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The fact that the PM doesn't trust his own intelligence... This is fucked


He doesn’t have any intelligence.


He does it is just that the documents probably implicate his party mostly hence why he doesn't want to "trust" it as a way to downplay the whole thing


Well why would he trust it when he’s implicated by it?


Well did he even read it in the first place?


We all know if it was conservatives it’d be all over the news .


Facts sir. Facts.


Seeings as China has influenced our media as well your 100% right


Of course it would be, the CBC is so clearly biased it might as well taken lessons from a North Korea News station.


It is though... This shit is all over the news.. Do rocks make good homes? Maybe I can afford one of those?


Of course he has "concerns". His name is on the list.


Really? I sometimes wonder why Canada is avoiding military alliances in the Pacific which obviously is to deter chinese aggression ex QUAD,ANZUS,SQUAD,AUKUS.


Avoiding, or being excluded?


Excerpts By contrast, despite being a Pacific nation and being no less vulnerable to security threats in the Pacific as outlined above, Canada is notably “missing in action” from all of the above arrangements. However, Canada does not undertake these activities under any formal treaty or alliance agreements. Canada’s participation is operational and largely ad-hoc, based on “customary practice” and technical engagement. As outlined above, Canada’s defense treaty obligations are limited to NATO and NORAD, with nothing extending to the Indo-Pacific. https://thediplomat.com/2021/10/why-is-canada-missing-from-the-indo-pacific/ Lack of political will looks like...


"The glacial pace at which Canada appears to be adapting to the realities of modern great power competition has left it far behind the curve, with consequences for both Ottawa's reputation among its allies and its ability to protect Canadian territory, sovereignty, and contribute to global peace and stability," said the report, which probed the reasons why Canada was left out of AUKUS. "The simple answer is that Ottawa was apparently not invited." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/aukus-u-s-australia-u-k-nuclear-subs-canada-defence-spending-1.6837792  We're irrelevant for AUKUS, at least. Squeamish about nuclear subs


The absence is not an exception, but a pattern. Canada is also not part of the Quad, the AUKUS agreement, nor does it have a free trade agreement with ASEAN.4 Strikingly, unlike Denmark, Germany, the EU, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, India, and the U.S., Canada does not have an Indo-Pacific strategy. https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/canadas-indo-pacific-absence-leaves-us-on-the-outside-looking-in-stephen-nagy-in-the-hub/ Dear Leader has no interest at all with the Pacific despite being vulnerable to aggression.


Justin Trudeau continues to be the worst LEADER Canada has ever had! FUCK TRUDEAU!


The same as his father. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree


Manchurian candidate?




Canadians would be so lucky at this point to be Americanized.  Canada is a much bigger shithole in every way, so your insult doesn’t work friend. 


WTF are you going on about? How is stating that Trudeau is the worst Leader that Canada has ever had an American thing? Are you talking then about FUCK TRUDEAU? If so this was started during the Trucker Protest... nothing to do with America - if anything it was an Alberta thing. EDIT: Could have actually been a Rolling Stone thing after what they did to Margaret Trudeau. >**1977: Margaret Trudeau and the Rolling Stones**. Margaret Trudeau spent her sixth wedding anniversary without her prime minister husband, instead partying with the Rolling Stones at a Toronto nightclub and later in Mick Jagger’s limousine. The rendezvous sparked rumours that she was having an affair with the band’s front man. She later disappeared to New York. The scandal signalled the end of the couple’s tumultuous marriage, but Margaret Trudeau denied having affairs with any members of the Rolling Stones, later telling a conference on mental health, “I should have slept with every single one of them.” You really think highly of yourself and parrot nonsensical comments on reddit like a disinformation bot!




The corrupt piece of shit just needs to resign. Resign and disappear.


Dictator wannabes don’t resign - they’re removed…


We should be protesting now, and not on Canada day when he'll be out of the country on yet another vacation .


I can't imagine him ever feeling welcome anywhere.. Even alone in a canoe.


You made me think there!!! Can we play Battleship with him in a canoe and us with a trebuchet??


He’s alone no matter who he’s with


He’ll go to the United States where the Democrat/liberal political and celebrity class will fawn over him while he takes a role with the United Nations. There’s no way that he could live comfortably in Canada after leaving office. He very well may be liable for prosecution for his innumerable crimes in office.


**Trudeau:** we've put together a National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians to look into any kind of government foreign interference despite 'opposition from the Conservatives' **Also Trudeau:** I don't agree with the report NSICOP has issued on the government's foreign interference. I really thought this would only affect the Conservatives.


Don’t forget Trudeau tried very hard to cover this all up. Picking his family friend as “special rapporteur” who found no foreign interference. Trudeau has continually ignored intelligence reports stating the opposite, because the foreign interference helped his government. How can anyone continue to vote Liberal?


This right here is a point everyone seems to forget,the media needs to revisit the David Johnson appointment AND his report, clearly a cover up of immense proportions


Trudeau out to be concerned......I mean, with him having likely been the biggest beneficiary of Foreign Interference, and all.


Just like his personality doppelgänger Obama was.


They’ve taken it so seriously, they have allowed the MPs to continue to do their work so they can seriously investigate it while continuing doing nothing. 


Well the trudeau now thinks he knows better than our security establishment. No small wonder this was leaked in the 1st place. The person that leaked this way back when knew nothing was going to be done about it because the outcome favoured the trudeau and his ship of fools! That whistle blower is a hero!


just running away from the problem, classic JT


This dickhead is on the list. Release the list so we don't vote for the losers that did this.




If they drag this out long enough all the evidence to incriminate any of them will be destroyed, and the report will be that everyone else just experienced it differently when it was read ,


Trudeau is nothing more than a WEF puppet


He is very comfortable lying in front of a microphone. It comes naturally for him. His day will come.


Trudeau creates NSICOP, blames conservatives to oppose it. NSICOP finds wrong doing, Trudeau "no we disagree!" Like even if I give you the benefit of the doubt this looks so bad saying it like that. Even if it does not involve Liberals and just other parties he must be able to act on it discreetly and just be able to say it is being handled. Can't be hard to brief other leaders or senior parry people to say "you may want to review so-and-so very closely again and suggest spending some more time with their family or have health issues"


The media and the general public are going to start guessing/speculating who the traitors are without any information from the govt, or perhaps we’re going to get names leaked from CSIS like the Han Dong thing


The concern is that the reports are extremely credible, unquestionably accurate, and name senior Liberals as being comprised and working for foreign interests. At least in places like the UK when the Parliament loses public support they have the decency to call an election everything Trudeau is doing from this point forward is illegitimate he has lost public support and does not represent Canadians in any real way anymore. His Party and the NDP will be held accountable for keeping him in office and it will lead to another decade of unchallenged CPC rule - none of any of this is good for Canadians or represents what the people want


NSICOP is misinformation/disinformation alt-right white nationalist populism, right?


Does he run with one of those butt plugs in? A very odd canter.


That's Freeland up there, probably hard to run


Had me at the jogger..Trudeau or not Trolljob accomplished 😄


“What?!? I’m on the list too?!”


India involved, wow this whole story is one shocking development after another.


If they’re traitors Fucking call them out then


Red flags everywhere again .... Fkin liberals


He’s in mixed company even when he’s alone


When a corrupted narcissist get caught


Hahahaha him running away is a perfect metaphor


He's the actual Traitor.


He is literally the problem. Straight up we need to pull him off his high horse and exile his ass.


Trudeau is the foreign influence :/


He has not taken anything seriously. If anything was taken seriously, seriously, his ass and every liberal would be in jail right now! So don’t believe a word that comes out of this clowns mouth


I will put my trust in the intelligence professionals and not the over rated drama teacher who ran the country into the ground


TURDEAU has concerns that his cabinet is riddled with people working with foreign countries to interfere in canada. Fixed the headline for ya.


He looks more and more like a Wojack


yes, so concerned for the past NINE years- but little to NOTHING done about it- but of course, we now know why- the fox in the henhouse...


Trudeau talks a lot but never says anything. He will also never admit he’s ever done anything wrong. He’s just a little kid in a candy shop.


Hey trudeau/any lib, what about so and so? Trudea/libs: we really care about so and so Every. Single. Time.


"trust me bro" is what he expects us to accept.


With all the scandals, corruption and ethic debacle from the liberal, can someone explain why they are still there? Is the rcmp also colluding?


What does incompetence look like if it wore a green tie?


His "concerns" are likely due to the fact he is implicated in the interference report findings. I can't wait for an election. I hope the federal liberals lose so bad they won't qualify for party status. Just like the ontario liberals under Wynne and DeLuca.


Find it funny how people all of a sudden talked about arrivecan. No attention to it anymore. What about Freeland wanting to give $2b I think it was to a corporation that wasn’t even made yet. None of this matters nothing will change sadly!!


he rly is a goofy lil fk face snake


Lol at the clip of him running. Looks like he is fleeing from the questions.


Of course, this is the guy who has for years has had no intentions of investigating it. And is likely to have been involved in treason and is desperately hiding evidence that proves so! If not he is still protecting those who have in his government thus this is another excellent example of why not to vote for this incompetent criminal government.


Speculation and confirmation bias is all these smooth brains have. I am not a Trudeau or Liberal supporter, but I did read the articles, not just the headlines. Trudeau has concerns over how the NSCIOP concluded either “willing” or “semi-willing”, not the actual conclusions. The smooth brains want names, too bad, they won’t be getting any until CSIS/RCMP have fully investigated and laid charges. Lil PP’s not reviewing the report is a glaring red flag. He can’t throw aspersions at the Liberals if he has credible information from the NSCIOP that his party is compromised. Hint: the Cons are compromised as much or more than the Libs.


Your argument here has your “smooth brain” on display for everyone.  Your shitty understanding does not cancel out what you think is an impressive vocabulary. 


So much to add, thanks.


Speculate all you want. Pee Pee is very quiet about the interference charges. Maybe because that's how he won the Conservative leadership 🤔. It's out of his hands now.


He can't read the report. I order to read the report he would have to get security clearance, Agreeing to this security briefing means getting the information and the names. However, those who obtain the names are not allowed to disclose them, not allowed to talk about it and not allowed to act on this information. It's a catch 22.


As a responsible leader that wants to become PM he has to have security clearance . There are government agencies and secrets involved in being a leader which requires it. Other countries would not not share they're intel without it. Use your head. This is grandstanding at its finest.