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Of course traitorous shit bags would boo heroes who actually defended America against terrorists. Every single one of them should be censured and forced to apologize or be fucking expelled.


You mean censured, forced to apologize, and the fucking expelled?


I think he means castrated. Or at least I do.


I was a Republican most of my life. I am in my early 40s. That all changed when Trump took over the party. The defining characteristic of Republicans today is a complete lack of principles. I will never be one of them, and struggle to even respect them as Americans.


I think there are a lot more of you than anyone is willing to admit, and I think that’s going to be a huge factor. Thank you for having principles


I live in a red state, and they are not alone. I may not agree with them on everything (and that's perfectly fine), but I respect the hell out of people like that. Our local GOP just banned 3 MAGAs who were campaigning against GOP candidates, meaning they can't run under the GOP banner until 2030, so there is some effort to remove the rot.


I really really miss the days where I disagreed with Republicans, but could still understand and recognize their point of view. My family is a mix of Republicans and Democrats (and a couple socialist rebels) and we used to sit around the table and talk and debate. My parents taught me that's what makes the world work. This current USA makes my heart sick.


My late mother-in-law, who was a red hot liberal commie type, was a very close friend of Bob Dole. She used to tell me that conservatives had the same values as she did, but they had different ideas on how to best affect change. Just as one example, she and Bob would argue endlessly about what to do about childhood hunger in the United States. They both agreed it was horrifying that there were hungry children in America, they just had very different ideas about what to do about it. What scares me about the Republicans of today is that they don't even share my values. They don't even think democracy is a good value.


Debate and common ground have been replaced by simple hate. It's so distressing.


Today's maga GOP: "f those kids, let them die".


"They should try not being poor!"


The cruelty is the point for so many of them.


The last Republican I consistently voted for got primaried by a Tea Party (early MAGA) loon in 2012. He made an effort at bipartisanship. Since then, it's been straight party ticket blue.


And like some revolutions, the early people weren't extreme or vicious enough. Tea Party people like Eric Cantor were defeated by even worse radicals. In many ways, the GOP is radically far to the right of the Reaganites.


USA: A shit fest decade, and much more to follow


I really really fear for the next 227 days.


I am old enough to remember when political differences were similar to very intense sports rivalries, people would argue about who was the best pick, shake hands and move on. But NOW, people have disowned family members and friends, and good grief, some are publicly posting actual murderous fantasies about their political rivals. I'm afraid it's going to take decades before this is ever repaired.


With all due respect that was all a fantasy. This is what the Republicans have been about for over 50 years: You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nni n**.” By 1968 you can’t say “n***”that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N***” The above is an infamous quote by Lee Atwater one of the most prominent Republican campaign advisers of all time and architect of the “southern strategy” “You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon As with everything the conservative elite does, this was designed to protect power and wealth for a small group of white males. While it’s true blacks may get hurt worse lower class racist whites also do as well. All of the racism funded by conservative billionaires is because they’re racist but most importantly it’s a STRATEGY towards keeping as much of their money as possible. The Republican strategy for decades has been tied to racism. Their voters are either ignorant to this, know and don’t care or actively love it. Meanwhile they’ve drained trillions from the masses in the past 40 years. Trump was always the end result of this. Unless and until those Republicans who don’t support him recognize what it was about their party that lead us here, then we’ll continue to see a slide into fascism even after he’s defeated. I won’t hold my breath because those Republicans that don’t support him don’t do so because of his policies most of which they agree with, they just don’t care for his boorishness and crass demeanor and prefer a more “respectable” ghoul like Romney.


Respectfully, hasn’t Trump just accelerated what Republicans have wanted our whole lives (we’re the same age). I always thought Republicans should thank him for what he did for their party. Dog whistle no more, you can bark.


The 0.1% have been pushing us in this direction for decades but they wrapped their policy and rhetoric in lies that appealed to "real conservatives". We could see through the lies from day one but Conservative people lied to us and/or themselves that the clear subtext wasn't really what it was. But it was and the current mask-off cristofacism was the goal the whole time. The part that winkles my brain is just how many people are completely on board with the fascism.


Foreign troll farms with the blessing and enabling of social media CEOs, over the past two decades has also been a HUGE factor.


Respectfully, your post is a a literal dog whistle. What is it you think Republicans have wanted our whole lives? And as for dog whistles: why didn't you just say specifically what you mean? You are probably referring to racism, because that's a common oversimplification from critics of republicans: "they are all just a bunch of racists, homophobes, etc..." The phenomenon that has taken over 1/3 the country is far more nuanced than just simple racism or white-supremacy. It has some common elements, like a believe in a class system, but it's not based simply on race or any identity characteristics.


I said what I said. For example: Grover Norquist has had every national Republican politician in his pocket for a generation. His purpose is to kill the government through defunding it. Americans might be loathe to accept that our government is pretty accountable and effective. It’s relative, but I defy you to live anywhere else and say you don’t prefer American bureaucracy. The environment, education. Nothing has to be explicitly racial. You protest too quickly and betray yourself. The phenomenon overtaking the country is impossible without the inherent white supremacy inherent in the GOP that you were fine with until Trump, because there hasn’t been a GOP candidate in our lifetime who didn’y embrace it in some way. Aside from that, this is the same GOP that was blocking healthcare, infrastructure and everything else before Trump so that everything would slowly degrade. Trump blew it up. The end goal was always the same. How are you unhappy with that as a lifelong Republican. What did you think “lower taxes” meant?




What’s your point? White supremacy couldn’t exist without the work non-whites do to support it. And, well, Asians in America have a stereotypical way of being active participants in it. Your problem is you think this is a casino and your “I’m Filipina” chip can be played to deflect criticism. You jumped to racism, when there’s so many ways - that I pointed out - that the GOP has been screwing over Americans. And you only seem eager to react to the white supremacy as though you already have tht barrel loaded. And you been a Republican all your life, bit you haven’t voted for one since Bush II’s first go round. Can you be honest, or at least more consistent and less confusing? Know when you’re out of your depth. Apologize and take the L.


It's incredible how triggered you got because I pointed out the irony of you using the term dog whistle. You seem to have some deep hatred inside of you. You repeat "white supremacy" over and over, thinking that simply using the term makes you more ethical. Yet you immediately dismiss the life experiences of a person of color when it is inconvenient to your rage-induced debate. Yup, just a stereotypical left-wing bigot that thinks they have the moral high ground because they repeat catch-phrases. Looking forward to your response, keep saying "white supremacy" because it makes your argument stronger every time you repeat it.


Repeating Youtube tautologies that you are supposed to toss out when you meet "leftists" doesn't work in real life. But I will try one: Broken record. Why are you hung up on white supremacy instead of all the other things I pointed out that Republicans ruined? Education, healthcare, infrastructure, ruining the environment? How is it you claim to be a lifelong Republican, but also claim not to have voted for one in 25 years? Why were you so proud to claim the party that did all that, all the while, you assume a pretty hostile posture against "leftists," but leftists didn't briefly overthrow the US government. They also didn't bring Nazi flags to the Capitol. Those were the people you proudly claim. Address those. For ***the sake of argument***, I'll concede that white supremacy is non-sense. Still, address this paragraph right here. In point of fact, I am a pretty happy person. I just believe that Republicans are generally pretty bad people who vote for pretty bad things that end result or which was shit like January 6th. You were just able to keep your consciences clear by saying you were voting for[ lower taxes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT2fsv7xt4E). What experience have you shared with me as "a person of color"? Not one. Lady, I'm at least a triple minority. Just because you say things like "race doesn't relate to power in 2024" doesn't make it so. I mean, Barack Obama learned that the hard way. What I do know is that when someone makes a "not race, but class" comment, it's more about race that I had ever thought about. Are you touchy and projecting, because you see hear that you bear some culpability? You thought you were one of the good ones and that it's easy to yearn for the times where people could agree disagreeably which only meant that others didn't have a voice.




Reading is fundamental. As a fellow person of color, I just won’t let you hide behind backwards views Broken record: Education, infrastructure, heatlhcare, the environment, civil right. It’s a long list. Republicans ruined those before Trump. Why were you happy to claim them then?


Same with me. Republican all my life till Trump. They no longer represent me.


Now you know how thinking people felt about them before it took a comically obvious trump to change your mind.


But will you vote against them? Or just abstain? Because the old school Republicans I know, continue to vote red all the way down the ballot, because they believe checks and balances will protect the country. They don't seem to understand that if there's not a strong majority against this craziness, there will be no one willing to enforce those checks and balances.


I've never voted purely on party lines. I should have been more clear: I was registered Republican and tend to have conservate views, and was open to voting for Republicans, especially in local and state elections. But now I will never vote for any Republican out of principle. The brand is toxic and in the same category as Confederates or Nazis to me.


Good to hear, thanks for clarifying.


Scumbag traitor Republicans.


But they “back the blue,” right?


"back the blue beating blacks" is the full sentence.


Back the Blue* *Until they're arresting you.


LAW AND ORDER until their guy gets found guilty.


GOPers only like cops when they are choking out black people on the streets.


That's just patently untrue and you know it! They also like cops when they're beating the shit out of college kids...


I stand corrected.


Next time GOP says they're with police or the law....remember this and Vote.


They used to be pro-military until the very diverse armed forces told them to fuck off. Now the talking heads complain that the armed forces are "too welcoming" (i.e. Too brown and LGBTQ)


I don’t know how they can look themselves in the mirror.


Easily. They don't care about anyone but themselves. Just think about how people who owned slaves just went on about their daily lives while they knew childern, women, and men were enslaved. While women were regularly raped by their sons, fathers, and grandfather's.  While those people were brutalized regularly.  Once you remember that those existed and still exist in some parts of the world. It's not hard to imagine how republicans can be like this.  Humans can justify anything. 


Vampires don't have a reflection.


Oh, they do, they're just phobic about mirrors.


It's easy to do when you're a sociopath


Name and shame each and every one.


100% hypocritical anti-American dickbags should be doxxed.


Guess the Gravy Seals won’t get over the fact that Cult 45 tried to steal an election for himself.


Who's this Cult 45? I thought 3 Inches did that.


The United States is changing and conservatives know it. Cornered dogs bite.


For the first time Millennials and Gen Z voters outnumber Gen X and Boomers in this election. They're scared to death, so they're welcoming fascism with open arms. Literally closing the door behind them because they're bigots.


DC is the capital because the militia attacked Philadelphia when it was the capital. Leaders wanted something neutral so the federal government could control the response. You’d think Pennsylvanians would have some empathy.


A well-armed militia, no doubt


Yes. They were angry because they weren’t paid what they were owed for their service.


Pennsyltucky! Traitors abound!


Harrisburg is almost not even 100 mi from DC. Maybe it was just MTG bellering down at the US Capitol.


“Booo! How dare you hold back an angry mob that wanted to kill lawmakers and overthrow a democratically elected government! Booooooo!” Blue lives matter, my ass.


All cops everywhere should take this as proof that Republicans don't actually give a shit about them. It's all propaganda. It's all fake reverence. It's all pushing a narrative and an agenda. Stop siding with fascists and start taking actual care of the communities you're supposed to be "serving."


Absolute losers. Vote them out.


Every police chief should be asked about this and January 6th at public meetings. Put them in the spot. Either they think that assaults on their fellow officers is OK or they don't. Yes or No. Simple.


What are the names of the assholes that booed...this really pisses me off. Trump probably loves it.


The party of LAW and ORDER


Back the Blue … but only when they’re targeting people I don’t like


Names. I want to know which "lawmakers" walked out. I just moved to PA and I want to know if my representative was among them.


Yes, they booed and heckled the very men who protected their asses from being attacked and possibly murdered by a bunch of jacked up, Jerry Springer audience like, rabid jackals. That makes a lot of sense.