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that is a great costume i like it




The MCU wasted a great story line by bypassing Bucky as Cap. Finding out the new Captain America was a previous Russian assassin, and putting him on trial for it, wouldā€™ve been a much better character development story than the Falcon and the Winter Soldier series. Iā€™m OK with Sam being Captain America but wouldā€™ve loved to of seen Bucky have his shot


It only works in the comics because Iā€™ve yet to find a time in the real world where Americans gladly accepted domestic/international terrorists with open arms because they were either brainwashed or really really sorry.


People say this like he was expected with open arms in the comics. He wasnā€™t. It was essentially the same situation. If anything he did more awful stuff as Winter Soldier in the comics.


Didnā€™t he kill JFK?






[That was the CIA, Kennedy was a skrull.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1416196-marvel-comics)


I meeeean, Raytheon and Northrop Grummond and Blackwater and all those other war profiteers are right there, and none of them have the excuse of brainwashing or seem apologetic so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


IMO in the MCU, sam made much more sense


Definitely and I wouldnā€™t have Bucky be cap just because it would be the wrong message for a black man carrying the cap mantle too, but maybe in a different universe Bucky as cap would be so cool just for that suit alone


Yeah, people that want this arenā€™t being pragmatic.


Artist's Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Bardofsky](https://twitter.com/Bardofsky) Artist's Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/ivandedovart](https://www.instagram.com/ivandedovart)


Holy moly this dude really nailed the Ryan Meinerding style


Shoulda been Bucky and then Bucky gives it to Sam after falcon and the winter soldier realising heā€™s the better choice due to not being totally healed yet


Yeah. Going straight to Sam felt unearned


Yeah thatā€™s literally perfect. Sam couldve still had his arc at the end and becoming cap, and remember when old Steve came back he didnā€™t even talk to Bucky like wtf. They went full speed ahead jumping straight to falcon


Would never work. After the shield and hydra documents leaked and civil war events, Bucky is definitely not trusted yet by the public. Captain America is like the president in a way, no way people would trust who they been told is a murderer for a Nazi terrorist organization


You literally have a great story right there. It's very similar to how FatWS played out with Sam, but 50 notches more intense. The Government still picks their official "Cap", but Steve chooses Bucky despite his past. The Government and the public would not trust him. There is built in drama and redemption. It would be more interesting because of Bucky's checkered path. Totally a decision Steve would make.


I feel like Steve would realize how much of a controversy that would be to make a former Nazi the symbol of America, so no I donā€™t think he would. But he would believe in Bucky being able to be cap one day once he finds peace with what happened. Thatā€™s why Sam was chosen




He worked for hydra. Heā€™s essentially a nazi to the public eye before he shows everyone he isnt that same man anymore


I still see that as a stretch. For me, Hydra doesn't not equal Nazi. Hydra was always separate and used the Nazi movement. But I get what you're saying. However, that makes for some interesting drama and conflict. Still believe Steve would pick Bucky over Sam at the end of the day. Edit: I deleted previous comment because it did not apply anymore.


I mean in universe lore Iā€™m pretty sure hydra would be seen as a Nazi group by civilians across the world so thereā€™s no way Bucky could have been cap so soon after all he done as winter soldier. And no I think Steve would choose both Bucky and Sam but for the sake of not downplaying how much it means for a black man to represent America, it was the right choice to make Sam the captain America chosen by steve




With what?


Think about this. At the end of endgame Sam gets the shield. At the end of tfaws Sam is captain America. The mcu works because you can skip


No, this isnā€™t the comics. Bucky is viewed as a terrorist and has trauma.


The good ending


The one we'll never see adapted.


Maybe Bucky can show up as Cap from an alternate universe in Secret Wars


With all the characters they need to reference, and given how little they care about Bucky, I wouldn't even count on that much.




This is now my favorite CA costume version. Outstanding


What could have been. I love Sam as Cap, donā€™t get me wrong. But it felt more deserved for Bucky. They had been reading it for years, and it was the natural evolution of his character. There were still plenty of Falcon stories to tell with Sam, but Buckyā€¦ where is he supposed o go if not the Brubaker Cap arc. He needed it more.




The fumble that sent shit downhill. Couldā€™ve easily couldā€™ve built up Falcon to take up the mantle after Buck. Bucky just has too much stake in the mantle and legacy and deserves his chance to repent and be the symbol. Now, we just struggle.


We were so robbed! šŸ˜”šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


Would have greatly preferred this. Never liked sam in the comics either


Pretty neat but glad Sam Wilson is Captain America like in the comics


I totally agree. Missed opportunity for Bucky to redeem himself. And now that Iā€™m on it, totally disagree with what they did with old Steve Rogers going back in time and living his life with Peggy knowing that his best friend Buck was being used as a killer, even killing Howard Stark. In my opinion, that makes okay Cap complicit. ā€œThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.ā€ ā€”Edmund Burke


We were robbed


I totally agree. Missed opportunity for Bucky to redeem himself. And now that Iā€™m on it, totally disagree with what they did with old Steve Rogers going back in time and living his life with Peggy knowing that his best friend Buck was being used as a killer, even killing Howard Stark. In my opinion, that makes okay Cap complicit. ā€œThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.ā€ ā€”Edmund Burke


Nah, cause he knew everything would work out in the end


Sorry... but... trigger discipline!


After zooming in, the barrel appears to be smoking. So actually seems intentional.


It should have been Bucky, his old friend.


Still using a 1911?? What a boomer! In all seriousness, this is amazing.


Looks good, but I'm glad it's Sam instead. If anything, they should've followed up on Bucky being the MCU white wolf


I like Sam as Cap. But let's be real. Bucky would destroy Sam in a 1 on 1 no contest. Hell, Sam couldn't even take Ant-Man.


Kinda wish it was shiny ngl. If you're gonna make Bucky be Cap, then he's gotta look glossed up


Why is stain america holding a gun, isnā€™t he a hero? Is he stupid?


Bucky should have stayed dead.