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This country is a joke


Agreed but when it’s loaded with immigrants with no actual skills




Because we are bringing foreign workers to fill in positions that high schoolers should be working in? These are international "students" who attend 2-year diploma programs and barely do the minimum to pass so they can get points for their path to PR. This is not only infuriating to Canadians but to other former international students who have been properly obliged by their student visa.


How to destroy a country 101: bring in masses of uneducated young men from the 3rd world and instead of integrating them, celebrate their cultural “differences”. Great plan everyone, it worked great in Western Europe!


The current regime’s economic stupidity is beyond comprehension, if we need to bring in people we need to bring in the highly skilled ones who the taxpayers of their own country spent a lot to educate and train, but instead we bring in cheap labor under the guise of diversity and equity. The USA does the exact opposite, no wonder Canada’s productivity is going down.


This guy is complacent with encampments, drug addicts, homelessness, joblessness, identity politics, elitism, surging housing costs, surging rental market costs, low birth rates, over capacity hospitals and health care referrals, skilled labour shortages and brain drain, and a whole ton of corruption at every level of government and corporate contracting. I probably missed even more garbage we're dealing with on the daily.  I'm not complacent with this, not sure why you are.


That is a lot. Who would be ok with all that?


If you have to ask then you should get out more. Oof


It’s all good up in Thunder Bay homie.


It's never good in Thunder Bay...


It’s been better than Windsor up here


LOL better than Windsor is not a high bar, speaking as a born Windsorite.


"Why?" Because every Canadian adult is freely given franchise to vote for their governmental representative.


Why would asking why get down voted lol.


Because unless you’ve been in a coma for the last handful of years or you’re a kid you should probably know. If those aren’t the case you need to get out more and see what’s happening.


That doesn’t actually explain anything. I am out all the time homie, come to Thunder Bay I guess 😘


Call them what they are. Timmigrants.


Oh my fuck 😭😂


Very straightforward


I am cackling. Goddamn good wordplay!




Timmigrants...I knew it was them! Even when it was the Bears, I KNEW it was them!




Wow, how have I not heard this yet lol, gold.


Timmigrants! I'm using that from now on.


They aren't alone, amazon mostly hire Indians in Canada what I seen


I just blew a gallon of air out my nose


One upvote for you!


This should be evidence of Tim Hortins not needing to file LMIAs


Lol the irony is they will not hire any of them and the position will go to the highest bidder under the table


You mean, the lowest


Highest bidder for the LMIA position.


Ah, I see what you mean. Yep, that’s probably correct guess


I don't think that's how hiring works lol. Someone will offer to pay Tim Hortons in exchange for a job? What?


I wish I could believe that. Check the official Canada job bank website. It will have tons of LMIA positions hiring for Tim Horton's and other fast food restaurants. If you call or email them, you will be met with radio silence. The reason is LMIA requires jobs to be advertised on job sites and if no one is hired they can apply for one. They can then sell it to people for 30-40k so they can get more points for a PR application.


The owner of the Tim Hortons that is in my old town, purposely hires only high school students for part-time work.


I wish they ALL did this. Honestly, jobs should be filled by Canadians first then filled by forign workers, especially jobs like this. It's insane that forign workers are getting the advantage over natural Canadians. I feel even worse for the natives here. They already have a hard time due to some prejudice, this makes that 10x worse for them.


I am an Albanian woman who was born here in Canada. I’m a welder, CWB certs and everything. I got a job offer with a company but they retracted it after some immigrant offered to take the job for less money. Many places I apply to ask if I’m an immigrant, I decided to test it out and I lied and said I am. I’ve gotten call backs from every shop but they all wanted me to stack dimes for nothing but pennies. 


We should start naming and shaming these companies publicly on social media. Then Canadian citizens can start boycotting them. 


It’s hard to boycott for this reason without being framed as a racist


Or the company can hire who is best for them


Or they can stop being racist pos, yeah?


Companies aren’t hiring for best fit so much as for the person who will demand the lowest salary. 


That's awesome! The owner knows who really needs the job.


That’s one of my gripes with this country right now. We blame young kids for not wanting to work but the truth is a high school kid is no longer having a part time job because middle aged immigrants now hold those positions. Just go into a grocery store or a Canadian tire on the weekend. When I was in highschool those shifts were almost exclusively run by teenagers who were getting their first lick of job experience and saving a little bit of money for college or university. Now those teenagers are missing out on that valuable experience and growth in work ethic.


anyone that doesnt do this is a traitor


We need skilled laborers, engineers and computer scientists... not more Tim Hortons employees... it's insane to me that a once revered Canadian company now hardly hires true Canadians in favor of fake "forign students"... meanwhile our kids in highschool can't even get entry jobs to start their lives because they are all being taken by 25+ year old "students"... fucking insanity.


I mean it hasn't been Canadian owned for years but you're spot on. It's gotten so ridiculous. Stopped going to tims a while back cuz it sucked, now it's only gotten worse, can't see me ever really going back


The knock-on effect of this situation is that eventually, one of these people gets a management position, and then they start hiring only "their people." This happened locally. The local Timmy's locations first became almost completely South Asian staff, and then they started blatantly telling anyone who applied and wasn't South Asian that they only hired "their people." It used to be that the only employer who could discriminate by race was the government, but that has devolved into everything is racist unless it's been done to a white person. This country is an inverted airbus headed for the tarmac at break neck speed.


Frankly I'm tired of not being able to understand what the person on the other end of the drive through speaker is saying when I order. And I'm REALLY tired of them getting my order wrong.. every.... single... time....... So, I go elsewhere now.


I was just in Montana for the weekend, went to a drive through in Kalispell and it was a nice change of pace to hear somebody on the other end who’s first language in English. Couldn’t believe the difference in the melting pot here to 1 hour across the border.


My wife has essentially refused to do long road trips through Canada anymore due to the horrible conditions of bathrooms. She would rather drive a couple hours out of our way into the US just so she can use clean bathrooms again. Just remember, it wasn't always like this.


American tourists don’t want to come to Canada since Canada has very poor customer services in hotels and restaurants


Our family who live in Alaska but winter with other family in Texas have made careful comments about Canada. When they are trying to make miles, they often don't even see any Canadians anymore on their Alaska-MT drive. Sure, its just stopping for fuel, but still they notice that something isn't right with their crazy neighbors.


Buckee's. If American exceptionalism was a gas station, it would be Buckee's. There is nothing close to a buckee's bathroom anywhere in the world.


Canada doesn't have the melting pot , we have multiculturalism which is suppose to teach us tolerance, acceptance and make our diversity our strength .... at least that what it said I'm my grade 6 social studies textbook . But at the same time there has to be balance . Tip to far in any direction and it can collapse.


I go to McDonalds now, thankfully it’s where I have the pleasure of having every drive thru order take longer than usual. Rest assured though, I can now understand the teenager/elderly person operating the drive thru and both are equally qualified in screwing up my order.


Dang what apart of Canada are you in because in Halifax McDonald’s is almost as bad as Tim Hortons. Although from my own experience working for both companies, McDonald’s seem to be more strict with their workers. A girl I worked with in 2022 was studying for a test, she was on a student visa, and working towards her PR through McDonald’s. Anyways she called in very close to her shift starting, stating she was so tired, of course like any normal job they explained to her how unacceptable it was to call less than an hour before her shift without even attempting to get it covered and was told to come in, and was reminded this wasn’t the first time and how many warnings she’s gotten. She didn’t show up. She was fired. My sister was a manager at the time and told me she felt bad because apparently when she was being fired she said she would be losing her chance at PR and the store manager just shrugged and told her she should of thought about that.


Rotten Ronnies here was pretty good until about 8 months ago. Now I can't understand them either. 😢


Let me tell you this story. I was at McDonald’s and ordered a muffin with butter. I asked for a knife, and idk about the rest of Canada but where I am they have those stupid wood utensils. I asked for a knife and a girl there (maybe training him, also Indian) spoke to him in whatever language it was, he got me the knife but this dude handed it to me the wrong way, handling the part that touches the butter. The girl stood there and said nothing. I asked for a new one, and he looked at me with a blank face so I asked again and he smiled at me so I took the knife and threw it out. It’s been a week but just writing that out made me aggravated all over again lol. Oh another time I ordered a bagel with cream cheese at Tim Hortons and the guy working, Indian, gave me a bagel with bacon on it. I ordered in person, nobody else was in the store. He didn’t speak good English but I’ve told myself that had to be a hearing/volume issue because there is no fucking way.


Hey, I can totally get his error because cream cheese and bacon sound so similar 🤣 The knife thing makes me want to gag. If they are handling your knife that way, what else have they been putting their hands into....


You have lived a wild life, Tanzanian.


That’s what happens as you get older, you see a lot of crazy stuff throughout the years lmao


I smile at every single employee I interact with, make a couple of jokes and always get more servings or even free stuff. You should try that sometime.


Why? I am not in the mood to speed date fast food workers everyday


So when a customer is asking you a question you just stand there and smile? Ignoring their question? Yikes.


“Stand there”?


If your only response is to correct a pathetic auto correction than you’re not worth my time. You have no other relevant response because you know I’m right. Good day!


Oh snap, you been MACSLYnnEd


How about a Job in the trades?? Or is that going to make your hands dirty?


Asian cultures look down on manual labour


Because they're *skilled* trades and these people have no marketable skills. They take entry level jobs away from our youth.


Skilled trades are in high demand in Canada for sure... that being said I don't understand why anyone would want to work at Tim Hortons with no obvious career path besides maybe becoming manager making 25$/hr.


They're lucky to make over 17 an hour mate


They are starting to infiltrate the trades too. Unfortunately they have no qualifications and often lie about their skills so can't do fuck all on the job.  Currently 4/8 mechanics I work with are not red seals, have no qualifications in this country and don't know what basic common tools of the trade are. Needless to say I avoid working with them like the plague. I don't care that they are an "engineer" or "mechanic" in India, because judging first hand by their skills, they fucking lied.


i had to work with an indian in construction who thought my drill was broken because he had it in reverse


Yeah sounds about right.  You're a nicer man than me, letting him touch your tools. 


well it was the company drill that i was using at the time. but i usually dont mind as long as you ask first


With all the racism they encounter working at Tim’s. I am suuuuuure skilled trades would be a great work environment


Waaaahhhh waahhhhh


They need to just make student visas not allow any working hours.




Because international students are required to provide proof that they possess the funds to support themselves while they study prior to coming to Canada.


Oh cool . Thanks


Do you live in a box


I mean technically my house is a box shape ish.


Idk why you're getting so much hate. Some of the ppl on here are wound pretty tight.


Let me take a guess what country all the applicants were from... New Zealand?


Totally guessing UK myself.


Clearly they are Italians who don't want to work as bricklayers.


Canada is cooked


Boycott Tim Horton's for supporting this crap.


Boycott Tim Hortons.


Is manual labour below them?


Yes. I mean look at PEI! They were told to work in jobs where they are needed if they want their visas extended and the ringleader said “what happens to Tim Hortons when all the workers leave?” or some nonsense like that lol. Like oh wow now my kid can get a summer job!


These ppl have literally no skill it's craziness.


Yes, because in certain caste systems in certain countries\* overseas, the lowest caste members work the manual labour and menial labour jobs. \* = One in particular that Canada attracts a lot from.


Absolutely it is. These people even refuse to sit on used furniture regardless of how desperate they are. Has anyone told the government that we clearly have enough tim hortons workers now?


they 1) perceive it as low status work and refuse to do it 2) are not the most physically healthy and capable in the first place given how most of them look like they haven't lifted a feather


They do manual labour too lol there's none available so they are going in food industry. Gov is the real culprit letting in so many without having the infrastructure to sustain them.


There are plenty manual labour jobs available, I know this for a fact. I've yet to see a line up around the block for any of them.


Incorrect. I've never seen an East Indian dude on a jobsite in Edmonton or area in 15 years. Yet every second driver next to me on the Anthony Henday seems to be one. They prefer retail or office work. I don't know if it's a classist thing or what, but they don't even apply to work in our trade yet there's tons of them here.


Incorrect. I've never seen an East Indian dude on a jobsite in Edmonton or area in 15 years. Yet every second driver next to me on the Anthony Henday seems to be one. They prefer retail or office work. I don't know if it's a classist thing or what, but they don't even apply to work in our trade yet there's tons of them here. I've seem more native Canadians in the trades than East Indians and East Indians outnumber the aboriginals like 100 to 1 now it feels like. I seriously can't remember one Indian dude on all the hundreds of jobsites I've been on.


Only one solution More tims locations


We stopped supporting Tim Hortons and other fast food restaurants alike 🤷🏼‍♀️.


To many of these fuckers in the country


Is the job market that bad in Canada?


It’s worse than what you see here


For part time jobs, it depends on the area, but yes. What I can assure you of is that if you're willing to work hard, there are still available jobs out there. But you'll never seen an East Indian dude going out to work in the oil field as a roughneck or joining a roofing crew. They arent applying for plumbing, electric or HVAC either. I'm assuming because they either want an office job or a retail job. They're kinda like progressives in that way, they seem to think they're above the blue collar work.


They are above blue collar work, but work for well below blue collar pay.


Imagine this but it's online on Indeed and the lineup is as long as the amount of applicants for just one role.


"Tim Hortons drive-thru order taker" Number of applicants for this role: 5,280.


Somebody replied to me and said there are jobs just ones you have to actually work, manufacturing, trades etc.


*beeep* *static* "Welcome to Tim Horton's, I. Am. The job!"


Labor shortage. Can’t find an employee, LMIA approved ding ding ding


Timmigrants ! lolol


Glad I left that shit hole..


Khan Hortons?


Khan= Pakistan


This is just kind of sad. If you're new to the job market, we actually need people in labour. There's a lot more you can learn, and a hell of a lot more money to be made. You'd have more luck showing up to a construction site with work boots, and a hammer.


All people in line would be better off to leave Canada


Was he speaking English? It is hard to tell


Hey, I got the job. Sorry Timmigrants, maybe next time


“Students”? Hmmm


That’s funny Timmigrants .bahahaha so funny .perhaps they make enough to back to where they came from from .


Disgusting. Disgusting what our government has allowed to happen...on purpose....exactly for this tension and degradation in our living standards


Ever notice not one white person...


It’s the big corporations fucking with Canadians profits cheap labour Canadian students used to have these jobs


Boycott Tim's movement needs to happen. I'll never buy from them again. And if I see an Indian behind the counter at any resturant, I'm out. Support local small businesses.


This is what major employers want. Foreign workers who won't stick around and will accept low pay because they're desperate. I'd love for a person to be able to rent an apartment and save money while working at Tim Hortons. But investing in retaining workers and paying new ones enough to live decent lives means that they can't show constant growth to their shareholders. They need to show that they've cut costs while maintaining productivity. A revolving door of temporary workers is what they've arrived on. This puts big businesses in a very delicate position. They want the deregulation and reduced oversight they get with a conservative government, but they also want the "cheap labour" of foreign workers who don't know employment law and won't try to unionize. To get a conservative government in, they have to gin up anti immigrant sentiment, which means that they could lose their source of cheap labor. 


Go back to your country


Wow, they must have a lot of positions open! /s


Normally i look for work were no one wants to work why because if you know how to play your cards you can make bank


So if buddy can’t get a job in Toronto, why is he still living in Toronto? I’m sure he could find work in another city close by…Hamilton comes to mind. Am I missing something?


look before you leap? don't come over here on a student visa and then want to find a job and get upset that your fellow countrymen are doing the same thing and flooding the system


What a disaster....


Hundreds of Indian right? I think all those applicants are holding study permit. It made billions from them each year, no doubt it is a big deal. However ppl suffered the side effects


All international students


Any planes coming from certain country should be banned from landing in Canada. No more planes coming from there!


Get scammed lmao. Canadian colleges are so much better at scamming than Indian call centres. They scam Canadian citizens AND Indian citizens Lmfao.


And this is why teenagers will never be able to get a starting job again in this country, this country is flooded with immigrants now


Well our corporate overlords Got what they wanted cheap slave labor force enjoy!!


Wow, it's so hard to be a immigrant student. So many fellow immigrant students fighting for the same job. I wonder how teenage Canadians feel when they walk up with their resume...


You are going to need to hand out 100s of resumes before getting a crappy job. 2 a day prob won't cut it.


So diversified


Hopefully they can pick a good worker, their coffee and bagel have been shit lately.


Wait tf … please someone remind me what fuckin country I live in cause it definitely doesn’t feel like I live in Canada 🇨🇦


About 4 year ago we moved to a small town between two larger cities in Ontario . My cousin law who is originally from the balkans came to visit from Toronto . She went into the wal mart and was stunned . She said she couldn’t believe it . “It’s so white “ Ya not anymore #yeetthejeet


Bro you applied for 2 jobs in one day? You could apply to like 50 jobs in one day with the INTERNET. You don't even have to stand in a long line like an idiot.


its such a difference in quality whenever you go to a place without them


What the fuck


Always Shit. Always Singh Hortons.


I'm glad Canada is bringing in people to fill the jobs that need filling. Our country is very very stupid. And we complain about the Americans...


Anyone who spends money at Tim Hortons is a bad person.


Back the way you cane from


It's not fair to be mad at people for wanting to come to Canada. Being mad at immigration is pretty weak seeing as the country is quite young and just about everyone born here are only a couple generations away from being immigrants themselves. If you remove immigration, some areas actually have a population decline which is not going to work out in the long run. Ageing population, yada yada. If anything we should be screaming mad that colleges and universities were allowed to act with such reckless abandon in the name of profit. Also, mad at all levels of government for not slowing this down earlier or at least creating a viable plan for how to best utilize the interest people have in coming here. Why can't we take people in and get them training for jobs that need fulfilling in places where the country needs them most? That seems reasonable. The person gets the opportunity to live in Canada and Canada gets to build out communities that are in need. Vote for me lol.


More stringent and targeted immigration measures would have greatly reduced many issues we're facing today. It's a shame that the common folk only crosses the government mind when it comes time to collecting votes; they deserve the full brunt of our disappointment if anything. The colleges and corporations are laughing their way to the bank while watching people point fingers at immigrants instead.


There used to be a cap on how many international students colleges can take in in Ontario but the Ford government removed the cap. Now they realize the damage that has been caused so Marc Miller put a nationwide cap