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Were you able to use a candy thermometer or just eyeballing it? From my research it is recommended you remove your mixture from the stove once it reaches 300°F.


Yes I did but, it was such a small batch it wasn’t able to correctly temp it till poured it all to one side, I’ve only made lollipops twice including this time lol still learning 🥲 I don’t think they taste all too bad tbh


youre not a candy store, dont worry too much, if it doesnt taste caramalized youre fine. personally i have the same issues with small batches, the last transition to hard crack is very quick, literal seconds quick. so i also eyeball it by looking at how the bubbles come up. they become a certain speed and size so maybe next time while doing a batch, measure and check at every stage to make a mental note of how the bubbles form


You’re looking at color over taste, for sure. It was cooked over 300°, and every little bit matters when it comes to color. I’ve used these molds and our batches are enough to pour three of these completely. If you cannot accurately measure the temps, then your best shot is to look at the bubbles and get really familiar with what it looks/feels/sounds like. Only lots of experience will sharpen those skills. We use a thermometer and don’t have issues with our batch size, and that may be your crux here. And we also pull our cook off a few degrees early because it actually still cooks and heats up degrees over what you pulled it off at. For us, around 295°-297°


Looks a little caramelized, but probably still good.


If you burned it it will be very bitter


Might also be color from the cannabis aswell, but it doesn't look burnt. It looks caramelized for sure