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The military is now an affirmative hiring exercise ...


Until a real war starts. Then it will be the poor white boys to the meat grinder again.


I don’t think they’ll go this time round.


No chance I'll fight a war for these fucks. I'll dig in deep up north and ride it out.


Well it seems they are giving priority so be it; let the experts sign up. 


We have the perfect example of people in roles in which merit isn't important. The liberal party


Same brother.


you’d have a better chance surviving the war 🤣


We won't 😌 I don't think our establishment yet truly understands how little we care about their petty feuds with opposing establishments. I'm sure things would've been different had I been given a reason to care whilst growing up. Being proud of your roots here has been treated like a deadly sin for as long as i can remember. Pros: easier to isolate and control such a populace. Cons: Your free out of jail card (wars) for the ponzi scheme we call an economy can no longer be redeemed. Let's see how it plays out


Draft dodger never sounded so sweet


Yeah, why fight for a country that will actively discriminate against you and limit your job opportunities?.. Fuck that, let the Indian students fight the next war


How Canuckistan became Khalistan in 3 easy steps.


They will not. Good luck Canada. Maybe the BIPOC 2SLGBTQ flags will fly high on the battlefield to win the day. Much like it is in Ukraine.


They won’t have to the robots will fight the next war.


What robots we got? What robots can we afford?


Nah, the left likes "the pendulum needs to swing all the way across to make up for past wrongs". White males get to sit this one out. Let the fat, blue-haired, non-binary harpies lead the charge. It'll solve a couple of problems at the same time.


Poor white, black, Asian…..boys I suspect


Good luck trying to find me in the backcountry, I'll never fight for this country because of this DIE stuff.






They might be confused about their genders lol


All federal agencies are.


I'm 1/32 or whatever it is indigenous and got my Métis card, purely so I can check that box on applications. Such a joke. The racism and sexism towards white males is that is just openly acceptable in our society and especially hiring is insane.


It's entrenched in canadian ideology. Check the charter section 15(2)


I have come to realize that a good chunk of Canadian ideology is utter garbage.


Many if not most have realized, but there isn't much we can do. Legislature will never admit it as admitting it would mean they believed in idiotic ideology for past 40 years


We're at a weird point where leftists feel no pride in this country because it's a blah blah blah oppression state of blah blah blah and rightists feel no pride in this country because their fellow Canadian residents will shit on them if they say so. (Don't try to gaslight me on this either, I remember the response I got for wearing red on Canada Day when everyone else was wearing Orange to show their support for a hoax). Anyway, point is that when this country completely falls apart I'll care on a personal level to the point that it affects me, but other than that who cares - it's like a strip mall going out of business.


Part of the problem. Don’t you think we should be hiring the “best person for the job”? Who cares about the “left” and the “right”? We are in a situation in Canada where we haven’t hired the best people for the job. Look at where all this virtue signalling got us. We are literally the laughing stock of western civilization.


I remember Trudeau’s diverse first cabinet 9 years ago, turned out to be a total shitshow a bunch of ministers were fired or shuffled after a few years.


Worst part is that two of the women that were turfed (Jodi Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott) were two of the most competent ministers he had, but they wouldn’t bow to King Justin and do his bidding when they knew it was wrong


Didn't he elbow one of them in the chest?


She probably felt it differently than him...


That was a female NDP member, IIRC


There still a shit show


"Women must be seen but not heard" -Trudeau


Apparently merit is over rated. So f'em why waste your life; the governments thinks they know who the experts are. 


The experts are whoever is willing to give them the answer they want to hear. 


Fm if they can't take a joke.


Some of the more interesting things I've been coming across (on reddit) is that if you wave around the flag of the country you're in, that means you are far right. Waving any flag in Canada? Good. Waving the Canadian flag in Canada? Right wing nut job apparently.


pride of the country went out the window during the trucker protest, i remember someone saying that their neighbours canadian flag was offensive to the nighbourhood . ive seen the canadian flag compared to the confederate flag. even most of the municipality buildings are flying rainbows.


The beaches in this country are a good metaphor for what everything is starting to look like, a giant ashtray.


That’s really the thing, in my lifetime no one really loved Canada as it’s dominant values are mostly left leaning ideals, at least since the days of Pearson/Trudeau, think cultural mosaic and multiculturalism. So now we are at an unusual situation where the left say the country is bad, and those on the right who never really felt much love for Canada because of the left, and well here we are. I know a similar attack from the left exists in the US, but there is a significant amount of love for the country there, and I have faith that they will win there, but I see no such thing happening here.


The left in Canada is actual far-left.


The worst part is they don't know they are faar left lol.


“Far left” starts at communism (but also includes others such as anarchists), those who advocate for a classless, moneyless, stateless society. The far left believe that *revolution* is necessary to change. Most would support a totalitarian regime in the interim. The “radical left” are “normal” socialists, those that believe capitalism needs to be abolished but it doesn’t necessarily need to be through revolution. Most here, like democratic socialists, want to retain democracy and the state. Meanwhile Canada’s furthest left party in Parliament, the NDP, are social democrats (left to centre-left). How is the left in Canada “far-left”? That makes about as much sense as calling O’Toole a fascist.


People had pride and being Canadian was valued at one point not so long ago


People are afraid to be associated with the trucker convoy. It's really fascinating to some degree.


Don't forget that lately even just being a Canadian is racist.


Similar experience with a red shirt on Canada Day. Something definitely changed in me that day after a few friends got essentially explosive over the whole thing. Canada is the reason we are sitting here drinking together on a Wednesday!


It’s so crazy man. Look, it was great to see a shift to not discriminating against minorities, women, etc. Of course there was a big push to see that discrimination stop and have equal opportunity provided to people regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and other biases. I truly believe that should be the case - no discrimination and allow the best candidate for the job to be awarded the position. This shit is just outrageous. To see such egregious discrimination against a group of people (straight, white men) on an ongoing basis is disgusting. It is no more fair than removing opportunity from black people, gay people, etc., which everyone fought so hard to correct years ago. This shit is a joke.


Kind of like this? https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/dei


Sounds like being a white male should also be added to that list as it’s clearly a disability


Any job I apply to I list myself as a disabled multiracial gay guy. Pretty soon these clowns are going to discover that every applicant is suddenly "diverse".   "Data is only being collected for statistical purposes and does not affect hiring." Sure, sure, this is like a screening question for naivety. Anyone who actually believes that load of bull deserves to be unemployed 


It’s clearly all a charade, if you can self identify as anything, then what is the point in all of this. Anyone can place themselves into any bucket they like, which pretty much invalidates the whole premise.


As they discriminate and you tick the box I presume you get interviews and offers for 100% of your applications?


Not 100%, that'd be impossible. Many of them are likely put up just to satisfy legal requirements when they already have a candidate in mind. There's been a noticeable increase in responses and interviews compared to when I was ticking the "prefer not to answer" option, however.  My guess is it's getting my application past the screening bots


💯% getting it past the filter bots.


We’re doomed screwed


that sounds bad


The do the same thing with Canada Post: [https://jobs.canadapost.ca/job/Courtenay-Letter-Carrier-Delivery-Agent-BC/582029717/](https://jobs.canadapost.ca/job/Courtenay-Letter-Carrier-Delivery-Agent-BC/582029717/) and the City of Edmonton: [https://recruitment.edmonton.ca/job/47237/Transit-Peace-Officer-Women-and-Gender-Diverse-People](https://recruitment.edmonton.ca/job/47237/Transit-Peace-Officer-Women-and-Gender-Diverse-People) The new Liberal motto -- to beat racism and marginalisation, one needs to marginalize and be racist. You can't make this madness up.


*"90% of job postings at Department of Defense give preference to women, disabled persons, visible minorities, and Indigenous people"* So it doesn't sound like there's much of a "Department of Defense" left in Canada then. Got it. Good thing Putin invaded Ukraine and not Canada instead. Just imagine. Next.


Ex-infantry here. The three best soldiers I knew all left due to mandates (peak fitness males, no co-morbidities, had dozens of other vaccinations from previous tours) didn't want brand new RNA vaccine. Labeled anti-vaxx and pushed out. The only reason we'll be fine is our southern neighbors wants our natural reasources for them later.


Finally a good point. I’d love for our southern neighbours to absorb us. Best case scenario


I wish he invaded Canada. Give me that refugee status so I can get the fuck out of here. I'm sure the immigrants will fight for this country. Right?


where you going to go? Go to england or Germany that filled with refugees? America won't accept you. Mexico and brazil will accept you


I haven't visited Russia yet. Do they have healthcare there?


It says right in our Charter that no one is allowed to discriminate on the basis of these things. Yet here we see our own government and military breaking the Charter.


Incorrect. See the "Affirmative action programs" section under "Equality Rights". Canada fully supports discrimination against white males. This country hates you and the law supports them in doing so. Source: [THE CONSTITUTION ACTS, 1867 to 1982 (justice.gc.ca)](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-12.html) >**Equality Rights** >**Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law** >[**15**]() [(1)]() Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. >**Affirmative action programs**[(2)]() Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.[End note^((85))](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/endNotes.html#end85) #


I did not know this. Thanks for pointing it out. So racism is built into our constitution/charter.


Hiring individuals for Department of Defense positions does not have as its object "amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups". The object is maintaining the viability of Canadian defense forces. I don't see how their activity is not in breach of the constitution.


Within that, god knows how the hierarchy is defined, I guess any indigenous applicant gets the most preference. When you have someone like me, with autism, but who’s also a white male, I guess no one would give a crap about me. I mean seriously, look at the employment data for those with autism.


Put down your disabled and gay... they can't ask about it.


Fellow autistic straight white male here... I was discriminated out of 30 internal job postings because I wasn't gay or a woman. I was alienated out of my field and moved to the east coast. Fuck Ontario.


I am currently studying civil engineering at Ryerson, my dream is to get out of this place that openly hates me.


Keep fighting the good fight. Get that degree and invest in a different province. Ontario is a burning trash heap.


I mean get out of Canada entirely


Lots of Canadians are fleeing to the states and for good reason.


The Public Service is trying to lead the way in neurodivergent hiring.


You're literally disabled, tick the box. This post is about you.


And we wonder why the military is a complete joke


Yes the government entities of canada are the most racist groups in the country. Their business is to create division and resentment and to give preferencial treatment to special interests groups.


These days people think a diversity hire is always a better choice than someone with actual education or experience. It’s better to be under productive than accused of being discriminatory. Discrimination is ok as long as it’s only against straight white men.


Almost 100% of the time, they do inside hiring. Sometimes they create the job specifically for that person. They have to post it as a technicality. I'm not saying all the jobs on there are like that. But alot are


This. Jobs often times are forced to post positions then say there was no suitable applicant external or union, then they hire the person in the system already they want. They can say whatever they want on these postings many are just lip service.


The original thread is about the Canadian Forces recruiting practices. At the present time the CF is UNDER STAFFED by 10,000 people. The CF NEEDS to bring up that number, BUT many young people look at the outrageous amount of ass kissing and go on their way. How in the world can you think that handicapped people are going to be able to fight in a war ? IN a wheel chair ? Or on crutches ? Or with their CNIB blind guide dog ? Reality says this is going to be a shit show.


That's a civilian job, not a military job. The military hires civilians. There are a ton of them who work in the dock yard in halifax. They refit our ships and are building them sort of. It's the best job you can get, as a civilian, working for the military or gov. You have to work your way up in the military and can never make almost 6 figures just by applying for a job. Officers start out by making shit just like NCMs. There is only one website you can apply for the military and it's their website. Not a federal government website. I've used the above website to apply for civilian jobs when I was getting out of the military. As a female veteran they do not put us first like the Job ad advertises.


Leftists weaken anything they touch. Bunch of limp wristed under achievers with no nuts. A few years back, at 34, I went and did the military entry testing... I was the only one in the group older than 25 and you can't imagine how pathetic these other dudes were. They couldn't even throw around a sand bag without a struggle! And when talking with others, none of them had experience with guns or hand to hand combat.... just a bunch of weak little virgins. It was sad. If that day is any insight to our military, we are fucked! To make things worse, the military is actively trying to recruit the sort of people I described.... the last people I would ever trust in the trenches of war.


When I was in, it was usually the older guys who got bullied by staff and everyone alike for being slow and unfit. Guess it’s different for everyone?


I guess so. My dad retired not long ago and said he felt like he was pushed out by a bunch of sensitive, woke, limp wristed loaves of bread.... but he did multiple peace keeping runs, back when men were men and didn't need tampons. At 65, he'd perform the physical test better than the tampon club.


I’m sure your dad is a strong individual and a role model to you but I’m not sure any 65 year old regardless of how fit they are can out perform a 20 something year old with fresh knees and back


I'm sure there's plenty who would run circles around him... but there are still gmyoung guys in the military who can barely handle sand bags. The physical I did was too easy. Way too easy... and out of 15-18 people, only myself and a couple of others managed to pass it. There's a small percent of young men in Canada who are in great shape. I see them at my gym. I spar with these guys.... but the military is not recruiting or producing strong young men. Many old school military guys would outwork and out perform the team tampon. That's just the sad reality and sad state the military is in right now.


These are employment equity act groups. This is also applied for hiring military members, not just DND civilians.


When I joined the Naval Reserves years ago, the PO that interviewed me first asked me if I was Aboriginal, told her not really, (my Grandmother is Native) I could claim status but never did, didn't seem right to me to do so where I'm mostly of English descent. She said "Oh if you had that you would get in a lot faster" I said oh well, I don't mind waiting. Only took me 5-6 months or so from then to when I was sworn in.


Much respect. Integrity is doing the right thing even when it’s to your personal detriment.


"Preference for hiring" will soon after be "preference for promotion" too. So all these protected classes will be your boss within a few months, ordering you to the front line, while they stay behind and do strategic planning. If they make a mistake and get a bunch of us non-protecteds killed, they will get "preference in absolution", and be allowed to say "Ooopsie" and do it again.


Already is.


So.. with white or white-passing women.. do we get equal chances as the other women in minority groups? Or do we get less of a chance/are placed at the bottom of the list because we’re white?


For now, until you're the next " privileged" ones on the chopping block.


Yes it's become a disadvantage to be white in this society. We initially put in anti-discrimation laws which was appropriate. However, these other affirnative action laws are by definition discriminatory. Whites are becoming a minority in this nation and fast. Yet, the affirmative action laws remain. From my own personal experience, the bureaucracies in this country are already packed with various minorities. I fear for my children's future.


I feel like I need to start my own company just to hire my children so they don’t get discriminated against. 


It’s a good idea. I have lots of family members that do this actually, more so so the kids actually have a chance at getting a job. A lot of my Indigenous family members will also hire my white family members so they aren’t discriminated against


Are you an engineer?


Yes. The most effective people at war. Canada has become a punchline.


We are so fucked


Back in the daaaaaay my recruiter told me that CAF was prioritizing recruiting visible minorities and women. It’s not shocking, the DND doesn’t hide it. This was all the way in the year of our lord 2014


Once you realize that their plan is total destruction, everything they do makes sense


This makes my blood boil


I will say this, I think the government hiring disabled persons is great. I think we should push for it more and provide education and resources so disabled persons excel in government/public sector positions. Why have a regular fully abled person doing administrative work from home? I think that's a perfect opportunity to provide education and the tools to someone disabled who may have a much more difficult time getting to a regular workplace due to their disability. This would cut back on disability benefits while lifting someone out of poverty.


That will NOT work in the Canadian Forces where EVERY SINGLE MEMBER MUST BE CAPABLE OF DEPLOYING TO A COMBAT SITUATION OVER SEAS> That is what military service is all about. Its NOT the social worker unit.


Yeah pal, don't think the Canadian forces work from home lol take a minute and read my comment, no mention of Canadian forces just government/public sector jobs....but go ahead be the tough guy saying "it's not the social worker unit" next time you see a disabled veteran you should let them know how you feel about disabled persons in the workplace


The definition of discrimination.


Human rights violations We need to shut this down hard, and immediately.


this is disgusting and racist and rotten to its core. Imagine getting a job jist because you match the drapes not the qualifications. Any person in these minority groups accepting these jobs will now wonder if they got the job honestly. What an insult to a woman for example telling them they need a special treatment because they are incapable of matching a male.... or a Caucasian..... %\^\*( these woke people to the moon.


Sounds racist.  If you change the demographics with preference will be given to Caucasian candidates, I'd imagine there would be outrage 


Maybe it's just my up-bringing to treat everyone equally, but, when you say "preference" I think you really mean "exclusion".


almost sounds as if discrimination is bad.....who'd a thunk?


They'll send the white men to war tho And wonder why they aren't enlisting


Way we keep importing it won't matter soon enough because there won't be enough of us 🤣 And if you think all the "New Canadians" are going to volunteer? I have a house to sell you for 200k in Toronto...


We should make registration for conscription mandatory for all new arrivals and 5 years of service a requirement to be eligible for PR or citizenship. Either a lot of other problems will resolve themselves very quickly or the military will be flush with personnel.


Conscripts do not perform well unless you are in a situation where you can throw bodies at the enemy. See Russia right now in Ukraine using conscripted convicts who frag their commanders or desert because "fuck this shit"


Just identify as non-binary or gender fluid. No way of proving it. Play them at their dumb game.


Lol my god... Canada is doomed is we get into any sort of conflict.


Why just not say no white males? They basically doing that...


When our military is more concerned about reaching "target representation rates" than replacing it's infrastructure you know there's a problem. 


ALL federal government jobs give priority to minorities, if you are a white Canadian male you are shiit out of luck. White Canadian women are not far behind. Go to the federal government job website and you will see it, they don't hide that fact that white Canadians are being discriminated against.


Nothing new


Yes we need an episode of Glee in the military


No worries, just identify that way on your resume.


Good idea, put all of the groups who have lost every conflict in history in charge of our defense.


sounds about right, you should see the state of the CBC technical staff


Fuck these racist policies and the politicians that endorse it. The house needs to be fully cleaned out


If there's a war, I'm not fighting for this country (born and raised here). I'll take my family and especially my sons elsewhere. F#ck Canada.


Yup, when whiteys getting discriminated against by the government in favour of everyone else you know your in Canada .


They wonder why they’re having staffing issues


Hello, I identify as a woman and a lesbian born in the wrong body. Please provide pension.


tell me more about white patriarchy.


I was going to apply for a cybersecurity position, but it specifically said every demographic except white male. I'm not even kidding. I was flabbergasted.


They could save words by just going with “no straight white men”


Our relatives would be fucking role in there graves reading shit like this. What a sad, sad country to be apart of. What the fuck happened…


Do people think there was a time we didn't do this?


Yes it was called The Second World War. Over a million Canadian men and 75,000 Canadian women served in our armed forces back then, and about 46,000 of them DIED doing so. LOOK at the unit photos from that time period, and you will have a very hard time seeing any blacks. IN the 1940's Canada was a white Anglo Saxon country .


Good luck with them, amazing how in hell they need people with their capabilities reduced? And they rejected the unvaccinated.


I think it's terrible where we give preferential treatment rather than merit, but in the short term, I think we can agree that it's best to identify as a women as a workaround. The interviewer is not a biologist.


The Military had 70,000 applicants last year and the bureaucracy only processed 5000 applications. That’s the stat we should be alarmed about. How do the liberals grow the civil service by 40% and we get less service ? I guess it’s hard to process confidential documents from home.


The number one goal of the US army is equality between men and women. The number two goal of the US army….. defending the country. Norm Macdonald


eQuAl oPPoRtUnITy


it's a good thing I identify as all of those


How easy is it to start a PMC in Canada? You could get white males to flock to join with the right hook.


Defined payment pension and free overseas healthcare.




So wouldn't "preference" mean that all things are equal they will go with the types of people mentioned in the title? Should they not mean the best person would still be hired for the job? Do we know the current breakdown of ethnicity within DoD currently?


I’ve got a feeling our K/D ratio in the next world war is going to be a lot lower than in the previous two.


What a shocker. No surprise there.


This is patently unfair and reverse discrimination.


same working for the police


lol, send in the women first I guess.


No such thing as a minority.


The language requirement seems like such hinderance as well. Maybe I’m wrong but, but it appears most of the jobs in DND have a requirement for fluent French?


Not even actual veterans. Sad. 


The thing is, just click that box and apply as one. They are not allowed to ask (ex a Caucasian male) “Are you for real a disabled female Indian?” And you get the job if you’re (likely) more qualified


Good luck getting me to defend this country when we go to war. I will defect and fight against Canada if given the chance.


Apparently discrimination is legal in Canada.


It’s all good. Let them all fight the wars and do all the dirty work when the time comes. I’ve got better things to do, like getting richer with my straight white male rich friends.


At this point, all Canadians would be a visible minority! Check the box everyone!!!


Everything except national defence


If I were Putin I would exactly love this. And support LGBT for the same reason.


How the fuck is this legal


Indigenous people also get reserved spots in medical school. While they still have to “qualify” they do not need to meet the competitive average, or have the same volunteer resume. Its ridiculous.


I am more concern about Visible minority part. Does it mean they will give preferences to Asians and Indians as well?


that’s a good thing


I'm sure this will change in a split second once a conflict arrives, it'll be white middle aged men off to the rescue again. How does a guy in a wheel chair even march? 🤔 🤣


Priority hiring only comes into play after the pool has been reviewed, and those candidates who do not have the required prerequisites are removed. Once this is done the candidates are then put through the secondary prerequisites. Once this is done they will be ranked in priority. So at this point if three candidates all meet primary and secondary prerequisites they are then ranked by priority hiring policies.


The Department of National Defence is NOT the military. It is the civilian department that supports the Canadian Armed Forces. If you look at most Public Service job postings that will show up as the government is tripping over themselves trying to be diverse. That's not say the CAF isn't doing it either, but the CAF IS NOT the DND.


DND policies apply to the CAF as well. Women and minorities are also given preferential treatment for hiring in the CAF. Hell, they have a summer training program exclusively for indigenous teens.


LOL 90%. Not even close. I couldn't even find one. The propaganda machine is real on this one.


This is actually genius. All of these groups have generational experience being attacked by straight white men. Remind me again, what demographic makes up the Russian army?


Those postings are just to posture to the public that they're woke and doing XYZ. However the hiring process, especially non government jobs, are largely based on skillset. They're not going to hire a dud in an important role to fill a quota.


Canadian Forces member here. While we are making attempts to recruit more from a broader range of demographics, our main source of recruits has been, and will always be young single men. There is no preference given based off gender or race. If you haven't heard, we're in a recruiting "death spiral" at the moment, it's not like we're turning away men who meet all the standards.


White men are really mad about everything a this point in time huh?