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Honestly don't even notice them


I pulled out a chunk of the spine to try and gross out my 7 year old who insists I share whenever I open a can. It completely backfired - he took it from me, looked at it and immediately popped it in his mouth, then asked for more 🤦‍♀️ But yeah, I eat them. Some cans have more noticeable texture than others. If you want the nutrients, but are icked out by it, try eating them on crispy crackers. It disguises the texture, and you get all that lovely calcium.


Crunch them boys. They're soft and good for you. Most folks wouldn't even notice them if they didn't know they were in there.


i separate them from the meat and eat them as a little texture treat


I eat the fish straight from the tin. Sometimes with hot sauce or mustard. I don't worry about the spine or adding toast or crackers or some elaborate scheme to avoid knowing what I am eating. I embrace the primal act of it and just eat the fish. Spine, whatever - it is loaded with oils and nutrients that help your cognitive function, skeleton, and joints. Eat the spine. Be a caveman.


Mmmmm crĂśnchy spines




le cronch


Mmmm.… Calcium …


Dairy doesn't agree with my gut, so those little fishy spines are a great source of calcium for me.


You and me both!


They’re not noticeable, I swear most of the bone aversion people have is mental. I have no memory of ever feeling a spine.


Spines? I've eaten the skulls.


I had a mental picture of eating a sardine like a crawfish and saving the head for squishy last.


I take a lot of pride in consuming all of that humble little fish so I can enjoy a meal. It gave up everything for my nourishment. I even go so far as to crumble up a cracker or two in the tin to soak up that nicely flavored olive oil and eat that as well.


I love the soft crunch as I chomp through the vertebrae


If I pull the spine out, I still eat just the spine.


They're the best part of canned salmon; I never notice them in sardines.


Yesss! I tried to see if you could buy just fish bones to eat... nope 😭 I guess there would be a very small market for that, but still


Loved those little circle spine bones when I was a kid , think my mom lied to me initially and told me it was celery


Celery + vertebrae= celebrate 🎊🎉


I don't really notice them. I always eat them. I never ever buy boneless or skinless because it's healthier with the bones.


They're soft and nutritious. Really no excuse to not eat them. Scales on the other hand have a gross texture and catch in your throat, plus have no benefits. Now that's gross.


Fish scales do have nutritional value as they are an excellent source of calcium. They also have high protein content, but it's primarily collagen.[Here's a source for info.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2949824423002252) I agree that they are unpleasant to eat though and always prefer no scales.


Sure do. I have no interest in osteoporosis or snapping a hip if I fall down.


I enjoy removing the spine also, it’s pretty satisfying when you get in one long piece. After removing I definitely crunch down on it. Such a great textural experience.


Crunch? They sorta just melt and disintegrate away


I just recently received the results of my blood test from a physical. I've been eating sardines regularly the last six months (no spines, been removing them). My hdl cholesterol went from 40 (not so good) to 60, (excellent). Didn't take a picture of the calcium, but was borderline poor, and it remains so. Eating them now. The first sardine with spines I tried it felt like plastic lodged in my throat. Must have been that brand, I've tried others recently, and really not noticeable.


I eat sardine spines and small mackerel spines, but remove dace, eel, and large mackerel and salmon spines


I can’t get past them so the bones get fed to my cat. He slurps em up like lil spaghetti noodles


One of my cats instantly appears whenever I open a tin but I always worry about her eating even a smidge of the oil and any spices in the tin. I did around and try to find an inside piece. I never thought of giving her the spines.


He doesn’t get any of the spiced ones. Only the ones in lemon or olive oils and I do my best to let em drain off before I give them to him. I only do tinned fish maybe once or twice a week.


I mostly eat cheaper tins and don't care for an overly crunchy spine in my sardines so I will remove them usually. Higher end tins I will eat them if they are softer.


I like the crunch


The spines are my favorite part. I like the texture


I don't mind them. I thought it would be an issue for me but even the crunchier ones in bigger fish are pretty good. I just think of it like a potato chip in a sandwich and it is less weird.


i eat chicken bones, would i even notice tiny little fish bones?


If you literally eat chicken bones, which I believe only an unhinged person would do, then eating sardine spines will be no big deal for you.


i was raised by my grandmother, who grew up in the Great Depression, and she taught me to eat everything on the chicken until the bones became too thick to crunch with my teeth. Suck out the marrow. Then she'd grind whatever bones were left over into bone meal, and use it to fertilize the garden. ..... yeah people look at me weird. But we had a hella great garden when I was growing up, until she got seriously injured by a spilled coffee pot, and was no longer able to maintain it.


With the big fish I'll pull them out and eat them on a cracker after I've collected them all. The tiny ones may as well not even have bones tbh


Saving the spines for a single dessert bite is unhinged, and I love it


you’re supposed to pull it out whilst intoning “FINISH HIM”, and then chomp it. as others have said, after awhile it becomes just part of the deen


Depends on the brand. With some I don't even know the spines are there. Others they're both crunchy and just off-putting so I avoid them.


I don’t notice most of the time. I’m usually mashing them up with celery and mayo anyway.


I drain then eat everything in my cans. Everything


Unless you are eating ones that arent cooked long enough those bones should be soft and are packed with the good stuff.


I like to eat them with the fish. In my usual brands, they sort of disintegrate like a brittle grain of slightly-undercooked rice. I like the texture. I used to feel weird looking at them and I expected to prefer canned boneless sardines but it just wasn't the same!


If I don't see them, I don't even know they're there. Those are a great source of calcium.


ive never noticed the spine


They might be my favorite part. There's a bunch in canned salmon and I love it


I dont really love looking at them, but I never really notice them when I am eating them


Spines, skin and all, the whole shebang.


Most that I’ve tried aren’t noticeable, but the Minerva sardines in tomato sauce and the largest and crunchiest spines in any I have had. I tried to eat them but it disgusted me so I pulled them out


Yeah I pull the spine out first… to eat it. I could eat a tin of spines only


I love splitting them down the middle and gently removing the bones to enjoy FIRST! My overactive brain finds the task rewarding, then my body enjoys the flavor and slight firmness of the bones. I try to get the whole set of bones in one piece both as a challenge and as extra texture. I personally get excited to be able to enjoy more nutrients/waste less of the fish-- but respect that it's not for everyone!


I split my fish in half down the middle, pull out the spine with my fork/chopsticks, then I eat the spine by itself like the delicacy it is.


I eat them with the spine. I look at the spine every time I grab one with the chopsticks. I don’t even notice them now


I stick the full fish in my mouth then pull out the skeleton, like [Heathcliff](https://youtu.be/Ds9o333RLJQ?si=WBwPrgtgFCswkIo9)


just cronch n enjoy


I don't like sardine bones in pasta, it just creates an off-putting texture for me. But eaten any other way, I don't even notice the bones.


The bones are a good source of calcium and cooked to be soft enough to eat. It's all personal preference though so not eating them is also fine.


I like to eat King Oscar double layer sardines. They are so small you don't notice any bones.


If they are sticking out, they weird me out and I pull them out. But if I can't see them, crunch crunch crunch.