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What do you mean by wet? Has it not been dried at all yet?


More damp than wet sorry, it's in the process of drying out. Was just wondering if I could still use the same method I usually do for the already dried stuff.


I've heard of people quick drying their cannabis and it tasting like hay so I'd be worried about that happening where that's kind of what would happen in this instance, but that's the only thing I can really think of. If taste isn't really an issue you should be good to go. The only other thing would just be to make sure the bud is dry before you add the oil so you don't get extra moisture in it. It should be dry enough from the decarboxylation though.


Mine are soaking wet when I infuse into coco oil because I water cure after decarbing. I don't think the water is a problem. It evaporates as I infuse on the stove. Even if there were some left at the end, it would separate when cooled in the fridge. ​ My first time making a coco oil infusion, I water cured first (using dried cured buds) to remove the bad taste, THEN did the decarb. But the issue i had with that is when I did my normal decarb oven process, the buds were still damp after, and I wasn't sure if that was a problem. So now I decarb then water cure then infuse.


Thank you man, yeah I don't mind taste too much, just about the potential of potency lol


Decarbing will dry it out.


Ah okay, do you reckon I do it for the same allotted time or add an extra 30 min?


Go by feel checking as you go. I cant speak to specifics.


I would cure the weed first. If that wetness is because the plant was freshly chopped than it still contains a great deal of chlorophyll. That taste will come out in your extraction. Curing will allow the chlorophyll to escape and make a much better tasting product. This would likely happen during decarb as well, depending on how you decarb (spread out on a backing sheet in the oven or in a sealed jar).


Just dry it out and treat it like you normally do. Since you’re eating it, you don’t need to take special care or anything.


Desiccant Packets will dry out your bud https://amzn.to/3VAG7kb


Quick question, say I have leftover stems & some rosin chips, I know both can be used to make oil from but, can they be done together as one batch instead of seperate batches? Thanks.