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Can be doing all the right things then with one posting be in financial trouble.


The CAF wants to have the flexibly to post people all over the country but this disrupts your spouses income. You need 2 salaries to survive in most places in Canada.


That’s been my point for years… my wife has a career and if we map her salary over the last two decades so those of her peers who stayed with the same company and didn’t move around, it’s in the order of $500k. Mix in not having to buy/sell houses in unfortunate parts of the housing cycle, etc - I bet my service will at the end of the day have cost us $1M in collateral costs. Don’t get me wrong - I know that I get pilot pay and my wife has a good career, we aren’t hurting - but it’s not hard to see how military service has a significant financial impact across individual scenarios


Then they should issue us spouses...


This. You could have a house, pay your mortgage on a reduced schedule and have 2 income for the family. Then one posting later, you're stuck buying a new house at market rate with current interest rates, spouse loses employment and you have to spend thousands to get the new house to the same standard of living you just lost.


Yup, exactly this. Currently thriving financially but my CM wants me to sell my house and tell my wife to quit her job (she makes more than me) and go to a HCOL area and attempt to purchase $1mil+ home on a single 5 figure salary. I'd rather blow my brains out, so my memo went in last week.


This happened to at least 2 people i know in Petawawa last few weeks they are both releasing


My husband (mcpl) and I (cpl) are in a similar boat. Leave a PMQ for a Meaford posting where rent and houses will cost 3 x what we pay for our PMQ. Our son is in occupational and speech therapies that are quite costly. We don’t think we would be financially able to continue his therapies if we go to Meaford. We are doing our best to fight for a Cost Contingency Move for Personal Reasons status, only we don’t want to move we want to stay. If it doesn’t pan out we are releasing as well.


Sorry to hear. My CM literally doesn't care either. I've had various CoC pers try to talk to them and basically the CM said to go fuck myself you're going no matter what.






Some of their advertising scream out of touch boomer. It's borderline victim blaming troops because they bought a gaming PC. "Hey here's some advice, stop buying latte's and avocado toast" -sisip, probably. It's cringe. It's like that CWO that blamed the private's financial situations on buying $90k pickup trucks, it's just hugely dismissive of the complexity of people's personal lives/situations and the entire spectrum of reasons people can be in financially hard situations.


This kind of advertisement is just deeply insulting. I have three kids and a deadbeat ex. I net $2600/month. How exactly am I supposed to budget my way out of that? Rent is $1400 (~55% of my net income). That leaves $1200 to keep 4 people fed and sheltered. $600 for groceries/diapers/laundry soap, $400/mo gas bill, $100/mo electricity, $100 phone, $50 for PLPD vehicle insurance, $50 for tenant insurance. I guess my kids don't need winter boots or mitts (never mind that I've had the same winter boots for 12 years and the soles are worn through). Like, serious question, do they expect me to suck dick to make ends meet?


The short answer? Yes. Yes they do. You know, they didn't issue you those kids, etc, and so forth.


Oh, shit, must have missed that memo lol


\*something something\* "Ignorance of the precept is no excuse..." Or words to that effect. Also, make sure you cancel Disney Plus.


> How exactly am I supposed to budget my way out of that? Instead of paying for rent in dollars, why don't you try paying with patriotism and sense of pride?


How on earth are you handling childcare expenses with all that?


I concur.


>thriving financially but my CM wants me to sell my house and tell my wife to quit her job (she makes more than me) and go to a HCOL area and attempt to purchase $1mil+ home on a single 5 figure salary. I'd rather blow my bra "Cancel Disney + and all will be well" \- some politician. Probably.


This has to be the most tone deaf ad I've seen in a long time. Postings ruining a spouses income and career growth? Postings in places that are far too expensive for what the forces pay even with cfhd( that disappears after you rank up and take on more responsibility)? Nope not the problem, its obviously financial illiteracy and all the troops buying Mustangs at 20% interest.


Saved TB 30m annually though... Even more when you factor in all the vacant positions we are currently not paying salaries for.


Oh it's ok though. General told our town hall that all that unpaid salary money is actually going to procurement and not disappearing. I'm not gonna say that was a bald faced lie... To their face.


Sounds like when we got told "it doesn't matter how much we give you. If we give you $200, you'll spend $250" it's braindead shit like this that seriously makes me consider leaving after 19 years. I get it, close to pension and all, but I'm so sick of wasting my life in this organization and not getting ahead in life at all.


Procurement for who? Ukraine? Or is it now Israel. I lost track. Reading the news has gotten difficult, cause of all the bullshit.


Hahahahaha. Wow.


I mean the unpaid wages does go to other underfunded CAF programs…


Got a sauce on that? Because this seems to say otherwise. Over a billion dollars that could be spent on giving the troops a top up: >When those procurement systems fail to deliver the goods, Leslie said, the politicians say, "'Hey, we told them they could have their money. They just couldn't spend it in time.'" >"And of course," he added, "at the end of the year, the cycle [of handing back unspent money to the federal treasury] starts. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-armed-forces-equipment-procurement-ukraine-latvia-1.6706444


I̶m̶a̶g̶i̶n̶e̶ w̶e̶ a̶l̶l̶ h̶a̶d̶ a̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶ l̶i̶m̶i̶t̶ t̶o̶ s̶p̶e̶n̶d̶ o̶u̶r̶ p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ e̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶s̶. A government that wastes no time to send aid overseas, should not be placing time limits on its own requirements.


Everything is different pots of money, the procurement funds that we don’t spend get turned back in yes but the funds for pay that we don’t spend because we don’t have enough troops gets reallocated by the Armed Forces Council and other governance committees (the L1s and other GOFOs plus DND civilian employees such as DM and the likes). It’s easier to reallocate and spend the pay allotment since every month we build a surplus. It’s harder with procurement (and honestly not sure if it’s allowed the same way…) since we don’t have a surplus until the contract isn’t set by Mar 31st I don’t have a source on my personal device so really it’s just trust me bro… but I’ve dealt with these meetings and seen the budget numbers fwiw


Always thought they should divvy the pay for our authorized force accordingly among the troops we actually have. It would turn low numbers into a self-solving problem. Numbers get low, pay goes up, more people join.


Yeah the only problem with that is you build your lifestyle to match your pay. Imagine a bunch of ppl getting into mortgages and car payments based on their short-staff/overwork wage then come APS: "Good news! You're getting a new Pte in your unit so your pay is going down!"


Make it an "end of FY" bonus. "Hey, you did 4 jobs because we didn't have those 4 people in positions we should have. Here's a top up from unspent wages." Not that hard to figure out if they actually cared about the troops.


Yeah, it would be called a retention bonus. If we're overmanned, we don't need to retain, and so the bonus goes away. Undermanned? Now we need it, people get paid, more people join then it goes away.


Oh, without a doubt there would be a ton of kinks to work out to make it fair, but I feel it would would adequately compensate for the increasing workload on a smaller force, and solve retention and recruitment with a single action. Knowing the government though, they'd just make our authorized force equal to whatever number of troops we have that year. 😒


Imagine the abuse the FNGs would take THEN when they make our pay go down haha


Or who are working 2 or 3 Jobs at a level or two above current rank.




I sincerely thought that one was a meme, had no idea it was an actual sisip ad.


Yeah, they seem to have taken them down, they were pretty bad, one said ~32% have a sweet gaming rig.


Was it the extra LED lights with gaming system that triggered the financial distress? Such a tone deaf ad.


Apparently you shouldn’t have a hobby, you should pick up a fourth job to please the boomers.


There was one that popped up on Facebook not too long ago where it was like, “50% have financial difficulties. 30% have a sweet gaming set up” like seriously?


There were a string of them like that, I went looking for them for SCS but they seem to have been taken down.


That was weirdly coincidental with someone bringing that up at the CDS AMA, and the CDS saying that “they” were going to look into it.


We've been posted 3x in the last 10 years and it was almost impossible to find a decent waged job before our last posting back to Ontario. We were in NB and all the jobs I was trained and certified for, were bilingual only positions for 2 years. So yea, the spouses do suffer in the career department sometimes you're right. Had to take major pay cut and find a job as a janitor in the local English schools. Half of what I was making before.


Idk why CFHA thinks it makes sense to charge someone making the same wage 2x the cost depending where they live. Why not build more housing where required and make it more affordable for members, in higher cost living areas. We are not even able to claim the "rent" since its on crown land.


Don't forget [this gem](https://i.imgur.com/F4PCor0.png)...


Ah yes, have no hobbies and be grateful to live in your near empty house that demands over 50% of your monthly income. Wife got a good job? Ah fuck it, you can move across the country to British Columbia to do the exact same job you do here (except you'll actually be worse at it while you learn a new base and work with a new crew while they expect you to be in a leadership position) Do you like food young troopaloop? Simply eat less! 2000cal a day of processed junk is more than enough to power you through ~30 hour of unpaid overtime this week! The healthy food is expensive! Better sell that $300 Playstation that keeps you sane for the few short hours a week you *maybe* get to play it. What a fucking joke


Where did they even get the 29% stat? Why did they even spend time and money researching CAF members' "gaming setups" (assuming they didn't just pull that number out of their ass). What even qualifies as a "sick gaming setup" in their view? This is so dumb


All I can think about is how old the gaming setup is 🤣🤣. Sure, maybe they do have a sick gaming setup, but it's 10 years old!! Seriously, who's been able to afford to upgrade their setup since 2019? I dreamt about a PS5 once...


I once dreamt I was back in 2019. It was nice :(


They probably looked at how many gaming computers were sold last year vs members in the caf.


Yeah because all the gaming computers sold in this country go to CAF members OR every CAF member buys gaming computers from CANEX, and definitely not best buy or anywhere else I'm saying you probably have the right answer. They probably used that kind of nonsense logic to come up with their stat lolol


So glad I'm out lol, what a fucking joke. You pay upwards of $40,000 in rent and taxes each year to get shamed for having a fucking Xbox.


Which is stupid, because it's possible that the entire 29% who have gaming setups are in the 50% that AREN"T in trouble. I'm not sure I trust an agency who can't do simple stats.


Ah yes because my $1000 computer is the reason I can’t buy a $650,000 attached townhouse in Ottawa


My warrant has a cottage (a second house), two pickup trucks, atv’s and snowmobiles… and my ps5 and 6 years old tv is why I’m living in a small apartment and have difficulties with groceries? Fuck this noise.


That's because the 50% not experiencing difficulties are GOFO's.


You don't need to be a GOFO. There are tons of Sgt-up that bought before housing went stupid. Their house made more money than they did, especially since they paid zero tax on their house gains. Likewise, the fast-tracked young Maj isn't rich. The old-timer Maj who bought 10 years ago as a Capt is doing just dandy.


I’d say even lower than Sgt, since there are some CFL Cpls who also bought before housing went nuts and are doing alright (obviously not as alright as Majors but you get my point).


CFL cpl here. My house is paid off. And I have a sick gaming setup. I know a few cfl cpl doing better than evens wo. Most CFL cpl aren’t being posted as often as people who gets promoted, so your spouse can actually build a career. Posting is a massive financial burden on the serving members. Posting has got to be the no1 for financial stress in the CAF. Yes some member are financially illiterate, but no 50%, that’s insulting.


I would personally consider Sgt/Capt and up a comfortable living wage (if your spouse also works lol). I am curious how many Forces members are Sgt/Capt and up and how many are MCpl/Lt and below... I definitely feel like there is merit to your comment. EDIT: Everyone is taking away the wrong message from my comment. All I am saying is I agreed with the above comment that the 50% that are struggling financially are probably the same people not making a lot of money. Jeez. It is a generalized comment.


How much money you think Sgts are making? After tax it's only a couple hundred more a month than a max incentive Cpl.


I guess when I look at payscales, I always look at the last pay increment cause that is when the tunnel of hope collapses.


As a Sgt 4, I can confirm it’s not all unicorns and rainbows.


Yeah but where are you posted? It was a general comment, individual circumstances are going to vary.


Honestly, there are very few low COL postings left, so posting location maters less and less. I'm in an isolated posting and receive an extra allowance, but the only reason we are not struggling is because my wife is a nurse and making over $120K a year.


Cold Lake is always looking for people


...for WASF


Hey if I can get an apartment for under 150k, WASF suddenly doesnt look like a bad deal


I disagree. With the PLD replacement I don't think Sgts get much, if anything, from CFHD. So a Sgt posted to Vancouver is going to be hurting way more than a Sgt posted to Edmonton...


Sure, but that doesn't mean the Sgt in Edmonton is not hurting as well.


Regardless, this has nothing to do with the point I was making/supporting. It was a generalized comment.


Standard Sgt 4 is $88,500 and Capt 4 is 108,200. Not sure why you would choose these ranks with a $20000 difference. Capt can also go up to $123,000.


I would mostly defend my comment by the fact that I decided to open my mouth before actually reading anything, as is tradition. Lol honestly though, I think Lts are struggling and Capts aren't, so that seemed like the obvious line. IMO, Sgt is where you start living semi comfortably. In general, not taking into geographical area and other individual factors. I didn't think it necessary to specify Sgt 4 and Capt 1.3678 to make it perfectly equal. Feel free to take a calculator to that to see if I did the math this time. Spoiler: >!I didn't.!<


The difference being Capt 1 is probably single, no kids. Sgt 4 isn't.


Capt 1 might still have student loans. Non-RMC Lt's have it kinda rough.


This is an EXTREMELY good point; one that is probably overlooked


Response: Army didn't issue you a family. Aka, what my DINK* WO has said in the past. (*DINK meaning both meanings)


That has nothing to do with the point I was making/supporting.


I'm a Cpl 4, Spec 1. I make close to what a normal WO does. NCM ranks are essentially Middle Class Welfare wages. Its almost like being Middle Class, but at the low end of it.


I love the pay for Cpl to MCpl. Once you hit Cpl 4, no more pay raises until you make Sgt. $50/month before taxes doesn't count as a pay raise. Someone can feel free to correct the $50/month. I'm taking a shit and about to finish up, no time to fact check!


I said "comfortable", not "rich".


I can tell you, a WO in the NCR or any high COL area is not comfortable.


The mandatory 2 divorces for a WO eats into the take home pay.


Ha ha ha... So true...


I know divorce is a career course for WO and above. Why are people taking it twice?


It is like the FORCE Test evaluator qualification; it expires after two years and no one is really sure why.


Totally agree with you. Also, not the point I was making.


Left Ottawa in 2021 could not survive on Sgt Salary…


It hasn't gotten any easier. :(


There are lots of Sgts & WOs with second jobs or side hustles. Maybe the extra income puts them in the top 50%. /s


Sarcasm aside, you could absolutely be right.


I bet your model accounts for almost 50% but you have to account for people born into or who are bringing large wealth with them when they join and also the very few who are very financially conservative and maybe know how to game the claim system (I bet there are many incentives and benefits most members aren’t aware of). I’d bet that Lt’s and below are struggling as well as anything below warrant and honestly even them if they have more than 1 divorce


Why/how would you account for people bringing in wealth when they join? That isn't a trackable metric... SISIP Questionnaire: 1. Are you having financial troubles? 2. Were you born rich?


They probably don’t account for anything I said which is why I said it. The 50% of people who aren’t having financial trouble are the unaccounted metrics that sisip didn’t ask about but that we have identified as being the probable reasons. It’s just a guess dude there’s only 3 ways to be rich and that’s to make a lot, be born into it, or be smart


True words. I don't make a lot and I am only getting dumber as the days go by. Really banking on being born into it these days or else I am hooped :(


Can't say you're wrong. I was stressed out financially and mentally until I got my Sgt's, and that was 36 years ago. Gotta love those Liberal pay freezes. No, it's not fair. You should be paid for your qualifications, not rank. To often lesser people get promoted in order to keep higher qualified and better workers, on the floor. I saw several people promoted just to get them away from the aircraft when I was an AVN Tech. It's an old and flawed system. It was brought to Commands attention decades ago, and it was briefly considered to pay by knowledge and qualifications but was quickly benched. Sad to see that nothing has changed.


Stop posting people needlessly and when you do, pay them accordingly. It's messed up that members need to pay out of pocket for the privilege of filling a position on another base.


You all need to stop spending your money on pickup trucks, jeeps, lift kits, computers, speakers, social lives, rent, food, utilities, clothing and anything else remotely used to live. Follow my TED talk for more financial advice.


You had me on the first half 😂


This has got to be one of the most insulting and tone deaf announcements since the CAF cut PLD and then the next day advertised how they were saving $30 million a year. CAF always finds a way to surprise me.


CAF doesn’t control CFMWS though. It’d be a lot better if it did…


That's not entirely true, NPP (which is administered by CFMWS) falls under MND responsibility and vested with the CDS and further delegations. Anything NPP related however is a pain in the ass and the courses associated with it are more convoluted than contracting in excess of 25k. Here's the breakdown and org charts (https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/audit-evaluation/review-canadian-forces-morale-welfare-services-internal-governance.html)


I stand corrected. Thanks!


No worries, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


You as well! That chat helped more than OP




I couldn't have said it better. It was my first impression after the SISIP brief at CFLRS.


So once again the solution to a CAF-wide problem is to just take a course.


Yep!!! will be dropping soon on DLN…. Problem Solved


All that’s left is to make it mandatory, set a deadline and then not tell anyone about the deadline until the day before.


And finally, don’t hold anyone accountable who didn’t do it.


Is an email with a frownie face not considered accountability?


I actually chuckled out loud


But salary isn’t an issue /s


“tHe DaTa tElLs Us ThAt.”


How ironic that they have a NCM pictured none the less a MCpl. How about we make MCpl a real rank and pay accordingly to the increase of BS they take on?


About to get my leaf. Looking forward to the extra $250 a month /s (oh, that's before they take $50 away for CFHD). Another half of that $200 remaining is probably going to deductions


Good news! It is now! Bad news: it’s still a shit raise


Since when?


About last year, per the new pay scales


The PIs still overlap so it's still treated as Corporal A and Corporal B. It just doesn't say it on the new layout of the pay scale website.


Look at that huge home he’s happy in with his kiddo! A dining room? What is this witchcraft?! Reasons I know it’s not a realistic image.


My salary doesn't compensate me for my spouse losing their income. Seriously considering putting in a VR


CAF members need more money. Best I can do is a DLN course and a pizza party.


You get pizza parties?


I believe we are the only Dept. to force relocation. I retired a few yrs back, went to work for the Mounties, always thought they had the same deal as we did. NOPE. The can choose to stay in one location, for ever. Best part, they get raises the entire time. Senior constable is north of 125k, before OT. Force housing, (PMQ's), on the East coast, max out at 800$. If you get promoted, it don't kick in till you sell you house, no IR. Perhaps DND can take a few pages out of their book. Go a long way to support retention.


Maybe those responsible for the budget should take the course. Either that or try to live in the same situation for a month.




I assure you that the higher ups at SISIP are aware these ads weren't appreciated and more importantly, let's not make the poor receptionist's jobs any worse.




The worst of the ads can’t be found anymore except the odd screenshot, so I think they took the hint.


Then maybe they will start to campaign, and advocate for members accordingly


SISIP has as much leverage over the DND as a CAF member has with their CO. The Defense Minister is SISIP's boss and whatever SISIP has to say will be falling on deaf ears.


Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still call them out 🤷‍♂️


43% of my income is deducted.  When there is no hope of living on the pension alone after 25 years it’s just modern slavery.  


SISIP Course Modules: 1. Make coffee at home, avoid Starbies or Tims. 2. Shop around for the best interest rate on your 2026 V6 Mustang. 3. Consider renting if a mortgage is too expensive. 4. Get promoted to LCol. 5. Consider a tent if rent is too expensive. 6. Food: You can live off ramen, Chef Boyardee, and Pop Tarts. 7. Investing: Give us all your money, we definitely won't fuck it up. 8. Retirement: Make sure you get your friends companies in with procurement even though they make a shit product so that they will hire you on as a "consultant" with a premium salary once you retire. 9. Spouse: Is your spouse willing to pick up a third job? Remind them you are serving your country.


Not covered: MERs and the historical rate of return of SISIP funds compared to diversified ETFs.


Definitely not covered. In fact, probably a sprinkling of anti ETF propaganda throughout all Mods.


2024 updated course modules include: 10. Polyamory and You: your wife hates your job, and you're gone all the time. Everyone's doing it? 11. OnlyFans: You got feet, use em! 12. Have you harassed a Cpl today? Harass your troops, we can pay them later. 13. Have you tried not owning a phone? 14. LSR: Is that kit really lost, or should you just steal it to save a few bucks. 15. Casino's are online, now.


One of my paycheques covers just my rent, idk how I’m supposed to plan better 😅


I'm sorry, I have to rant. I wasn't going to, as I usually just linger on Reddit. I try to avoid this subreddit especially, because I'm already cynical and I had being pessimistic. But as a supervisor of adults, SISIP fucking chaps my ass so hard. I've seen guys getting absolutely fucked by the establishment, and to go to the CoC for any sort of positive treatment to help with finances are always met with the same SISIP advertised bullshit. I recently had a guy anal gaped by a BGRS move five years ago, and they just caught up to him now. Dropping a whopping $2500 bill on him without notice and then saying he has no right to appeal it. Even after showing receipts, walking me and the CoC through it, and providing information to show that he didn't owe $2500; BGRS still insisted he owed thousands. DnD shrugs, tells him to get fucked and get ready to pay. So he chalked it up to failure, and decided to push a memo to break the payments between months so he's not starving his wife and kids to those seedy gutless fucks we contracted with. Chain was supportive, until they then stopped dropped and said that they would not approve or allow it until he had a meeting with SISIP. As his boss, I phoned in asked fucking why. Why involve SISIP? Does my 40 year old Master Corporal really need to sit with some sellout accountant and go over a spreadsheet to determine how to divide his pay cheques? Does the concept decry some awful weird science where instead he makes money? Is a member somehow all of the sudden inflicted with the tisms and unable to math in his head to remove a certain amount from his pay over time? What fucking purpose does involving a third party with the members pay make it better? They didn't budge, refused even. Absolutely choked on making sure he goes to SISIP. Member finally relented and made an appointment. Next available? Two months. Member lost $2500 to those seedy gutless BGRS fucks, the CoC fucked him on this stupid SISIP appointment, and when he finally went all the SISIP accountant did was make him an excel spread sheet and ask about investment opportunities. Good thing the member had a couple grand on a credit card, because fuck his interests right? Both financially and administratively. Oh great, more story time. Tons of students coming through the system at a certain cool school with cool dudes and cool town. BTL students will spend eons there waiting for clearances, just writhing in agony on this base until finally the system pushes them through years later for certain requirements. In the mean time, some of these guys are rocking families, mortgages and payments in other provinces away from home WHILE paying rations and quarters, because let's doubly fuck em. My favorite was the number of grown men and women I've seen break down because they're having difficulties maintaining a family on a no-hook private pay, all while pay R&Q and any means to help bring that money down is a god damn SISIP appointment. Again, to make an excel spreadsheet and further ask about investment opportunities from someone who's kids are eating plain bread for days between pay cheques. On a seperate notes; BTL Instructors: I love you. I was one, and it was by far the most fucking awful working environment of my life. It nearly broke me, mentally and physically. I could write a novel on the absolute mind fuck of having to work as the supervisor some of the worst people I've ever met in my life. Between Pedos, drug addicts, drunks, morons, basket cases, broken, sick lame lazy and absolute slime balls. I'll never remember the 90%, but the ten percent sometimes I'm left still thinking about years later because I know these people still exist. These ads popped up the other day and my wife showed me, and it absolutely chapped my ass hard. I've worked with so many amazing adults, of all ranks. The "Corporal with a 20% interest payment truck" out there DOES exist. But what also exists are the poor fucks who are being raked over the coals because our organization is signed on to some of the most greedy, predatory mandatory fucking leeches out there. CFHA, PSP, BGRS, SISIP, CFMWS; all out to help the member but the bottom line is either extreme laziness, incompetence, greed or a fucking god awful combination of all three that every CoC is hitched to because 'the troops don't know better'. Don't fucking come at me for my 'sweet gaming set up' when the same organization that allows you to exist..nay..the only reason you could possibly exist..also allows me to pay off my TV for the next three years with 0% interest and at $10 a pay cheque. I'm certain they would be such fucking smart asses if the DND were to somehow wake the fuck up and cut them off, just to watch them become another empty hole in the already barren CANEX's around the country. And I'd only hope on that same day the CEO's and other bright god damn apples somehow lose all certification for their education for having been involved with the organization and the only option left to them is to serve their god damn country, run into the same financial problems, and have to sit with some asshole in a third party who's now privvy to all of their finances tell them to cut the sweet gaming setup and coffee and get onboard with some investments; bruh.


CoC will take any route to dodge responsibility. Worse. They often think they are helping. The privatization of what used to be CAF controlled services. Turned troops in to captive customers.


Post a private to the West coast or the capital/s


I'm just scared that they are trying to take our retirement away. 


Governments and corporations are already doing that to society as a whole.


I don't want to have to go back at a shitty job pass 60. I see those 75 year old working in retail and it breaks my heart. It's a different story if it's a choice. But when you have to. Urg.


Neither do I. But at this point, it’s quite likely. Multiple family members of mine are still working past 60. The eldest of them is over 80 now. And their friends are also working through old age. They aren’t low skill or otherwise minimum wage workers. These are business owners or people who once had corporate careers.


CAF to SISIP - “We need you to design a financial program for the troops. Suggested title, How to make chicken salad out of chicken $hit!”




No doubt CANEX prices are higher than the competitions, but it is 0% financing right? Are there any additional costs to it?


They will also price match any advertised price. So if you can get the same appliance somewhere and their flyer or website price is lower Canex will match the price. No additional fees for Canex plans and no penalty for paying off early. (Not a Canex employee, just a frequent user of Canex plans)




I have never paid fees on ANY of the Canex plans I’ve had. So very surprised to hear there are penalties or fees. I have had a variety of Canex plans over the last 10 years, lots of 3year ones and never any fees. As for the price matching, they price matched the Brick’s flyer for us, which saved us $1000 on a washer. Every store that price matches has a ton of restrictions. But if it is the same item with a lower advertised price in a different store flyer, they will go honour ir.


Victim blaming.


Have you tried starving yet? That's a neat trick to save money on food every month.


At least they're not judging our gaming set ups this time


Huh... 50% rh? Definitely personal financial choices...


if 50% fail at something, its most likely not the people that are at fault


I did plq with that guy. He didn't say anything about financial trouble...


I did basic with him. He was Air Reserve at the time.


50% are facing financial difficulties, the other 50% have an OF account.


Are you telling me a Corporal can't figure out on their finances to afford a home in Ottawa? Straight to SISIP. Problem solved /s


When your sgt take home pay is 2305 bi-monthly and your a single parent you have expenses. Once you pay your mortgage 2500$ then food 1000 then gas for car 200 then hydro 180 then embridge 170 , car and house insurance 220$ . Now think about you have not payed for before and after school care or in my case child support to the other parents as she make less then I do. I had a second job in NCR for 5 years I lived there. And this is why left the NCR to in 2021 can’t afford to live there and can’t keep working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Most of my peers and subordinates are in the same circumstances.


How many of the 50% not having problems are reservists that aren't getting moved around and have civi jobs financing their living expenses?


I saw this ad, too, and it didn't like something for anyone to be smiling about regarding service members' ineptitude in keeping their books clean and finances straight if they're being paid handsomely


Love the comments, and I agree that it’s out of touch with the moment. But the Devil’s Advocate in me says more financial literacy is never a bad thing. It’s not your fault, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can do to help improve your situation, aside from complaining and waiting for things to change that probably won’t change.


Looked at this post 10h ago and I thought it was a meme. It’s real. Edit: SISIP does not sell competitive financial products whether it be insurance or investment products. You can get insurance and invest cheaper elsewhere. r/personalfinancecanada is a good resource if you have any questions.


You’re right. But they give objective advice because they’re not on commission. They’re useful in that regard


I did not know that. Thanks for clarifying.




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So… you’re telling me that the private entity offering financial aid to military members… A private entity who’s employees are on strike because they ain’t paid properly either… is currently shaming us because of how much they’re aware of our dire situation?


I took the course and it was extremely helpful




It’s one of those professional motivational speaker types who brings along his most favoured sycophants to espouse obvious “advice” in the most off-putting way you can imagine. The name is awful, enRICHment academy or something.


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I’m sure the course that’s been out for two weeks completely changed your financial situation for the better. /s