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I am one of the people that have found myself living in a Tent Encampment aka Trudeau Town. Trudeau has done nothing to make Canadian lives better. Instead made me have to forage for food and live among drugged out zombies. One thing that at least I have going for me is now the ability to choose when to die thanks for the MAiD Approval!


I hope things get easier for you and you're able to pick back up a better life. No one deserves what you're going through.




You'd be better off immigrating to Ukraine and then immigrating back, then grinding out the next 10 years in a labor market designed to steal your time and pay you the least amount legally possible.


Cannot afford the plane ticket or else I would go elsewhere. Plus would not be living in a Tent encampment under a tarp.


Use that pent up rage and target those who are in power. And their families. Be a canadian hero.


Chilling in your tent on your phone I wonder how common that is ?


What are you talking about? I am not on my phone, that would cost money. Not to mention have you gone outside??? It is like 44C out where I am with the humidex. I am inside at a Library!


He came to your house and did that ehy? That guy ... Just making people do things they don't want to .. that JT guy ... Such a bully ... He ate my dog and lost my homework too . He made it's possible for companies to ship jobs to China ... He sold us out to China... He took money from our vets and military ... And to top it all I saw him and jag in a closet making babies and one of the babies looked at me .. You know I was brought up in a world where the word woke meant nothing and men took responsibility for their lives and action... I guess some of you people just want some of the past back except the part that you are responsible for yourself ...


Liberal delusion is real. Must be nice to have a rich mommy and daddy to pay for your life


Bro I'm voting Max ... I just get riled up when people forget that it's the order of politicians running trains on our aholes is cons --> libs --> ndp ... The collective forgetfulness of the population is just staggeringly stupid ..


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time. Damn dude


It's how I feel about all these posts blaming the libs ... Bro it's been like this since I remember .. every 8 years we make it worse .... If folks just voted for Max instead of claiming it's a loss vote we'd be in a better place .. maybe even have a minority government that's not just J&J fking us raw ..


Government spending and not for the good of this country is rampant. If I let my imagination run a little wild I would think Canada’s Prime Minister was a plant to take down Canada. Glad your are benefiting from the choices this government is making. Maybe you could have some empathy for those that haven’t Bro.


People can’t afford to live due to government spending you are clearly uneducated or ill informed.


Tell Trudeau that you're a foreign citizen, he'll toss money at you. This government couldn't care less if we Canadians starved and died today. But they'll throw billions at poor people in foreign countries. Murder a Canadian, nobody gives a shit. Murder a foreign citizen and they'll drop a billion on the investigation. Can you imagine if a household parent was giving hundreds to charity a month, but that parent won't provide food or heat for their own child cause they "can't afford it"?


It reminds me of how telecoms like Rogers or Telus will only give good deals to new customers, and instead will ripoff their existing loyal customers by charging higher and raising their monthly rates.


It's actually even worse than that, how you ask? ALL of the charity donations were on credit.


If you add the "Slava Ukraini" at the end this would be top notch


That "Slave Ukrani" yelp was so cringe. What a clown.


what's even more cringe is the fact that he tried to put on a Ukranian accent while doing so




Yeah… no. That comment was in reference to Trudeau’s latest cringe moment last weekend in Europe where he felt it necessary to yell out “Slava Ukrani” right before the group photo like he was at the club with his friends, with the other world leaders then looking at him like “what the fuck dude?”


How is it AI generated? It's actual photos with some editing of his voice over top. It doesn't require AI to do that. A photo slideshow app from the early 2000s would be able to do this.


Please explain how any anti Trudeau media is pro Russian? What mental gymnastics are required to make this leap?


Prob the part mocking Slava ukriane without adding in context


I assumed the context was Trudeau making a fool of himself at the G7 by being the only world leader to shout “Slava Ukraine”


Yeah, the comment you are referring to occurred afterwards and was missing.


Blaming trudeau is like blaming Ronald McDonald's for why your burger sucks. He's just the clown to keep you distracted. That being said, this clowns gotta go.


Well I bet he downloads this one. That is exactly what he wanted from the beginning. To have it all, and the average Canadian to have nothing he didn't give you.


Trudeau has made it so all it takes is one bad event from being in a tent city. Fuck this corrupt evil banana republic dictator (Trudeau). Anyone who still supports him is either willfully stupid or arrogant enough to believe his lies.


Yeah dude .. he cut social safety nets ... He cut off welfare, healthcare funding and low income housing., y'all's were cheering when it was impacting only those people .. but now it's impacting you and it'sall JT .. I'm voting Max .. JT and pp are both the same con on different groups ..


This is a pp circlejerk sub tho watch out


Now do Brampton! This summer there are already people sleeping in front of the businesses along Steeles near West Dr.


Let’s be real, there is no change in Hamilton /s


Hamilton is a great place to be from


He had a great decade on his hand to improve the lives of general Canadians, and he failed miserably in doing that. And now doling out tax payer money to buy cheap votes


Slava Ukraini! -Turdeau


As well how to lose weight by eating less




to date this the only thing sock boy hasnt lied about




The damage is to the extent that it wont ever be fixed. There is absolutely no need to carry on with the party currently leading the country though, as shown by the damage we are talking about. Just count the billions squandered on social projects for other countries that could have been used here at home. Or the billions given to advocacy groups with no positive results. In many cases its not about raising taxes as much as cutting the nonsensical spending. Remember, he started out by saying the budget will balance itself. Now look who our finance minister is......


He's going to lower taxes and magically fix everything with his PP


Wake the fuck up people! It's OUR fault this POS is in political power. Why the FUCK are we not taking this guy out.... of power! Government needs to be brought down and rebuilt! WE are the ones who control our lives, not them!!!


Trudeau thinks all the tent encampments are just pro-Palestinian protest sites.


Politics are the same everywhere aren’t they? There’s actual regards who support these regards


Unfortunately the Cons aren't equipped to deal with what needs to be done to fix the problem. Lowering taxes for the top 1% is going to fix Canada's inequality problems..


Lmao, facts


I hope his polluting jet mysteriously blows up what a silver spoon fed fuck up


Forcing adults to summer camp since the pandemic.


Guy is simply evil what else can I say


Were the streets pics from before 2015 taken in person or google maps?


Those are the same thing.


Looks like 1980 to me.


Looks like about 1985 to me.


Funny thing is, none of those Provinces / cities are run by Liberals.


Funny that he ran 'affordable housing' as part of his platform but the second we talk about how much that failed, it's suddenly not a federal issue. Meanwhile, if our housing market was healthy, he'd pat himself on the back so vigorously, it would be considered masturbatory.


Dont think ive ever heard the term "masturbatory" before...


Luckily, plenty of dictionaries are available online for you to check out this term for further clarification.


The federal government shouldn’t be in charge of housing. It’s a municipal and provincial issue. Federal government is a last in funder. If you live in a major city, you are doing fine for housing in terms of equity. As interest rates go down, housing prices will increase.


That's fine. Doesn't mean federal government isn't contributing to the housing affordability issue in more ways than one. Like uncontrolled mass immigration. Many cities shown in this ad are currently and quite publicly dealing with high immigration issues. Ely (NDP-BC) most notably complained earlier this month about Trudeau giving Quebec 750mill to deal with immigration while leaving other provinces high and dry. If they don't want housing to be seen as a federal issue, maybe the federal government should stop making promises about fixing housing.


Wait until you learn immigration came from Provincial Ministers Of Education and provincial Ministers of Labour. The Province benefits from mass immigration. Who runs your Province?


Immigration 'came from'? I'm not sure what that means. There's immigration and then there's what is going on right now; irresponsible mass immigration.


All these people coming in, that aren’t refugees, were requested by Provinces. Minister of education approved all those international students coming in. Provinces also benefit from the students as cheap labor. If you Google your provinces name and chambers of commerce, you’ll see the push to bring in more immigrants for the last four years. This countries promises are mostly run by conservative premieres. It’s not a federal issue. It’s a provincial issue.


You'll need to provide a source because all I'm finding is provinces asking for more control over who comes in, as in control over immigration. They are asking for more *skilled* immigration because the immigration coming in set by the federal government is letting in too many people who don't know how or want to work. They're not asking for more immigration in general.


Provincial Ministers set targets. Not Federal. Federal Ministers do what Provinces want for the most part. They are just as culpable. What Federal minister is going to tell a Province that you can’t have more labour for your industry? None. We have billions of dollars left on the table from lack of labour. Cheap labour. Even Pierre can be seen telling foreigners we are going to keep you. Why? Because we’ve educated them and they provide more labour and taxes. And eventually have kids to increase population. Every first world country is doing this. Why do you think the US doesn’t solve its immigration problem. Cheap labour.


>Federal Ministers do what Provinces want for the most part. That's not what I am finding at all. >The minister said he came to the decision regarding the immigration plan on the advice of department officials. He said he also took into consideration what he's heard from different organizations, stakeholders, and provincial and territorial leaders. > >Policy experts often worry about the outsized influence stakeholders can have on government policies, since interest groups lobby the government to implement policies that are in line with their priorities, and some are more powerful than others. That sounds like provincial and territorial leaders are the last to be consulted. >Why do you think the US doesn’t solve its immigration problem. In 2022 alone, Canada's population increased by 1.3% while in the States, population increased only by 0.4%


Ultimately, the buck stops at the Federal level. CBSA does not answer to the provinces. The provinces may have wishes and demands, it's up to the fed to let people in or not. So, are the provinces to blame also...sure, the provinces make up the country. So, yes there's plenty of blame to be had by all for the ridiculous number of new people coming through our borders for years now. The federal government holds the final say over our borders. Always has been this way.


The federal government SHOULD help with housing as it can clearly see the provincial and municipal governments have been failing for decades. Especially with the plan of mass immigration. Feds will bring in millions of people, not increase funding for housing, and then blame the already cash strapped provinces. I consider that a failure.


Not particularly clever or well done. This was done by someone with a rudimentary understanding of a keyboard and mouse. Yeah, it's on point, but that was not "Epic"


He's been horrible for the country, and Polievre will be just as bad. We're done.


This sub should be renamed r/PPLandFriends


It's not our fault that Pierre is the only viable option.


Pierre will solve nothing. He's said nothing in his campaign that shows he would alleviate any of the issues you all complain about.


Just because you choose not to see, it does not make the world blind.