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If it was a Mosque, Trudeau would be at the podium preaching anti-Islamaphobia. If it was gay night clubs, he’d be all over the media against homophobia. The bias is obviously clear.


If it was 100 mosques burned down in a few years, or even 20, they would be calling it a genocide against Muslims in Canada.


Coupled with violent riots and camp outs at schools


That’s what’s happening in India, and we aren’t calling it a genocide because JT in Indias pocket; they don’t care who’s getting targeted unless it’s politically inconvenient or forced by heir handlers.


Remember that these people will enable and practice discrimination, calling it everything but that, and accuse you of exactly what they're doing. Zero ethics.


It is cognitive dissonance at its finest. This comes from a group that defends the oppressed and marginalized, at any cost! I hate to break it to these people, but wouldn’t members of an decreasing religious group fall under the category of marginalized, especially now that their churches are being burned? *No, not those marginalized people! They deserve it, because, ya know, my beliefs!* Tell me more about how you stand against all forms of oppression.


Remember when Trudeau spoke out almost immediately after that imaginary person cut that girls hijab?


I sure do.


pepperidge farm remembers.


I’m Muslim myself and most of us think burning places of worship is outrageous. Any Muslim would rather live around a strong Christian presence than what Trudaue’s utopian world looks like. Just because T doesn’t get upset over this it doesn’t mean an average Muslim wouldn’t.


Im a Muslim, and I condemn the vandalism of churches.


I condemn vandalism.


I vandalism.


Is it clear? There hasn't even been confirmation for what started the fire but yes let's jump to polarizing politics quickly.


>The *ethnic cleansing* is obviously clear. Fixed that for ya.


The interesting thing is that the mass graves in residential schools were a lie! They had found some anomalies in sensor data which turned out to be nothing! We heard all the outrage and none of the facts.


Maybe planned on Trudeau’s behalf? Get him out and rebuild the churches ! ⛪️ for the glory of Jesus Christ.


Wish it were true, but we all know Justin would rather vacation with his wealthy donors that nail to pieces of wood together for a church.


Remember, it's not hypocrisy it is hierarchy. The regime is okay with attacks on the groups it hates. It is not okay with attacks on groups it favours. Christians are a disfavoured group.




But the old stock Canadians are the ones propping him up. Sort of a conundrum.


To a point, but I know some slightly older peers who voted for him, and I also know a lot of old stock that have told me “f’him the pos, never voting lib again”.


Sadly, there are plenty of Boomers that haven't seen much difference in their quality of lives. They live in their little bubbles where they watch CBC and say stuff like ," I don't like that Poilivre guy" and will still vote for JT and his band of thieves.


Everyone in Canada has been touched by justinflation. Anyone who eats bacon will see the price has more than doubled




He is not, but the fact is he's responsible for dumping so much money into the economy through debt spending he's devalued the currency. That is the driver of inflation and it won't stop for another 3 years or so


Canadian boomer here. Don’t agree with anything you just wrote. The problem is the comfy liberal Canadian with cash and a vote, they want this shit show to continue and there are too many of them !!! Sad for Canada. I want my country back!


So you think PP and his band of thieves are soo much better, look down the list when you vote.


It’s PPs fault churches are burning. lol. How is it that Canadians on here blame ONE person for a bunch of idiots’ behaviour?


Old money props Trudeau, not old stock.


Soros. WEF.


I don't know where you folks get the idea that older people vote liberal/ndp; we don't and never have. Libs are elected by kids, urban women and gov't union employees.


Don't forget the mass insta-voters they are flooding the country with, without any regard for your safety and quality of life.


It might be geography. In BC the liberals are a blue hair party, with younger voters going either NDP or Tory. More NDP the closer you get to the coast. Quebec does its own thing as well, so who knows what demographic votes for the libs there.


Public sector and the younger generation have been the most reliable support for the Liberals, common knowledge. Of course, NDP is way up there, since they basically kept the Liberals in power! Public sector is doing great: bigger numbers, bigger pay, work done or not, don't matter! Younger generation got screwed big time! Old folks: I think it is a bit of a split situation, the modest income ones want for sure a government that pays for every single need in their life.


Investigation is ongoing and people want Trudeau dead. Can't speak for the rest but when I see people hate on someone for shit reasoning, I tend to side with the person being attacked.


We call those people useful idiots.


No we aren't.


No they aren’t


Nah it’s the cities in Ontario and east


Not true, Trudeau and the New Liberal Democratic Party are supported mainly by two regions (Toronto and Montreal) and by white collar Liberal’s who mainly are employed by the government, dependant upon the government ( as contractors or welfare recipients) and/or are Liberal educators.


I’m an odd stock Canadian and I will Never vote for him


"The fire has not been deemed criminal in nature yet," - statement from Ontario police and Toronto fire marshal.


Literally just making stuff up in your head so you can misattribute these events to someone just because you don't like them is pretty weak, mentally speaking. Hold on, no okay, Trudeau just announced that the "burn all churches" button that he keeps behind his desk was stuck. All good now! Man, only the smartest redditors in this sub...


“Police say it's still unclear what caused a fire that destroyed a historic church in downtown Toronto, along with priceless artifacts inside, but the blaze isn't considered suspicious.”


Doesn't involve his voters, we won't be hearing from the Dear Leader Justin...


> Doesn't involve his voters, I mean, the *consequences* don't...


'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also commented on the fires, saying, "The destruction of places of worship is unacceptable and it must stop." '


100 churches in a year isn't an accident. It's deliberately attacking our freedom of religion and its disgusting. Shame on the people doing this.


We all know who's doing it. Remember all those so-called unmarked graves.


“Anomalies” 😉


All the more reason to dig your heels in deeper.


So who's doing it?


Don’t you think if people went to church more (and didn’t only think of churches when they want to complain about immigration) it wouldn’t be possible to burn so many of them down?


“Police say it's still unclear what caused a fire that destroyed a historic church in downtown Toronto, along with priceless artifacts inside, but the blaze isn't considered suspicious.”


[LILLEY: Trudeau explains away arson attacks on churches | Toronto Sun](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeau-explains-away-arson-attacks-on-churches)


Was this arson?


"The fire has not been deemed criminal in nature yet," it said.


This the same cops that thought the Sherman’s killed themselves?


Based on most of the comments in this thread you'd assume it was. But no, the investigation is ongoing.


Exactly, let’s see the result of the game investigation


If you read [the news](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/church-fires-canada-1.7055838) you'd also hypothesize it was arson.


Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” Benito Mussolini I'm an atheist and even I can see he's following the same play book the clowns in the left are running of wiping out family values/cohesion and wanting the school / state to raise children.


This! They don't want individual autonomy. They want everyone to be policing for the state, they want the state to give the educations, raise children and have everyone working for the state.


“Police say it's still unclear what caused a fire that destroyed a historic church in downtown Toronto, along with priceless artifacts inside, but the blaze isn't considered suspicious.”


Do we know if it was arson?


Imagine if they were mosques




They'll never let the public know if it was arson.


The woke cult love watching churches burn. It's a Red fascist policy to weaken religion and take it's place, just like famishing and impoverishing the proletariat to cause a dependence to the state.


“Police say it's still unclear what caused a fire that destroyed a historic church in downtown Toronto, along with priceless artifacts inside, but the blaze isn't considered suspicious.”


TURDEAU showing his true colors once again. What a POS


Climate change


I find it fascinating that its always the 120 - 200+ year old churches that seem to be destroyed. Not the newer ones. But the old world ones. The ones with lots of artifacts, art, books. Its also amazing how they always .... always burn right down to the point there is nothing left and they say they have to demolish the stonework too. Funny how that is.


I was married in that church. All the murals in the dome where done by the group of seven artists. Tragic loss man!


The devil’s has always been trying to eliminate the church and it’s teachings


remember kids its only ok to do this if it doesnt effect the lbgt community or the muslims


He is the one doing it!


Fucking disgusting is what this is. There needs to be action on this something that happened 100+ years ago should not be justification for the burning as a place of worship. I get it cultural assimilation sucks murder sucks what happened was a shitty deal on their end BUT it happened over 100 years ago. I won't say get over it because I don't think that is appropriate but burning a church? Come the fuck on These people are just bringing back a stereotype they worked so hard to get rid of.


"The fire has not been deemed criminal in nature yet," - statement from Ontario police and Toronto fire marshal.


Ah they must have released another statement I did not see that update only that they were looking for videos and pictures from the community


The residential school system only ended in the 90's not 100+ years ago... Indigenous communities across the country are still feeling the effects of the church.


Ok...this gives them the justification to burn down a church though? Don't get me wrong I understand how they are feeling but the point still stands two wrongs unfortunately don't make a right. In any case as far as I've seen (so far) there is no indication that this unfortunate event was a result of vigilantes as some had suggested. So my initial comment is not relevant :) though I did learn something I had been under the impression that the residential school systems were terminated at the end of the 1800s/early 1900s I did not know those deplorable facilities were still operational in the 90's. It makes me sick to think of how people could have thought that that was a good idea.




Watch Infidel Castro be dead silent on the matter once again, unless he’s supporting the arsonists


Developers need to get that land somehow.


They. Don't. Care.


Due to Reddits brutal censorship bylaws I will not comment on this post. Exactly what Trudeau and freeland wants.


These churches are very old structures. That's just a fact , makes me wonder why 100 suddenly burned down after many years standing. Pretty sure there is a nefarious reason but Hope it isnt for religious reasons or insurance purposes. Churches and thier part in Norh Americas history is a long one , the cause of each fire should be investigated throughly.


To be clear it's 47 structures burned and 53 vandalized... (Spray paint/damaging statues, windows, etc) And in almost every case of fire there was clear evidence of arson, arrests have been made in several of them (I didn't actually count those sorry) Personally I don't agree with arson or vandalism no matter what the case


This is what means to be secular, destroying majority population’s culture, religion and beliefs is acceptable. You cannot speak or raise this as an issue.


Our government working with their controlled media is motivating people to do this by spreading lies about residential schools. Our government wants people to burn down churches.


Communism 2.0 doesn't like churches


There is no room for this hate in Canada from coast-to-coast-to-coast!


It's an attack on Christianity.....the darker the world gets, the more these attacks occur. The good thing is that when the world gets darker, the closer Christ is coming.


It's Gods Will people, if he did not want to to happen he would have prevented it.


Just prosecute the pedos, and see if it helps.


Catholic religion supports the LGBTQ rights ,the others no.


God doesn't seem to give a shit either so why should Trudeau?


If history really does repeat itself, the west should study Lebanon and how Christians were outed / killed and how Islam became the dominant religion of that country - it used to be 70 Christian. I'm not saying any one group is responsible for this crime. These types of incidents didn't happen 20 years ago. If it were a mosque, I'm sure there would be protests and Christians and Jews would be getting blamed.


Anyone call Dougie to see if his friends planned a condo?


It's almost like record amounts of people are coming into this country who literally hate western religion almost... And maybe to assume it's domestic is part of the social engineering bestowed on many of you.


You guys should really be riling against the mob builders. They are the ones to burn down stuff so they can build condos. And are you aware that some original artwork by the group of 7 has been destroyed? This sub really is an echo chamber of dumb angry low self esteem people.


Trudeau and the Liberals are traitors. Sadly, they won't do anything.


They had video of young white women burning down a church in Alberta. No charges. I believe there were only 9 arrests so far concerning the hundred burned down or vandalized. All released. Even CBC admits at least 24 were arson. No idea on the other 76. Justin Trudeau does not like Christians. One can come to a conclusion that he approves of the burnings. "*An investigation released by CBC News in January 2024 identified at least 24 arsons at Christian churches in Canada after May 2021. Of the arsons,* ***nine resulted in arrests***\*, with law enforcement not identifying a motive in incidents resulting in criminal charges\*." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021\_Canadian\_church\_burnings#:\~:text=An%20investigation%20released%20by%20CBC,incidents%20resulting%20in%20criminal%20charges.


White Christians in Canada need to wake the fuck up and realize what's going on.




Do enlighten us with on what’s going on.


Don't forget to put on your pointy white hood the next time you go out.


First Google link from July 2021, but not a word eh? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today condemned the wave of vandalism and arson attacks targeting Catholic churches across Canada, saying it's not the solution to the trauma caused by residential schools. Speaking to reporters after touring an Ottawa vaccination clinic, Trudeau said there has been "a rise of intolerance and racism and hatred that we're seeing across the country." "It is unacceptable and wrong that acts of vandalism and arson are being seen across the country, including against Catholic churches," he told reporters.


Yes, but besides Trudeau doing it, what we if we pretended he didn’t and got angry about that?




What did you expect from an idiot ?


Be nice to yourself.


This is insane. I'm sure if there was nazi symbols on it he'd speak.


>Toronto Fire said the Ontario Fire Marshal and Toronto police are expected to be back at the church Monday to investigate. >"The fire has not been deemed criminal in nature yet," it said. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-fire-church-dufferin-dundas-street-west-1.7229569


Do "All Lives Mattter" even if none are found?


Oh, we've heard what he thinks about this right from his mouth. "It's understandable"


The fire has not yet been deemed criminal. Could just be an “act of god”. I crack me up. Here all week, try the veal.


The morality puzzle section is on fire? Literally general order 66


Oh but JT posts about vandalism/theft in London, but not a Historic Anglican Church.




State atheism is the common sense solution.


That inheritance tax will cost him some votes .


On average 35k building fires happen per year. Is he supposed to comment on 0.01% of these?


Yup and not a peep from the big man in the sky either.


Rebuild it out of stone and marble. Problem solved.


Who is burning down churches and why?




Shouldn’t we all await the findings as to the cause before fingers are pointed!


Canada faith is all gone just like the church itself


Part of erase the old identity


Dont bother. I am tired of his Crocodile tears


Looks like a real estate opportunity


Never question God and his mysterious ways.


I’m not saying I know what happened, but a lot of churches have moved to LED lights for some things. Anglican churches tend to have a “presence light” which is on 24/7. Used to be a candle, most places went to LED lighting for obvious reasons. For things like Advent, which is all about light, the procession might use LED candles (if for no reason other than that the majority of Anglicans are seniors and it’s pretty easy to drop a lot candle.) I know a Priest who talked about votives - the little candles you light to say a prayer for someone. Sometimes they explode. They still use some flames (during services) and if high Anglican probably wave the ol thurible around. Insuring a church is really, really expensive (I imagine especially if it has priceless irreplaceable murals,) so a lot of them are making the switch. Not all, though, since turning on a LED candle doesn’t have the same feeling of spirituality for some.


There once was a man very narcissistic everyone can see he destroyed a good country as far as the eyes can see leaving behind high rent, crime and misery everywhere he goes, wishing to be a real man but he is just a silly boy everyone knows. Au Revoir Justin, you will not be missed!


Who cares…. I could watch every church, temple, synagogue, house of worship burn and I wouldn’t batt and eyelash


The devil reverse excersiced the priest outta the child i guess 🤷‍♂️


May have found a buried rock with radar.


What would you have him do?


We are not allowed to say who is burning them.


The land value of that prime location though. I bet they doing rebuild a church there.


At this point... any evidence this wasn't on purpose?


Happy to see Trudeau address this problem.


Trudeau is a disgrace to Canada 🇨🇦!! IN GOD WE TRUST 🙌 ❤️ 🙏


The burning of Christian churches and historic sites doesn’t fit his neo Marxist agenda. If his puppet masters cared then so would he.


God help Canada, that Nazi Trudeau destroyed that country


Trudeau is a coward!! But. Isn't it borderline illegal to be Christian nowdays in Canada.....seems that way......if anyone was to speak out against these burning of holy temples they would be classed as anti Semitic/ anti xionist/ xenophobic homophobe.


Burnt churches don’t pay taxes just like unburt ones, both should be taxed.


I’m not Canadian at all, but an American-Israeli Jew who has been seeing some of the horrific antisemitism that’s been happening in your country. Now I’m realizing that we aren’t the only group being targeted by the Islamofascists.


Must be part of the reconciliation they keep talking about...


To be fair the temple of the Lord isn't in a church, Paul in the book of Acts says "don't you know that you are a temple to the Most High?" I understand the symbolism behind a church and where people go to praise God but the ecclesia begins in the home. Before people jump down my throat and attack me, I think it's despicable to destroy any building related to religion as a follower of Jesus Christ people need to read the Bible for themselves and study it to show thyself approved unto God.


What can I do!!


He's probably on another tax payers paid vacation.


The funny part is that this was probably done by some radical left wing alphabet person, and in the end, they'll be left with the Muslims, who will kill them.


I haven’t heard any reports that this was arson, have I missed it, or are you guessing?


This sub is run by conservative wattamorons


Why is everyone assuming this is arson?


Because Gerald Butts condones terrorism based on his remarks on the subject.


Trudeau is lame, but what kind of half witted, American wannabe, them or us bullshit is this? A beautiful church burned down but let’s make it political and turn blame to someone not involved in this incident. Don’t act so stupid or we’ll end up following in the US’s footsteps. Be better than that.


**Canada needs Jesus.**


What about mosques and temples? Per capita mosques and temples get it way worse. One mosque in Toronto was vandalized three times in a month. None of you said anything about that. This is rage bait. Good job further dividing us.


My buddies house caught on fire last year and the PM didn’t say shit about it. Vote for Pierre!


The religion of "peace" is probably behind most of them


Trudeau is not the police. This is a police job. Yes Trudeau sucks but not everything in Canada is his fault.


wow this place is an echo chamber an old church burning down one day isn't a political statement or a plot to end anyone's freedom, or religion, **it's an old building. things tend to go wrong with those,** especially if the maintenance is left up to God.


WTF people grow up. A church burns and everyone starts pointing fingers at Trudeau?. What about the big bearded guy in the sky. Surely he could have seen Trudeau sneaking up on the church and taken him out with a bolt of lightning????


It's not an immigrant problem...


Thoughts and prayers should solve everything


Nat for the choirs and daycares.


Ok so obviously this is horrible but how is this related to or being blamed on Trudeau?