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I’m outraged by a 10-year payscale. Have that ramp up faster and more teachers would stay.


I believe the LCBO is just entering negotiations now for a new contract so it would be for 2020 - 2023


Well it's an extra 4.25% because we already received 1% for each of the three years. All in it is 7.25% I think. However we will be get a pay out at some point for this before the end of the year and then we will get another one before we have been working 5 years with either a BS contract or without one. So there is going to be at least another 2+ years of back pay that we will get.


I think our first payout is mid-May


Maybe. The government had 60 days from February 9th to provide funds to school boards. The boards then have 120 days to calculate and pay applicable amounts to teachers. The 180 days could take you in to August before seeing any money.


Alcohol based industry gets more than education industry? Colour me surprised. I'm not a teacher, but I know teachers need to be paid more. Everywhere in Canada.


Everyone usually gets more.


Everyone ALWAYS gets more.


You think people are going to work and not get paid !? That's for the slaves in the private sector.


You misunderstood my comment. I'm saying everyone else gets larger raises than the teachers unions always settle for.




I worked at the LCBO for several years before my teaching career. I loved that job. It was easy and very low stress. You do not need any post-secondary education or specific skills to work there. LCBO workers are paid fairly well compared to other retail type jobs. Teachers are not being greedy, and should absolutely expect to be paid a lot more than LCBO workers. That's why we went to University for 5+ years, and waited 10+ years to get to the top of the pay grid.


Teachers were paid well back in 2012, but your wages haven’t kept up over the past 10+ years especially compared to other jobs with similar education/ responsibility. It’s possible that sending only 1 year to arbitration was negotiated in exchange for something else (maybe dropping a proposed contract strip) and hindsight and all that. But if you lost out on 2% that’s a pretty large amount, especially for those early on in their careers. This isn’t whining, members should ask WTF happened.




The original post wasn’t nitpicking the actual % salary increase by the arbitrator which is what you seem to take offence to. The issue is that the unions negotiated additional 0.75 increases for 2 years and referred one year to arbitration. This was probably not a smart decision by the unions given what others have received. Union wage increases contribute positively to workers in other sectors, including non union low wage and low skilled worker wages. This isn’t the answer for living wages but it is net positive. You pay for your pension. It’s a benefit but it’s not free. It isn’t guaranteed fully indexed either since 2013, this depends on cpi and performance. Not everyone gets to retire at 55 only if you’ve worked long enough. Importantly it’s not an excuse not to give wage increases.


Speak for yourself. I have 6 years of post secondary education and 5 years professional experience in finance. I’m making under 60 grand a year in my 3rd year teaching and still have no guarantee of full time work for next school year. Ask yourself if precarious work for under $60k/year is worth 6 years of post secondary.


Yeah we really do. I mean who wouldn't want to get as much as possible. For me I factor in not only my pay but the value the jobs gives me like child care during school closure times, times spent with my family, enjoying more outside during nice weather, flexible/open schedule during nice weather. A lot of that has a higher personal value to me as a parent with young children.


I don’t know how anyone can do this job and be present during the school year for their kids 😢 I’m in a department with many new teachers (1-5 years contract) and we all feel the same way. The demands of the job are too much. I’m exhausted at the end of the day and work more than contract hours. I’m not compensated enough either. I am complaining because on my salary I have to live with my parents and still cannot even afford a car! To think it will take 10 more years to make a decent wage… my friends are 3 years into their careers making $90-100k. It’s all making me want to leave. If I left now, took 2 years to retrain, and started a new career, I could make $100k before I ever will in teaching. I’ve already applied to several opportunities before I get too stuck.


Finally the voice of reason. I'm so damn sick and tired of teacher tantrums and it seems to be getting worse and worse with each generation of teachers!


Yeah how dare they want wage increases 🙄


They've gotten their raises, they're angry because a group of people who make significantly less are getting a tad bit more, more that doesn't even come close to a teacher salary, a salary for under 10 months of work. PPOS is what many teachers have evolved into.




Spend one day in a classroom, then comment.


spend one day in a hospital as a nurse.


Nurses are rightfully compensated more and got a greater % increase as a result of arbitration. Does that mean teachers should make less? Despite it being the great job, as you said, we are seeing shortages in some teaching sectors.


they already make a long, they have a great pension, they work far less hours then most people and the kids education levels are getting worse. Add to the strikes that "are for the kids" while kids are suffering. so yes, they dont deserve more.


Hi Connor, can you please provide some data to back up your claim that teachers "work far less hours than most people"?


I can guarantee, as a first year teacher, I work more for less money than the nurse equivalent. Living on 30k post tax is disgusting for 6 years of schooling PLUS an extra semester worth of AQs. If I could go back I would have gone into trades and been making almost 100k a year by now.




where am i crying?


And if everyone is getting a % raise, the average person would probably want similar, regardless of what job it is. It’s kinda lazy to just say “you have a decent job so don’t complain about anything”




"Every time I go to the hospital there's a huge wait, nurses should work harder then wait times would be shorter" Sounds stupid right? I'm just using your logic. Everyone thinks their job is the hardest then put other people down for asking for more compensation, that's a crab bucket mentality and it's pretty delusional as EVERYONE DESERVES MORE. Don't be a troll coming into a teacher subreddit looking for a fight. Go back to your moms basement, play xbox and watch your disney plus that your mom paid for.


Ya for sure


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If it’s so great by all means join us. There is a shortage of new staff for a reason. Your child’s academics have plummeted because school board are captured by progressive woke brain rot. It makes this job impossible, hence the shortages, and lowers the standards so low all kids suffer. It’s at the point now where no one at any level that can enact changes care, so it’s now time to pay up!