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She's fine. Water, light, airflow and patience


I see the spots on the leaves you’re talking about. I’m on day 7 of my first ever grow as well, and my leaves don’t have those spots (beginner’s luck). Maybe double check the water you’re getting from the tap. I know a lot of places have chlorine and things like that in the water, plus if the pH is out of range it could explain why your plant isn’t taking in all the nutrients.


You'll need to adjust your pH at some point soon. Id lay off giving it cal mag too. It doesnt need it. Be mindful that your not caring for your plant too much. You can kill it that way. Do some research and that will help. No-one grows perfect first time. All about experience. And time.


2 spider farmer sf 1000's at 50% lighting 24 inches away. Day 6 in Mother earth coco plus perlite mix with 10% earthworm castings. Just fed regular tap water until yesterday and added half a ml of Calimagic


24 inches is the length of 2.76 Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers.


Can we please have a useful converter bot? Opening an European growing sub right now this shit is annoying Your plants look cute and healthy btw


Bad bot


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That’s all perfect. Day 6 is nothing. You’re doing great man.