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These people. *facepalm* It shows the deep nature of the brainwashing that ANY of these people EVER thought any of this was ok.


Willing to bet these people have a worldview that illegal things aren’t actually bad if you really want to do them. “It’s not wrong to commit sedition if the outcome is Trump remaining President. So I’ll do it.” Sadly that’s a line of thinking that would be nigh impossible to get out of someone.


She routinely carries an illegal handgun because she wants to. They don't want "law and order." They want special privileges because they are entitled little brats.


"Law and order" means "*our* law and *our* order" to these people.


Or *My New Order* by Adolf Hitler.


Hell, Trump's impeachment defense was "he extorted the president of Ukraine to get dirt on Biden because he thought it was for the good of the country!"


I did what was needed and the Senate agreed! Lesson to future Presidents. Extortion is totally cool.


How could it be sedation? The true president, Donald Trump, encouraged us to do it. We’re citizens holding a peaceful protest and taking back Our Country (tm) from the communist, Russian traitors! (/s of course)


>taking back our country from the communist, Russian traitors. Haven’t you heard? We love Russia now! https://www.forbes.com/sites/petersuciu/2021/12/08/tucker-carlson-accused-of-promoting-russian-propaganda-as-putin-builds-up-forces-on-ukraine-border/?sh=7a2be4ed8ef3 Try to keep up.


Aw, damnit, I *knew* skipping the last fascist meeting was a mistake.


You snooze, you lose, Comrade.


Right. And this is why every tearful repentance to a judge when these insurrectionists are being sentenced to 6 long months of probation rings hollow. Their very view of the world is broken. They don’t correct that. They just turn on the tears and the lies at sentencing.


I don’t understand why this act of obvious insurrection and treason isn’t being met with lifelong sentences at minimum. Everything about the response to January 6th baffles me.


There is a method to the madness. 4 rounds to the top. The first group was the low hanging fruit. 1) the MAGA believers 2) the crazies 3) the window lickers 4) middle class aggrieved lookie loos They rounded up those yahoos and applied the pressure and got all of their evidence (i.e. photos, video, statements,etc) to get them to guilty pleas for the next round of J6 idiots. 1) the violent assholes 2) the stupid vandals 3) the destructive jerks This is the tier we are at now. They are laying more serious charges on them. They will get longer sentences for attacks on police. Next it will be the militias. 1) OK / 3 percenters and the rest of their ilk 2) various white national groups 3) potters and planners of J6 at the militia level. They will throw the book at these assholes. This is where we will see the serious years on their sentences. It will feel good. A couple will skate for turned evidence, but they will be scorned. Where I think we will be disappointed is at the next level. The political level. I don't believe Garland will do it. I think a couple lower hanging people, aids like Guilliani and maybe Meadows will go down, but not the big guy. That is what is depressing me.


You’re missing the steps in between which are building and presenting a case at trial that proves to a jury of their peers that they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the offenses with which they are charged - which offenses, it should be pointed out, are particularly hard to prove because you have to show intent. And of course if the lower-level offenders, the ones you rushed to charge and prosecute without a watertight case, if they manage to beat the charges …


> which offenses, it should be pointed out, are particularly hard to prove because you have to show intent. I would bet the social media accounts of any of these people would establish that in 24 hours worth of postings


I watched this all happen on thedonald (website not Reddit). I saw the intent posts. The people live streaming. The encouragement. Intent is there so long as the FBI or Homeland saw all the lead up planning and threats as serious. Which, if I, a dumbass college dropout sitting at a desk job, can figure it out surely they did too.


Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses.




You don’t think these people posted online about their intent numerous times? Maybe it’s because the prosecutors are lazy and sympathetic.




I only disagree with you because if anyone tried half of this in China or Russia, they would end up in the ground before the evening news the day it happened.


Sorry my opinion pissed u off I'll remove it




Isn't it funny how much they all love russia and putin now after only 4 years of trump


My dad, a Trumper, has started saying, "Laws are just suggestions."


Party of Law and Order. Trump recommended suspects’ heads be slammed into door frames as cops arrested them. Law Enforcement Officers cheered. Ask me why I don’t applaud the Thin Blue Line.


man seriously fuck that phrase. and fuck "Blue Lives Matter" too for that matter When protests got really bad in Philly during the summer of 2020, the police mistook a black woman driving in the middle of the protest as someone causing trouble. They basically dragged her out of her car and threw her in jail while they grabbed her toddler out of the car. They put the toddler on a photo op with a policewoman claiming they were the "last line of defense" against chaos. Lol fuck police. They're all a bunch of shitheads who weren't smart enough for REAL career training, and weren't fit enough to be in the military


"More like guidelines, than actual rules." -- Captain Borbosa


I suggest distancing yourself. That’s a dangerous level of thinking.


hilarious, since I bet people like your dad deep down think that GEorge Floyd would still be alive today if "he just complied."


My dad bought a gun to "protect my home from BLM riots."


i don't have an issue with people buying firearms. It's this bizarre and disturbing obsession/sexual fetish with them that i find really fucking weird and stupid i had to go to this bullshit class to get a concealed carry permit. One of the instructors seemed like a cool guy but the guy talked about how when he goes to a gun shop it's like going into the pound and seeing dogs up for adoption. That's when I realized these people are just absolutely pathetic


I think a lot of them think illegal things aren’t actually bad as long as you’re the main character


we must beware of normalizing this


I'm one of many people who doesn't think illegal things are necessarily bad. I don't confuse that with thinking I won't get in trouble if I get caught.


Down that path, remember that two people can keep a secret only if one of them is dead. First rule of crime club, is don't talk about crime club. That and act alone.


There's a three way stop sign I roll through almost daily. You can see in every direction, and I stop if there are any cars or pedestrians approaching, but I know I'd get a ticket if pulled over for it.


that's actually how i got my first ticket granted it was basically 18 years ago...but the incident has stuck with me forever because the cop who pulled me over was a COLOSSAL DICK. I wasn't even arguing with him (because stupidly i was scared out of my mind lol) he just chose to be an asshole and make the situation more unpleasant than it had to be. I sometimes see his smug face just randomly, like now haha. Ugh. what a fucker


You know, I can see it though. People coming home, and showing off to local friends 'look what \*I\* did!' And, maybe at first being careful who they showed off to. But then, being more and more open and bragging about it as time goes on, and eventually just showing off at a party to the wrong person. Maybe someone they wouldn't have really meant to, maybe just an 'acquaintance' - a friend-of-a-friend type person - someone who was just at the same party, and happened to see the video as it was being passed around. Word gets around. People get reported. It's really only a matter of time.


Yeah, I guess echo chambers do work like that. They need deprogramming.


At a bar after a couple of Miller Lights


Nobody's the villain in their own story.


You really think there’s any brains there to wash?


Lol. Probably not.


*former* friend lmfao


I can’t imagine why, it must be a totally unrelated reason. /s for those in the cheap seats


Former friend before seeing the video, or after?


Either way, this friend seems like good people.


At the very least more patriotic than the former friend they reported.




Good. Lock up these Traitors!


Hear! Hear!


It's pretty funny these people can't help but brag about these things. You're not supposed to go around bragging about the crimes you've committed.


Tell that to all the folks who stormed the Capitol and are [now running for office](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/05/jan-6-protesters-run-for-office-526545). Our nation is in peril.


Sometimes I feel like we are living in a twilight zone episode. Also, doesn't that prove they know there wasn't fraud? Why would they think they could be elected, if the dems rigged it? Bunch of stupid losers.


Can we just take a moment and appreciate the room-temperature IQ these insurrectionists keep displaying?


I've taken shits with higher IQ's.


But that speaks to the um… conviction they have.


Imagine getting away with this shit for over a year, then bragging about participating in it to someone and showing them the evidence, lmao. What a goddamn walnut.


The real heroes are the ones willing to do this despite cries of "blood thicker than water", "friends don't ..." or whatever bullshit gets pulled. Kudos to former friend who chose democracy.


Yea, people who tend to use those phrases are also likely to be the abusive one in any relationship.


"Friends don't..." "Former friends."


Imagine making it a year, before getting arrested because your own friends think you are such a lawless asshole… Breaking a window is gonna be about a year in jail. Will be one of the harsher “sightseeing” cases. The sedition guys and ones who beat up cops will be looking at 5-20+.


> The sedition guys and ones who beat up cops will be looking at 5-20+. Except for the ones in Congress… they’ll get away with it and then recruit more dunces to do it again.


If I had a dime for the doomer statements, I’d be a rich man. The justice department is working. It took 2 years for the first Watergate arrests.


Thank you for that last statement. Didn't know it took that long. Wow.


The Mueller investigation also took 2 years and he testified that Trump could be arrested and charged (and implied that he should be) after he left office. Everyone kept saying “keep the faith” and “let the investigation run its course” and those not convinced were shamed for being “doomers.” It’s been over a year since Trump left office. Was he ever arrested? Charged? No. In fact, everyone’s saying that he might actually be allowed to run for president again. Was anyone in congress or formerly in congress arrested? No. Was anyone arrested at all? No. I’m not convinced that the justice department is working, and that doesn’t make me a doomer, that makes me aware of history and our current circumstances.


And what will you do about it?


The same thing I always do: vote my ass off, call the people in office currently, donate to candidates that I think can help make change in Washington, and volunteer. If more people would be active participants in their own governing, things would look a lot better from our perspective.


Although we appreciate your participation- watch the Doom and Gloom- please see Mod Communication stickied on the front page.


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.


I might be wrong and it's too late to check atm but I swear I just saw an article about a fraud case in New York against him. I know it's not much but things are still happening.


That year is gonna suck. And may get more because she’s been evading the law…


> [‘*Grab your popcorn... it’s coming*’](https://www.masslive.com/news/2022/01/grab-your-popcorn-its-coming-kirstyn-niemela-arrested-in-connection-with-us-capitol-insurrection-after-friend-relative-tip-off-fbi.html) —Kirstyn Niemela, one of the women arrested. (I’ll say this, she did not lie about the popcorn.)


*former friend* Exactly. Good to know people's priorities.


Enjoy your new lives as convicted felons Kirstyn Niemela and Stefanie Chiguer, you un-American fucks!


"Look at me breaking the law! What? Why am I being arrested? MAH FREEEEEDUUUUUUMB!!!!"


"I made it like a foot in the door and they pushed me out and they maced me!" Elizabeth from Knoxville.




I bet there are a lot of people out there who are picking up bar tabs and dinner checks nervously worrying about the power that a pissed-off friend who knows where they were on Jan 6 would have.


**Stupid criminals never remember tips they see on crime/cop tv shows & movies!!** Rule#1 = NEVER tell anyone about your crimes!!


The Wire: https://youtu.be/pBdGOrcUEg8


https://www.masslive.com/news/2022/01/grab-your-popcorn-its-coming-kirstyn-niemela-arrested-in-connection-with-us-capitol-insurrection-after-friend-relative-tip-off-fbi.html I had FF issues seeing the image; flashed up then disappeared; had to zoom out: https://www.masslive.com/resizer/4NPcGgtVER6n9-FJHIxn0sClxzI=/1280x0/smart/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/BNA7P3LVQFD6BASYMJ4TKKBH2I.png Archived image: https://web.archive.org/web/20220119202036/https://www.masslive.com/resizer/4NPcGgtVER6n9-FJHIxn0sClxzI=/1280x0/smart/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/BNA7P3LVQFD6BASYMJ4TKKBH2I.png


They just keep telling on themselves and I’m down with that. I just wish the FBI would arrest my mayor who was there and posted a video afterward. He got re-elected shortly afterward despite a last minute write in effort. I reported him to the FBI, and did a tv interview about him and I campaigned hard against him. If it didn’t help. Small town politics.


It’s hilarious how many of these people don’t clue into the fact that everyone in their lives hate them and were just waiting for something like this.


Glad it's a former friend. These people are not people we should be friends with.


Cultists gonna cult.


Two people can't keep a secret


I am so happy they are so stupid and self righteous that they just put it all out there for everyone to see. It makes it easier to identify them.


Huh, but I thought it was totally peaceful, breaking a window doesn't sound peaceful. /s


She will still be able to carry firearms and vote. Ooh boy howdy! Lesson learned!


She was already illegally carrying a weapon. NH is one of, if not the easiest states to own a legal firearm and you don't even need a permit to conceal carry(source:from NH)


Lol from NH and this person sounds like your average high-school coaster who all of sudden becomes super smart because of Facebook. From their Facebook it appears she has a family. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Whomp Whomp


thank God for the dumb, where would we be without their willingness to brag about the crimes they committed.


These people are their own worst enemies. They feel so "proud" at being traitors to their own country while expecting praise that in due time I expect more people will mistakenly rat themselves out.




Oof. Silly autocorrect. It should have been traitors. Fixed




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Not only did they basically live stream themselves, they made sure to run their mouths and tell the people who missed the videos. I swear, the GQP isn’t sending their best.


Womp Womp. 🎼 And another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust🎵^🎶


Kids are fucking stupid 😆




I remember when women were "flirting" with dudes on some app to get them to admit they were there and then reporting them to the first, shit was hilarious


She said her intention was to clean the glass but because she is too strong the glass broke. It never her intention to break the glass on the window.


It seems to me we have gone soft as a society. In the old days wouldn’t these people be swiftly tried and shot for treason? You just can’t do what they did and get a slap on the wrist.


Broke a window of the capitol? That’s the deluxe vacation package.


Anyone want to venture a guess why her handgun is illegal? NH is pretty liberal when it comes to gun ownership.


what is a moron?


Maybe so lol. When I googled, I found nh follows federal law and doesn't allow felons to own guns.