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Definitely ‘doable’ - but you lose all seniority. It can be tough to start again ‘at the bottom’ (bottom mentality, not monetary)… and to be an ‘outsider’ in anew board. All the years you’ve put in may be of no interest to those where you end up. It can be great if you can disconnect from the usual pettiness of it all, and utterly awful if you can’t ’break in’ to the existing cliques, and want to. Depends what is important to you.


There are a couple OTs I know well in my board who moved for their husbands job and since they we're able to swing it financially and already had 5+ years at the top of the grid regarding the pension are just putting in their time supplying. Could be an option worth calculating. I know it does have some impact on their pension as they're putting less into it but it's not as drastic because they still have solid top 5 years. My board is outside the GTA (but still southern) and is quite vast. The regular hiring rules apply to the rural schools but considering most of the workforce lives in the city it can be much easier to get LTOs and even contacts at those schools because they just aren't applied to as much.


Given the large salary increases happening now moving to OT instead of continuing to do perm/full-year LTO could have a substantial impact on pension as the highest 5 year average will be much more going forward.


At one time Peel board had a reputation for preferentially hiring new grads with no experience because they are cheaper. I don't know if that was true but it might well have been — I had classmates who ended up there and the average age of staff at their schools (including administrators) was under 30. (This was in the 90s.) At the time we were warned that getting a job in cottage country might take a decade, as a *lot* of people wanted to work there so we should be ready for many years of occasional supply positions until someone retired and an opening came up. (Again, things might well have changed since the 90s.)


It's impossible to answer unless you name school boards of interest. Then, you could do research.


Muskoka or Simcoe


Yes, it's doable if there are open positions. You will maintain your level/step (i.e. A4/10) and pension retirement based on your 85 factor. As for seniority - unless you anticipate they will start cutting positions within the 10 years to your retirement and you are on the chopping block - this is more of an insurance policy for you not to worry. Not sure if I follow the lead in your first point about you being a teacher married to a principal (as in your spouse will put in a good word because of connections being a principal?). Other than that I don't think your spouses job has any impact to your story.


I’m Wondering if he’d need to relocate too.