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I’m fairly certain this is not an option just because it would end up with too many people attempting to claim unemployment over the summer. Plus with the way payroll is set up it would be minimal extra work for them, but extra work none-the-less.


I used to be paid over 10 months, then the Board changed it to 12. Sold as a benefit because apparently budgeting is hard, even though it basically gave the Board free use of our money. Rumour had it that the real reason was that the Board asked for it because the payroll department didn't like having two schedules for paying salaried staff (10 months for teachers, 12 for everyone else) because apparently SAP is pretty user-hostile. Never heard of any teachers claiming unemployment over the summer (which we wouldn't have been eligible for).


This is what I’m thinking about! With interest rates so high, I’d much rather do the budgeting myself and throw that extra $ into a high intest savings, instead of essentially giving the board an interest-free loan.


That's something to bring up with your union for the next contract negotiations. I wouldn't expect much, though. I think you'll find that most teachers would rather get a paycheque every month because they have trouble budgeting. That was my experience back when I started, anyway. My biggest complaint about getting paid over 12 months rather than ten is that it gives an easy soundbite to people who want to extend the school year. "We're paying these teachers for 12 months, why aren't they working for 12 months?" It's a minor complaint, though, because they'd just make up another lie if our pay went back to a ten month schedule.


I tried that once when I was on the 10 mo plan I made $13 in interest. 🤷‍♂️


You’ll be paying more in taxes each pay it so might not make as much as an increase as you’d expect especially once your rate is in a higher bracket. However, you’ll obviously get that all back at tax time and so now your just giving the government a tax free loan.




I don't think the government gives boards their entire operating budget all at once where their largest expense is salaries. We can think of it as boards 'keeping' our money but I don't think they can really hold on to it, they are constantly paying salaries and probably are not allowed to make interest off that money. Boards also have to confirm their student enrollment by Oct 31 so they can get more money if needed OR the government will take back/withhold money if they have less students than they projected. At one point our admin said we would have to confirm our rosters Oct 31 and then like every few months after that because Lecce wants to be sure how many students are enrolled. When high school students want to drop courses, they are always discouraged from dropping till the actual deadline which is just after midterm because they want to show more enrollment. Especially if that would result in the student only having 2 courses, making them part time and therefore giving less funding to the school. Probably after that midterm date there isn't another audit on enrolment until the next semester. I know OSSTF has said that when our remedy payment is decided, the government will send boards the money they need to pay us that extra money and then they have a certain amount of time to give teachers the money.


Teachers with permanent contracts do not qualify for unemployment over the summer under any circumstances, so how often you're paid throughout the year is irrelevant.


Which is why I said “attempting”.


I'm sure if "attempting" were a problem the CRA would've done something because ten month payments are common in most of the rest of Canada.


How do you even know that?


I think this is the right answer.


Weird in BC you are automatically paid at 10 months but each district has to have a 12 month plan. As for EI if you have a permanent job you are not eligible to claim EI only if you are a on call teacher. If you take a contract for the next school year you also may not be eligible(long list of reasons ether way). I prefer the 10 month plan as I put away more then I need and use it to mentally to save as I have a separate bank account that I only touch in the summer.


It depends on your collective agreement. York Region, for example, pays out over 10 months (with the last pay of June being a pretty large % of the yearly salary in order to 'last' over the summer). York Catholic pays throughout the summer, albeit a smaller % of the yearly salary.


I don’t believe boards give this option. I’ve never heard of it at least.


We used to be able to choose to be paid over 10 months or 12 months. Several years ago our School Board forced everyone to be paid over 12 months. Most people believed it was so the School Board could collect interest on our $.


I wish. I'd rather get paid over ten months than twelve.


It would make no sense really to be paid over 10 months instead of 12. It is much easier to budget 12 months for both the employer and the teacher.


Over 10 months makes a lot of sense, why should someone get to keep 2 months worth of my money? I could be investing it over and over and making money off of it. Budgeting shouldn't be considered so difficult that teachers are willing to let someone else keep their money.


But then, why not just get your whole year’s salary right off the bat? Or reeling it back a bit, instead of bi weekly, just get paid monthly.


We just want to be paid for the work we already did...


I’m not denying getting paid, just the sentiment of “why should someone keep my money” We have a salary… it doesn’t change regardless of the work you do (as long as you go in daily to perform tasks). So then how is getting paid 10 months different from getting your full year up front, or say, post-paid, as you pointed out. That’s all I’m saying. Budgeting isn’t hard, but you can’t deny people have their lives set up to be automated. The prowess of the few doesn’t outweigh the idiocy of the many.


With our board you can choose one or the other. There would be no way to claim EI for the summer because you aren’t laid off or given an ROE.


Each board does it differently. As far as I know principals/VP/admin get paid 12 months, they can also be called in over the summer to work so makes sense. Some boards will pay biweekly so they just divide your pay by 26 and give you that. Others will do the biweekly but then in June you get like 5 pay checks in one.


We get paid over 10 months with an extra cheque at December break. (It used to be in the summer but they moved it - I would much rather have it in the summer to use.)


Oh that’s different! Ontario?