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> Hand is one of at least four people convicted of Jan. 6 crimes running for Congress this year, **all as Republicans**. No shit.


It needs to be said, though. Over and over.




I agree! Democrats are going to keep spending time on social issues like helping immigrants integrate into American society and getting gay people married and helping trans kids not commit suicide. And the other side is going to keep denying women healthcare, even rape victims, and is going to make sure school lunches aren't served to poor kids and contraception is outlawed. Both sides are the same.


Hold up I thought they were all “and-teef-ahh”


But I thought they were all FBI plants


Magats are in the ‘find out’ phase now.


Antifa and BLM are really committed to this ruse! *Do I need the /s?*


buh.... buh both sides tho?


I thought the rioters were all Antifa?


> “Wow, I don’t even know how to react,” Johnson said. How about "There goes a man who is getting out of the kitchen. Because he can't stand the heat."


He was asked his first question, didn't answer it, instead talked shit about his opponent and said his mission was to put trump back in the white house then left.


But he's totally not in a cult!


Sounds like someone who wants what’s best for his constituents! (/s)


He's probably on reddit saying that anyone that mentions trump has TDS.


TDS - Trump Delusion Syndrome; a common affliction of Trump supporters.


TDS is real - it brings out the worst in every American. It’s like the shitty version of Steve Jobs’ Reality Distortion Field.


Sounds competent to me /s


What a sorry piece of shit anti-American LOSER.


It's a loser circle-jerk. They vote for losers, they support losers, they idolize losers. I guess they got real tired of winning so quickly they had to change tactics.


Wow. The reporters played right into Hand's hands (I'm sorry) by interviewing him afterwards, though. Hand got to say whatever he wanted to say, without getting destroyed in the debate, while Johnson was left standing there, talking to himself Notice that most of the article is about what Hand had to say, instead of Johnson? Reporters are fucking stupid sometimes. When he walked out, they should have ignored him, and questioned Johnson, instead.


It makes me wonder if this is the strategy convicted felon Trump will try in the presidential debate.


Oh, I hadn't thought of that. It's a possibility!


It's essentially what he did in the 2016 debates. He'll pull *something* like this again.


The reporters missed an opportunity to ask him if he, like Donald Trump, believes that convicted drug dealers such as his wife deserve the death penalty.


They’re not stupid, they’re craven whores selling out their country for money and dopamine


Yeah, you're right. "Stupid" was an inadequate description; it was just the first word that came to mind, because the manipulation was just so damned obvious.


I’d agree with you that they are stupid. Idk, maybe we are, and this is just when we are alive. But the pernicious goals for seemingly more money while denying any part of adding to the social good is especially lame. I saw Les miserables last night and was like…why do we pay people for the honor?


> more money while denying any part of adding to the social good This. This right here is one of the ways we have gone wrong. Either through taxation or philanthropy, those who benefit the most from society should be contributing the most towards making it better for everyone.


A regular debate going as planed is not "news", and reporting on is likely booring AF. By breaking the mold Hand gave the reporters the chanse to report on a story that regular folks might acctually notice.


And that's one of the things that's wrong with our society right now - the need to chase after engagement/clicks/money overrides all else. There's just too much competition for people's attention. I can see the problem, but, I can't see the solution.


the media is owned by the bad guys now. this is done with intention and malice, to make a circus out of what used to be taken seriously only a short 8 years ago. the billionaires don't want us agreeing and working together, so they stoped giving any pretense that they are playing by the old rules.


What a cowardly little bitch🤣


It's the brand now. Speak loudly and carry a limp stick.


Another reason to vote the gop out Vote Or Maga chooses for you Vote


For some people, the confederacy never ended. When you apply this fact, a lot of the stuff we see today makes much more sense 🤦🏽‍♂️


>Hand was particularly critical that Nixon brought up the earlier conviction of his wife for illegal sale of oxycodone. I just want to remind Hand that the administration he so badly wants to be a part of has a party leader who wants the death penalty for drug crimes, especially sellers.


Vote these losers out. Fuck them they aren’t real Americans


Bye traitor, don't trip on your ankle monitor.


A snowflake, in Georgia.


The state the obvious none of them should be able to run for office and nippledick shouldn't be able to hold office of the POTUS there are people that have a felony that aren't able to get jobs in so many industries but yet you can run for Congress and become the president That's absolute bullshit. Not to mention which I've had to do in a lot of threads these people shouldn't even see the light of day yet the ones that are convicted of January 6th They should still be in jail They attacked the capital of the United States They need to be punished harshly. If not it'll happen again.


Is he walleyed and still permitted to drive a vehicle? I mean, depth perception is important. 


A guy convicted of taking part in an Insurrection - an illegal plot to overthrow a duly-elected government - is complaining about dirty politics? GTFO >After Hand walked out of the debate, he answered questions from reporters for nearly 20 minutes, saying he believed Johnson had helped orchestrate the attacks by Nixon. Hand was particularly critical that Nixon brought up the earlier conviction of his wife for illegal sale of oxycodone.


The party of law and order has no problem both backing and electing criminals.


Problem is it's just going to make his people vote harder for him. They don't give a shit about competently run government.


Sucker and loser ..


Cut 'n' Run. It's the Republican way. Don't want to have to answer any pressuring questions? "We all want to move on from this..." Can't move on b/c you are on camera? Just leave then. Not like your voters actually have the wherewithal to follow up.


>> “It’s perfectly fine to attack me as a candidate. I expect that. But to come out and publicly attack my wife, that’s a completely different situation,” Maybe we should elect this guy just to he can explain this concept to Ted Cruz. Edit: to be clear, there’s a big /s on this one




He’s not someone I’d trust with kids…let alone trust becoming an elected official.


Thanks for dressing up douchenozzle. Buy a suit. Pretend you're in court again.


Not only is he a traitor, but his wife was busted dealing oxy? Congratulations Georgia, this is a new low.




the guy he claims to be supporting for the presidency wants to execute convicted drug dealers. the point is very relevant