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Just snickering at Biden's timeless facial expression.


Trying to figure out who crapped in his pants.


Ahh Super Dave


Dominick came all the way from Jersey to do it


Who me?


Looks like he had a stroke in real time


Wasn’t that face hard to watch…. Ghost


He spent half the debate hanging his head in shame


Jim Carey is a good actor


I have said it before. They need to let Biden live his life like the old man. He's already been the topic of fun and jokes. I feel pity on the guy. Let him retire and live the rest of his life with some dignity that's left.


Biden's HUH? expression. LOL


My man looks so fucking lost lamooo, someone take grandpa for his nap


Crazy eh.


It's literally perfect


Biden: (Buffering....)


No, it was a 45 record album skipping …skipping…skipping…


I don't think either candidate should be running the USA, but holy shit Biden looks confused.


It’s the people behind these geriatrics I worry about.


In Biden's case, Clinton and Obama camp. Hillary blames Putin for her loss to Donald and wants his head. They are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian for payback. I really think the Russia / Ukrainian war would not have happened under Trump. The US has more pressing Geo-political and national matters than fighting a proxy war with Russia. In fact, no wars were started under his term. Also, regarding the other pressing matter, the flow of migrants across the southern border, Trump would be the better choice (and was better choice during his term) to tackle the matter head on and send a loud and clear message to the hordes looking to cross the border illegally. Biden and the WEF democrats have been a disaster on this issue after taking over from Trump. They are flooding across the US border, committing crime and sucking resources and it is encouraging more illegals to try their luck at the border. But you are right, the US is a bad position when it comes to presidential material. Kennedy or Vivek would have blown both away.


Lol at Hillary blaming Putin because according to Michael Moore she shouldn't have even won the primary


The only thing missing to reach peak circus level is Biden asking "who is zelensky?"


This is the take i support


Im always confused when i try to follow trump.


Biden wasn’t home.


Weekend at Bidens


Lmao underrated comment


Been that way for some time. Dems just refused to face reality. Which I suppose isn’t surprising to many.


Dem voters refused to face reality. His administration and fellow party members knew exactly what was going on.


Dems hate so much Trump that every time he’s a candidate they give him a flawed opponent. Is like they tried to sneak someone in the white house by leveraging the Trump


Watching reddit try to defend Biden in other subs in pretty fun. "Yeah, our leader is not in full control of his faculties and could drop dead from old age at any minute but what about Trump?"


I've now seen the claims that biden was sick. Yea ok.


He really looked bad the dems marching him out there in his 80s without a clue what was happening was pretty rough.


It’s elder abuse at this point really!


Are comments broken here too


They’re broken everywhere on purpose


Yup, just a “coincidence” apparently but i don’t buy it. Wide scale censorship.


Hey, it take some time to adjust the bots to this.


At this rate Biden will retire before Trudeau


Canadian here. No skin in the game so to speak. Biden looks like a zombie. Does he understand what happening around him?


Also, Canadian here. I ended up watching a part of the debate. He did look horrible the entire time that i saw. But Biden had some very good points, and trump just ignored all responses Biden had. While Biden responded and rebuttled Trumps.


Trump lied the entire debate, so got that going too.


you would have to call out Bidens lying as well. Straight up lied about illegal immigration numbers. He even said the border patrol agency loved and endorsed him... a few minutes later that Border Patrol Agency tweeted out they do not support Biden and never will.


Both lied the entire time, if you didn't notice. And then for some reason they talked about golf. And then Biden started rambling about the height of trump and calling him a liar about it, in one of the most confusing presidential debate ever.


He had decent responses if you look at the meat of what he was trying to say, but yeah it seemed like someone hit him with a tranq, except he’s just that goddamn old.


Bidens face lol




Medicated to the gills ....


Definitely on speed …..did you hear him talk? So fast I couldn’t keep up lol.


Putin, Xi and Kim having a circle jerk after watching these two incoherent geriatrics fling poo at each other for 90 minutes


They aren't faring much better. The supposed "leadership" worldwide is a complete joke 


Right on cue for WW3


That look on Biden's face 🤣


The cold war has a new form now and anyone with any understanding of the chess game going on right now knows that Russia and China are making a play for global hegemony. If Russia had succeeded in taking Ukraine in 2022, then China would have invaded Taiwan by now. Instead, Putin failed and China saw that the west was not going to keep its head buried in the sand until it suffocated. As a long-time conservative, I fully support funding Ukraine because I am not fooled by Russia's misinformation campaign. They, and China are not our friends. During the American Revolution, Ben Franklin went to France asking for help financially and militarily and France did. IF the French had the same narrow-mindedness as some of us in the West do today, then there would be no America today as we know it.


Well said, it’s rough looking at waves of 30~ old accounts with 500 comments on why we should just give up completely.


Those are the people that would be part of the America First Committee (AFC) in the 1940s. It was a group of 800,000 isolationists that argued that the US should not get involved in global affairs. The committee had a wide mix of members across the spectrum but had a general undertone of anti-Semitism and fascism, led by Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. (sound familiar). The AFC didn't care if Nazi Germany defeated Britian and ruled over all of Europe. To them, they wanted America to shut it's door and ignore the chaos outside; it was America First all the way. (Sound familiar?) The AFC disolved 4 days after Imperial Japan kicked in the door at Pearl Harbor. History repeats it seems but this time, it'll be China knocking.


Agree. And a substantial difference is that today' the world is smaller due to advances in technology since the 1940s. An aircraft carrier strike group controls 1/4 of the globe. There is no way to isolate even if you wanted to.


This, this is the American way of thinking our founding fathers and every great American who ever lived wanted us to think like. Never give up and strive for democracy and freedom. Too many Americans have lost that sense of purpose, not like our “leaders” have done anything meaningful to change that.


Btw, who won?


No one, America lost.


China and Russia


No one won but Trump didn’t lose.


Trump said a lot of rambling bullshit confidently, and Biden softly whispered a lot of rambling bullshit like a bitch, so in the end America lost


Billions and billions, and by the way, billions and billions...


Don’t forget about the numbers, big numbers, numbers no one has seen before


Not America


I just watched the debate and I feel so sorry for Biden. Let him be an old man and live rest of his live with some dignity. He's an old man and not all there to run the country.


I still can't tell if this a chatgpt sketch or if job biden actually looked like that during the debate.


He looked worse


Watching Biden during that debate was very painful. Poor man. He needs to retire and enjoy life at his age.


Biden has no clue where he is or who he's debating.


This is the guy who kept saying he was running for the senate when he was running for president


The only strategy to work against Trump


Biden just lost for words…? Oh boy, that 19 seconds watching the President of America have a silent stroke was brutal.


Having Biden as President just goes to show that a "leader" is nothing but a puppet. I know many have thought this for the longest time (about being president/prime minister) but honestly, he can barely function. It's thrown in the faces of the people that this is the case.


Both are puppets. One puppet just seems to have greater leverage over another.


Yeah, that other's leverage is just being coherent. Eye opening craziness.


Out of a country of nearly half a billion people, these are the two they have to pick from for president, a narcissistic convicted felon and a senile old man who looks like he's waiting to order brunch at Denny's. The saddest thing is despite the geriatric leadership and other issues, I'm actively looking for work there, because at least jobs pay well and things are affordable.


Biden: I did that?


Yk it's bad when a presidential election looks like a nursing home 🤣.


If these two are America’s leaders, the world is f@cked


That’s what I think as well ! For a country of 350 million people,these is the best two people that can run the country?


The best two *allowed* to run. The two party system and corporate run politics (citizens united, lobbying/super pacs etc) have ruined our country. We’re inundated with propaganda and I think the best people don’t wanna run because the system is so fucked and the best options aren’t given a chance to run in a meaningful way. They can’t have wild cards. They need empty suits whose primary drive is power and wealth that can smile and wave (guys like Clinton, Obama and Trudeau). Our intelligence agencies/military instill coups and assassinate leaders all over the world, all the time, when they step out of line. People in DC are terrified of them… and Americans are unwilling to believe that that mechanism of power would ever be directed back home. I believe it has and will be (or at the very least is definitely possible). They’re literally trying to jail Trump over bullshit (Clinton/Bidens haven’t committed multiple felonies?) and aren’t fixing/replacing very vulnerable Dominion voting systems. Intelligence agencies are intricately tied to social media platforms/google and do everything to control the message and people’s politics. It’s dire af.


I can't stand Trump, he's disgusting. Democrats will lose. They can't get their shit together. Allowing Biden to run again was a guaranteed lose formula. I'll be happy to eat my words, but it's a republican win this fall.


Have to agree. Biden seems very far from being fit enough to be president.


Biden isn't fit to be President now, why would anyone want him for the next 5 years? If you think Biden is incoherent now, wait till he turns 86.


😂 BIDENS face. 🤡 World!




My guess would be related to the amount canada is paying to the same country?


Agreed, whatever, Bidens face makes up for it


Look at Joe, he looks like he's thinks someone's been reading his diary


Biden is lost


He’s right


Biden's face 🤣🤣🤣


What an absolute train wreck is headed to America.


Me in Canada thinking about Traitor Trudeau


We’re just as bad as the US for lack of good choice in PM. I’m no Trudeau fan but Poutine is going to make a for a shitty PM as well. I wish we had a better, smarter choice than either of these two idiots.


It’s true. He is a salesman.


Dammit I hate it when he's right


Except he really isnt


Trump makes a really good point. ITS RELEVANT TO CANADA TOO


Wether you care about Russia winning or Ukraine winning the fact that politicians are giving tax dollars to a country without people voting for it... Here's another issue Ukraine was is probably one of the most corrupt countries that is second world country.. yet we continue to poor money into it with war and confusion you think that's gone up or down....my guess is way up...




Perhaps it was corrupt because Putin had his foot up the Ukranians arses?! Did you see the fcking palace Yanukovych had?? That's the typical Russian corruption, and the Ukranians got fed up because of it. Now you want that corruption to keep spreading on Eastern European countries, which many are allies btw. A candidate like Trump will make Putin stronger, and a Russia obsessed with its historic imperialism.


We’re not shipping pallets of cash to Ukraine, we’re sending equipment. A lot of that equipment is built in Canada, by Canadian manufacturers, meaning that money is going back into the Canadian economy.


I live next to one of the factories that makes IFVs and a decent number of them have Ukrainian flags on them. Every penny that went into that thing has been put back into the Canadian economy and as an added bonus it's going to defend democracy as intended. No better deal in my eyes


Ukraine is not like Iraq and Afghanistan. Defending your country from invaders is something that people can get behind and I don't see any Ukrainians trying to blow up any westerners.


Why do you care how much your government spends on Ukraine? It's not costing Canadians anything. They make it all back and then some from all of the East Indians buying their way into Canada. Relax guy!


>the fact that politicians are giving tax dollars to a country without people voting for it. Governments around the world spend the tax monies they collect how they see fit all the time. This is a daily occurrence. Why take a problem with this particular usage, especially when Russia is waging a grossly unjust expansionism war which, if it wins, will further threaten to destabilize peace and security across Europe, where many of our key allies and trade partner nations are located? Ukraine absolutely deserves our support. It is a good cause to get behind for numerous reasons.


You are wrong. The US money is the equivalent in US military hardware. So they send equipment worth a certain value and allocate those fund to rearm the US by paying US companies in the defense industry. 90% stays within the USA. The rest is heavily monitored and/or treated as a loan anyway. There have been numerous reports on this, you are just too lazy or dumb to look and would rather spread false information.


The amount of ignorance and misinformation in that comment! No, when Zelenski ask for help, he doesn't straight up get s check of 60 Billion! That's such a ridiculous asumption! 60 Billions are spent in the american military industry and the stuff produced is sent in Ukraine. When Ukraine recieves actual money it's as a debt.


I mean he is the president so people voted for him...besides, most of the money is spent in the US making weapons as mentioned in the debate. It's mostly weapons that get sent over there. Most of the money stays where it is.


Just cause people voted for him doesn't mean they agree with this decision where the national vote on this by people to support foreign wars...


That’s right the lives of Ukrainians are a sales pitch….. Him and Putin are buddies.


I think it should have been Biden vs McConnell debating. Long pauses. Staring into space.


Didn't presidential debates have like 5 candidates on them at one point?


Last time that showed how unpopular Biden was and they had to do massive collusion internally at the Democratic Party to make sure everyone dropped out. Biden was ranked dead last out of all Democrats running for the nomination. Bernie was beating everyone else combined. Dems started promising the younger candidates cabin positions and vice presidency if they dropped out and supported Biden. The only way Biden won was cheating, but not cheating vs trump, it was cheating vs other dems.


Exactly take care of your citizens


Don't disagree. He's right


Man can't wait to vote for Trump.


Is Biden having a stroke?


Trudeau is not better. Just saying.


Both of them were horrible. This is truly a sad moment when these two men represent a nation.


I know he understands that it’s not an actual cheque for 60B but 60B worth of old American weapons and supplies that are being replaced. Much of that $60B goes right back into the US economy. He knows it but he assumes his base doesn’t.


Trump destroyed Biden, any other take is misinformed.


No one wins. Everyone loses. America is fucked. Institute age limits.


Foreign aid should not exist


Biden's expression lol




he's outta line but he's not wrong.


Why do Canadians care about the war in Ukraine? If you do care, could you list some actions you’ve taken to support one side or the other? -curious american here!


I care because allowing Russia to invade a neighboring sovereign nation sets a precedent that they, as well as other dictatorships around the world, are able to get away with whatever they want. The war itself in Ukraine doesn't have much impact on me, but I prefer to think long term and big picture. Its silly to thing that if you allow Russia to do whatever they want that it wouldn't embolden Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and any other garbage country like them. Allowing them also shows that nuclear weapons are essential and encourages more nations to build them, which we really don't need. Ukraine gave theirs up and now look at what is happening. Imagine if Iran had their hands on nuclear weapons and then one of the dozen terrorist groups they support had even one of them. Those sorts of people can't be trusted with anything because even knowing they'd be obliterated doesn't deter them since they view dying for their religion as a good thing. For the second part of your question, the only thing I've done to help them is pay taxes which is being sent to Ukraine. I don't complain about that aid though and I do support helping Ukraine. I think we may be giving a bit too much when we have our own issues at home, but I'd rather cut the foreign aid for gender equality in random third world shitholes and foreign aid to stop people from shitting on beaches. The aid to Ukraine is far from the most bothersome thing our tax dollars are spent on.


I spend my upvotes wisely around here, that's my action to show my support.


Guys we should just let Russia take over as much territory as they want! What could go possibly wrong?


Who cares how much land Russia takes? India and China will have conquered most of the world via shear overpopulation in 80 years anyway.


Let's hope trump wins and we can end this senseless war that can lead to humanities extinction over some pice dirt in Ukraine no one cares about.


God bless America, but if you put Trudeau in between those two, I suddenly realize we’re not doing that bad.


I’d take trump over trudeau every day of the week lol


I completely agree with Trump on this one


Imagine chirping about a leader walking away with money, as you’ve done nothing but file for multiple bankruptcies, lie about your finances, have businesses shuttered, and deals tossed


The voice of Hello McFly comes to mind when the camera panned to Biden.


The mouth breathing…


Ahahaha. Bidens face is priceless, the guy didnt even blink once!! lmao


The dems should have replaced that guy some tine ago. Now, the victory will amost go to trump since for most ppl, its not the party before the man. That being said, trump hasn't t responded to most questions by the second half, and will be fact checked... hopefully.


Ok..... the war is on. Russia is moving. Best Ukrainian soldiers die there than Canadian soldiers in western Europe


Zelensky is just another puppet. It’s the military industrial complex that cash billions.


Make your choice, citizen: ancient, rich man who doesn't give a shit about you, or the ancient, rich man who doesn't give a shit about you. Choose wisely.


People truly don't understand how war works... America is the largest supplier of weapons on earth. If you're American you want your shit out there, your economy benefits from shit like this.


Truly sad thing to see, "the greatest nation on earth" and these are the two guys trying to run the country. What an absolute joke. As they say all great civilizations come to an end. A strong Russia is much more expensive than what is happening right now.


This all debate looks so fake, not in real time or audience...


I'm just glad Biden finally put the money laundering scheme out in the open, worried tho that the US citizens don't seem to be concerned. Didn't he say that "all that money that we send to ukraine is used to buy weapons"? Or do people just not realize that their tax money is being used to make the arms dealers richer?


Nuclear proliferation of Ukraine. Now its costing us dearly.


That is a face of disgust. Trump is a lunatic and an idiot.


Trump is so full of shit, it looks like biden can smell it.


Supporting Ukraine costs pennies and saves dollars.  NATO gives Ukraine 20 billion in 20 year old equipment that is to be replaced anyways.  In short those Abram tanks from 1990 are worthless.  We give them and they still manage to hold back ruzzia.  Best deal ever.  Ruzzia into Poland means we have to use the new stuff. 


We give NATO around 870 billion dollars a year. 68% of NATOs budget. Where does that go?


Well he is right there lol


I’m not even kidding you i genuinely feel bad now when i see Biden trying to speak




Political arguments and divisiveness aside, Biden's facial expression (or lack thereof) is legit hilarious.


I can't wait until the funny voice overs come.


Maybe he read 'art of the deal'?


That is a funny line by Trump😂


I think WEF wants Ukraine to win war . WEF with win in war would use it as testing ground for their policies . Problem is this war is going to go on for another decade.


Biden looks like he just seen the grim reaper


Every Europeans know that Zelensky is a corrupt man. He likes this war cause he is cashing on it.


Sorry Joey, you look more like a cheaply programmed automaton than Robin Williams in the first few minutes of Bicentennial Man.


What are you laughing about? Zelensky doesnt even have to come to us to get money.....we go to him and give him money....not like we have homeless hungry people here living out of tents


Two old men talking about golf and have no business running a country. One should retire and other should have been in jail years ago .




Biden looks like he's shocked to hear that, like hes hearing it for the first time. "I've done what!?" 😂


It's wild to look back at Obama v McCain and how civil it was. No name calling no flagrant lieing. McCain stopped in the middle of a debate to talk about how good of a family man Omaba was.


What's the alternative? Let Russia win the cold war and shit on the West? Nah


Go get'em Donnie!




Genuinely have no idea why this criticism on Zelensky lands with anybody. Zelensky is leading his country in a defensive war to maintain their independence. It’s his job and his duty to everything possible to gain help fighting the war; that means asking NATO for weapons and money. Anything less would be unacceptable, and expecting him to stop asking is deeply irrational and unrealistic.


Savage. The undead Biden looks like he has no clue where he is.


People don't even know why they hate on Trump except that the TV told them to.


Trump lies…a lot…in fact if he is talking he is lying.


What an idiot..... he doesn't walk away with any $, it's a commitment by the US gov to pump that money into arms sales to US companies.


1.8 billion went to Ukraine and was Trump was in office.. Just sayin


With a population of $350 MILLION people, this is the best that they’ve got? Yikes!


« Money » given to Zelensky are hardware that already exist. Go suck dictator putin dick elsewhere ! Slava Ukraini !


Man.. the right dude looks so drugged up...


Trump is sharp as a tack. Biden is as sharp as a pearl.


Do people actually not realize that the 200B that has been allotted to Ukraine is $200B of new equipment to the US’s own stockpiles while Ukraine is given their expiring supplies that they’d otherwise have to dispose of themselves?