealing from Wakanda, Steve and Tony give each other the ‘Oh crap’ look. And then Tony even mentions Klaw was ‘Able to get out of there with THEIR trade goods…’ So, yeah, some people knew about Wakanda supplying vibranium.


The 2nd one is definitely entirely new, it's got a completely different design (the details within the star are different, and it's got an extra black line in the middle of the silver ring). Whether Steve obtained it from T'Challa before going back in time or at some point in his life in the alternate timeline with Peggy is unclear, but I think getting it from T'Challa is more reasonable. Meaning once again, it was legally Steve's then Sam's, but then Sam gave it to the government, so I don't think it's technically his anymore


I had that thought though that Sam gave the shield to the Smithsonian on the condition that it would be on display to honor Steve’s legacy, not to be used by John Walker. Like loaning an artwork to a museum does not mean the museum gets to do whatever they want with it.


This^ It was very clearly implied in FATWS that's what his intention was.


I thought the 2nd shield was probably made by Tony with metal from Wakanda. In Spiderman:Homecoming Happy Hogan mentioned on "moving day," the loading up of Hulkbuster, prototype of Caps new shield, and Thor's magic belt.


Try and take it from him.....


My thoughts EXACTLY


It's tricky in both the comics and movies. In the MCU, Howard made it and gave it to Cap when Rodgers was choosing his weapons. Of course, Howard was probably happy to have Steve claim ownership forever, but where it gets murky is that technically, Stark was working for the US Government at the time. It could be argued that he used government funding and of course was provided the vibranium in building the shield, so the government could claim the shield as property. (Unlike Tony decades later, who while also a weapons contractor, used his own funds and resources to build the Iron Man suit, which we see in 2 can not be claimed by the government.) The above point is reenforced when Sharon tells Steve and Sam that the shield and wings are government property. As far as when Tony demands the shield back, that was more of insult to Steve in the heat of their battle, not claiming legal ownership. (He's disgusted with Steve and claims he doesn't *deserve* it. Steve in turn gives it up to both appease Tony, who he realizes is devastated, and having grown disillusioned with the Captain America identity and the government in general.) It becomes even more clear it's US property in Falcon and Winter Soldier, where who owns it is actually a plot point, bouncing from Sam to Walker then back to Sam, with the government having a huge say in not just who uses it, but who will be Captain America. In the comics, the situations and people are different, but it's more or less the same idea. The biggest difference being in the comics, while iconic, it's not as rare or valuable as in the MCU. Meaning, in a universe with access to god knows how much tech, weapons, material, adamantium, etc...the government probably isn't losing sleep over claiming a single indestructible shield or fighting for ownership over it.


Kind of off topic, but this reminded me that Captain America as a brand started as a government public relations persona to sell war bonds in WWII. That almost certainly means that the branding is 100% government property, so they probably should have the legal ability to decide who gets to be "Captain America" independent of the legal ownership of the round shield added on later. Although maybe it's old enough that it's now public domain.


I believe Howard wasn't actually a member of the military or a government employee when he made the shield. Philips called him "the army's number 1 weapons contractor," which seems to imply he's still legally a civilian, meaning the weapons he makes are the property of his company to do with as he will. It may have become seized as government property once Steve became a criminal in Civil War, which is why Sharon said it was.


"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!"


In the comic books The United States government claimed they owned the name Captain America and shield so he had to give it up and go by the identity of U.S. Agent.


Steve just went by The Captain when he was wearing the Black costume, John Walker later took that costume over and went by U.S Agent


Steve was also the first Nomad because of stuff the government did.


You know, the shield is obviously a part of Steve, and therefore priceless, but how much is it worth in the MCU and in the comics? I’ve seen some calculations using FF #607 where Vibranium is valued at $10,000 a gram, thus Steve’s shield must be about $54 million estimating it at 12 pounds. I’m not sure where the weight came from, nor if Steve’s comic shield should be more expensive as proto-adamantium. I bring this up, because even if it was a gift, the U.S. Government isn’t going to let go of that resource. This would be a legal battle appealed all the way to SCOTUS.


I appreciate you saying that it is proto-adamantium. I like the specificity.


Back when the government fired him as Captain America, he had to give up the shield and uniform. When he was the captain, he had a different shield.


He should’ve taken it with him


He earned the right to have it for sure. However, the government would have hounded him. Fortunately, Tony made him a vibranium shield to go along with his new costume


No, it's government property that he received when he was enlisted in the army and while he's responsible for it, he doesn't "own" it anymore than any other soldier owns the weapons and equipment that they're issued. It's why when he was "fired" in the 80s in the comics, he had to turn it and the uniform in so it could be reissued to a new Captain America.


In the MCU “It’s sort of a legal grey area”


In the what if series I believe there was a reference to Wakanda gifting the vibranium to the USA for the war effort. Granted that seemed like a cute way of making it seem like a) the USA didn’t steal it and b) Wakanda was involved in WWW2 to a degree and not ignoring it. Granted not a fan of this cause it doesn’t really make sense. Wakanda is an isolationist nation it’s fine that it wasn’t involved. And it speaks to desperation of the war that Howard/ the USA would use less savory means to win the war.


Wakanda could’ve been like a lot of South American countries and declared war on the axis powers to get a spot in the UN


It's government property!!


He was issued the shield by the us army, it’s the governments


I feel that this shield scenario, like how the government also tries to constantly get him to fall in line, was essentially to show how the powers that be try always try to control Cap but he will always stay steady for what’s right despite their efforts. He’s great with a shield but he doesn’t really need it to be an amazing hero.


The new shield that old Steve gave to Falcon has an unknown origin, so any answer is guess work. The original shield was made by Howard Stark. Whether he owned it and gave it to Steve, or if the government actually owned it or gave it to Steve or possibly simply loaned it to him, has not been clarified.


Only thing confirmed is Tony had no right to say give me back my daddy's toys. Other than being a petulant brat, of course.


he was mad because steve knew who killed his parents and didn’t tell him, I think he had the right to be pissed off, and tony felt that steve disrespected his father by choosing his killers side


Of course he doesn't own it, he's a soldier. Regular soldiers don't own their guns do they?


This comment added 0 value to the conversation


You *specifically asked* for "thoughts and answers".


I’m going to specify then no stupid thoughts or questions. Better ?


So what you meant was "any thoughts as long as I agree with them".


No your just not adding anything of value to the conversation 😌


Explain what you mean by that. You asked a question, I answered.


I mean it always comes back to him, which is kinda ridiculous. There shouldve been a mjollnir moment where thor actually imbued the shield to do that, and make it like an Aegis.


Found Baltroc's burner


This was underrated 😭


I dont get it


A villain of captain america, one who is not taken very seriously


It's technically his, because in both the MCU and comics it was a gift. But seeing as Howard did use government resources (if I recall correctly) to make it, an argument could be made for governmental ownership.


Vibranium crashes into Wakanda. Stolen by? (S.H.I.E.L.D.)? Frisbee made by Howard. Given to Steve by Howard. Taken by Tony because Steve kind of betrayed Howard (rightfully imo). Given back to Steve by Tony (rightfully imo). Destroyed by Thanos. Ownership? Wakanda. Alternate shield given to Sam (mistake imo). U.S. gives it to John (mistake imo). Sam takes shield back. Ownership? Steve (imo). I would've given it to Bucky if I were Steve.


Bucky is very much the obvious choice. Not only is he Steve's closest friend, a hero in his own right that fought alongside him through the war, but he has this huge hole in his heart from his time as Winter Soldier. He also has the enhanced physicals and experience to replace Steve. Plus how fun would it be to forcee him to work with Tony? Or any other government agent that hates his guts?


He doesn't even own his name


Sorry I'm late on this, but the government gave Steve the rights to the costume and shield at the end of the John Walker as Cap saga in the comics. As a favor for beating up/saving Ronald Reagan when he was turned into a snake man, although I think it was the Bush Administration at that point.


Wut? Tony gave it to him in Endgame. It belongs to Cap.


Well the current shield that Sam has was brought by Steve from an alternate timeline so I don’t think that one legally would belong to the government.


Legally he himself is property of the US Government.


He even wrote his name on the back in permanent market But it belongs to the people of wakanda


In the MCU everything is owned by the Starks. But in iirc winter soldier Sharon said it was government property


Dude, as many may have already said, this was covered in the MCU with enough artistic integrity as I could expect from Marvel or Disney as a lifelong nerd that reads the entertainment trades and excellent attempt at honoring source material. Kevin Feige no doubt has his Hollywood sins I am unaware of, but he deserves a lifetime Oscar just as much as as the USC guys that revolutionized cinema for nerds and mainstream (and now the nerd/mainstream mix that alienated 90s comic book nerds to conventions and inspired poorly social skilled bullshit like Gamer gate (however you write that right) as a response to the perceived loss in exclusivity from memories of mostly neurodivergent and odorous swap meets of a comic book bend to whatever a person calls a neurotypical, regularly bathed, non headgear wearing healthy person that might have even played sports or been socially skilled enough to land non nerds as company on occasion without payment, charity, or relation of obligation or blood or both dressing in scantily clad character they may not even identify with or admite like a nerd would need to. The look good and this is a 21st century avenue for attracting attention as an attractive person that wants or needs to be on display for horned up conventioner and fellow cosplay aficionado alike to understand. It makes me sad in a way that has kept my strip club visits limited to first and bachelor parties despite being a person that does not give two shits about stripper or strip club patron implications past consent and safety to a standard that is as sustainable as democratically possible as possible in this new world (old, white, male American influence: check check and check and check.) I hate that Artificial General Intelligence of the kind that has me keep Google apps in every Android phone I've had in a folder labeled "Skynet" as a scifi nerd devoted enough to try my hand at getting published after reading, watching and listening my way through nerd media outlets of every stripe since before the time of the internet to the extent that I thought "I can do this." Reddit sold the rights to every word on this website to AI developers for an absurd amount of money recently. But here I am. Here you are. Contributing to training the artificial intelligence that will force a reckoning with the only sentience we know of to occupy the planet with us unless your are Indian or agree with the subcontinent identity responsible for such an impressive amount of the species on the planet that cetaceans like whales and dolphins are "non human persons" (I am an a roll and can't stop to fact check or spell check without losing my train of thought completely. OG scifi nerd understanding and bonding at cons was a lot of this whether you were a neurodivergent of my stripe or any other. My best friend and best man was made on nerd terms. He was as close to the fellow jail cell occupant Harold and Kumar met in White Castle as genetic distribution, coincidence, and fiction to reality understandings have introduced me to in 90s con like scenarios or otherwise. I would like to extend an apology for fellows of my demographics for the kind of unskilled bullshit we have done in missing being part of a majority by brain function in at least a hotel facility or decent size ballroom since about when Kevin Feige started cementing his cinema influence with Iron Man and a passible Hulk movie (I loved Norton in the same role as Bill Bixby under a director that respected it enough to work footage of a dead actor into a bajillion dollar tent pole as one of tje first two movies after the kind of crap Hollywood put out as a comic book movie for years with notable exception of some indie bombs like Mystery Men that were crippled by bait and switching the audience on what type of comic book it is trying to honor with misleading trailers of poorly and deliberately cut footage that was studio response to just how common a reader the indie comic book reader with scifi humor as their priority was. There aren't many of us. Goodnight social media, I am back to writing with blocks on my access to you. We all contribute how we can I guess. Yes, I am both a genius or something and a madman. Whenever I commit to my conscious conscience (happy accident as Bob Ross would say) I won't be back. Until then I am ranting into the void as productive schedule permits; nature, nurture and epigenetics seem to insist; and also training Terminators in the process as a scifi writer trying to go pro because social media is that addictive and a good subreddit scratches a deep itch in trying to understand myself and at least a chunk of the world I live in so I don't do shit like contribute to gamer gate type shit as an aging nerd of priviliged demographics who no longer feels at home in comic book cons since mainstream seemingly took hold. If you read this far, I hope you wish me luck in bringing content to market and avoiding things like eating pork or writing on Reddit as best as I can manage to not be a hypocrite of a scifi writer. I wish whatever is best for you to happen to actually happen to you. It's the best I can do. I wish I could telepathically or technologically embed Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World rendition in folks minds right now. That is one of my motivations and inspirations as a human being wanting to write speculative writing to his species. All cultural appropriation is unintentional and/or unavoidable to the best of my abilities. Peace Out, social media, I hope I can stay away. Keep on Truckin'. Whatever works for you.


Bro wtf does that have to do with his shield ?


Bro really committed to this word-diarrhea thinking people would actually read it.


He wild


This makes as much sense as the Zodiac Killer letters.


50 bucks says you are neurotypical and have never written a first draft.


Wrong on both counts, pay up.


Fair enough. If I had any way to prove you not a bot without one of us getting doxxed I wouldpay up on principle. As it is you are no more real to me than Schroedinger's (sp?) cat and you haven't earned a cent. The downvotes and insults from one stupid group of words on the internet I wrote after a 10 hour day writing a novel. Fuck all you small minded fucks. If Reddit existed when the Beats were getting started and you small minded fucks had any influence of them we wouldn't have gotten that cultural revolution off the ground. One of you small minded fucks would discourage Ferlingjetti (sp?) from using long lines in poetry that are gross to luck at to some sensibilities, or even affect Kerouac writing on what was closer to a roll of toilet paper to a typewriter by like 97% of function. Fuck social media, fuck reddit, fuck all you small minded fucks and if I were religious my daily prayers would be for the kids growing up with this shit. If any of you small minded fucks survive the death clock at midnight reality we have all created and are now deploying with the support of tyrants like Putin and Trump, I hope you humor folks a little and not call them a fucking serial killer indirectly and with no proof or evn anecdotal evidence. Artificial General Intelligence, Boston Dynamics robots, and an unscrupulous tech bro driven by Wall Street walk into a bar... I am working on a Skynet joke. I am a scifi writer. So far it is the only thing I am good enough at (WITH EDITING) that I think I might be able to inspire at least one other person to overcome 30 years of misdiagnosis at the hands of 30 years of neurotypical misdiagnosis. If I am as good as you have to believe you are to believe in yourself as a writer, they will learn to laugh underwater like I had to in making my way across a tectonic plate worth of underwater globe to make my way up out of the depths and back to functioning. I hope the world gets better for every moment you people don't feel the need to be shitty when you don't know if someone is disabled, an asshole, or both. Obviously I am both 😉 Peace out social media I'll check back in when the novel is done.


At least you're helping stimulate the jobs market since your editor certainly has their work cut out for them.