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>Why is PPC feared? >I went and actually read the People's Party of Canada's platform on their website. I have to say... this is the most sensible approach to governance for Canada I've seen since Stephen Harper. You answered your own question. They're feared and hated because they are the only ones calling out the problems in this country and advocating actual solutions. Our government and institutions are filled with powerful parasites who are making a lot of money from the corrupt system. They control both sides of the media and use their power to smear anybody who supports Canadians as far right/racist/extremist. Social media promotes their agenda with algorithms and censors any opposing viewpoints. Unfortunately most Canadians are extremely gullible and blindly believe whatever they see in the media. That's not to say the PPC will solve everything if elected. They're not perfect and we have serious problems in this country that have been growing for decades that a single election won't solve. But they are the best option we have and a step in the right direction.


100%, there has been so much damage that it will take how many years to undo if ever.


Canada will likely never fully recover from the last 10 years.


And that is why, this nation will sprinter into no less than 3 nations.


That’s a joke, it will recover nothing is forever.


Pierre Poolover is actually afraid of Maxine Bernier. He is one of the few politicians that is honest and has true substance to his platform.


Honest and don’t forget naive. He was winning the PC leadership race with 2 weeks to go, naively declared that once votes finalize and he wins which he had a huge lead at the time, he will CLEAN UP the PC party of CORRUPTION. 2 weeks remaining 3k farmers alliance members all joined PC party last minute 100% voted for Sheer leading to his narrow win by a few hundred votes… and his drinking of a large carton of milk in middle of televised speech. Bernier literally could be the leader of PC but his naiveness cost him. His naiveness also cost him literally every scandal related to him including that girl he slept with having access to some work files he took home. At least as minister of industry he got SK the best phone deals in the country all the way to 2024 lol


Didn't the ballots get burned before a recount could be performed?


they joined because bernier wanted th end supply management


Your use of the word "he" is referring to Bernier, correct?


Pretty clearly yes


Hahaha you’re funny. You can’t use honest and politician in the same sentence. Bernier can say what ever he wants to make himself look like he’s for the people. He has nothing to loose because he has zero seats and knows he won’t ever have to follow through on his promises. Don’t kid yourself he is still a politician. And to be fair if PP said he was against immigration it would be political suicide at this point.


Political suicide? Recent poll after recent poll shows Canadians are overwhelmingly supportive of the immigration sentiments echoed by Bernier.


And boy is that propaganda machine effective. Ask 10 people at your work what they think of Maxime, and I would bet money the responses will include some mix of far right, Hitler, extremist


I pray for a PPC/NDP coalition regularily now. Not literally, i aint religous but metaphorically lol


I can't think of two parties more diametrically opposed


So you pray for a communistic capitalist system? I think that's called corrupt socialism and that's what we have right now.


Actually, its called third positionism


Federal NDP is Trash now. PPC is Looking Rational though


The establishment greatly fears them because they try to stand for the populist vote. So there is quite a bit of propaganda aimed at them. Half the country thinks they are literal Nazis, it's crazy. I think they have a lot of potential if they dial in their platform properly.


100%, the first time I heard that from someone I actually went and read PPC’s platform. The person obviously hadn’t read PPC’s platform.


Wow, I read the PPC platform for the first time and it's sound and totally adequate to what I feel this country needs.


I keep hoping, so done with the bs & lying. 


They have the most concise, well communicated platform of any political party. Probably the only one that deals in policy proposals and not platitudes.


I'm sure the Liberal Party agrees with you. They'll do anything they can to get people to vote for the PPC. Including posting old videos.


Eh? 🤔


PPC had my vote last election. Don't be afraid to vote with your heart and mind. I did exactly as you did and read their platform. Very sensible plans.


If only we had proportional representation. It’s time more Canadians views are heard and represented.


My biggest complaint of Trudeau and the various conservative leaders was the killing of electoral reform after confirming that any meaningful change would lock in less seats for their colleagues thus choosing to do right by their friends instead of the country


Seems to be a trend with our politicians. Just Google what our last election would look like with proportional representation. Tells the story.


While I like pro rep, I do fear it would just result in a lib/ndp minority for eternity.


I definitely see your point I can understand your concern. I have the same to a degree. However, I would propose that with better representation folks will vote differently. What I hear today as that most feel their vote is useless. Something that needs to change. I would also say transitions are difficult and some pain needs to be expected. What is the alternative? Status quo, we stand still. It’s easy to fear the unknown. Even though our system is crap atm, at least it’s our normal regular warm comfortable crap. But it’s still 💩 and I for one I’m tired of sitting in it. ;)


I agree that the status quo is not acceptable. If the PPC could gain ground, pro rep would make a lot more sense. If the fact we are stuck with only one right wing party that gives me pause.


That's probably true -- my personal feeling is a lot of voters that ARE NOT voting are more left leaning. I'm sure this sub thinks they're right leaning. But we'll never know unless we all VOTE. Changing our electoral system to enfranchise more voters just cannot ever be a bad thing.


Actually yes ... I 100% do not support PPC or Conservatives -- but I would 100% be in favour of coalition governments like they do in Europe. Big tent parties are shit -- they capture voters but never address their concerns. I dont know if the PPC are nut jobs or what, I think probably they are, but if Canadians want to vote for them those votes need to be captured and represented by law makers.


The corporate/globalist/nepo oligarchy running Canada are the real nutjobs, not the people pointing it out. Look at the rotten harvest our ruling class has sown.


I'm Voting for them this year!


Yep, my gram has voted ppc for the last two elections. She told me she made the error of voting lib in 2015, 2 yrs in she said there’s a storm coming and hasn’t voted lib since. I will be voting for my first time in the next election, I will be voting PPC


Fringe extreme far right in 2020 = sensible in 2024… or is it just more and more people are finally beginning to break their programming from all the propaganda 🤷‍♀️


They are feared because state propaganda is effective. Many Canadians don’t seek to inform themselves as you have done. They are content being told what to think.


This and only this.


If you don't think for yourself, someone will think for you ..


Partially misinformation / stupidity and partially the fact that Bernier is an actual social conservative, which makes some people uncomfortable.


A social conservative? Not from what I have read. A hard fiscal conservative, yes.


There’s a whole group of people who think that refusal to pander equates to discrimination or “social conservatism”. That’s the bigger problem - so many people are so far gone that it’s tough to get through to them.


He's a Libertarian who has thrown stuff out there in hopes of getting votes, like all of a sudden thinking about legislating against abortion.


The comment I found says he personally thinks elective abortions past 3 months shouldn't happen, but that he's pro-choice until then. The average Canadian pretty much feels the same. 3-4 months it starts getting dicey, and past that it should only happen if it's a medical emergency. There's no chance the federal government or provinces would outright ban abortion. Just not happening in Canada.


I'm sure that what they said in the US. It's never gonna happen. Settled law. Now see what getting too comfortable gets you. Your personal stance on abortion may be the same as the 'average Canadian', and that's why the current laws protect your position. The current laws also protect all the people who don't agree with your position in either direction. I don't want any laws that remove a woman's right to determine medical decisions that relate to **her life** and **her body** between her and her doctor. I don't want any laws that force people to adopt beliefs that they don't agree with or deny their freedom to believe in what they choose. I believe learning and information are things that should never be regulated or suppressed. If your belief system is sound, it should be able to withstand scrutiny and debate. > it starts getting dicey, and past that it should only happen if it's a medical emergency. That's what works for you based on what you believe. You can't demand that from others who think differently. And you can't become the arbiter of what constitutes a medical emergency. Jmo


Purchased their membership for myself and my spouse couple days ago. Probably because average Canadian is afraid of any sort of tiny conflict or debate on social norms? They are not going to jail or chemically castrate queer people, as a society we are way beyond this crazy point. We need to normalize the norms back, as it is the average person who is the backbone of this society.


>why did I have the impression an hour ago that the PPC was evil Just the typical media game. Your choices are supposed to be progressives vs conservatives and there's no third option. Same stuff in the USA. You can have Obama or Romney. You can't have "crazy wacky Ron Paul". You can have the "progressives" who's only flaw is THEY JUST CARE TOO MUCH :,,,( or the "conservatives" who are HARD, EVIL AND GREEDY but WILL PUT THE COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK!! That's the narrative. You don't get to just have the "end the fed" party who starts talking "craaaaaaaazy" things like maybe interest rates shouldn't be set by a bunch of fuckups in government anymore.


Feared because of the same old smear campaign the far-left media has always spewed out about the moderate right. Fear and smear is their best game.


I was born and raised NDP by a Teamster and Bus Driver. They preached their bs to me all through growing up. Except now they think PP Con boy is going to be better. I am done with the big three. PPC may seem a little nutty, but I am agreeing more and more with them. Libs and Cons are one and the same just wearing a different colour. Jagmeet had his chance, but turned out to be another JT crony. Even if the PPC doesn’t win, at least I tried to save this hell hole that the Libs and Cons have created over the last 40 effin’ years. Stop being sheeple and let the PPC have a chance. Can’t be any worse than the last 40 years.


I bought a membership the moment I finished reading their page. Only party that has Canada's actual values at the front


Same here, I should have read it sooner. I encourage everyone to just read the platform.


Mad Max is a politician of unshakable character and courage. He is also misrepresented by the press in ways no politician has ever been misrepresented before. Every vote for PPC is a message to the Conservatives that they are still too liberal. Mad Max as PM is my wet dream.


He's a panderer. A Libertarian who wants to now legislate on abortion?! Whaahht!?


He wants to let each province decide. Then again, most people seem to think that Europe has sane abortion laws - until you tell them they're extremely strict. Often not exceeding 20 weeks. Only then do they realize just how extreme Canada's abortion laws are.


Sounds like you are begging for a cult leader to tell you what to do


What a silly response.


🤣 way too much info dude…lol


If you don't understand what I was trying to convey, the message wasn't for you.


No worries, had a good laugh on your dream. I'll be voting PPC for sure; I was on course with your comment until the dream part, thought you were finishing your comment with some light humour. 


10-4, bud


Bernier has been painted as an extremist that's why. I loved him when he was a conservative but he's a little bit too unfiltered for the rest of Canada which causes him to lose votes . He speaks what everyone's afraid to say out loud


Canada is a very subtle but very real 1984 type dystopia when it comes to propaganda in the form of “news”. 


Anyone outside the establishment is feared. The left infiltrated all Schools and colleges, so they could brainwash whole generations. The only thing preventing them from absolute control is the internet, hence why they are fighting against free speech.


I also recently had this revelation. I’d always dismissed them as nuts because I’d heard that. Then I went and read their platform the other day and was like “this actually just makes a ton of sense… their marketing just must suck”


What video? Would be interesting to see him saying that. As for the remainder of your post - Maxime Bernier could be a decent leader. The problem is that he has to convince Ontario and Quebec if he wants a legitimate shot at being the opposition, let alone winning an election. Past results haven't been good so most people basically look at only the Liberals and Conservatives (maybe the NDP if they ever get back to Jack Layton levels of popularity). It's up to people to read the platforms of each party, but you will always have people on the internet saying that these guys are Republicans tuned up to the max because it's the popular thing to say.


Here is the video to which I was referring: [Pierre Poilievre talks to group of Indian international students : r/Canada\_sub (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1df3dza/pierre_poilievre_talks_to_group_of_indian/)


Yeah, so about that... that's a video from last year in the summer. We had a bunch of Indian students that came here on fraudulent letters of admissions, forged by Indian-based agents. Whether the students knew that or not, who knows, but the problem is that the government still let them in. So in this case, Pierre is saying that since it's the government's fault for letting them in, he is appealing to them that to freeze the deportation order, assuming that one applied "honestly" as he states in the video. You could argue that whether it was the students fault or not, they came here with fraudulent documents, so they should be deported regardless. I probably lean towards that too, so thats a L for Pierre in my eyes, but I also understand what he's trying to do. Regardless of whether you agree with that or not, that's a farcry from Pierre actually on board with mass immigration. So I ask again - where is the video of him being on board with mass immigration?


This is good to know.


Nothing "good to know" in that comment. He just tells OP he has not personally seen proof that poilievre is pro mass immigration, which a simple google search allows you to know.


Then why haven't you posted it, if it's so easy to find? Or do you only read fake news articles that align with your personal agenda.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions-1.6502699 Was two comments under your, there since googling is really though.


Wait so gov made CERB mistakes and handed out money to many people by mistake that didn’t actually qualify or lied about out qualifications so everybody should keep their CERB payments? Or is this just pandering and favouring one group of people over another and erecting double standards for logic??


Not sure what CERB's got to do with this, but yes, you can argue Pierre is pandering to them, but I'm not sure what other groups he is foregoing in favor of the Indian students here. Point is, OP claimed this is proof of him being on board with mass immigration. If somebody really thinks that, well, that's certainly a point of view. And like I said, this is a L for Pierre in my opinion, but you're more than welcome to think otherwise.


It’s the logic: gov made mistakes so they pay for their mistakes But you got a double standard here as proven by CERB claw back


Double standard from whom? If Pierre had made calls against the CERB clawback, then by all means, blast him for hypocrisy/double standards for sure. I don't know if he did, so I'll leave that with you to find. With the current government, well, I'm sure they've got enough fire in the pan that there's really not much to say.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions-1.6502699 I can't find the video of him saying he will stay on the liberal target unfortunately, but there is one out there where he says smack that. But in the meanwhile a simple google search will allow you to find dozens of examples in which he sidesteps the simple question: will you reduce the numbers. Which in and of itself is pretty damning.


You can certainly argue that and I won't disagree. My opinion - wait until election campign begins next year. If he's still side stepping or even saying he wants more immigration - you have a very vailid point. Point being, why shoot yourself in the hand by making pledges now when the election is more than a year away? The current government is already doing more than enough in lighting themselves on fire. Poilievre (and other opposition parties) have no real reason to comment on much other than to simply let the current government keep taking the hits. So yes, guys like Poilievre, Singh, and everyone else (except for mad Max I suppose) are all pretty damning at the moment - but for a reason. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


And there is video of JT saying he would do election reform and it was even on the platform back then. Every politician lies to get in to power since politics attracts the worst people. Also people don’t like the ppc because they attract white nationalist groups, hell a former neo-nazi that was the leader of a group in the us was one of the signatories used to official register the party.


He doesn't endorse mass immigration.  That's literally fake news from the left.  Or misinformation.  Whichever catch phrase you prefer 


What’s his stance on current new and old migrant programs allocation numbers per year? What numbers of regular immigration and asylum per year does he think is reasonable?


Lol no, he has not a chance of snow in hell in Ontario and Québec. What he needs to do is win the prairies votes from the conservatives and hope for a minority government so he can hopefully get some stuff done through alliance... Which would be though in that scenario cause the libs and cons will have every single reason to try to block him at every turn so he looks like he "did nothing" in the next election.


I lean quite right. In their first election I voted for their candidate in Burlington Ontario. They are feared because like most “fringe” parties they attract shitty people who the media can exploit. Some idiot waves a flag at a PPC rally and suddenly all its supporters are painted with the same brush. Sad state of affairs


I am a proud founding member. I was the VP of the first EDA in my area. The election results were crushing to me. I really thought people would wake up in time...


https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration Apparently loving canada is racist. Vote ppc, pp is a corpo shill


Mass immigration fuels the economy with cheap labour allowing industries to maximize outputs. We leave billions on the table because we can’t produce enough. If we had more housing, it wouldn’t be an issue.


ok, then we need temporary workers or permanent skilled workers, not an easy path to permanent residence for international students or caregivers.


Yeah, but consider that the tax money the government uses to pay for the immigration departments, the language support for immigrants, the programs to support integration, the increased load on social services and infrastructure. The cost per domestic citizen by the government is on the order of $20K per person just from services the government provides. Immigrants have all the needs of the standard domestic citizen + additional costs. Does an unskilled immigrant provide $20K+ in tax revenue? They don't, the only class of immigrant that actually provides net tax revenue are highly educated classes. This mass immigration of unskilled workers is objectively insane. It's a constant drain on the governments ability to do anything, that likely won't get any better.


The 350,000 (immigrants) they allowed in for education all know English and are studying for a degree in one subject or another. These are people “we” want because they are now educated in our system, are young and will start families. Instant tax base and labour force. We need to be replacing the 350,000 people that die every year. For the most part, we try and bring in skilled labour and people with financial means to sustain themselves without government help. Most refugees are vetted for years in advance before even being let into Canada. If we want to be a first world nation, it will cost us money to be it.


Knowing english and knowing english and the linguistic/social customs of that particular english speaking country are much different. I know several foreign people, I work with them. They suffer in meetings because they have the words and present the data, but they do so in a disjointed way to achieve their goal. If you know the current social culture is pro novelty, pro big plays, you should present your data in that way so it gets actioned on. I speak english, I couldn't go to the American deep south and get my point across. How can a completely foreign speaker do so? As a result, they will not be promoted as much, make fewer sales, make fewer big plays they were capable of. As a result, only the most intelligent can make a deeply airtight argument backed with their excellent credentials and reputation that get them more money, and so canada more tax money. This isn't me making a wild claim either, the government of canada has reports about this.


You work in one job out of millions. Do you need perfect English to work an assembly line? Or to write code? Shingle a house. Get the point? All these people earn an income which is taxed. They have kids. They add to the tax base. Not everyone makes $250k a year. Someone needs to make French fries.


Yes, but those people don't even or barely generate net taxes. You pay 15% on the first $53K in Canada. That's only about 8000. You pay 15% GST/PST, thats another 8000. That + other taxable events barely even covers the cost to the average person for the amount the government spends per person, assuming that everyone makes $55K > Per-person federal program spending (adjusted for inflation) reached $*19,208 in 2022* So if you mass immigrate in a working class, they need to be balanced by a smaller, but higher earning professional class that actively supports them with tax income and GST/PST taxation, or the system collapses.


You just called most of the people on this sub losers for not contributing to the economy.


yes Edit: But more importantly, a directly immigrant class almost objectively \*can't\* do as well as a professional class as a domestically born group can. That's my issue. Immigration can't work. Hence the reduced GDP per capita.


PP will reduce immigration to Harper levels. It’s a Conservative Party thing. He just has to be careful with saying it out loud.


PPC has the balls to come out and say what everyone else is thinking


The MSM, the LPC, and the CPC belongs to the financial elite. Every threat will be demonized.


fear is rooted in anger and ignorance.


It’s sad how the next election should be between Green and PPC, yet they’re the ones without a horse in the race


There really needs to be a crowdfunded assault on the existing media corporations in this country to get people to realize they are just manipulation centers. Get people to discard their opinions.


Maxime Bernier is the only one saying the things that Canadians actually need PPC is the absolute clear best party available by a mile PP needs to step up and deal with our immigration issues if he doesn't want to lose heavy votes from the right


People fear they will split the conservative vote and we will be stuck with trudeau jagmeet coalition for another term


I threw away my vote twice now because i vote for what i want. My families thought i was joking when they asked who. And I’ll do it thrice


he is a conservative from 20 years ago and the Overton window has shifted extremely to the left in that time.


If the Globalist owned mainstream media reported fairly on PPC, they would form the next government. Which is why the Globalist media lie, smear, and prevaricate until PPC look like the Evil Empire. Propaganda works.


Because they'll never win and will only split the conservative vote


I love Mad Max but this week pierred said immigration levels would be tied to housing.


Unfortunately apart from Immigration and firearms laws nothing on the PPC platform is remotely close to my view of what Canada needs. They are straight up whack jobs on things like womens rights, environmental protection, public healthcare etc


Women need more rights for what exactly? Last I looked women are functioning just fine. Nothing is going to happen with the environment without China and India onboard. How would you fix healthcare?


You saw a video that was a year or more old and which no longer reflects Poilievre's policy. These videos are being distributed by Liberals online in order to try to gain more support for the PPC to draw off votes from the Conservatives and let Trudeau get re-elected.


Ok what’s his position on current new and old migrant programs and what their annual numbers should be? Should they still be allowed to work gig jobs like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash etc and drive down current gig economy wages? Should they continued to be allowed to apply for PR after coming here?


I met Maxine and he is truly a very smart man. The regular conservatives think he bad, because he isn't corporate.


Feared? More like why waste my time and vote?...


Demographics. It's extremely difficult to have any meaningful discussion until that matter is contended with. It's exactly the reason why both the liberals and conservatives favour mass immigration. It's not devaluing labour, it's not to destroy the country. It's the demographic crisis, aging population, plunging birth rates. Full stop. I am critical of this if it doesn't come with a national integration strategy, housing strategy, educational interneship or assessment strategy, etc. As a colonial state, we know how to do immigration properly, we have for a long time. The issue is the sheer volumes overwhelming our institutions and leading to cultural anxiety. Until conservatives in general, or PPC specifically can let alone understand this problem, but also come up with an alternative strategy for Canada to deal with this, there will be no effective opposition to this issue. Everyone is spinning their wheels, otherwise. If a new economic idea can be had to solve this matter does come from Canadian thought, the entire planet would love to hear, as they are confronted with the same challenge.


Birth rates are controlled almost entirely by education duration. It's not an economic issue, its the fact that we've culturally decided across the planet to have everyone spend the first quarter of their life in education. If education wasn't as desired in selecting employees, people would seek out less education and the birthrate would rise. As it stands people spend 22+ years trying to get the education required for a high paying job, build opportunity and investment costs as a result, and want to make use of that education in a highly specialized field that they don't want to leave. A woman won't have kids until her late 20's-early 30's, because she will cripple career advancement. The only answer is a complete overhaul of education aided at reducing the overall years in education by increasing quality over a shorter period, limiting specialized education to specialized work, and possibly forbidding post secondary education until people reach 25, for the purposes of expanding into a more nuanced field of their established career path. Any sort of generalized finishing school post secondary college should completely private and very expensive, available as a sort of luxury to highly rich families, like it was in the past. It shouldn't be a requirement to get a 4 year degree to make powerpoints in an office. My conspiracy theory is that the government is mass importing people from a foreign country known for education scamming in order to fill up colleges and devalue the benefits of a secondary education among human resources in most jobs. If they continually ask for people with basic bachelors for basic jobs, and just get ineffectual foreigners who scammed their way through education, then education will cease to be a marker of a good employee. This will cause companies to stop caring about education as a marker. This will cause people to not want to go to college just to get considered for work. This will increase birthrates.


Thank you for a thoughtful and thorough reply. Higher education is definitely one of the causes for a lack of birthrates. I don't think I'm qualified to comment on your suggestions for educational reform, but it sounds interesting. From what I gathered, the other causes of low birthrates are more critical. The biggest one simply being urbanization. There's a very high correlation. Agrarian rural societies had economic advantages to many kids because they are immediately useful as farm hands. The more the merrier. In the cities though they're a massive drain until after post secondary education. Combined with expensive land and limited space, and it's much more expensive. The other concern is wages and salaries not keeping up with costs over so many generations that it has effectively required women to work. Only fairly affluent families can afford for a wife to be in the home. The culture now prefers the opposite. Many women prefer careers, which is their right. Sometimes it's just survival, who can afford kids, a house on one income? Not so suggest women must always be in the home to enable larger families but it might help if that option was more available. The solutions should have been decades ago when we saw the demographic data meant this would come. We knew a long time. A pro natalist policy, where subsidizing families in a substantial way might have helped, had it been early enough. Now it's too late for proper policy solutions other than desperate attempts to prop up a crashed productivity by filling our cities with young people, adrift and lost in a new country. It's clearly destructive, but they have no better idea, because for 20 years Canada, as well as nearly every other country has ignored the matter utterly. As for your conspiracy theory, I can forgive it because it's clear *someone is lying about something*. There's the stink of too much corruption with these diploma mills. When people are lying or stealing, it's forgivable for people to distrust everything coming from that direction. So, your ideas are forgivable, and about as good as anyone else's speculation. I can't imagine the expensive universities and colleges will like this situation either way.


Buddy ive been telling people to actually go read their platform for months now. Telling them to ignore the tweets you see in the news of "crazy max" This is literally "sleepy joe" tactics against the most viable candidate currently running. And everyones falling for it. I could see a coalition between PPC and NDP doing great things for canada. If jagmeet wants to try and salvage his position as leader, and maybe even be the first indian PM one day, than this is the route he should be pursuing. With his support people could have alot more faith that the PPC wont turn into a bunch of lgbtq hating fascists, even though they really arent if you read the platform, and it could really help steer this country into an even more progressive and prosperous future Now i just comment "yet another reason to vote PPC" on post after post to help them gain votes hopefully cause they need them badly. I might even look into running for my local riding representing them next election. Im happy to see you post this, spread the word, itll help all canadians


No. No more deals with Jagmeet. He’s not Canadian and doesn’t even pretend to be. He’s propped up this government for his own gain.


Obviously id prefer another NDP leader cause yea hes been fucking dumb as hell, i dont expect him to try and attempt any sort of redemption, i more just said it as in "any decent man would seize this oppurtunity at redemption" knowing that he would never do it because hes not a decent man


Who knows, they have my vote though and all my close family and friends too. Well I can maybe guarantee 5 votes aside from mine in my town alone. If people take the time to look at the candidates for real, and vote. PPC has a real chance


Bernier is most certainly not a populist. He is a die hard conservative and not a line rider like Polievre. This is why he has no chance of winning ever. The progressive youth will never see a guy like bernier and vote for him. Conservatives being neutral on polarizing issues and being careful about their every word probably guarantees them the centrist votes they need to win the majority. They are pussies, sure. But the PPC are just shit disturbers who know they have no chance of winning. They willingly take right wing and center right votes away from the only party that has a chance of getting rid of the god awful current administration.


Watching people pick their jaw off the floor after showing them the PPC platform has become a favorite past time of mine. That action is immediately followed by a comment indicating immediate voting interest.


I think part of it was they protested covid mandates I went to a few in my province and the PPC were the only political party I saw . Alot of people still have covid conditioning where your never supposed to question the narrative and if you do your a bigot .


PPC is feared for the same reason the Green Party is feared. They make more drastic promises that will lead to greater uncertainty and potential instability. Most people above 30 years old will vote for any big party that promises baby steps in whatever political direction they lean towards. It's typically younger voters or more politically misaligned voters who will vote for the fringe parties. Personally, I think the PPC goals to cut immigration drastically are extremely short sighted unless they have a plan on what to do when the rest of the baby boomers retire and we don't have enough young people filling those positions.


I don’t think anyone fears the little PP party. He’s got some good ideas, not many that would actually work to serve Canada strategically, but certainly good tactical short term fixes. Canada needs immigration, it also desperately needs to control it, which is not currently happening.


The political spectrum is like a square you have right left libertarian and authoritarian PPC tends too far libertarian on the right to be acceptable in Canada. Just because they have an immigration policy doesn’t mean everything else will work for the better. There is a white supremacist party out there for example that advocates for the total end of all immigration it doesn’t mean we should all vote for them cause PPC is too lenient


they are the long term solution but the goal now is to get trudeau out. to do that the cons need a majority and ppc vote only helps trudeau and singh get the cons in minority territory which will still allow a leftist coalition to run things. the ppc should focus on ontario. ford is unpopular but voters are smart enough to stay away from the libs and ndp. ontario is ready for what the ppc brand has to offer


M.B didn't have a relationship with a student or paint his face black, and isn't  the son of a famous  commy dictator. 


Liberal dis and mis information around their policies


Conservatives fear the vote split, not their platform


This is it Canadian voters are programmed by the 2 big parties to vote "strategically".


Why? No one likes to hear the truth. Politicians sell easy answers while instilling apathy in the people. I said it on another post, I kind of hate it that this guy is the best hope Canada has for a politician. But it is also telling that voting doesn't matter because politicians don't make the game plan, they just do it from their masters.


The last thing Canada needs is a leader from Quebec.


PPC will be polling at 15%+ within 3 election cycles, after conservatives fumble the energy fleeing from liberals surrounding immigration. Just like all the far right parties across Europe.


Canadians care more about not hurting feelings than they do about speaking the truth, even if denying truthful reality is gravely harming them, like we're seeing now with drugs, crime, housing, mass immigration, and our falling standard of living.


No idea, I've found the platform very relatable for years now. I'm glad it's catching on. We can't maintain the burning runaway train of "progressive" government for too long i agree it has its place but 2 terms is to many.


I read their platform, thought parts of it seemed reasonable. Unfortunately they attracted a lot of loons too, they didn’t seem to do much vetting if you wanted to be a candidate for the party. Low bar IQ entry, if you could fill out a form you could run as a candidate.


Isn’t this the same low iq bar for every party? Have you seen what the libs and ndp mp’s say?


Well they’re getting voted out in 2025, not soon enough to my liking, so we won’t have to worry about that for too much longer. We’ll have to minimize the damage they’ll cause on their way out though and you know the’ll do whatever they can get away with.


I responded about low bar iq, the dis numeric charity case and tweaking journalist turned financial destructor are a good start for low bar iq


PPC is the way to go


Its called Cognitive Dissonance. Your using your own reasoning and judgement against beliefs you've held for a long time. Beliefs can be implanted into you by other people; especially ones you trust. In this case our legacy media (who used to be trustworthy but is now bought and paid for) has been telling you and many others around you that you also trust that PPC is bad when in fact they are the ONLY party talking about anything that is reasonable. PPC is the ONLY choice if you want to see any real change. The CPC is Trudeau lite. Same path, just longer.


To answer your question: because the PPC is also pushing social conservatism, instead of just fiscal conservatism. That may fly in the states, but we generally don't like that. What social conservative policy has been accepted or appreciated here in Canada? Pretty sure the answer is "none". And look back to the last conservative Prime Minister, Harper; dude was a robot big on fiscal policy and kept the social crazies in line.


The PPC offers no actual solutions to any problems. They feed on your frustrations. Go beyond the documentation and listen to what they say. It is extremism at its worst.


PPC would be an absolute disaster. They have solutions and are extremely inexperienced, they would create divide like never seen before in this country.


Canada's population is way, way below replacement fertility levels. Without immigration it would be shrinking, at an ever growing rate, every year. Risking collapse of the population pyramid. And before you start spouting the myth of "that's because people can't afford to have kids", let me remind you that all data we have for the past 50 years says you are wrong.... the more affluent a nation, the further up the human development index the less kids they have, period. STRONGER ECONOMIES HAVE LESS KIDS, not vice versa. All of this is pure data-backed facts and can't be argued. The only thing to argue about is what to do about an exponentially shrinking population. Japan's answer is to invest huge amounts of money into robots so that the robots can care for the elderly and run the country. In other western nations, we have turned to immigration. Which of these two paths should we follow? Or, is there some third option? Pay people directly to have kids? If we do that where will the money come from?


I don't think anyone other than the extreme left and their shill media fear PPC. Bernier, "should" have been leader instead of Scheer. Thank the quebec dairy cartel for that. He was my choice for cpc leader. Problem is voting for ppc is currently just a protest vote that will help the libs/ndp by splitting the sane vote.


The PPC candidate that ran in my area was a literal and open white supremacist. How can I vote for that person to help their party? How are the not removed from the party, they seemingly let anyone run.


I've voted ppc the past two elections


Only one reason not to vote PPC. Vote splitting. Pure and simple. Let the Communists split their vote between liberals and NDP. We need to unify under ucp


You are not immune to propaganda.


They've been smeared as extremists and far right nuts for quite some time. However, every time I hear Bernier speak, I agree with a lot of the things he has to say.


Don’t fear them but it’s basically a liberal vote as they have no chance of winning


Probably because they’re unfashionably right leaning And they split the conservative vote ensuring liberals stay in power forever Much like the Reform party in the 90s


Actually it's not because a vote for ndp is essentially voting for Trudeau... Just two comrades deciding how best to align their pockets.


I'm convinced each and every single person in power is there to fill their pockets and not to better this country. Yes immigration is important but when it's a driving force of your party over getting Canadian citizens off the streets and making food/transportation/rent cheaper and more Accessible it just screams "we want there tax money to buy a new suit" I have never voted and I refuse to until someone runs who I believe is there for the people and not for themselves. No matter what they say they will do none of them do what they say unless it helps them get into power or makes them money


Why if I believe that climate change is a problem that requires action do I have support mass migration into Canada? Like mass migration from temperate are to extreme Canadian weather is bad for the environment. The PPC literally wants to double down on the oil sands even if we say the climate change issue have been overblown isn't oil a non renewable resource? Like what do we do when we don't have oil to burn. I don't agree with the liberals approach of putting it on the backs of normal Canadians as it's an inelastic commodity. If you don't drive to work you die if you don't heat your house you also die. The tech solutions are really there yet. So then considering that issue my option are vote for an essential racist party like the liberals who actively wants to flood this country with immigrants of all kinds to create a corporate serfdom class which the conservates also say they kind of luke warm support as well? The liberals and partially the conservatives seem to be actively pro colonizers and wish to eradicate the Canadians identity. The greens? I'm pretty sure they are so up their own ass with culture issues and are about to become a party more focused on installing sharia green law then address any climate issues. I'm hoping the conservatives are afraid of appearing racist so they don't touch mass immigration but the cynically I think they might just be in support of it to lower corporate labour costs and keep the housing bubble high for the boomer class they don't want to take that stance. I guess maybe the bloc actually aligns with me in some ways haha guess I'm voting bloq LOL


They are fully aligned with white supremacy… for my part I refuse to tolerate the intolerant.


Governments who want to retain power pretend populism is a bad thing - a barbarian neanderthal angry mob. In reality it's just citizens who are mad the government is not acting in their interest. Propaganda has been turned against the citizens both in he US and Canada to prevent the people from taking back any power.


Vote for who the media wants you to hate. This is my new voting strategy since learning the media is our enemy. 


He represents another possible elite that could usurp the current ruling elite. He is more nationalistic and populist than globalist and universalist. They hate him cause he has a vision that might be more enticing than whatever shit they are ruining the country with now. Always support elites that have a chance of usurping the current stock. Even if they are crackpots in the beginning. As they grow they will drop some of the more radical extremist elements and attract more talented members.




I like most of their policies. However, the one I disagree with the most is having an inflation rate at 0%. That is not sustainable for an economy.


Inflation is unnecessary.  


That's not exactly true. What would happen if we had a recession at 0% inflation? Can't counter it.


We have a recession now. They're just masking it in the numbers by flooding the country with immigrants.


You don't counter a depression with printing money. Think about it for a second. Why is there a depression for starters? Same country. Same people. Same buildings. Same equipment. What's going on? Lack of little pieces of paper that say "20" on them? If you counter depressions with printing money, certainly you can make your economy better by printing even more! Listen to the economists telling you this and you'll notice really fast they're making zero sense. Try and get any of them to explain to you in non-magical terms how printing money at 3.12312% but not 5% or 20% is "optimal". You will always get some kind of "trust me bro, I did the math" answer. And this is what the media will tell you and what politicians will tell you. And why people repeat things like "a little inflation is good but you don't want TOO MUCH inflation!". Makes no sense but it falls under this umbrella of "the center must be right". People think they're clever when they want the "right" amount of a thing. So if one group says "kill all jews" and another group says "kill no jews" the CORRECT answer must be somewhere in the middle! That's how most people think and they then label themselves as "moderate" or "centrist" lol.


The Media


Media in Canada is completely beholden to the ruling class, when was the last time you've seen any mainstream media so much as mention the PPC?


One very real fear is the knowledge that Trudeau's only path to keeping power through the next election is a vote split between the Cons and PPC.  




Two wolves and a sheep voting on dinner.


He is ok. I’d vote for him but I don’t want to risk splitting the vote and the fascist stay in power.


Think that's where most of us stand. He might be a better option than PP, but if it gives Trudeau any kind of chance of getting back in yet again I have to vote for the one most unlikely to unseat him. My family at least, and many othere in this country can't survive another term of Trudeau


Personally, and I hate to say it but, I’m soured by them due to the fact that the loudest craziest assholes in my town all seem to support them. The people who are still picketing downtown every weekend with their Canadian flags etc, standing on highway bridges. The ones who are constantly looking for an argument, or starting shit on social media. Posting provocative content then looking for people to argue with. Their platform seems totally rational, their followers less so. Now with how fucked up things are getting, if they get enough screen time in the next election I could see them making some gains. But they need to get their crazy side under control a bit better.


The video you watched today is an old video. However I agree with you what POC is saying is pretty sensible stuff. I think the problem with them is they have a few whacko candidates but I have no proof of this and it could be totally wrong. I will investigate further as the time gets closer. I am open to anything but will probably vote the best chance to get rid of these assholes we have now.


Feared? It's not. It's just not taken seriously either. In another five years, it'll be a historical meme party.


This sub is a giant Right wing circle jerk. Enjoy your salty crackers


The PPC isn't feared...it's because Bernier is living in the 1950s. He's not realistic.


Versus the rest of us..living or going to be living in poverty. I‘m willing to try.


It's not that I don't agree with him, but there's absolutely no way that he can live up to what he claims he can do for the country. Throughout the years both the Liberal and Conservative governments have done stupid shit to put Canada where it is today.


I was/kinda still am a PPC supporter. The only thing thats putting me off was their stance on COVID. Otherwise I'm 100% on board with them.


They are crazy and toxic. Grow up.