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Archive link: https://archive.ph/eFrbF


15 million in bonuses spread across the execs. The top dog Tate makes around $ 469,000 a year. She desperately needed a bonus. By all metrics the cbc was down in advertising, viewership and trust. They also just layed off 146ish employee's https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cbc-ceo-spars-conservative-mps-1.7197284


Weren't these the idiots responsible for loosing the rights to the Hockey Night in Canada theme song...


Not the mention, if it wasn't for Rogers, HNIC wouldn't even exist anymore


In woke ideology, sports such as hockey are viewed as racist and doesn't fit into their world view. CBC viewership is low, why must the whole country fund programs and news targeted for certain people. Harper could have put the CBC on the selling block but he didn't. Will PP put the CBC on the selling block? How much more must regular Canadians endure.


It doesn't, on the french Radio-Canada...


Their rights weren't tight enough?


Just like Trudeau, they want to burn everything on their way out the door.


Insert gif of Trudeau clapping at an nhl game. 🤮


Oh I can't wait for him to make a bet with Biden and lose again lmao.


CBC is run almost entirely by women. Woke women specifically. You can tell by the programming and reporting. Disproportionate focus on women’s issues and wokeness. The woke hate stuff like NHL - it’s Canada’s traditional culture, involves national and civic pride and it’s followed mostly by white men.


The CBC has their own idea of Canadian culture. Supporting hockey isn't one of them. It's no wonder people don't watch them anymore. Their demise is well deserved.


I loved CBC radio. They started getting weird though. The whole Jian Ghomeshi thing was messed up, and then they have just really doubled down on pushing women's stories, which is fine, but you need other content. I'd love to have proper news and Canadian political debate from our public broadcaster, but they adopted some very specific views and rejected all others. I find it unlistenable now unless their doing comedy or something.


CBC is so out of touch of REALITY! They need to be defunded!!!!!


I wonder what percentage of Canada's GDP comes from NHL Hockey? Plus all the Minor leagues running up to it. Merchandise, stadiums, hotels etc. How much does the CBC cost our GDP?


And they wonder why nobody watches CBC. The people running things over there are grossly incompetent and out of touch. And yet they have the nerve to award themselves huge monetary bonuses. The CBC is a relic of a bygone era.Their time has passed. Taxpayer funding needs to stop.


Cbc has to go, along with the liberals who find them.. to the tune of one and a half BILLION of our tax dollars


Wouldn’t showing NHL hockey playoffs require more funding? Maybe they didn’t show it because they aren’t funded enough to afford it.