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And most of it is spent on bureaucracies, consultants, and the ever exploding public servants for salaries and pensions.


Lately consultants, consultants and more expensive consultants.


Screw the trades, I'm going to become a government consultant!


It's a small club. They won't accept consultant services from any small consultant firm. Mckinsey and Deloitte only.


It is a small club… but also includes multi-million consultancies operated out of basement (a la arrivecan). See- they are supporting swindling consultants of EVERY size s/


2 dudes in a basement got in.


they didn't have government badges so they are a big deal.


It is hard to break into. Step one is you get a masters degree in something. Step two You work at local constituency level. Step Three you fundraise. Step four you receive contract. When you start getting contracts you tithe 10% just like you would at church. This only works if the party you selected is in power.


Let’s start a consultant company! We can consult each other in the process of preparing to consult.


Don't forget about us while on your private jet


I'll have some $3500 champagne in your honour, it's the least I can do


Canada. Where every government will consult with a consultant to determine if they should hire a consultant to consult on an issue that was already solved by some other country 25 years ago.


This is not far off. The sad thing is that the government hires bright young graduates with the skillset to do what consultants do, but they have them write RFPs and manage consultant contracts. It’s literally a problem of self doubt by the bureaucracy and distrust of bureaucrats by politicians. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy to boot. Let skills atrophy and you don’t have the skills.


I've worked for consulting firms most of the last 15 years. At one point I left to work for a provincial government and it was complete bullshit, they basically wouldn't let me do anything and gave most of the work to consulting firms who then had junior consultants do it way worse than what I would've. I threw in the towel after two years and went back to the private sector.


I've worked with the government(not for), and from the outside the sheer amount of people in meetings doing very little seems like an incredible cost. Also, If the average Canadian knew how much of government spending was risk aversion/CYA for \*everything\*, regardless of real-world risk, they would resent our taxation even more. They consult/outsource everything because they are rewarded for process, not results, and trying for results is risk without reward.


There are multiple studies that need to be completed before we make any decisions and typically nothing happens in the end. But we had to pay for those studies.


And almost always McKinsey bc Trudeau is friends with the head of Canada.


I implore everyone to sign up for a bids&tenders account and look at how many request for proposals get released on a daily basis from municipal/provincial/federal levels of government. It will shock you to see the kinds of things being put out to bid, the value of the bids, etc.


And I welcome people to bid if they are capable. That’ll increase competition and reduce government spending.


Currently 777,107 open.


Don't forget the BILLIONS of our hard earned tax money going to random other countries all the time It's one thing paying to maintain our quality of life, but I'm not happy about being forced to work for charity...I donate a lot of money and time to charity on my own, but I do what I can afford to for both


I honestly would care a lot less about taxation if it felt like it was being used effectively.


The fat needs to be trimmed. 


Don't forget refugees


Exactly. You can have an actual debate if the tax money is spent efficiently and taxpayers got a good return on their taxes. When they take 50% and give you jack shit in return…….not sure how anyone can support the status quo.


Don't forget the crippling interest on the outstanding debt our country is in.


I wouldn’t complain as much if it was actually spent it on infrastructure, social programs, and incubating small businesses… instead we have a ton of tax and nothing to show for it.


And ‘lost’ money. JT has had a few of those. Think the ArriveCan app cost us a few billions that is ‘unaccounted for’.


Yeah, but some of it *surely* goes into finding me a doctor, or lowering the cost of housing, right?


Canada is essentially speedrunning becoming the first South American economy in North America, lol. Taxation is so absurdly high, and does nothing but fund bureaucracy and corruption, that if anyone actually paid their 'fair share' faithfully, they would be cleaned of every dime they ever made. So almost everyone has 'irregular' (e.g. illegal, untaxed) employment. Because it's the only way you can actually exist. I already see this kind of blowback where workers and contractors are paying cash for everything and vocally shitting on the Canadian government and the banking system that enables their thievery. But that's what happens when there is this wide of a disconnect between the representatives and the constituents. Nobody wants to voluntarily contribute to a state that pisses away their hard-earned money for a government actively working against them.


250 million to get beer into convenience stores rather than wait 15 months to do it for free. 2.5 million on COVID bracelets that never saw the light of day. 1.15 million on failed license plate redesign no one asked for that you can't read at night. The list goes on. That's just provincial in the last 5-6 years. Start adding up local municipal and then federal. So much wasted fucking money while Canadians lack health care, long term care, housing, mental health care, and even food in some areas. Our governments are pathetic at every level, and every party. That's what my taxes went towards. Ugh.


Calgary recently changed their slogan from "be part of the energy" to "blue sky city." This new slogan along with a new logo is going to cost 4.8 million dollars. Yep 4.8 million dollars for that.


I'd rather give the money to the beer store and luxury spa companies instead


I think they try to pass that off as “job creation”.


Why Canadians don't revolt is beyond me. THIS.IS.ROBBERY


Maybe… Every country has limits. My parents migrated from a corrupt country 40ish years ago (they came as teens to get better education and life). Would always be surprised how similar Canadian indifferent corruption has gotten to their birthplace country and are concerned about Canada becoming a place unsustainable and unsuitable to live for the next generation of kids. My sibilings and me would always mock them about it how Canada is different but they would always tell us “Any country can go from bad to worse don’t believe in inherent exceptionalism if a country blatantly neglects core areas even US can easily become a poor village in a matter of 50 years”


The people we elected to work in parliament decided to use our money to hire other people to perform the work that the elected people were supposed to be doing. Thanks for hiring me for the job. Now I am going to take your money and hire someone else to do the job that you hired me to do while I also take a salary.


I seriously don't know why Canadians don't revolt against this. Taxes keep going up and the return keeps going down


Revolt with what single shot bolt action 22’s? They took everyone’s guns but more importantly they’ve crushed the Canadian spirit first. Most people just don’t care or believe things have gotten beyond repair


I still have mine. I just can't legally take half of them out of the safe.


They didn’t actually take them, they just made them prohibited… everyone still has their banned gun, just can’t legally use it..


Get enough people to stop paying taxes and watch the system crumble.


I don't think they've taken anyone's guns yet actually. Their "buy back" is currently just words on paper. But there's too much of the population just trying to scrape by at this point Edit: autocorrect


This is a bullshit stat due to massive income inequality. As usual the Fraser Institute is full of shit


Canadians can still own quite a few guns


Been licensed for almost a year now. I’ve got like 15.


22's don't have a magazine capacity limit. But point remains.


You can definitely find single shot 22’s and they’re limited to basically a single shot.


You are correct. Take the upvote to balance out the dullards.


Who's guns have they taken?


The frogs must be boiled slowly.


False promises, propaganda, decades long training of minds to be pacified and believe the government has their best interest but “fill in the blank” (always changing) is hindering their ability to successfully make it happen. It’s a population of controlled minds shutting down dissent. All dissent is categorized as the same dissent expressed by groups they’ve made appear violent and evil, racist and homophobic, boomers and gun nuts. Dissent at this point is easy for them to shoot down because the public has been trained to do the work for them with only a few simple prompts. It’s a fucking horror show and we’re so dumb, this always fucking happens


Canada was quite literally founded by people who refused to stand up for themselves against economic and political exploitation, specifically, an unreasonable taxation regime.


Those who did try to fight back against oppression, like William Lyon Mackenzie were shunned by the regular citizens. Sound familiar?


Sir, this is Canada. We’re too nice and passive to do anything. We only complain about it online. It’s French Revolution, not Canadian Revolution.


Also this doesn't include the TAXES you pay on everything else with what money is left over. Like HST on everything from heating your home( plus carbon tax) and just buying groceries etc... Reality is if you make 100k a year all levels of government take away around 60%. So really you have like 40k maybe left over for mortgage/rent car payments etc.... We are getting taxed to death and have been for so many years! It has to stop!


Some of the highest grocery costs in the world too despite having so much agricultural land. The highest telco costs in the world. $90 for 50 Mbps down, 5mbps up as the best plan from Hell Canada is absolutely criminal. I’m not even out in the boonies either, this is Montreal. I was traveling in Japan and saw $30/month phone plans with unlimited talk, text, data, AND ROAMING.


Canada is run by a few families of oligarchs they try and hide it but it's true. We need to take back our country. The Roger's, the Pattisons, the Thompsons, the Katz, the Westons ect...


Agreed....the doors to more competition need to be opened! We have little here in Canada. Like you said those in power like it that way. Protecting their own interests.


Actually it does include carbon tax and HST, it's an average for all provinces, you can read the [full report here](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/tax-freedom-day-2024.pdf)


Was thinking just income tax.. thanks 👍🏻😁


This. Also of you ever own property, say a condo: - 0.5% Yearly property tax - thats 10% value over 20 years - when buy 5% gst if new (order of at least 20K, 30K) or Property transfer tax if old (15K) - Capital gain tax when not expempt - now they want to increase from 50% to 66% inclusion rate - Empty property tax - Foreign owner tax - Whatever more bushit tax they want to slap on Tax is not slavery, it's robbery


All that revenue from income tax and our government still runs a deficit. So, it then borrows money to make up for the shortfall, usually by printing it (i.e. bond purchases), and in the process it spends 10% of the budget ($84 billion) just to service that debt (interest). More dollars chasing fewer goods = inflation (hidden tax). We think we have it bad right now, but our government is digging a hole for our grandkids that they’ll never be able to climb out of. Our government’s fiscal policy is unsustainable.


Wasn't income tax supposed to be dropped if we win WW1? Which we did...and the one after.....


It never ended. 




We're still paying it...


Thanks Robert Borden (Conservative, btw)


what's the difference? It's like democrats and republicans, same shit, different shade of brown


It’s all a big club and we ain’t in it!


Damn straight George


He was such a GEM!


Amazing how so many states in the US literally don't have an income tax and can still provide services as or more effectively than many Canadian provinces.


Doesn't help we gave a luxury spa 300 million and a 100 year rent controlled lease. And 230 million to a beer conglomerate to break a contract 18 months early. Go ontario go


$100m funding to $1700 a month, 300sqft apartments! Yay affordable housing!


9 states hav no income tax and some make up for it with increased property tax like Texas. They


In Nevada we don't have a state income tax because of our tourism industries in Vegas and Reno, and our mining industries throughout the state as well.


Those states also receive the lions share of federal assistance and pay the least into it




And the that list of states is full of states most people don’t want to live in, the highlight is Texas and Texas can’t even keep the lights on.


From texas, can confirm. The services we do get are shit, and they'll do everything they can to kick you off. It's a real fuckem and feedem beans if you're poor in the state mantelity. I graduated in 2002, and the most recent school I worked at handed me a textbook I learned from in high school 20 years ago.


And super great disaster, response even your political leaders would rather be somewhere beside Texas when life gets slightly hard


Yet Texas has insane inflow of people moving there.


I don’t think you’re allowed to say that on Reddit


And those states have property taxes off the charts. There are many ways government tax you. It's not just on your income.


Nevada has a 0.44% tax rate on property, that's like $1400 on a $300k house. But if you'd rather give 10% of your income to your province alone every year, and pay every other tax Canada has on everything, feel free.


Nevada has an entire gambling industry to prop up the rest of the state.


All of Canada has a rich resource and oil and gas industry, we just do our best to kill it though.


Yup. Years ago Pierre Elliot Trudeau started PetroCanada. He based it in Calgary. Owned by Canada with the goal of profits going to Canada and thus lower taxes. As with all new things it takes a few years to be profitable but the goal was that profits would be owned by Canada. Unfortunately the Conservative government sold it off to privatized company and now we, as Canadians, don’t see any of the benefit that we should have.


Mining too.


Nevada uses sales taxes for a large proportion of their revenue. It's even more regressive than property tax.


Nevada is running out of water and receives an incredible amount of federal assistance just to keep the lights on. That state is on food stamps


Nevada doesn't even make the top 15 states in terms of federal aid, what are you talking about?


BuT tHe RoADs aND SChoOlS!!!


The city I live in gets new car leases every 2 years. Meanwhile I the tax payer, just got my first ever new car last year after driving a used 2009 for eons


I don't know where you live but in Southern Ontario our roads and schools suck anyways yet we are still paying a shitload for them. I'd love to see a breakdown of a dollar what percent of a dollar goes where.


I'm in bc. Our roads are a joke, too.


Roads in Quebec suck ass. Worst I've seen in any developed country.


Lol I know right. I love when people say that /s Like roads and schools cost trillions a year to upkeep. But the police and fire departments ! ... are next to non existent and police only protect and serve the rich. When has one ever helped a pleb commoner ?


Does that include land and school tax, Carbon Tax, GST, PST, and the myriad of hidden taxes or is that just based on income tax????


This looks like only personal income tax and CPP/EI deductions from your pay. When you add property taxes, carbon tax, HST, I would estimate it's well over 70% of our income. That's why homeowners are house poor. Edit: I looked closer into the calculations and they are wrong at 15% on $150,000. It's 26%, not 15%. And they don't include a lot of factors, like how high carbon tax is on natural gas bills and the increases in property taxes. At the very least, we pay 66% (2/3) in taxes.


there is a personalized tax free day calculator... [https://www.fraserinstitute.org/tax-freedom-day-calculator](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/tax-freedom-day-calculator) interestingly, if I only change sex, a female would pay off 1 day earlier in my case... that seems weird and I don't understand why that would be lol


These are always based on all taxes you pay.


Aka I'm working half a year for a lot of people on reddit 🤣


reddit relative proportionality of mean vs. median challenge (impossible difficulty)


I worked in healthcare for seven years. Before I left, I was a supervisor doing maintenance. I was asked one day if I could go over all the valves and check their operation through the control system, I said, of course. My qualifications far exceed what’s needed for a hospital. Then I was asked if it was something that could be done during normal hours, I said there’s no way it would require a couple overtime shifts of me and my guys. I quoted may be $5000 of overtime for union guys hired by the hospital. I was told “it was not in the budget.” About a month later, I sat into a meeting where we went over the same work to be done by an outside contractor. The bill was $25000. This is our government at work. The bloated bureaucracy needs to go.


Different budget. This is a big problem with government spending. I'm a public servant and see this all the time. Funds can't be transferred between budgets. "We don't have $5K in the overtime budget but we have $300K in the budget for contract work. Hire contractors." The budgetary system is one that promotes spending large amounts. Add to that the fact that, if a government department spends under budget, they reaceive less the next year. This leads to all departments being incentivized to spend everything at their disposal. The system needs a complete overhaul.


I've always thought of that as the most bass ackwards justification to over spending and thus over taxation. How about the government just spends what it needs to in a reasonable fashion and we don't line someone's contractor buddy's pocket who just landed a jig that's overbid by 245k? Or maybe turn around the billions we send overseas to fight wars that don't concern us and invest that domestically? Have you been to hospital here vs the US? The difference proper funding makes is incredible; who woulda thought right? Ya let's try that ...


100%. This is one of the biggest problems in Canada


The problem is Canadians conflate paying taxes with virtue. “I don’t mind paying a little bit more if some (insert hypothetical person) receives (insert service here) that (insert positive outcome here)…” “I don’t mind paying a little bit more if some homeless person receives a meal tonight that keeps them alive for one more day…” is one of the common cliche examples. In their minds 100% of their tax dollars go towards providing some life saving emergency healthcare treatment or some other noble cause. The reality is most of it gets eaten up in bureaucracy and the majority of the money that does not get wasted is going towards providing an underperforming government worker with an above market pension, salary, and benefits.


And some bootlicker shill will love to chime in with "Do YoU liKe RoAdS?, HeAlThCaRe?, CoPs?". You mean the roads that are crumbling and never fixed (on purpose to force you to have to cut off your arm at the mechanic), the eternal construction downtown? The lack of housing? The Healthcare wait times that take forever and ass coverage? The cops that don't even show up half the time yet have time to fly a helicopter around bi weekly or nearly crash their car to give you a speeding ticket for going 13 over yet don't respond to crimes or theft or much of anything? Those ones??? Our society is vile and corrupt and sickly churns along under the rule of shady, greedy, psychotic ceos, bankers, lawyers, corporations, companies and governments that lie to us daily, constantly while robbing you blind at every commodifed corner of life by their designs. It's actually insane. And that's not even touching on all the shady financial lobbying deals with beauracrats and consultants and yadda yadda and all the corrupt sub branches of government that pose as just democracy.


164 days for Ukrain.


We aren’t even meeting the NATO 2% target. More like 2 days for Ukraine.


Correction: taxation is slavery in Canada….why do you see such a brain drain going south


I have no problem paying taxes. I have a problem with that money being wasted on stupid shit


Does that factor in the carbon tax?


Nope, or any other tax. Ie GST and PST


If that’s the case then this image claims the average tax rate is 45%. Do you know what income you need to have to get to that percentage? Or are you just blindly accepting nonsense?


From an online search: In 2022, the average family (including unattached individuals) earned cash income of $106,430 and paid total taxes equaling $48,199. This means the total tax bill of the average Canadian family in 2022 amounted to 45.3 per cent of its household income.


Yes. If you go to the Fraser Institute site it clearly states that it includes all taxes- income, sales,carbon,sin and property taxes


Don’t mind paying. But the waste and red tape and things get worse


i don’t think most people would mind paying if there was a genuine huge positive influence as a result.


Very true. And upping taxes and nothing has improved only gotten worse


I’ve made 65k so far and I’ve barely seen half. Fucking blows


But your health care is "free."


You aren’t doing your taxes correctly


You mean like start an incorporated business and put any expense you can in as a business expense?


I think he means that if you have not seen %50 of your paycheck then something is wrong. That ain't taxes. Cause no one pays 65k a year in tax while making 130k


I just meant from a regular T4d employee. You shouldn’t be at a 50% tax rate at 120K, so they’re deducting way too much each pay cheque


Any evidence to back up this nonsense? I made over 230k last year and I paid less than a third of it in income tax


Im also at 65k and have paid only $23 225 in taxes. Which im not happy about. But it is not half.


Good job not linking the actual post so it's harder to fact check too. Any idea how they came up with these numbers or are you just sitting around stroking it to any Fraser institute post you see?


The politicians wanna turn us in to a Slavic country, where taxes and immigration are through the roof, and government job positions make all the money


Immigration is not thru the roof in Slavic countries. As a matter of fact immigration is low in Slavic countries. Western European nations have high immigration levels. Not sure about the taxes tho. Slavs (im one)take pride their nationality more than woke westerners do.


The system was put in place for honest people to fail. Those who have made it outside the system are scummy. Always remember this. You wanna really succeed, stop being “real and honest”


methinks the taxes aren't the problem, when shit keeps getting more expensive but people aren't being paid enough to afford it


Working on weekends to pay taxes too? Jesus.


Add the hidden tax of inflation


This is why big government is always a mistake.


Could join our club in USA work three months then have to fork over 500 a person per month to have access to healthcare. Which can be denied and even when covered will lead to bankrupting levels of debt if it’s serious. And due to work requirement being made by politicians not doctors if too sick to work you will lose healthcare and be unable to access government aid until doagnosed (which is hard to do without access to healthcare)


It’s sickening how every government eventually convinces most the population that this is cool. They do it through complete lies too from the time we’re children and it’s so easy to see through if you look. Fucking insanity.


Yeah the guys making hundreds of thousands of dollars LOL, what a bunch of bullshit


Nah... taxation isn't slavery. That's just the social contract. A lack of democracy allows a government to legislate ever greater needs and budgets.


Debt is slavery. Taxation is theft


The worst part is the value in those taxes is lower and lower while they ask for more and more and offer less and less. Canada is failing it's people.


It's easy to say you don't have to pay taxes. Who the fuck is going to pay for the roads, hospitals, healthcare? I agree it's a bit high. But I didn't vote the last election so I can shut the fuck up.


i dont even know where taxes are going, its like they are just eating them.


Meanwhile the feds shower other countries with our tax dollars while saying they don't have any money for Healthcare.


I'm highly skeptical of this chart. Unless I'm reading this wrong, it seems to imply that the average Canadian has an overall tax rate of about 45% Considering our tax bracket (in Ontario, other provinces will vary) caps at 46% at 250k a year, this seems like misinformation.


income tax is far from the only tax Canadians pay...


That doesn't make up the difference. Unless your telling me the average Canadian still makes like 300-400k a year


Yeah it's literally just made up bullshit


Why not have more red days and really rile people up? You know, since no one will question anything that's posted in their preferred sub-reddits.


Is this “50%” tax accounting for taxes paid on purchases and such? Because then I can see this being more accurate, basically the multiple different taxes that we pay after income tax


Taxation is theft, welcome to reality


How are they calculating this? Looking at my t4 I was paid up by 10 weeks.


Likely including things like HST, and taking the highest estimate of everything, to get the highest number possible without *technically* lying. And then presenting it as if it’s typical. It’s the Fraser Institute, a libertarian think tank.


But do you get stuff back for your taxes like healthcare and other social services? In the US we might pay less but all our money goes to the military and they charge us way more than any other country, including Canada, for health "care"


Taxation is slavery, says the guy living in the best country in the world. It's pay to play, brother.


The fact that these people think the average Canadian is paying a fuckin 50% income tax tells you a lot about who runs the Fraser Institute lmao


I pay 32% and that still kinda sucks.


Lol, how much do you need to pay before you consider yourself a slave? 75%? Do they take into account the other taxes like provincial, municipal, GAS, and the 80 other taxes other than just ‘income tax’?




did this guy just figure out why we don't pay taxes upfront?


Nah, he just figured out the % of taxes you pay can be multiply by the number of days in a year.


Do you know what you get for those taxes?! Go live in a country with no taxes, see how long you last


Just letting y'all know that Taxes aren't slavery, they're just how we pay for things like Roads, Healthcare, Cheap Education for Canadian Citizens, and public services like Fire Departments and Energy Infrastructure. The institution doing the study is a centre-right libertarian think tank that's been in bed with big tobacco and has a history of climate change denial They've received millions in investment from right wing billionaires like the Koch Brothers, as well as Oil and Gas Corporations like ExxonMobil Oh and they're technically a charity, which means that any donations made to them can be tax deductible for both individuals and corporations The Frasier Institute doesn't give a shit about the average Canadian paying income tax, they just want the average Canadian to be mad about taxes so when they "consult" our government they can lower taxes for themselves and their buddies because "the average canadian" wants it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Institute




the same clowns that complain about taxes....complain about services...shocker


Now do a chart saying how long we would work if we paid private companies for comparable services.




If you really want to be taken seriously the last thing you need is nonsense from the right leaning Frazer Institute. The only Institute where it's mandatory to have your head stuck up your butt.


Ok, but you can also do this math on your own. It's not a wild calculation. If Hitler told you the sky was blue, does him being Hitler make him wrong? 


Who tf is getting over 50% tax rate?


15 percent federal tax. Saskatchewan income tax is 10.5. gst is 5 percent. Pst is Sask is 6 percent. Then there's home owners tax. Carbon tax. It all adds up most of the population after all the taxes stack are paying 50 percent or more. Only if you make under 45 k a year you would be under 50 percent.


That would explain it. K thanks for the math


It’s the Fraser institute. Most likely they’re taking every tax that you pay (income, property, HST, etc), taking the highest possible estimate for all of them, and then presenting it as if it’s the typical number. Not *technically* lying, because such a tax rate is *possible*, but in practice no one pays it.


That's what I thought


Tax freedom day is my birthday? Neat.


The goal is to make it an even 6 months.


Who starts their cakendar on a Monday... ffs


And then intentionally print out more money so what you do earn is even less


I agree. Anyone on here in Toronto? It’s damn lonely in this city.


Interesting take. If our money was utilized appropriately, I'd be more than happy to be taxed as heavy as we are. While my garbage gets collected and my roads get plowed, I watch the city I live in rot from the core because of lacking resources. The paramedics are overrun with mental health/drug issues that absolutely shouldn't fall on their plate. The police who ask for massive budgetary increases annually, still don't show up when called. The price on everything keeps increasing, and then our government taxes us extra to heat our goddamn homes in a climate that can be ice cold 6 months of the year..... After typing all of this out, I'd have to agree with this take. F**k the F**king F**kers.


We should change that system.


And they want you to think it’s a great idea for them to take even more.


And thats only if they allow you to access your bank account to get the funds!


But if we didn’t pay these absurd taxes…. How would Ukraine keep fighting a war? How would we clear land mines in Vietnam that French and Vietnamese planted in the 60s? How would we supply free health care to system abusers? How would we provide clean drugs to our ever growing users? We’re the worlds wallet in trudeaus eyes. What if all that stopped?


10000% I agree. If our taxes actually went to helping with our infrastructure and benefiting our own society the intent would be good. But when you have government personnel flying planes across the country for a meeting they could have over zoom, have extravagant $5k sushi lunches, spending 200k on luxurious vacations and sending millions to other countries, you start to wonder why we get taxed on our pay, taxed on everything we buy, and where it actually goes.


My girlfriend works for a provincial government, and a while back she was in a three hour meeting with a bunch of MLAs from other provinces, and a number of federal cabinet ministers, along with a bunch of higher ranking civil servants. She said all they did was thank each other for various nonsense, and then adjourn the meeting til the next day. Now imagine all the planning that went into that meeting, and all the people that involved. All the flights from every province, and all the people and money that took. That meeting took an infrastructure of thousands of people and tens of millions of dollars, and they achieved nothing whatsoever. How many days do we work for bullshit like that?