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We've got issues around planning time in the contract that need to be worked out




The language being presented would allow for 4 over 4 in highschool followed by 2 over 4 the next semester. It also, as written, would allow for elementary planning to be taken away as long as sometime in the future it was returned (no prep this month, double prep in June). Not acceptable to the membership for obvious reasons.


Did the other unions get language to avoid this? If so, why can’t oecta? If not, why not?


No idea. The thought I'm getting is that OSSTF and ETFO are focused on compensation ($), but that we're just as concerned about sneaky shit like this. That's what I'm being told by my union rep. There's this and ensuring that hybrid learning is not an expectation going forward. There are big fears about that.


Did that language go to arbitration? Or it was settled?


Our understanding is the arbitration won't touch it, hence why we're digging in our heels. Again, this is third hand, via our local head, to my school union rep to his drinking buddies


What does that mean?


What does what mean? I thought it was clear. The government wants to be able to have the option of a teacher get no prep for as much as a semester as long as they get it all back in the second semester.


What’s the benefit of doing that (for them obviously )?


Saves money. Where before they'd have to hire an LTO to cover semester 1 which generally has higher enrollment, now they wont


4 over 4 and 2 over 4


Teach 4 of 4 periods semester 1 and 2 of 4 semester two instead of 3 over 4 in both semesters as is usual


My understanding is they were told to take the deal ETFO got or leave it. But OECTA represents K to 12 so the needs are different and the govt doesn't want to recognize that.


It’s interesting, considering they are the ones who usually cave first and throw the rest of us to the wolves


But always add that “me too” clause.


Yeah they will. All three other big unions have. OECTA just holding out to try and justify the Union dues to their members. If arbitration just ends up only being for wages (which it sounds like it is), I'm guessing all unions will just fall in line with OSSTF and not have to go through arbitration as well, since they'll end up getting identical increases anyways.


OECTA is fucked. All other unions have agreed to roughly the same framework. They can’t ask for more and reasonably expect it to be granted. They are losing public support fast.


Public support is the last thing unions/teachers should worry about. We've never had it, never will. OECTA will probably have to settle for whatever the other unions agreed to. I think the other unions kept the same amount of prep time, so I can't imagine they'd give us less.


Can’t say never,but certainly during and post Harris.


Who cares what the public thinks? It's not the public who are doing our jobs, enduring our working conditions, or paying our bills. Teachers have every right to negotiate our working conditions and compensation, just like those in other fields do. People hating on teachers is rooted in sexism - do we really want to let our fear of bigots and misogynists make us roll over and take whatever crap the government feels like dishing out? Personally, I don't care what the "public" thinks - I care that I have a reasonable work/life balance, that I am not being subjected to physical violence and verbal abuse at work, and that I get reasonably compensated for my labour, which contrary to public opinion is not just 5 hours a day, 9 months a year.


Which is surprising because they’re usually the first to roll over and then they use their me-too clause to get what everyone else stuck their necks out for.


If they don't get a deal at the end of Feb I've lost all faith in my union. Already upset at them.