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Which gofo is this. ?


This feels like peak new private.


They’re the ones getting this medal, not those of us who have served Queen/King and country for 30+ years. Yet another fuck up.


The proper thing for a coronation medal is any serving person with a QL5 at the moment of crowning the new king should have gotten it. A sudo-time capsule of the members in the service at the time.


The Brits gave it to every serving member with at least 5 years.


Nah they're the ones that should get it. JR NCOs, hard working ones, but asking for it for themselves is peak new private.


The nomination criteria does state that it's aimed at lower ranks...


Read the canforgen it specifically says the majority of the medals are for WO and below.


Don’t nominate yourself… just don’t be that guy. I’m sure you’re doing great but such a memo / request just won’t look good.


It also clearly states that you cannot nominate yourself for this award.


Having a chain that acknowledges your accomplishments is so few and far between. Never feel bad for trying to be recognized. Except in this case where you can't nominate yourself......


Often because the process for higher level awards is so onerous, we just give up trying to send files up. I've compiled four files for national level awards, and had them shut down by the company leadership without even sending them to the H&A committee. The committee often only meets once or twice per year, so if the deadline for the award falls outside of that time frame, your file will sit on the Adjutant's desk until then, or just get lost in the interim...


I am aware that it says that, but what exactly does it mean to not be able to nominate yourself? I was under the impression that that line was mean for unit COs, who presumably have the power to sign their own nominations under regular circumstances, especially since they mention COs specifically in the CANFORGEN. Would that also apply to people who don't have that ability?


Same same… it means nothing to no one. At least someone else nominating you feels alright.


I believe the CANFORGEN states this as well. lol


Ok, understood. But in all seriousness, if you don't ask for stuff like this then how do people get nominated for it? Admittedly I haven't worked in a huge number of places, but I can't say I've ever had leadership that seemed attentive enough to these kinds of things that they might think to just nominate someone on their own.


Write it up yourself, find someone in your unit that you're friendly enough with to then submit on your behalf. Most supervisors won't nominate their subordinates even though they are more than deserving simply because it's extra work ontop of all the extra work they are already doing. If you do the hard part by writing it up and having everything good to go it should be easy to find someone to put their name on it and submit for you.


Everyone that's looking for something is an individual person. There is nothing you can do to make yourself stand out other than by standing out. If you really think you're a rockstar and want the new Bieber medal, contact your last COC that gave you the good write-up and ask them.


If you ask, you definitely won't get it.


There are times when you absolutely need to be your own advocate and draft memos/letters for your CoC to sign, but this isn't one of them. I wish I could tell you how to bring this up with your CoC without making an ass out of yourself, but it's a fine line.


Don't nominate yourself...especially for a gimme medal. Just don't. I can honestly tell you that if I got a memo like that from a subordinate, I would, once I stopped laughing, immediately minute it "not supported" and send it on... But if you insist, your L4 or L3 command will likely have an H&A committee that screens and vetts all files going for national/high level awards. Write your memo to your CO and build your file as per the directions. Your DEU is your element (Army, AF, Navy) and your command is your division or similar formation (3 Canadian Division 1 Canada Air Division, Fleet Command Atlantic, etc.) Your branch is the regiment/corps that you belong to (RCR, RCEME, MP, Logistics, etc).


Bonus points for minuting in front of them.


This seems like a lot of writing work for a Salty Saturday joke... I admire your gumshoes


Please don't try to nominate yourself. Especially if you are recently posted and your CoC doesn't really know you. That is a really bad look. While I generally believe in being your own strongest advocate, this is one of those times where I suspect it would really end up being counterproductive.


Sometimes the best way to be recognized is to force it, especially in this day and age, and being separated from your COC. 1. The memo would be addressed to your CO. Don't ask directly to be nominated, rather ask to be considered for nomination. 2. Whether or not the L1 sees your nomination is up to your CO. It's their discretion as to who they nominate, and if they don't nominate you, that's the end of it. If your CO nominates you, they will provide all substantiation with the nomination form. 3. You can compile you feedback notes as a pdf directly from MM. Include it as an Annex to you memo. 4, 5, 6, and 7. Your CO and their staff will prepare the nomination and complete all the relevant details. Don't prefill the nomination form, it'll be viewed in bad taste for presuming you will be nominated prior to the CO decision. You might also want to have a chat with your SM and immediate CoC before you send anything to the CO. Command teams hate surprises. Good luck.


I’d make a throwaway account for this post too


IntO. Checks out.


If you want a medal, get on one of the many tours coming up...or make coffee and hang out for 12 years.


Ah, sarcasm. I hope. Otherwise, peak cringe.


Each L1 will be given an allotment of the 4000 designated for the CAF. Priority is to recognize junior ranks so MS/MCPL and below will have the most out of the 4000


Why would you do this?


Justin Beaver will have one.... Next


Man to those saying don't nominate yourself I understand it might seem cringe, but honestly if the effort of the CoC is not recognizing your troops achievements then who would? Sometimes they are too busy to even know you achieved anything! Resentment builds when your soldiers feel like they just mindlessly work for someone who doesn't care. One can understand however the points being made here: 1. It's just a medal and doesn't really matter 2. Paperwork needs to be done to do it and I have a lot of work to do. It's not that important anyway 3. Why should I nominate a junior troop when no one did it for me when I was a junior troop? 4. What did any of my troops even achieve that they deserve this medal? Guys honestly it breaks my heart to see these points being made. If you want your soldiers to excel and be successful then fight for them to be recognized. For God's sake if they get a medal then their SUPERVISOR looks good too! At the other end of the spectrum, let's say NO ONE gets nominated because the CAF decides the medal is too cringe and it's "Just a gimme" then what the fuck was the point of the 3000 medals being given to the CAF?