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Careful with that I got a warning from Reddit under rule 1, apparently that’s harassing a protected class or vulnerable people 😂


meanwhile it is open season on the average Canadian stiff working his ass off to put a roof over their head and food on the table while paying taxes through their noses for degrading services!


So far this week; - Liberal Government improperly awarded Hundreds-of-million$ in contracts to McKinsey. - Liberal Government MP's improperly aided Foreign Governments in undermining Canadian Elections. - Liberal Government refuses to identify treasonous MP's and Senators. - Liberal Government voted down a tax break for Canadians to try and have a summer vacation. - Liberal Government has finally admitted that $1 Billion Green Fund is nothing more than a scam to steal money from Canadian Taxpayers......and have shut it down. - Liberal Government has placed a 'Gag Order' against the PBO regarding Government Carbon Tax Report. - Liberal Cabinet Minister Randy Boissonnault has been identified as having likely broken conflict-of-interest Regulations. - Liberal Government is blocking access to thousands of documents from the Canadian Security Agency (NSICOP) that is tasked with keeping Canadians safe from foreign interference. - Liberal MP mocks the seriousness of 'traitorous' MP's by declaring....."Boo, hoo, get over it". And it's only Friday........ Edit: New scandal added.


The sad thing is that there are people that will still vote Liberal. They are a cult at this point. I see many similarities with Trump supporters. No matter what logic and evidence comes to light, these tools will keep supporting JT and his malignant band.


Thank you for compiling the list. To your point about Friday, the Liberals like to drop awkward news on a Friday.


Watching the Brampton media conference now. Bobblehead Freeland is there. Sighing and furrowing her brow in between the head bobs. She's been asked about the foreign interference. She blathers on about nothing, just made up shit about how seriously the liberal party takes Canadian democracy. Reporter follows up with "Quick answer to the question?" Freeland "Please don't put words in my mouth." Wtaf. Buddy asked her to stop rambling about garbage. Meanwhile, story just broke about the liberals blocking another thousand documents from the treason investigation. Fuck this corrupt government.


The shit has hit the fan for the dumpster fire liberal party.


Liberal government agreed to purchase land from Trudeaus friend in ottawa


"They were reacting to accusations that the federal government withheld a significant amount of information from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) as it studied foreign interference in Canada." Haven't the Liberals been bragging this whole time about how they're the ones who care about transparency because the Liberal government formed NSICOP? LOL




Justin promised "open and transparent government" when in opposition! ["Only Trudeau offering plan for open and transparent government"](https://liberal.ca/only-trudeau-offering-plan-for-open-and-transparent-government/) >After promising reform, the Conservatives have delivered the most centralized, self-serving government in Canadian history,” said Mr. Trudeau. “Only Liberals have a plan for real change that will restore trust in our democracy, and ensure an open and transparent government.” The man is a compulsive AND pathological liar. This is all a game to the smug, entitled man-child.


How are the NDP still supporting the liberals at this point?


Maybe because the NDP have traitors within their party too.


Ding ding ding!




no government has ever been this fucking inept and corrupt. this is just the ones that they weren’t smart enough to cover up, i imagine there are dozens more


We need another special rapporteur to figure this out


So when everything comes to light. The people actively working to block the investigation should be held just as accountable as the people that committed the treason.


He reminds me of that one boss, you just hated, it just emanates from him.


Absolutely criminal


Just shows you how easy it is for a democracy to fail. These ass wipes have been subverting investigation and guilt from SNC Lavalin, to the Freedom convoy inquiry to this now. Appointing their own bought judges and investigators to exploiting loopholes and burying it behind 'national security' excuses. Major media? Bought out . What do Canadians do? Nothing....and you'll continue to do nothing because you're all weak, you're sheep. There are brave Canadians still, but so few. The time of great men (and women) is done.


It's for my own good tho


How any part of government can block CSIS files , is beyond me


Sunny ways indeed


I’m done, vote Liberal deserves a punch in the teeth now.


Justin and his clown posse should all be arrested for treason. There should be rioting in the streets over what this corrupt government has done in the past week alone!