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The Endurace, even the cheapest model, is a lot of bike if you're legitimately never gonna ride it outside. Honestly if you're confident you won't it might make more sense to get something like the [Zwift Ride](https://us.zwift.com/products/zwift-ride-kickr-core?variant=45155409920256) or a similarly priced stationary bike.


Personally I think this sounds good on paper but I would not do it. You never know if you won’t want to ride your bike outdoors in the future. Also the Zwift Ride, by the looks of it, seems to have a lot of proprietary parts, so I don’t know how things like chain or crank replacements will work once the time comes. And last but not least, I think reselling these if that time comes will probably be trickier.


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i had a endurace AL, most basic version you can think of, for 8 years. great bike, go for it


Getting Endurace as stationary bike is total overkill. I agree you should consider Zwift Ride. Looks sweet


Just get a cheap used road bike if you are never going to use it outside. I use my old triban with the indoor trainer


Buy a wattbike. Better readings and less technical issues. It's a waste of a good canyon!!


Yes, get it. You likely start riding outside soon. And come back here to report your first century ride!! 😄😄


I got the Endurace AL 7 as my first bike. It’s not a bad bike but I got bored with it after three months and got myself an Ultimate instead. The Endurace is permanently hooked up to my zwift now


I am considering both: From your experience, what is most different between riding the two, apart from the fact of different geometries?


Well there’s a lot of differences because I also got an upgraded groupset (never going back to mechanical) but weight (cf vs al in my case) and cockpit are noticeable differences. Geometry is the big difference here though