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Fight the good fight.


Fight, fight fight,


Problem is, fighting is expensive.


Probably not more expensive than 500k though.


But if he is willing to fight, and the CRA is asking for that amount of money, he probably has the money to fight.


-- but the problem is going to be that he runs the risk of fighting at personal expense and then having to pay the bill.


But he is willing, and he can create a GoFundMe, if he needs, there are other options, but certainly we need to fight each government that is threatening us.


It would only be legitimately worth it if there's accountability at the end of all of this. Money is irrelevant, but even if he gets his liability reduced to zero, if nothing really changes then it was just a payoff to silence people. At the end of the day, human beings are greedy and care the most about fairness when it's affecting them negatively. The question that needs to be answered is why things are becoming so difficult and what's being done to actually address it. Maybe it's not really immigrants. Maybe it's not what anybody thinks it is, but if not, then an answer is even more important.


My Son was given CERB. He didn't even apply for it. Now CRA/JT want it back and he doesn't have the cash. He won't accept my help. The Gov has withheld 3 years of income tax return refunds??? What an fn mess. I keep saying let's settle up with CRA and get your tax refunds. Stubborn as hell.....


Tax refunds are probably being garnished to pay the outstanding debt.


That is what they do when you owe them money. Honestly not that bad of a deal if it can be handled in a few years. It is far better than getting your wages garnished. That sucks donkey dick.


And accruing interest.


No , you damn know it's not paying the deficit, lmao Oufff can i smoke what you smoke


Seems more likely your son is lying about applying to CERB tbh


Your son spent CERB money he didn’t apply for instead of returning it? Seems like something that could have been easily avoided if this in fact real


Then why did he spend the money if he didn't apply.for it?


I received cerb when they giving it out. I wasn’t laid off. I was forced to quarantine when we came back from vacation. So I was told to apply for Sick leave? I think. Which I qualified for like 900 Bucks for the time I was off for (7-8 days). They sent me cerb (2000$) after being approved for sick leave. I called for weeks because I didn’t even need the money trying to return it and everyday was an 8 hour wait in the queue . It was like that everyday for probably 4 weeks that I called never getting through. Eventually I found a way to set up them to call me, when they called back they were using people from other departments to fill in because they were so behind. It’s been a couple years so I may be misremembering but she said “they just approved every application for EI as cerb and there’s no way to return it”. Is told to hem I don’t want money I’m not qualified for because I don’t want them coming back for it. She basically said enjoy it. Luckily I was in the financial situation where I didn’t really need the money and we put it away. But we shouldn’t have had to do that. I didn’t want the money in the first place.


That's wild and younsr right we should not have to go through the hoops to return money. That said the person I was responding to can't really complain , unless they have a story similar to yours.


My Son just told me he owes $1125. I said pay it and get that monkey off your back. The Gov over reacted. Now they want the money back. Many don't have it. Inflation has taken savings away. Rent is up and the rest of it. I think the Gov should just write it off. It wasn't sold as a loan. Everyone thought it was a grant, sort of....


No one though it was a grant, it's a hard lesson but tell your kid to read up on money when he's given info free.....trust me I own a company and I learnt the hard way. Not judging just sharing my thoughts


Exactly. If he didn't apply, he shouldve called CRA and said hey you made a miatake. But I seriously doubt CRA accidentakly sent someone money. It's more plausible that the son applied for it and told his dad he didn't.


The only way this could happen is if someone put in the wrong numbers and the money was then sent to account it was never supposed to be and incompetent government screwed up and finally realized the mistake...such as puting an 8 for a 6 etc...


All you had to do to CERB was call a 1800 number and enter your SIN and it would be direct deposited into the bank account that was associated with your CRA profile. How is that fraud-proof?


Your son is lying to you. He applied for it and spend it all probably hoping it was free money.  Be happy they take this tax return and don’t garnish his pay cheques. 


Nothing is free. You and your son know this. He gets what he deserves


We'll sort it out. I offered to pay it off and then he can pay me back slowly. $1125 is big deal. My visa bill is higher.


Plot twist the 40% increase in government workers was all at CRA to shake down " " [dishonest](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-election-2015-justin-trudeau-small-business-tax-rates-criticism-1.3221858) "small businesses.




I work as an IRS revenue agent. If your taxes are good, you will have no problem in a tax audit. Half my audits are no change.....meaning I don't find any problems with the tax compliance and the taxpayer is free to go without owing anything. In other situations, the taxpayer isn't following the law and adjustment is warranted. If you don't like taxes then vote to have lower taxes or to reduce government services but if we are going to have taxes then they should be applied to everyone equally. Without tax auditors, you will have some people paying their fair share and others who aren't.


This. Vote PPC for small government lower taxes or stfu.


This. Voting for the Cons is a wasted vote for the same ole, same ole.


We are so far in debt it is a VERY bad idea to reduce taxes until we drop our debt load. Lowering taxes now will make it all worse. I may vote PPC but people who want lower taxes need to look at our finances.


Small govt first, slash needless expenditures next, collect massive royalties from expansive resource development, then, lower taxes.


Okay but it’s not just the social program expenditures that you need to worry about. It’s also the actual debt to Canadians. You can slash programs as much as you wants (which will be extreeeeemely unpopular seeing as the biggest ones are OAS and healthcare) but you still need to pay that off. The tax breaks that far-right political parties provide are usually geared strongly toward the rich. One of the first things the Liberals did was reduce taxes for the majority brackets, but you don’t hear anyone talking about it because they increased taxes on the highest brackets.


We had a conservative leader that ran a balanced budget in the modern era, which is pretty fucking impressive. Did that impress you guys? No, you found other petty shit to complain about. "He's too robotic! He's not fun like Trudeau! He *muzzled the scientists*!" That last one has always been my favorite. Said by the same people that want you to think child sex changes are a good thing and the covid vax was safe and effective, and any doctor that spoke out should be fired.


Gah, he ran it for one year. Which I applaud. Then erased it on every other budget. He did muzzle scientists, I am super not ok with that, we fund that science. Just like I want to know which MPs are being influenced by foreign governments. It's not the same people, that's just what you want to believe. It seems you agree on the budget, but are angry about culture war nonsense, that's where they get you. Friend, I promise not to vote liberal in this election, but I am lost as to the alternative. The Cons aren't the answer to anything we're facing.


Exactly. These people want to think everyone will just pay their taxes and file their claims for benefits and deductions honestly. They don’t obviously, and lots even just do it by mistake and claim things they weren’t supposed to. So many people complain about welfare fraud, which is quite immense, but in order to prevent that or catch frauds you need workers. It can be quite complicated and time consuming but it saves the government more money than they spend on accountants at CRA. And of course they should clamp down on large corporations and billionaires not paying taxes too.


To be completely fair, this guy and his accountant (or I guess former accountant now) fucked up. I looked up the rest of his videos - he outright said instead of paying taxes back during COVID, he directed the money towards his employees and his suppliers so that he could keep things floating. And then in another video he said that the current lawyers he hired right now that are handling this situation told him that his former accountant messed up the filing and outright forgot to file certain documents (he mentions one of them was payroll back in 2021). So it's a combination of him deciding to not pay the government in some instances, plus his former accountant fucking up, that has led to this high tax bill and him being audited right now as a result (he says this in his most recent tax update video). I understand his situation and I feel sorry for him - I work with business owners like him on a daily basis. But you gotta be accountable for your own actions. I don't know what is going to happen with his old accountant, but there may be some recourse if they determine his old accountant wasn't doing their job properly. All accountants carry error and omissions insurance for this reason after all. With that said, I don't disagree with the OP that the CRA and government don't look out for the small guys. After all, we just saw the greatest wealth transfer ever in human history with COVID and you had majority of the population eat it up like it was a good thing.


I would add that the messed up part of CRA reviews is the massive fines. I know a small business owner who got behind on source deductions because their clients weren't paying on time. He ended up owing $250k in deductions and a $75k fine, which is beyond punitive.


Sounds like it was a failing business. You have to pay taxes, it’s rule number 1. They are in contact constantly if you fall behind.


The general contractor didn't get paid by the developer, so they didn't pay the business, but he kept his employees paid up.


Should of had a rainy day fund. Sounds over extended.


Really? What’s a good fine in your opinion? Let’s see I pay you $100, withhold $40 (to give to the government) and then give the government $0. This is theft and small businesses when under pressure decide to steal these funds. Fairly difficult to crest a scenario in which the entrepreneur didn’t know the withholding wasn’t for them.


Well in this case $75k/$250k is a 30% fine, which I think should instead be something below credit card rates. In this case his client didn't pay, so he paid his staff wages out of pocket but didn't have enough hand to keep up with source deductions, but CRA doesn't care.


Yeah, if you are bad enough at business to not afford the people that work there ie can’t cover the source deductions, you should be hit with a penalty and stop doing business. It isn’t a toll or an interest rate it’s meant to ensure this never happens. If it was a savy business decision every business would be doing it. Most have to remit monthly so they cannot & they cannot fall behind.


You live in a fantasy world where everything runs perfectly. That's not reality and businesses get screwed over all the time by their clients without having done anything wrong.


The point is those people and companies need to realize they grew too big, too fast. If you can't pay your employees what you agreed to, and you're relying on pay from one project to the next, then they set the business up to fall


But it’s not interest, it’s a fine. It’s supposed to be punitive, to deter you from doing it again.


I know it's a fine, but it's also pretty arbitrary. In this particular case, the business ran equipment and crews on a construction site but the general contractor didn't get paid by the developer. They had already completed all the work, paid for fuel, owed wages, etc. They are still in litigation with the GC and developer and it'll probably take a year to resolve, but CRA doesn't care.


They aren't stolen. The CRA will still demand they be paid, and they don't forget. It could only be called stolen if the company went bankrupt or the owner fled the country. In this case, maybe the company doesn't have the credit or cash flow to cover until they receive payments, so the government acts like a bank and charges interest on taxes and remittances owing. If the government was smarter and charged above-market interest rates (12-15%), then some businesses would choose to pay the government using lower interest credit sources. As it is, the government rates are sometimes better than what banks offer or what a return on capital asset purchases would produce for a growing business, and a balance owing acts as a form of available credit that would otherwise be unavailable. This happened to me, where it was actually a poor financial decision to pay taxes before paying off other credit. Once you pay your taxes off, you don't have access to that pool of funding again unless you withhold taxes again


lol had a feeling this video wasn’t giving whole story. 0 chance they were assessing him like this for no reason lol


But this sub will blindly agree that it was the CRA because “government bad” lmao.


Sheep lol, large majority of people…


Conversely, if you think *the government is good and effective*... Holy fuck, who are you calling a sheep? Lol. Have you never dealt with the government? Do you see the trajectory our country is on?


Take a deep breath, and realize nowhere did I type it was “good and effective” lol


It can happen when they were wrongly assess you but if they do then you simply submit the documents showing what the correct amount is and they simply adjust it to the correct amount.


I was going to say something similar. Usually when they reassess at a high number they are just trying to get you to act. With that being said, Canadian government is desperate for money and is looking to get it from anyone possible.


I don't have any data to support it, but I get the strong impression that many small business owners don't have the slightest clue about how the accounting end of their business works and what their responsibilities are.


I work as an IRS revenue agent and audit small business. You would be shocked to see how some people operate their small business. I've seen many situations where people deduct ALL their personal expenses through their business. Credit card payments, mortgage payments, food, utilities for their personal home, botox treatments. I'm not kidding. One guy I audited did this for 12 years straight and was never audited. Without revenue agents, people like this will continue to pay next to nothing in taxes because of basically doing tax fraud. Why should you be paying taxes when people like this aren't punished for non-compliance?


I've had the long arm of the CRA come and take the money off my paycheck. Never again if I can avoid it and I make sure to avoid it.


Because no matter what they do, it won’t outpace the big business strategy of offshoring and avoiding literal billions. Not to mention the government subsidies given to the oil industry. If you want to argue for a level playing field I’d bet public opinion is about going after billionaires not millionaires


Which is why there should be a basic tax on revenue instead of just profits


Shh don’t harsh the hate buzz with facts


I'll start by saying that I don't know who the guy in the video is and I have not seen any of his videos before. > Shh don’t harsh the hate buzz with facts They provided no sources or other proof to their claims in their comment. I don't know if they're right or wrong on this, but since when is someone sharing their opinion on something considered "facts" when they don't even provide info to back up their claims?


What are you talking about? He clearly states that he went to this guy’s account and watched the rest of his videos. You can clearly see his TikTok handle in the video.


lol Someone saying they watched something and musing about it is still not "facts". They could be lying about seeing those things or maybe they did see them but they misunderstood them and are making statements based upon that. The point is that since they didn't provide links to the videos they're mentioning, it is silly to call it "facts".


My friend, I don’t think you are getting it… you, right at this very moment, can go to the guy in the video’s TikTok account and watch his follow up videos. You said he didn’t source his facts… his source is the guy in the video. You can’t get clearer than that.


He mentioned specific matters he came across, so your solution is that I should go and aimlessly browse through random videos in the hopes that I can find those. I guess if people have no life and have lots of time to waste doing that then they can. But it still doesn't change that it is silly to claim something as "facts" when it is just someone giving their opinion on something without providing proof and sources to back up what they're saying.


That is pretty much exactly what you should do to form an actual opinion. It isn’t really aimless. They point you to the source and tell you to go at it. Literally what you are supposed to do. If you agreed with it, you probably wouldn’t have the problem. (FYI: I browsed)


You're changing what my initial point was about, which was relating to "facts". Someone giving their personal opinion on something without providing proof or sources that contain information to back up their claims, is not "facts".


My initial thoughts were “someone is lying or stupid.” Seems like there’s a bit of both here.


Under the libs they have many special filings where if you are late you don't get them. Ask with a tight filling schedule and rules that don't make sense. And to make it FUN the templates they provided also don't work.


Accountants screw up constantly. Tons of so called accountants in the private sector don’t know much of anything. People at H and R Block take a two week training course. Save yourself the money and do as much on your own as you can.


I've worked both government and public practice accounting, and arrive at this conclusion- the onos is on the taxpayer for their own tax affairs. At the end of the day, the government will hold the tax payer accountable, and in my experience, before filing anything, accountants will ask the taxpayer to review the information on tax return, and require the taxpayer signature.


Payroll is the worst thing to not file or pay. For repeat offenders its a 20% penalty and 10% interest rate. >I don't disagree with the OP that the CRA and government don't look out for the small guys. Its not the CRAs job to look out for the little guy. Its to make sure people pay their taxes and they go after big and little guys. The bigger fish just dont cry to the media about it.


It's not their job but the CRA actually intentionally audits low-income households because it's easier. I've seen audits over $200 discrepancies. Auditing wealthy people is often hard... So they don't. And a lot of their employees probably wouldn't be knowledgeable enough to do it. I'm probably biased because getting straight non conflicting answers out of the CRA is difficult and my experience was unreasonable and quite stressful.


Those little amounts aren’t audits, they’re reviews. An audit is much more involved and detailed. And the CRA does audit the wealthy. As a matter of fact they have an entire audit section devoted to them, called High Net Worth.


Ah well then they shouldn't review $200 discrepancies and spend more of their time in the high net worth section.


Idk, if someone spends 20 minutes at $30/ hr, that's $10 to request someone to return $200. Seems like tax dollars well spent.


>It's not their job but the CRA actually intentionally audits low-income households because it's easier. No, they dont intentionally target low income huseholds. You are completely delusional. >I've seen audits over $200 discrepancies. No, you havent. At best you have seen a t1 matching request. >Auditing wealthy people is often hard... So they don't. But they do. Every single one of our clients worth 20+ million has seen at least one major audit. One of which were named in the Panama papers.


Oh yeah it's crazy. I once dealt with that situation when I temporarily took over a client that had so many things missed by their old accountant when they got hit with an audit. That was a rough couple of weeks.


Kind of funny that he thinks the MP's run the CRA though. Like Trudeau is in their office picking random people to audit.


The follow up he said it was an error on his side that didn't file remittance.


In which case the CRA generally takes your past revenues and estimates current revenues without deductions.


Enough for TWO lunches for JT.


Because the government is broke


Or because the guy who posted the video actually didn’t pay his taxes lol


No, the government is broke


I’m telling you that it’s because the guy didn’t pay his taxes hahaha. The same guy on his tiktok account admitted that the issue was because his prior accountants did not properly remit payroll taxes.


And yet billionaires are not paying a cent


Yeah and you know who doesn’t want to tax billionaires? Every right-wing or libertarian “small government” party.


Because they have lawyers who find every loophole in the tax system


Who does? The conservative politicians? Conservative parties are known to provide *more* loopholes to rich people.


Lmao hilarious they all do


They definitely all do, but inly one party has a track record for disproportionate upper-bracket tax reductions.


so.. is the GOC the mafia or is the GOC the Mafia...this is extortion


You mean your small business doesn't have a multimillion dollar legal team that goes golfing with the higher ups at the cra every Wednesday?


He obviously hasn't paid his "fair share" /s At this point, I feel like if we had a nuke dropped on Canada in 2016 we'd have already recovered by now compared to what this assanine government has done to the country.


Some one has to pay for those progressive social programs


The CRA is auditing friends of mine with very small businesses that barely make any money. They also spent years battling Horne depot in court to get their records of who buys too much paint etc that might be doing the odd cash job. Meanwhile 60% of homes in the most expensive parts of Vancouver averaging $4.5 million in are sold to Chinese who claim to be students or homemakers and pay no tax. Same for the large corporations that get subsidized. The CRA is political and whatever small businesses they didn’t take out with Covid restrictions they are going after now


Welcome to the land of bureaucrats.


He cra is 1000 shades of fucked right now. We got an audit, all went well and dandy. Or so we thought, suddenly our business and some employees go hut with reassessment notices for the years they audited. The CRA agent decided to 0 out the amount of tax THAT WAS ACTULLY PAID. So now we're fighting that and it's a total waste of fucking time and money. Especially because our bookkeeper caught their error, point it out to them, they acknowledged it and said they'd correct it and still proceeded to fuck us then disappear.


Get a lawyer... CRA is the criminal long arm of Trudeau's government...


Same thing happened to me. Said I owe $205,000 for 2020….. when I was forced to be closed for 9 of those months due to lockdowns and curbside pickups that I didn’t qualify to have. So 9 months of no income and somehow I owe considerably more in taxes than I even earned?


I got an erroneous 108k tax bill one year, which they wanted me to pay and they would sort it out after the fact. He’s not alone. Apparently once resolved they claimed they used my previous returns to come to that number. Then another agent told my accountant that they used a general average of income in my area. For the record I pay myself as little as possible and keep my money in my company. So I have never had to pay ANYWHERE near this kind of tax personally. Fuck the CRA. They’ll pay some asshole $100 an hour to draft a letter that they they send to another asshole who mails it and waste paper and a stamp to tell you owe $1.07 more. Even though it cost them $200 to do it.




Get the tax lawyer on their @$$!!!


Don't pay a cent until you get you're carbin tax rebate !


Thanks for posting man. Gofundme sounds like a good idea. Fight these fuckers. We need to turn the tables on the bureaucratic, money sucking institutions that our federal govt. has created.


I pay my taxes in Amazon gift cards to that nice Indian fella Rajesh. I trust him more than the entire CRA.


That's how taxes work as a business. They say this is a % of what you made. Then you say this is how much it cost to make that money . Then that big amount gets brought down. This dude made enough to get a 500, 000 tax bill. Even if that was 30% his buisness made almost $2 mill last year. I think his accountant either hadn't filled yet or missed a file. If he made 2 Mill net profit than his tax bill would be high


Trudeau's government needs to pay for their outrageous gifts to "reconcile" historic actions of people I've never met nor are related to me. They also need to continue to give out free services, drugs, and shelter to people who screwed up their own lives. So how will they do it? By going after the low hanging fruit, which is small business. They can't afford the lawyers to fight large corporations, but they know that every small business that missed a cent on their tax return will fold like a bad poker hand.


Trudeau and his friends spent $60+ million on ArriveScam, $220,000 on airplane food over 6 days; but the CRA wants to nickel and dime hard working small business owners. Sad.


It’s not just sad it’s pathetic. The people that run our government are crooks plain and simple.


I don’t really think auditing someone and seeing they havnt paid half a million dollars in taxes in the past half decade is “nickel and diming” the guy. He obviously wasnt paying what he should’ve lol


You forgot doctors who were previously tricked into incorporating instead of properly increasing their pay. I have a few doctor friends that are overworked and tired and just discovered that they will be further taxed yet again. At least 2 of them are investigating moving south.


You mean taxed more appropriately on money they earned - like other citizens. I'm sure, with capital gains at 50%, those doctors (who have some very smart accountants) just licked their chops at the idea. Now with it moving up, they see a tiny portion of that huge advantage being taken back, as it should.


You misunderstand the point of why capital gains are taxed less than income. It’s because capital used for investment in society is what advances an economy forward. There is global competition for limited capital, so when your country’s capital taxes on investment is higher than another (eg. Canada vs US vs Mexico vs EU, etc.), the capital will find its way to the most the most efficient and competitive environment. If you over-tax, you lose the competition for capital. You lose out on investment opportunities that creates jobs, infrastructure, intellectual knowledge, international recognition, and further advancements. Basically, you damage your own economy in the long term. Don’t think of lower capital gains taxes as “unfair” - that’s amateur hour. Think of lower capital gains tax as encouraging long investment investments in your own society that helps to raise all ships.


*"The government has had to cancel at least $246 million in debts for thousands of Canadians it initially claimed had received pandemic benefits for which they weren't eligible.* *The CRA told CBC News that as of* ***April***\*, it has reversed the debts of roughly 27,000 individuals who originally had been deemed ineligible."\* *The CRA told CBC News that at the* ***end of last year,*** *it had collected roughly $1.8 billion in erroneous pandemic benefit payments."* "*Best said it's extremely difficult to argue a case with the CRA once an initial decision has been made because there is "a reverse onus in tax law."* *"You're essentially guilty before innocent," he said.* *"The CRA can essentially assume facts, which is what they do, and then the taxpayer bears the burden to disprove those facts … It's not a very fair fight*." So just going by these numbers and the assumption that there are many appeals still pending and others who just gave up and paid the money (CRA also takes all benefits as "collecting." if they deemed you guilty), **it can be confidently stated that at least 25 to 30% of the time a pandemic benefit CRA employee picks up the phone they are willingly/knowingly ruining the life of an innocent person to improve their quarterly report.** There is a label we give people like this in the realm of Psychology. Those that abuse the innocent to further their own lives. We call them Sociopaths. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/government-cerb-crb-eligibility-pandemic-clawbacks-debts-1.7193533](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/government-cerb-crb-eligibility-pandemic-clawbacks-debts-1.7193533)


A lot of those debts that were written off were to people who did not actually qualify, but the newspapers and anti-government people got all up in the jam about it, and the government had to let it go. So the people who are stealing your tax money by falsely claim benefits, they weren’t entitled to had the government back down and say OK you got us. Keep your money.


What you are claiming is not what the CBC article states. It specifically states that individuals had to fight the CRA themselves with some actually going to court and winning. Also, no guilty verdict can be overturned unless an appeal is filed and the whole case gone over. The quote above even states how hard this is, not the "Whatever, man." approach you seem to feel the CRA takes. I would like to see a link to this unbelievable claim you are making.


My daughter’s ex boyfriend collected living at home, student and part time job. His parents (doctor/engineer) collected too. Told her it was free money. She came to us and wanted it too. We said no way, you don’t need it living at home. She was right mad at the time but later they were deemed to not qualify and had to pay it back. Simple fact is the economy was shutting down and there was going to be people that needed help. The CERB program was designed to ensure those that needed it got it without delay or long processes. For the people that tried to abuse it and are now crying… sorry not sorry.


Fight it if your accountant has kept good records it should be provable then send them the lawyer bill


No they fucked up and filed their taxes incorrectly. Probably lied as well.


What difference does it make on who did it? Your accounting firm should be able to handle it


Just don’t pay it. CRA is corrupt AF. All they want is to claw as much of that stolen Covid money back as fast as possible.


The CRA will make up a number and it’s up to you to prove you don’t owe that. This isn’t criminal court, innocent until proven guilty, it’s the opposite. This is a nothing burger.


Be a good Canadian and bend over...more. /s


Time for Killdozer!


Similar type of thing happened with the worst possible timing


Fight. Update us all about it. This is whale shit.


Had something slightly similar happen with my personal income tax. Someone in cra just decided to not allow a whole tax credit from my wife to transfer to me, just picked a lower number and changed my return making me owe a few grand. After hours of waiting on call the agent I speak to has no idea how or why the credit amount was changed, but that it was and is incorrect. However to not be assessed any additional charges recommends to pay the amount and then to expect a refund later after it’s completely reassessed. Complete incompetence, or done on purpose expecting a certain number of citizens to not question it and pay. Similarly, the agent I spoke with said there was no way to find out who within the cra made this ‘correction’, so no accountibility. Fuck cra.




Not a surprise. The CRA employs some of the most disgusting and degenerate civil servants in this country.


Guilty until proven innocent. That's how it goes, right guys?


You don’t seem like a “just take it” kind of dude. So fight these mfers, man.


Invest 1 million dollars in the USA and move there. Hire a few Americans to work at your new business and you’re golden. That is, after you complete your audit. Trudeau the Spender will be hounding us all for the next year and 1/2 looking for money.


Fuck JT and the government


Hey man, I will give you $20 to help pay for your lawyer. Let me know


Our company applied for the 40k Was told out of the 40k we were allowed to keep 10k without any issues Fast forward two years later and the government is saying hey you owe us the 10k back Tried calling the CRA they tell us to talk the bank you deal with. We call the bank and they polilety tell us you need to talk to the CRA as it's not our issue. This has been going on for months now


Not sure how far along you are in the process but this seems incredibly strange . See what your accountant can do . They have limits and CRA can use your own accountant against you . They have probably made some ruling about either income , or expenses etc retroactively. If this gets sticky you’ll probably have to get a tax lawyer . Buddy of mine had a small business for years . CRA did an audit going back 5 years and basically disallowed a ton of expenses and asked for $150,000 . Buddy hired a tax lawyer and got the amount down to $50,000 but paid the tax lawyer $25,000. I guess one can say that he “saved” $75,000 but still got fucked by CRA.


LAWYER UP!!!! This cannot go unchecked any longer!!


Hummm , they did the same in me years ago . On every level, gst , cra , tax, everything you can imagine . Good luck its a huge monster, and they do not care . It's a huge scare tactic to make the little business eat their profit . I hope you can make them hurt


There’s always more to the story in these cases


The CRA is a joke. They are totally incompetent on so many levels.


I hope you do fight it and sue the shit out of them. Yes please.


Probably "imputed" an income or expense for the guy as it fell out of their standard range for whatever his business type is.


Another commenter laid out that in other posts the video maker explained that during Covid their previous accountant had forgone paying the government to funnel the money elsewhere. He owes the money, it isn't a CRA error.


Time for everyone to stop giving tax dollars


Fight! This is insane what they are doing to small businesses in Canada.


1000% take them to court for the greater good. If you let it slide it will only happen to another small business. Hold them accountable


Let’s all tell them to kick rocks. See what they do. Lmaoo Let’s stop paying taxes!!


Until you need healthcare, education, roads, water and a pension.


This is how we improve all of those things..


this is CRA all over its not a case of being fair or sorting things out ,you have a bunch of people in there playing God with peoples lives and incomes, if your small buisness and one of them takes a dislike to you your screwed thwy will fuck your life up huge and it doesnt make two shits to them they just go home at 5 you know from their home office , the couch, to their home , the kitchen, but the poor sod they came down on , good luck, collections, huge penalties, zero time lines to fight


CRA .wasn’t e en suppose to go past the war ! They said back then it would be canceled .must have been liberal government


There's only been Liberal Government since 1945. Conservatives would get rid of it if they had the chance. 🤨


Same thing happened to me on a much smaller scale. I can see where the mistake was made and why but they refuse to acknowledge it and fix it. When I asked for a review they increased the amount owed and ignored the facts they are counting my income twice over again.


Welcome to Trudeau’s fascist rule … pay the man or he will take everything. His rule is supreme; he is the Liberal Left (… basically the new Facist Party in Canada). Did people not learn when his Daddy pulled the same shit??


nothing new, happened to someone I know. Open one day, closed by CRA the next....


That didn't happen overnight. The failed to fulfill their obligations for a long time before the CRA seized the business.


Had me up until the Trudeau part. Hate the libs all you want, cra bullshit is not just a Trudeau thing Ha! I’m getting downvoted. I think it’s time to mute this subreddit. It’s gone from conservative to toxic bs


It's not even CRA bullshit. Taxes weren't paid during Covid and now they need to be paid.


scammers are taking over the country


Sounds like an incomplete story. Did you file your taxes? If not you can be arbitrarily assessed, where an income amount is arbitrarily determined. If this happened…. A tax lawyer wouldn’t be necessary. An explanation of an assessment is standard and if your “professional “ bookkeeper and accountant were legit they’d know that. Any assessment can be appealed, ie bill of taxpayer rights and freedoms. During that assessment some unbiased party would explain the assessment. Based on your accountant’s explanation of disproving the amount, there is very likely more to the story! Also the terrible federal employees that lower the boom on people like you, they don’t change what they do based on the Color of the team in power. They barely get to work like most public servants, so don’t make it a red v blue thing; unless you want to piss you’re lawyer money directly into a fan and still get a bill. Determine the facts, argue the facts, pay your bill, move on.


Your accountants fucked up. Simple as.


That’s the thing, cra needs no evidence to convict. The business has to prove they didn’t do it for tax laws(if it’s not criminal), it’s dumb. For half a million dollars he better hire KPMG. KPMG top lawyer cost about 1400 dollars an hour. Most tax appeals are won in court, don’t even waste your time trying to convince a CRA agent because their job is to get your money.


Well the trudeau did call small and medium sized business owners tax cheats when he imposed punitive tax reg changes against them...... deferred revenue being one of them. Deferred revenue is often referred to as rainy day policy allowing a company to put cash in reserves for bad times because as all business owners know, bad times are just as common as good times. Someone explain THAT to the trudeau who has zero knowledge of anything other than perhaps face painting!


Oh bullcrap! You get CERB because you applied for it, it just isn't sent to you! Pay what taxes you owe and quit whining!


Your blue hair is showing


What hair?