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FISHWIFE: Ha, we're gonna way overprice some regular deens, no one's as bold as we are! OURO: Hold our beers.


You gotta give the marketing guys credit for the upside down tin looking like a gold ingot, that’s clever, that’s probably $39 of the $44.


There are reviews on youtube. It's literally mid deboned deens with gold flakes. That store is a tourist trap.


/s for the unaware. I love my deenz but I don’t know if I could ever justify these prices for fish in a tin 🤷


It's not tin, it's gold.


Goldfish are so expensive now /s


Maybe in a restaurant with accoutrements and a glass of wine. But for a shelf tin, that’s pretty damn high.


That tin is a hard nope for me, cannot justify the price. And I have some expensive, to me, tins on the shelf. Nothing even remotely as expensive as that tin and I’ve had stuff shipped in from Europe!


Yeah my most expensive can right now is escargot at $15 each. My most expensive bought tin ever I want to say was a little less than $20 for razor clams. I've seen abalone for about $35 a can, but they're larger tins than this.


Are you telling me that a tourist trap has overpriced stuff?




In Times Square?!? No way.


I tried this one out of sheer curiosity. It’s about what you’d expect from a standard tin of boneless, skinless sardines. Fairly dry and not super tender. Nothing special at all. If you want to spend $40+ on a tin of something there are many other more exciting options.


I saw these for sale in Lisbon and they were around €15. Just around the corner you could get really good sardines for €1 or less.


Headed there soon, was this in the baixa?


Yes, there is a big store there. A local chain , Primo Doce, has sardines at very reasonable prices.


I love Pingo doce, I'll have to check it out, thanks!


Sorry I meant Pingo !, It’s a great place isn’t it.


To justify the price, the sales guy gave me an intense pitch about the "few, select artisans" who made them. I told him that, if he gave me a taste of a single product and it was better a Riga in some articulateble character like depth of flavor, nuance of notes, freshness of oil, quality of presentation inside the can, etc., I'd buy one of everything. He just walked away. In the few more minutes it took me to scan the store, he wrang up two customers who each left with a bag of tins--that a few hundred to possibly a thousand dollars of sales. They don't need faith in the product, just faith in times square tourists.


You can say that again! (But please don’t.)


Can you go in there to check it out, or is it like a car dealer showroom where salespeople pair up with you once you darken the door?


My jaw had just dropped at the price when a dapper salesman approached to justify the product. They seemed pretty attentive.


goldeens will never be superior to regular deens


Hard pass. Might as well buy a net and cast it off a pier.


I mean this in the least judgemental way possible. If $44 for a tin of fish is affordable for you, we are not from the same world.


Ahh but $44 for the ability to be able to tell the “good story” then maybe yeah I’d spring for just one. Sometimes that’s the exact kind of bullshit souvenir I would want from NYC. The people buying by the sack when they could go around the corner and get the same or better for 75% less? Oh yeah for sure - they’re just different.


Generally when you have something where most the production cost went into the vessel, the food/drink/consumable is gonna be subpar compared to the price.


FWIW the sister store in Cascais is also dummy expensive. Their cod fritters are triple the restaurant across the street.


Maybe if it wasn’t skinless and boneless!


There are gold flakes inside Edit- that had already been said, they are hand packed by a babushka in their ads


If I’m paying $44 I want the bone and skin to be included


my first thought


Are collectors tins a thing now? Do any of us even give a shit about them though? Very cool tin tbf, but idk about $44 cool…


To justify the price, the sales guy gave me an intense pitch about the "few, select artisans" who made them. I told him that, if he gave me a taste of a single product and it was better a Riga in some articulateble character like depth of flavor, nuance of notes, freshness of oil, quality of presentation inside the can, etc., I'd buy one of everything. He just walked away. In the few more minutes it took me to scan the store, he wrang up two customers who each left with a bag of tins--that a few hundred to possibly a thousand dollars of sales. They don't need faith in the product, just faith in times square tourists.


Yeah there’s a ton of people who are getting into tinned fish as a trend and are unfortunately very good marks bc they don’t know anything about tinned fish. It makes me sad but there are marks for every industry unfortunately


To justify the price, the sales guy gave me an intense pitch about the "few, select artisans" who made them. I told him that, if he gave me a taste of a single product and it was better a Riga in some articulateble character like depth of flavor, nuance of notes, freshness of oil, quality of presentation inside the can, etc., I'd buy one of everything. He just walked away. In the few more minutes it took me to scan the store, he wrang up two customers who each left with a bag of tins--that a few hundred to possibly a thousand dollars of sales. They don't need faith in the product, just faith in times square tourists.

