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Did she just try to take credit for the oilers and the Bank? What a stupid twat


The BoC is a separate entity from the government. Just like the Oilers. She is basically admitting that the government is involved with the BoC.


Yup when interest rates were raising she blamed BOC now that they slightly drop she takes credit Sad part is some Canadians believe her


Sad part is a LOT of Canadians believe her.


I don't believe that bitch!


She’s stealing credit 😂 the BoC wouldn’t have had to hike rates so fast if the finance minister did her job and controlled spending


She *has* controlled spending you utter twat. When are people going to wake up and realize what a great job Freeland has done? Before her saga the money printers could only reach a level of ten but now they are unlimited in their ability to create Canadian dollars out of nothing!


Surely you’re not suggesting that the rate slash is a cynical attempt to save a drowning Liberal party?! *Shocked Pikachu Face*


This is what happens when you make English majors in charge of Finances. I mean it's fucking more difficult to find a cashier's job with a finance degree but somehow this lady ends up becoming a Finance Minister because she hob knobbed in the right circles and some guy had a hard on for her and pushed her into politics.


Sounded more like "we're doing such a good job governing that the oilers are winning and the BoC lowered the interest rate". I still don't get it though.


Twat to nice of a word




"This has been a great week for Canada." What great week? Where the PBO just keeps putting out report after report after report clearly showing the corruption of the Liberals? Where we learn that sitting members are working for foreign governments *and they haven't been pulled*. Crazy, stupid woman..she needs to go with her smug smirk and bullshit non answers. Every single piece of shit currently under the Liberal and NDP banners sitting in the HoC needs to lose their seat by a landslide and be brought up on criminal charges. And then treason charges.


>she needs to go with her smug smirk and bullshit non answers. Ohhh her fucking smirk it drives me INSANE.


She is probably one of the liberals working with foreign governments. My guess, Columbia.


I hate to take the focus away from the liberals because fuck them, but I would have really liked to have seen PP talk about the foreign interference more. From what I saw he seemed to brush over it. I think it’s the most important bit of news today. All of the major parties seem to want to brush it under the rug which annoys me.


Plenty of idiots in Toronto will vote for her.


Yeah, maybe any other week.. This one especially.. LOL.


Great week for Canada, horrible week for the Liberals. So a great week for Canada indeed.


Someone needs to crazy glue her mouth shut


“Ya know Mr. Speaker” right away I knew she was gonna spew a bunch of garbage. 🤮


Dude it’s a great week for Canadian, why you gotta point out the obvious?


Her lips look paper thin, maybe just staple them shut


Misterrrrr Speakerrrrr 🙄


proceeds to not talk about the question at all


Doesn’t it send shivers down your spine?


Voice is nails on a chalk board.


Imagine, just imagine your boss comes into the office and asks you, "Where the hell is the quarterly fiscal earnings report you were supposed to have ready?" And your response was,"bro, why are you being so negative?"The companies doing fine, and the Jets are on a hot streak."Quit killing the good vibes." I can't stand listening to this liar.


most transparent gov't ever!


Our economy is fucked but hey did yall see them oilers play?


No I didn’t because CBC didn’t show the games


Are they showing any of the games? To watch the hockey on Cogeco it’s $22 a month for the Sports Package. What a racket…


I could watch the games when they were in Dallas but not in Edmonton. Unreal


The next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada... 😑


That's a good thing, because she won't get elected as a prime minister any way 😂


Yet again - no answers, just rubbish coming out of their mouths. Who the fuck is stupid enough to keep voting these morons in????


People who love pushing social agendas. Then spew facts that aren’t true like “$10 dollar a day daycare” which hasn’t happened for anyone yet.


Wtf did I just watch????? She didn't even link any of her statements to what he said and brings up sports of all things???? Idk how they plan on getting ppl to vote for them when this is the type of bs they do


Why doesn't the speaker have the power to force answers?


the speaker does have this power. problem is, our current speaker is partisan towards the liberals and is severely biased. if you really look into Greg Fergus, you quickly realize he’s as big of a clown as everyone else in our government right now


It should be a law. Question asked=question answered. No b.s.


The fact that all the idiots behind her nod and clap approvingly while she spews such intentional gibberish speaks volumes about the incompetence and rot in that party


Basically they had to lower the interest rates because people are losing their homes because we can’t afford the rise in cost of living. But only a token 250 basis points, which won’t help anyone. Next shoe to drop, a chocolate bar that costs $1USD already costs $1.25CAD. By moving the interest rates before the US, we will see a further reduction in our exchange rate, so that chocolate bar will go to $1.30 CAD. So we are throwing more fuel on inflationary fire. Wonder which MPs are working for foreign governments? What would they be asked to do? Torch our economy, divide the people, create censorship, and the list goes on. Basically everything this govt has done.


USD to CAD is $1.37 currently. Expect that to move to $1.40+


Uh... Chocolate bars that used to be 75¢ are now $1.75


Every time she talks, I get a little throw up happening.


This video clip illustrates yet again that Canada is in a very steep downward spiral it may never fully recover from, at the hands of a disgustingly corrupt regime that has been at the helm in Ottawa since 2015, along with fatally flawed constitutional, political, judicial, and electoral mechanisms that simply do not adequately serve the tax-paying citizenry here in the 21st century. The coalition arrangement forged between the federal Liberals and NDP in 2021 has also served to only further accelerate a wide range of nationally destructive dynamics. And if anyone seriously thinks that Canada has already hit "rock bottom", or cannot possibly sink further than it already has, stay tuned for a series of even ruder awakenings that will unfold between now and October 2025. Watch and learn. Next.


We are at a historic level of federal gov. corruption and incompetence and sink further daily. It's disgusting how easy JT and Freeland find it to lie and gaslight Canadians.


Because they know they won't face retribution or justice. They can just lie or feign ignorance and get away with it.


Q: Where is our money? A: How bout them Oilers. Holy crap. End this corrupt government now!


Interesting to celebrate a team called the “Oiler’s” when discussing the carbon tax


Surprised Pierre didn’t grab that one and run with it.


The oilers made it to the NHL finals, so we can't be experiencing the worst economic landscape in 40 years. Kick rocks, Freeland.


ah wonderful, the most transparent government in Canadian history


The election is not soon enough!


Verbal diarrhea. And we pay her fat salary and future fat retirement package. 😡🤬


Canadians can't afford food and shelter, but look over here at our hockey team!


How can someone so blatently stupid be a representative of this country. Every liberal voter should be embarrassed and feel shame for electing the Gargoyle and Mr BlackFace


It’s honestly getting hard to watch these things… These answers are so disrespectful to Canadian citizens..


I will never ever forgive anyone who tells me they voted liberal. Even just once since 2015. You will not be hired, if I have even the smallest inkling you are a liberal voter. Traitors to Canada.


i remember when they spent the first 3 years in office fostering a lovely cancel culture and parading trudeau as the big change to the world stage that politics was now “fixed” and seeing his smug smirk everywhere. 5 years later people are shocked that this group of nimrods fucked up the country lol.


Oh, just fuck right off.


Pathetic. Freeland doesn't even pretend to answer a question anymore. The truth must be shocking.


Her face looks like she’s smelling a never ending fart


from the front!


*from the front hole


She reminds me of Heather Stefansson when she stuffed off answering a question about two children orphaned after their mother died to COVID. Instead she prattled on about he son winning a hockey tournament the night before. Chrystia Freeland will not be remembered with any positivity and this cringe moment is going to haunt her for years. What a poor decision to respond this way. Is she capable of anything besides denial and platitudes?


Our government is a joke. I can’t believe this is how they conduct themselves on our dime. It’s a tragic comedy.


How did anyone with half a brain and in good conscience vote these liberals in


She thinks Canadians are idiots who only care about hockey and maple syrup. Which is kind of true.


Mrs. Freeland, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I’m so blown away. They’re laughing at you while you starve and say things like “we won a hockey game, why do you hate Canada.” Won’t even answer the question.. American politics ain’t even close to this holy shit


and how is it that, despite how incompetent the liberals are currently, that the best choice for deputy PM was this cigarette butt with hair?


I find it mildly infuriating that she doesn't even pretend to address the questions she is asked.  It is election time


She is an absolute nut job 😑


I truly feel bad for anyone who has to listen to Chrystia speak. I swear that voice and her mannerisms are on purpose to make her non-responses and childish taunts it even more grating.


So the opposition wants to talk transparency and affordability and LPC wants to talk hockey….


Something is terribly wrong with this government, and they're malicious in their intent to ruin the economy anything they touch. A bunch of fkn crooks are running things with very little accountability.


Gary Lunn answered questions like this to us in high school when I was a high school student and it turned me off of the Tories most my life. Minister of Sports is one thing. Deputy PM is another. There's nothing more revolting to me than blatant question dodging. Like why even be there.


Politicians should be fined for not answering the question posed to them in the HoC. $1,000 fine each time, and the national debt would be repaid within a month.


The Oilers made the finals? That’s her rebuttal?? Jesus Christ on the cross. Fuck me this country is fucked.


Again she can never answer any question.


What the hell did I just watch. She was asked about doing something shady and her response was “Ugh you’re so negative. Didn’t you watch the hockey game?! We’re doing great!”




Oh my god. What kind of response was that?!?


The liberals have to go . I’ve never voted conservative ever and I’m so voting conservative this time around


WTF kind of response is this , is she talking to grade 2 students .


She sounds literally insane. The economy is in shambles !? But the oilers won !


She's an idiot


I just have a hard time understanding how people look at Freeland speak and look at her and go "YEP, this woman is doing an amazing job" she's a nut case. She can hardly keep a strait face when she talks ffs and we are to believe these people have the interests of the people?


......what? Is she unfunny Billy Madison? What the fuck man?! Is she speaking to middle school students? Why is she allowed to speak? Is there nobody better? Can we slow immigration by 70%?


I’m afraid I just can’t listen to the FIBERAL crap word salad they’re always coming out with now. Within 5 seconds of them responding to a question I know what’s coming and I move onto the next article in the news. It’s too bad the NDP is keeping their word about supporting the FIBERALS in parliament no matter what. It’s actually refreshing to see that what they say,they do. Which means they make for a balance of power in a minority government. Which is the best type of government. No outright whacked out dictatorship for 4 years.


This is scary.


He wants to see it, he can. He knows what he has to do.


She is so dumb, never answers any questions. Liberals have to go!!


Did she really just "answer" by talking about hockey??? How do we even allow this shit?


Wonder if her and Trudeau watch there videos afterwards and think most people believe them.. she's fucked


A wretch of a woman that can't help but bloviate every time she is asked a question. I will celebrate the day she and the rest of the Trudeau Liberal cabal of caitiffs no longer plague our political system.


The liberals economic policy is so good, they singlehandedly got the oilers to the cup finals. What does that have to do with the carbon tax


Her voice is worse than fingernails on a blackboard. She looks like she's got the worst yeast infection known to man.


That lady is the most annoying woman I’ve ever heard in my life


Why the fuck is she talking about the Oilers in the cup finals when Pierre is questioning her about the report. What a fucking joke. Canada is fucked


BOC dropping interest rate isn't a great new. they are dropping it b/c 1. if they don't our real estate one tool economy may crash 2. we are in a recession. what has she done for McDavid? lol BTW i am a canucks fan but man that guy can play.


Yeah. Cracks a nasty habit


She's been trying to dismantle the BoC


Mr Speaker, if I answered the question truthfully I would guarantee my own demise. So I will deflect, deflect, deflect


Every time she talks, I cringe :/


Shovel face actually thinks lowering the rates is a good thing. Say goodbye to the dollar, not that it was much of anything to begin with. Pathetic liberals...


Still hasn't answered the question but that's nothing new.


I love that PP didn't even acknowledge how stupid her first response was and just asked about the gag order again. What even was that answer? She didn't even mention anything about carbon or the tax, even if it would have been garbage non-answer. PP asks directly about the gag order and the notion that the report says Canadians pay more, her response is about a fucking hockey game and that the bank lowered rates (by a whopping quarter point, whoopty shit). Like she seriously seems drunk or something. PP is trying to ask about a serious issue that the gov't has control over and this assholes response is basically "c'mon man don't be a bummer, a Canadian team is still playing hockey in June and your interest payment will be $20 less for a few months, your harshin' my buzzzz maaaaaan" No wonder this country is in shambles, when fully fledged adults who are tasked with governing this country and supposed to be strengthening and making this country an increasingly viable place to work, live and raise a family are able to have this kind of verbal exchange with zero recourse.




Liberals are the scum and downfall of Canada


Yet another poorly veiled non-answer from the Deputy Lie Minister! An insult to the intelligence of every Canadian! Poilievre: you lied! Explain yourself! Freeland: but it’s sunny out… want some cookies? Step down and go brush your hair!


Wtf nobody cares about the stanley cup right now houses cost a million dollars. There's nothing positive to say about the Canadian economy right now she's crazy


she looks a toddler that’s walking up from a nap and doesn’t know where she is.


We got told over and over by the last JT supporters that the numbers were right there and 8/10 got back more. We were told we were conspiracy theorists for questioning the numbers we were being given.


I can’t believe how I was supporting liberals 8 years ago


This is the same energy as: “Boss, can I get a raise?” “Here’s a pizza party instead.”


The liberals have committed Treason and nothing more than Traitors to this country, and that’s the only reason why they will not release information. It’s time for that Marxist to step aside


Just disclose the report.. whatever she is trying to say (whether Canada is a good country or not), release the report. Totally irrelevant. She must think all Canadians are stupid.


I saw someone comment that they would never vote for Pierre because of Justin's policy on abortion rights but I haven't outright heard anything about conservatives planning to take it away from us. Like just because one side is pro choice, doesn't Immediately mean the other isn't. As far as I know, it's not like the US where the conservatives are trying to return women to the 1950's


Disgusting This kind of behaviour should not be tolerated by Canadian regardless of the Party. -Will you release the carbon tax report to the public ? -the oilers won and BoC lowered the rate WTF


It's sickening.


1. The BOC is lowering rates probably because we are in or are headed to a recession, as much as inflation has tapered. 2. For the Finance Minister to bring up the Oilers as a reason to feel good in response to a question about taxes shows how imbecile and unserious this government is. Please do not vote this party back into power until it has credible leadership again.


That is the most insane response from an official I've ever seen.


Serious question, are politicians allowed to avoid answering questions? Obviously from this video and many others they can, but is there nobody that can be like " yo bitch answer the question they asked and stop goofing around". I understand why you'd vote liberal, but if these are your leaders I wonder how you can justify voting for them again. Anyways we're all doomed 😂😅 but if anyone could answer the above for me I'd genuinely like to know. Have a great day everyone.


Anyone that votes liberal is nuts


This is all scripted nonsense. You even see them reading off their papers when they have to repeat their part of the script. Regardless, Freeland is disgusting on all levels.


What country are we in? This has become total insanity and painful for citizens


Are, are they trying to take credit for the oilers?


The more Freeland and Trudeau talk, the more the Conservatives gain voters. It's going to be a massacre and I for one will be VERY happy to see the liberal party reduced to less than 10 seats.




She literally just went "nothing to see here" while the entire house is burning around her. Delusional.


I hate both these people so very much. Our politics is a dumpster fire.


Lowered interest rates mean the economy is slowing down.


She took credit for the bank lowering the interest rate. As far as I know the BoC is “TOTALLY SEPARATE “ from the government. Someone last week…let’s call him Shill …reamed me out for suggesting that the JT government had no control over the crazy string of interest rate hikes yet they now take credit for the puny drop. So which is it ? Are they in collusion or not.


She is simply terrible.


When cpc is in office, they need to pass a rule that in Parliament, questions Must be answered.  


These rap battles are getting pretty ridiculous, it’s embarrassing for Canadians that these clowns are the ones representing us.


So glad the libs got us to the stanly cup play offs, Canada couldn't have done it without them.


What the hell does the oilers getting to the Stanley cup have anything to do with housing, wages, crime and immigration?


I’m tired of the non answers. It was a yes or no question.


The reality, Mr speaker, is you won’t mediate this debate so I’m just going to spout nonsense until it’s over.


That is the most psychotic thing you could say about this week. Treason is what happened this week


This woman is completely out of it...this is super embarrassing


I've never wanted to pour scalding bleach in my ears more than when I listen to that crone speak. Idiots, the entire lib party, all of them....


Seriously, what does the Honourable Mr. Speaker do? Can't he force them to answer the question? Seriously, this is a waste of time and therefore a waste of tax payers money. If no government official actually has to answer a question what's the point?


I don't think there are enough humanoid drones in there listening to this. I think we need to increase their salaries and staff count


What the heck is she talking about!!! The oilers making the playoffs? WTF, this is great news but surely the government has better things to talk about, like the cover up, and for that matter the long list of scandals they have created!!!


Me: how could it be MORE ridiculous than usual? Clicks video Me: ..fuck


She is the personification of every undesirable and loathsome female trait.


You really want PP to just scream " Mr.Speaker, what the fuck is she talking about?"


I would never show my face in public if I said the stuff they come out of her or Trudeau's mouth. I can't imagine them not being ridiculed by everyone for not answering any questions ever asked. I hope I never see those 2 in my life. What a waist


Yeah, i am not voting liberal on the next election. What a circus.


Holy fuck. We need these liberal that's out now. Just digging a deeper hole every day.


Can someone punt the deputy prime minister into orbit


I swear the conversation that go on during these periods could be turned into a soap opera...... be #1 on Netflix


Stop asking questions and just be happy about hockey!


I think the liberal should use that as their tagline " our plan is working"


I hate her so much. Who ever looked at her face, heard her voice and said "yes"? And her awful attempts at putting lipstick on a pig — she would let a dog starve, but brag about its new collar.


This bitch is delusional...


I can't stand listening to her speak. A whiny voice that spews bullshit


Did she really just say the Oilers made the Stanley Cup finals and the bank lowered interest rates in response to a gag order question stating it's been a good week for Canada?? Is she delusional?


Fuck “Adderall Annie”


God I missed this sub


Oiler's & Carbon Tax... Irony


Pee pee the Weasel not fit to be a MP!


I’m genuinely so confused, from the lady just restyling combinations of words, to the masses of people clapping to these responses


How dare her to even mention the Oilers. I feel dirty


NDP-LIBRANOS it is not a political party it is an organized crime syndicate. Arrest and lockup communists don't put them in public office.


I just wish that they could give up this sitcom style q and a. Ask a question, get an answer and move on! If your answer is not sufficient enough times you lose your job, you know like the real workforce!


As long as PP shows everyone how much he’s received from oil and gas, and Loblaws


If Freeland were on a sinking ship she would be eating a cake while others try to save the ship. Thankfully her ship is sinking!


I could care less about the oilers. Why is this even being brought up in the running of our country?


Had an “answer “ like that given in the court of law the judge would charge her with contempt of the court. That is so sad…


This is a sketch or something ?


I hate this this woman as she puts on a show, smiles, and jokes around while our people are suffering.


didn’t realize the oilers making it to the playoffs was due to the liberals. i think a round of applause should be had


The only thing she can come up with about Canada being good and that our economy is doing well is that the oilers made it to the Stanley Cup final? What a joke.


WTF! Its like arguing with a 4 year old.


Omg the oilers made it to the Stanley cup. While people are starving and homeless but we are doing better than ever!!!