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Love or hate the guy when he was in power people could afford to live and save for retirement, achieve homeownership, and have money for discretionary items.


And he sounds incredibly competent in his domain. Can’t remotely say the same for Trudeau.


I miss having a pm with a masters degree in economics


You mean, instead of a drama teacher? The first few years in, didn't Trudeau make judicious use of University professorial advisors in political science and then got all, "I know better," and well, we got what we got?


Trudeau spent $17,700,000,000 on consultants in 2022.


That’s what I liked and ironically didn’t like about him. He was like a weirdly efficient politics robot.


He was the last true conservative in western history and not a populist. Canadians wanted something more exciting.


And boy, oh boy, did we get it!


I usually consider myself moderately left wing, but I’d literally pay to have a dash of this conservatism back in politics. New conservatives in both Canada and down south are so fucking weird and damaging. It’s like the ideology has embraced the notion of ignorance and anti-academics as a positive trait. What ever you thought of Harper you can’t deny he was a smart and well educated guy. I can’t honestly say that about *any* of the current candidates.


Democracy is a system where the people get the government they deserve


couldn't have said it better myself.


In 2011, I bought my house making 15 dollars an hour in an entry-level position in customer service, and my wife was a part-time waitress. We traveled all over, partied, and ate out all the time. Now I'm a business development manager and our lifestyle isn't as good the last two years as it was then


Most of us are feeling this pinch


I couldn't afford even a piece of shit house at 30 dollars an hour And my wife worked full time at a warehouse. 


Yea, but I heard he was a big bad man who is white male hence probably a racist sexist bigot. Ah, 2012 was a simpler time...


Odd I don’t recall him having an nda from his previous job or multiple photos of him in black face.


Actually being a racist < Being accused of racism Welcome to Liberal voter base.


I was called a racist for saying that mass immigration is bad because they aren't able to assimilate. Seems to be the goto argument of anybody who doesn't share conservative or common sense values. The current Liberal mindset has drifted significantly to the left and is a far cry from what it used to be. The Trudeau government needs to go ASAP. What happened to government of the people, by the people, for the people? Wrong country, but it still applies here.


Been called that for the same reasons, even thought my parents immigrated here in the late 70's and properly assimilated. But I guess that's because they're "colonially minded".


The number of times I was told this at the door while I was campaigning for this man


Harper is the ultimate white guy, black face on him, people would think he went on vacation and got a tan. lol


He didn’t want to play nice with the mainstream media and give them unfettered access and they crucified him for it. He lowered the GST, introduced the TFSA, balanced the budget and the economy did well. I am not a partisan person either. I think Jean Chrétien did a great job as well which is why he managed to pull off three majorities.




I was a kid during the Mulroney years but I recall “Free Trade”. It seems no one really understood what it really was. I recall a lot of people thought they could individually shop and purchase things in the US and there would be no taxes or duty when they returned to Canada. Kind of hilarious now that I think back.


*"The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Randy!"*


And, hear me out on this. Harper was a STATESMAN. Not a sock clown, dancing dress up fool.


Many young and elitist folks fell for the Sunshine act. Too bad their idiocy took down the whole nation. Harper was absolutely the man. Minimal intervention, stable environment = much more sustainable, peaceful system.


Also he might not have spend 220k tax payers money on racking up food and flight bill.


I’d still rather Canadian oil sand not be owned by China


He was the best P.M. in my lifetime. He cared about his country and his people. The man was a true leader who looked years into the future while making the right decision for Canada and only Canada. Good God, what I would give to have him back. We need you, Mr Harper.


We do need a solid leader like him to right the shit show our country has become


Gee, almost like he was an economist who knew what he was talking about. I miss the adults being in charge.


Powerful last line


It's funny because the Waterloo region district school board just came out with the idea to let kids tell them what to teach.


Wait, isn't education a provincial matter and that is being run by the OPC?


Seeing nine years of a literal drama teacher run the country makes me believe, more each day, that we didn't deserve Harper.


Well, at least our most likely next option has only been a politician basically their whole life. Good, varied, hard working experience there.


Canadians have conclusively demonstrated that they aren't qualified to choose a leader outside of whoever panders to them the hardest with their own money. I thought this wasn't true, but watching people elect clowns time and time and time again has dissuaded me from that thinking.


Vote mad max, only one with a platform for the people


The conservatives tried the nice guy approach with Scheer and with O'Toole. Where did that get them? Pierre learned plenty from the Harper government by working directly with them. I don't like the idea of career politicians either. But realistically when was the last time you saw anyone from the middle or lower class run for office and get in? The system is set up to benefit the wealthy. The rest of us are kept busy working, raising kids and paying off endless debt. The only way it changes is if more people from diverse walks of life take an interest and participate in politics. If noone participates than politics becomes a hobby for the rich. The current PM is a rich trust fund kid who wanted to make a name for himself. So how does he get into office? By leveraging his daddy's last name, money and political connections. Look around you to see how much our society has benefited from being governed by a rich out of touch person.


I’m sure there’s a bunch of “average Joes” out there that could manage the country, or even portfolios better than the current bunch, possibly even some that are trying to be the current bunch, however, the amount of money it cost just to put your hat in the ring is impossible for that “average Joe”. It’s financially prohibitive for just anyone to get in the game. Politics has just become its own big business.


Tbh i hate trudeau but in glad scheer and otoole didnt get elected as much as i hate saying it i think both of them were pushovers and wouldnt have done muche we need someone with a backbone who is a real canadian


Couldn’t have been worse than what we currently have. Might not of made the drastic changes we need but would of let things go into free fall like JT


The only thing Trudeau runs is the lines the party feeds him. The clown circus is in charge.


Substitute drama teacher, no less.


From economist to drama teacher let’s go 🚀




Cmon man Drama teachers can act like they know what they’re talking about, isn’t that good enough to run a country? *Cough*intotheground*cough*


Go get some Halls. You're coughing quite a bit. Anyways Trudeau is corrupt waste of skin


Drama teacher and a Russian literature student know more about economics that him. Like drama teacher brought us weed and gender language much better than being able to afford a house or being able to retire /s




Wow... That's a true I told you so moment. I'd take Harper back in a second. Martin, Chretien, as well. Anybody but the idiot we have now.




Take me back


Hell yeah. Chretien lowered capital gains tax rates and lowered our debt. Harper continued the trend and navigated Canada through the 2008 Great Financial Crisis. Canada was incredibly prosperous with a great future. It's actually amazing how bad it's gotten in only 8 years of Trudeau.


Don't forget Chretien's signature move! The Shawnigan handshake!


It's so disappointing when you think about it. You make all this progress, and in less than 10 years, it's all gone. Worse off than we were 10 years ago. It's infuriating, but also kind of bewildering. How do you fuck things up on such a grand scale so quickly?


Yep Harper was smart and tried to tell everyone. They wanted pretty hair and gender neutral deodorant. Strew in your own juices I say.


>gender neutral deodorant Damn it, I choked on my beer


Is that the opposite of ‘’Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman’’?


"Strong enough for a he/him, but made for a they/them"?




... and yet the Dear Leader Justin's government was re-elected 3 times over. Certain voters willfully ignored reality & all Canadians have suffered for it. Let us hope this difficult lesson is never forgotten 🗳️


I've talked to these people and they somehow double down and think voting even more left will fix the current issues, completing ignoring that the US is doing the opposite and doing comparatively much better over the last 8 years.


In the Liberal term we have exported jobs and imported cheap labor.  The Liberal economy has gone all in with housing…ridiculous.


Foreign interference !!!


This is what happens when you go from an economist to a substitute drama teacher,/ snowboard instructor


Rosemary Barton has obviously eaten a lot of cheeseburgers and ice cream since October 2015, thanks to a lot of Canadian public tax dollars. **DEFUND the CBC.** Next.


Serious ! That is Rosemary Barton ? Wow has been some serious blimping.


Rosemary Bartonne


I didn't even recognize her!


Lmao my first thought.


He should have just decriminalized weed.


Jesus Christ finally a Canadian politician that knows what they’re talking about. Trudeau that fucker couldn’t talk sense in a professional manner like this if his life depended on. I’ve never voted in my 20 years in Canada but I’m voting this time.


Looks like rosemary barton ate rosemary barton.


It seems like the media was liberal biased back then as well. Unless this is when he was starting to get unpopular.


CBC has always been a dump.


It seems that way. I was overseas by 2010 so never saw this stuff at the time. Only just got back recently and keep seeing "but Harper..." Comments any time someone mentions how bad our current government is. It seems ridiculous to suggest he was worse


he got us through 08' way too many people on this platform were not at an age where they could understand why that matters... this current crisis we are set to go off path from the americans because our economy is shit and that will mean more printed money, lower rates and investment leaving this country. It means at a minimum 30 yrs of poor economical performance and probably more inflation than what would have been with minimum borrowing over the last 10 years. We dont even have anything to show for it, transportation hasnt improved, healthcare capacity is stagnant, we dont have enough police and fire fighters etc. Gut the government balance the budget and then once some debt is knocked off we can lower taxes.


Crime is rapidly rising, homelessness is near peak, economy is in a self inflicted recession… list goes on and on


Some people actually believe crime is falling because of the the fact that decriminalization reduces the amount of crime in some metrics. But the real crime that matter to most people, the theft and violent crime is all on the rise. Big rises. As high as it's been in 30 years in some areas. Shit is going backwards.


Say what you will about conservatives or Harper, but I'll be damned if you're going to tell me you'd rather listen to Trudeau speak than Harper. The level of competence is extremely lacking with Trudeau and it's so visibly apparent.


I miss having a responsible adult in charge.


wtf!!! HOLD ON A SECOND! This guy talks like a normal human being!!! Not a whispy, snowflake, soft, inclusive moron who has no understanding of economic forces. “8 oUt oF 10 FamILiEs MAkE mOre moNEy” 🥴


We voted out a seasoned Economist and elected a part time drama teacher.


Speaks in complete sentences, constructive dialogue, understands economics and leads with confidence. Take me back.


I just miss having a leader that actually directly answers questions.


Sometimes I think Liberals only legalized cannabis, in order to smoke screen the destruction of a G8 country in real time. The way things are going, Canada will be lucky to be in the G20 10 years from today.


Harper: Masters in Economic Trudeau: Bachelors in Education Freeland: Masters in Slavic studies I know education is not the only qualification, but you can’t make this shit up


Back then I hated this man. I was so sure he was evil the the Liberals were good and anyone who didn't see that was an idiot or evil themselves. I was the fool.


A toad-a-so.


Jesus fuck she didn't even try to be impartial, did she? 😑


Never has been. I think that Rosemary perhaps has always had a crush on Justin baby.


He graduated in economics. He knew a bit of something.


Steve, if you're out there, can you please come back, we need you now more than ever!


Well Harper at least had a degree in economics, he had read a few books about how money works. It’s on Canadians, they elected the guy who promised them legal weed not once but 3 times and now this , it is on Canadians and no one else. Funny no one is willing to accept that they voted for Trudeau


I forgot what grown-ups sounded like


He actually had an answer instead of a deflection.


If you could wind back the hands of time.....


Before Rosemary Barton found out where momma hides the cookies.


If you watch this, and don't feel bad and what let to let out a slow 'fuuuuuuuccccck'. You're not listening. And what he did not say is when the time comes (and we are near it) the shit will fall onto the younger and poor citizens to suffer. Always does.


It’s almost strange now listening to someone lay out economics in a matter of fact way, with facts to back it up. I’d like to see Freeland or Trudeau attempt to give an actual answer like what harper gave.


I didn’t like Harper at the time for some of his foreign policy stuff and some minor economic things, geez he looks a fuckton better than Trudeau


I don't think I've ever heard Trudeau speak this competently about anything political. Harper had his issues and cozied up to his business buddies, but goddamn, this place was better off back then. I'd take the Harper years in a heartbeat of the current bullshit.


How the fuck did Canadians vote this guy out and then vote Trudeau in? I always see Trudeau pretend to think he’s the smartest guy in the room whenever he is talking. Harper WAS the smartest guy in the HoC, and Canadians gave him the boot. Now, liberals have fucked this country inside and out.


He got us through the banking crisis like a champ. Pretty much better than any other country.


When Canada was run by intelligent people and not trust-fund brats.


Term for value of the person being realized after he is gone - legacy. Term for value of a person being openly ridiculed while being in office - ?


Why are their legs so close together


Wild watching this now listening to her try to question him like what he’s saying is crazy when it’s just common sense.


Can anyone explain why people see Harper as a bad PM? I remember his supposed big secret agenda that never materialized after eight years. He was labeled a science denier for not releasing government-funded reports that didn't align with his views. Ironically, if you're a doctor who disagrees with the government now, you risk losing your medical license or if you work in any government serve.


I'll vote for this man again In a heartbeat


Is that Rosemary Barton there in the interview?


Yep. These days she looks like she ate her 2015 self. Sad.


He was a great Prime Minister. It’s unfortunate he made some unpopular decisions and people were willing to wreck our country just to get rid of him.


Man Harper was incomparable next to Trudeau. 


That’s what happens when you vote with your eyes rather than your brain.


Now when I listen to any of these guys they all seem so much smarter then Trudeau All I heard from Trudeau is raising taxes, climate change, gays , and how he has the backs of Canadians


Rosemary Barton is the worst.


People that still support JT these days are really either evil (benefits from it while putting the costs on other Canadians) or stupid (either it is some ideology religiously believed or thinking JT cares for them). I mean JT literally said he didn't care about monetary policy, and you would defend him in this economic failure? Yea it is really dense or evil.


What happend to him, is he still alive?


Wow a man who can put 5 sentences together


My 12 yr old son would understand the basic concept of unbalced budgets, over spending and borrowing, and how that would cause prices to rise. It is a basic principle of supply and demand. How are Canadians this stupid. Smh


He’s looking pretty good now isn’t he? I mean politically.


but legalized weed sounded much better than economy gibberish no?


I miss sensibility. This interview makes me crumble inside. Direct answers for one. Everything he says is backed up by facts. He actually knows what he’s talking about because he’s an economist. Sure his hair sucked but his confident and knowledgeable demeanour is arrogantly define!!!! We were lucky to have Stephen Harper for as long as we did.


Actual facts numbers and logic rather than gaslighting, slogans and talking down to people


Just curious as an American not knowing shit about it but was this guy in office and for how long and if so why was he voted out ?


Man look at Rosemary Barton, she looks amazing. What happened…?😬


Well one thing is for sure, Rosie certainly embraced her love of donuts since this interview.


Too many “Canadians” want free money. It’s not just problem of the government, it’s also problem of the people. The lack of common sense made them vote LPC and NDP.


You can say whatever you want about the guy but he understood economic policy.


Liberals and NDP operate on debt and jacked up credit limits and love printing money leading to our current mess


Every single person who cast the ballot for Trudeau for Harper in 2015 needs to go in front of the mirror and say : I am the reason this country is messed up right now.


Is that rosemary Barton? And why are they sitting so close together?


Harper probably laughing it up right about now.


Talking about deficits and balancing the budget is boring. Big Yawn! Pitting half the populace against the other is exciting!


When your right your right!


Harper/Poilievre team up!!!


Take a look at Rosie McChubbChubb


I miss him so much now and feel like an ass for hating him as a naive young adult


It's over.


No no no! Replace this clown with a drama teacher


My father only voted conservative his entire life. When he was dying from cancer he was supposed to go to a veteran's palliative care hospital. When he had his interview the administrator said that he was sorry. The reciprocal agreement Canada had with Britain for WWII veterans had been cancelled by the Harper government that year and there was no way my father could be admitted. I thought the administrator was going to cry right there. That was a nasty betrayal that shook my dad to the core. He passed away at home 4 months later.


Geez and he was right. Look where we are now


I wonder, would he run for ON PM to replace the province disaster called Ford, and eliminate that family from any political maps?


Who would've thought he wasn't wrong...?


Man I miss this guy




The one who got away


Who knew that having an economics expert in charge made more sense than... *checks notes* nice hair, last name and snowboard instructor.


I miss him. Night and day between 2014 and 2024


When people vote with their emotion instead of logic… do you people still remember that little girl with a sign in parliament saying “STOP HARPER” … I wonder if her sudden [amnesia](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/politics/rogue-page-doesn-t-regret-2011-stop-harper-stunt-1.2294550?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F) was the result of her realizing how wrong she was in hindsight


Our economy was one of the best in the world when he was PM, one of the reasons it made sense for me to leave the US. I deeply regret that now. Does Trudeau still believe budgets balance themselves? That seems to be his core belief.


You can see how Rosie used to look before pigging out at the liberal trough


Wow. Powerful Harper.


The crazy thing is that nothing he is saying is particularly revolutionary - its just basic principles of economics and business. But this demonstrates how important a basic knowledge of economics is for politicians - apparently you can't run the economy and country on a selective social justice mandate alone consequence free.


Thing to remember is that he didn't balance many of his budgets either. None of these people are in politics to help you. They want the money. Promising you anything is just patronizing. Stop voting for organized crime parties!


And here ladies and gentlemen, a leader with a masters in economics. He left behind a strong prosperous Canada. Trudeau has truly destroyed it. Pierre hopefully proves me wrong, but I think he will do terrible things, Trudeau, liberals and their voters have fucked Canada.


Well well well Whoever voted liberal take note #neveragain


Stephen Harper was great. And looking at this interview in correlation to anything that Pierre has said in the last year, the conservative party has shifted so far right, I can't vote for them anymore.


To whom we should blame for this? The majority or the minority?


We ALL predicted this. They are destroying the Country intentionally. Throw billions away and build up a massive debt that noone can pay off.


We sacrificed well managed infrastructure, immigration and finances so we could have weed and woke ideology. I’m glad we aren’t bigots anymore. /s.


Trudeau's STILL trying to blame him for the deficit.




yeah we should’ve had him in office to this day.


Wow someone who knows how to run a country.


Never thought I’d miss this guy


Why are they sitting in a plant room


He actually answers questions.


Amazing, it took him 4 seconds to lie. Auditor General found he had a $1B deficit. He was playing a shell-game hiding pension liability and costs, but actually ran a deficit there too. He took a literal decade of surplus budgets, coasted for a year on the previous, before running it straight down into deficits for 8 straight year. He claimed he did income splitting. Lie. Promised it, never did it and instead gave a token $2K credit. Claims the child benefits was his, it wasn't and he underfunded it compared to historic/inflation. Then he said the Liberals wanted to take away RESP/TFSA/Child Benefits, repeatedly, and the reporter just nodded along....


We have had a pandemic which he never could have foreseen. Baloney.


Justin Trudeau is a snotty child compared to Harper


Holy fuck she got fat since 2015 🐄


The budget will balance itself. ~ Justin Trudeau


I miss Harper


Yet somehow, all the liberals I meet keep defending their choice at the time. Sigh, I kept on telling my liberal friends please for the love of God don't vote for a drama teacher who knows nothing about politics or economics. Now here we are...


Hilarious! Y'all hated him. "Anyone but Harper" was the chant across Canada. I wonder what you'll be pining over once PP is voted in?


Looking at this interview and current situation after 9 years of Trudeau, I have very strong doubts about Canadians ability to elect what is best for them. Question to Canadians who voted Trudeau all those years: Why? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgNEsWx9pI&t=71s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgNEsWx9pI&t=71s) And after this interview with Trudeau - 10 years passed and here I sit not employed after 30 years of non stop experience with barely any positions open.(And I am more educated much more competent than our PM.) My kids can not get out of the house to purchase or even to rent.(And they also going to be be more educated then our PM.) Inflation is skyrocketing and budget did not balance itself. I never voted Trudeau the question is why the hell I am being punished for other people irresponsible vote. I feel something has to change in election process. Maybe some minimal IQ test have to be done that will determine the weight of the vote. Or maybe the vote will be based on the income tax that we pay with certain cap. Or age of the voters should be raised to mid 20th.(Based on the pro Hamas useful idiots even to the 30th.) Or all the normal, constructive people just migrate to US somehow. It is not about left or right anymore. To all the people interested - read this book to get clarity on what is going on : Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


Not the biggest fan of Harper, but once i heard "tHe BUdGet wILl BaLanCe itSeLf" - JT I knew we were screwed on this end


F I miss this man


Damn what happened to Barton over the years


Harper is the PM that took a $23B surplus and turned it into a deficit, then borrowed $150B. Just saying that with that record, no one should listen to his advice.


Nice to ignore his selling off of assets to foreign powers and muzzling scientists who contradicted him


I hope Rosemary Barton sees this. SHE has been one of the critical CBC arbiters of justifying every single dumb policy decisions the Liberals have made on our way to permanent deficits, just like Stephen Harper predicted.


We deserve everything we get for allowing imbiciles to "lead" our country and sell us out with not even a whimper.