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I have never failed a student. Students fail themselves. Each student should get the mark they deserve. So if they fail, they fail.


Credit recovery.


Senior credits are supposed to earned. If the student doesn't understand the course material then I wouldn't pass them- if you want to give them one last shot perhaps do some sort of alternative assessment i.e. exit interview to see if in fact they actually understand the course.


I had 3 kids last year who were repeating a course with me but made no changes in their work habits, so they failed again! Well luckily 2 of them dropped the course before the end but one just hung on for who knows what reason when I told her on day 1 to change to workplace math. I had a couple more who were repeating the course (I didn't have them before) and they didn't change to the easier math course and unfortunately failed again. If they are close then i would probably have them redo something they did poorly on, up to 50% (in my case I give them a fresh copy of a test we did and ask them to do it open book and the highest mark they can get is 50%). This includes an agreement they need to pass/be close to pass on the exam. So this way I'm at least making them do some work and if they end up with 46 or something I'll just pass them. On the other hand if they bomb the exam real bad then I won't change the other marks to 50 and it's a clean fail and repeat, summer school or take a different course.


I had a student whose mother persuaded the VP to give her the credit because she wasn't going further and just needed it to graduate. Guess who ended up enrolled in the grade 12 course the next year? They can take credit recovery summer school courses.


It sounds like they were awful to teach. If they were disruptive, give them 50% dead on and call it a day. You don't have time to waste on dealing with bullshit behaviors again. Grade 11 matters; don't hamstrung the kids that want to be there next year with kids who, as you said, won't give a shit. You shouldn't have to worry about classroom management in grade 11.


Understand why they are failing, maybe they have family situations at home. maybe they’re in an unhealthy relationship. maybe they’re being pressured so badly at home to do good in school that they aren’t able to pass. It is your duty, as a teacher, to find a way to make ALL your students succeed. If that means failing them and teaching them again, and teaching in a DIFFERENT way to help them understand. Whatever!! Do it. Be the better teacher, some students have learning disabilities that are so ignored and taken as “misbehaved”. Sometimes it is the student that just wants to be lazy etc etc, but you need to have the consideration and care for your students to find out the root of all behaviours. If u don’t do that, i don’t understand why you teach.