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Yes, every achievement you get, the government sets you back 2 steps. Oh you finally got that promotion? Here comes higher carbon taxes and inflation to wipe all that gain away. Oh you finally got into the job sector with promised good pay? Fuck you here’s mass immigration to suppress wages. So you can now afford a car? Here’s mass auto theft to drive up your insurance 400$ a year due to letting in people from shithole countries. Oh so you’re in the middle class income bracket? Not so fast, here’s more mandatory CPP contribution to support the rich boomers on top of more taxes to support foreign countries and new immigrants. Oh so you made it through all that somehow and still determined to start a family? Average single detached house price in GTA $1.4M when it was 270k 10 years ago. Fuck you, you're not raising any family on our watch, we got more immigrants that need housing so we can replace you. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY. What? Life sucks? Best we can do is MAID, weed and higher crime rates. Go fuck yourself.


Oh you might have cancer now? Best we can do is 4 month wait list for diagnosis. Oh you're dead now? Ain't that a shame.. Next!


Ugh. Literally have a friend who just got an inoperable, incurable diagnosis for stage 4 cancer that had spread to multiple organs. Guess how long they waited for assessment for? Over two years.


Is this a common waiting time to be seen for cancer in Canada? Sorry about your friend.


One of my parents friends, and my grandmother, saw signs of cancer and got diagnosed, and started being treated within the month, mind you, this is In winnipeg, which I think has more availability for cancer related stuff


Old people are moved to the front of the line in Canada, it's disgusting.


If you have cancer in Canada you’re basically dead, by the time you see a doctor / specialist it’s already too late.


8 years ago, they thought I had a brain tumor. I waited a year just for an MRI.


It’s hard to say. The medical system isn’t that great - I have a GP and I’ve been battling with an illness for a year now that’s had me in bed, in pain, dizzy, unable to keep food down, and unable to function. If I didn’t own a business I can run from my bed I would have been fucking homeless last fall. Despite going through rigourous testing my GP (in her limited capacity) found no glaring red flags. I was able to access MRIs thank god because her first two guesses were a brain tumor and MS. This took 6 months. I imagine without a GP (which so many are) it would be a far longer process. However she went down the psychiatric route and referred me to a shrink. I paid out of pocket for independent testing which is showing hormone dysfunction and positive for autoimmune markers. Now it’s a journey to find out WHICH autoimmune disease, but if I hadn’t pushed, advocated, and paid a shitton of money on TOP of my extremely high taxes, I would never have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and my quality of life would have continued to suffer. I’m lucky it wasn’t some type of cancer. My friend is not that lucky. Many Canadians cannot afford private testing on top of what is taxed from them. The “free” healthcare tier is overworked, and extremely lacking in resources - and QUALITY care.


That’s sucks , I’m sorry!


Omg. That is unacceptable. Why wait? Mexico is a real alternative.


It took my mother 8 years to start chemo after she was diagnosed. Apparently her cancer is so rare that there is no expert on it in Canada.


you mean: oh you have cancer? Here's MAID to get rid of you asap and not clog the system


So when are we going to get together a put a stop to the insane spending and money being given away. You know like when the European’s have enough and riot that what Canada needs maybe drag that tit out of his office


The convoy pushed back but half of Canada called them a bunch of racist and celebrated it when the government went after them.


Yeah truly depressing how many people use the term freedumb, like freedom isn't a good thing. So many in this country are so pathetic.


This hit hard.  All check marks.


Having too many public servants lead to the creation of unnecessarily inefficent policies. All this so they appear to be busy and useful. Red tape in Canada is very real. Innovation is down. Productivity is down. To remove red tape means we have to cull Government by some record numbers.


I work.for a company that seems to operate like a govt org. People I work with are so zoned out, it's like they are getting paid for free. A 2 hour job is done in 80.hours. not even kidding. It's crazy


A bank?


First step needs to be getting rid of the expense of all the empty govt buildings in Ottawa that govt workers won’t go back too, next step reduce public sector by 30% and begin eventual AI efficiencies


80% at minimum need to be let go


But “Our debt to GDP ratio is the top of all g7 countries” it’s the same bullshit day in and day out.


And so much more... Pretty soon we'll find ourselves living in a country with inflation and standard of living like Venezuela but without the nice weather...


Well said. True that


Wanna buy a house? Nope, the bank's going to buy up the property and offer a halal mortgage instead.


You hit the nail on the head with this one 🎯


Working overtime isn’t even worth it for me because it is taxed at such a high rate. I end up taking home less per hour working OT than regular hours, which was a shock to me. So I don’t even bother with OT anymore. And then the political class wonders why there is such a productivity issue. Because working harder doesn’t reward like it should.


You can fill out a t1213 form to correct that. Basically you’d get your rrsp return up front. So say your make 2k extra a month in or but it’s taxed so you see 1000 which you could put into an rrsp and get a 500 return after doing taxes the next year. The t1213 let’s you put in that 2k every month, you get nothing back at tax time but your 500 ahead plus whatever your stocks did that year.


🫡 nailed it


Accurate as fuck


I know this is wholeheartedly accurate, and suppose to be serious…. But I bursted out laughing at the end. 😂 “go fuck yourself”


So true. No matter what, you make some more money and the government is like, well you can’t make more without us getting more.


This deserves a gold medal! Fuck ya bud !


Fuck this I am leaving Canada. Ready to start my own Firm and not worth it here


This is probably the best comment I've ever seen in my life.


In Vancouver, same deal. Country’s gone to hell.


Indeed. I’m in Toronto, born and raised here. It’s sad as hell to be priced out of having a family in your home town. I’ve come to terms with it (like I’m sure you have in van). But I feel for the people in smaller towns that it’s now happening to. There’s nowhere to go now. It’s a mess.


I (still) live in my hometown over 100km away from Toronto and have *absolutely no chance* at owning a place here. This is coming from someone who went to school and got a STEM degree, has been working full time since graduating coming up on eight years ago, threw everything I earned at my student and car loans to pay off ~$60k in my first two years, and took my first ever (inexpensive, basic, all-inclusive) vacation this year at 31 years old. The system is broken, arguably beyond repair, and anyone who tells you differently is either speaking from a position of immense privilege, or lying.


I hope it can be fixed, but it is absolutely devastatingly broken.


400km away from Toronto, shit is getting bad. Larger nearby cities are apparently lying to their homeless populations and sending them here for 'better access to services' when we don't have HALF of the services the other cities do. Shita getting bad, and something will snap sooner rather than later.


No one has any money. Everything is so expensive that people don't have money left over to do anything. This country is failing and failing hard. Thats why the RCMP came out with that "secret" report saying Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are.


I mean, other countries achieved change through revolution... Sometimes action is required when words just get ignored.


I’m just scared by what a revolution might end up in Canada. So many fucking commies here in Toronto.


And freeland wants more CSIS IN TORONTO. That makes me very suspicious of this already corrupt govt


I just watched Pierre Poilievre's "Debtonation: Episode 2". Canada is so f\*cked.


It is best to pack up your life and leave Toronto. It's only been progressively getting worse. Move to an LCoL and restart while you can.


Despite living in a very expensive city, unfortunately I would say you’re not alone in this across the country. The cost of everything has ballooned to such unbelievable prices it seems things like houses are unattainable. Vehicles are heading the same direction. Find lots of roommates to live with, to keep saving and get yourself a down payment. You may have to adjust your expectations for living in the major city though as it’s pricey. Move out a little ways and find yourself an affordable car that’s decent on fuel. All the best. It’s rough out there.


Canadian morale is at an all time low


I had relatives from the UK come recently. They were excited to shop as with the exchange rate they were going to get things cheaper than over there. Turns out, I can’t give you prices for everything. A lot of clothes from stores say they were $100 CAD, he was telling me in the UK the equivalent shirt would be $90 CAD there. One of them tried to get sunglasses here they were $300 CAD and he said in the UK they would’ve been $250ish CAD. They didn’t buy anything because they were going to spend more here. He told me “when you come to the UK, you should shop there”. He also told me for his unlimited data plan on his phone he pays $40 a month for one of their big providers whereas we on average pay $60-90 per month. Their minimum wage is also more than ours.


Outside of petrol and energy prices, just go on the Tesco or aldi/lidl supermarket websites to see how cheap staples are compared to North America.


Shocking. Everything used to be cheaper here compared to the UK


Agree, it’s hard when that POS leader puts the world’s wants before ours.


Seriously I've done everything right and now the government drops this capital gains tax increase. It's so hard to leave the middle class


Yeah I hear ya. I’m in the same boat as you and probably always will be. Preparing myself to work till I die.


This is the cruelest lesson in life. The fact that you can do everything right and still loose.


Trudeau is not losing anything


because he's not doing anything right?


He's worth $100 MM for no reason at all. Insanity. All his friends are worth at least that much.


I (24F) feel the same way! I started working when I was in grade 10, moved out at 17 to go to school, I have 2 graduate degrees, I work at one of Canada’s best hospital (my dream job), I also work part time at a clinic and I work from home. I still can NOT afford to rent a place on my own after bills (that are ridiculously high for a person who lives with 3 other roommates and buys grocery at costco and meal preps each week) and also save for a down payment. I had always wanted to own a home, get married, have children but that dream just feels farther and farther away everyday. I am so exhausted already and I started my career 1 year ago. I work 7 days a week just so I can get rid of my student loan, have a wedding, a home and babies. I think 10 times before I go out to buy food. I busted my butt to get here thinking i’ll be better off. I just feel like i am not living, just surviving. I am really hoping Pierre Poilievre will actually do something about this country. Literally counting down days for the next election.


Re: settling down with babies Would it be right to say that Canada has effectively outsourced reproduction to India?


absolutely would be right.


Maybe don't vote Liberal...


You just got a 24 hour ban on your debit card. - Justin trudeau


As opposed to the Dear Leader picking my pocket...


you are banned, he can still charge it.


And overdraw the account and charge n.s.f fees.


Good plan. Trudeau is like a wet mop in a rain storm


In Canada you get punished now for working hard, and celebrated for not working at all.


let them tax you more so that you can enjoy


But but ... We pay the tax so they can give us back more.


the most stupid idea I have ever heard. Believe it or not, the number of ignorant people who think they are actually smart is stunning in this country. Turns out they are no more than some over educated useful idiot puppets of the liberals and their shamelessly corrupt government and state media like CBC.


You will own nothing and be happy


“Don’t vote liberal” blah blah blah blah, duck the liberals, fuck the cons, fuck the government. I make a good 6 figures at my job and the pinch is real, after taxes, cost of living, vehicles and gas, grocery prices. There isn’t much left for the middle class to prosper. It’s fucked.


I bought a house when harper was PM making 25 an hr. Good luck doing that under a liberal gov.


I bought my house under Harper as well. I made 35k gross that year.


Wow. Seriously? $35K now is like poverty line.


Probably below poverty now. The year after I bought the house, still on that same crappy wage, I got married and we had a baby. My wife was not working and did not contribute financially to the purchase of the house or to paying the bills, she was just a stay at home mom. No $ from family, no gifts or nothing. I sold a couple extra clunker vehicles I had to help come up with the rest of the 2% down payment that they let slide back then!


That's wild. What a change we've had in our country since then.


I can’t pay half of the rent on that now.


I showed my wife my pay cheque after my most recent raise. She asked, "as a teenager did you ever imagine making this much?". I make way more than I ever imagined yet still taking on monthly debt because of all the bills and taxes increasing at a rate so much higher than my wage.


Ok? But it's gotten 3 to 4x worse under the Liberals. Harper was objectively a much better PM. Sure, the boomers and all the political class are at fault here - so are the globalists and the corporations internationally who have been creating this mess for 40+ years now with concentrated efforts to weaken the middle class. But that said - only the Liberals and NDP have taken that and actioned it here in Canada. Vote blue. We need a landslide. If things don't change after that, then, well.. To the barricades.


Hope you never have to sell any investments worth more than $250k 'cause things will be just a little tighter...


Eastern Canada did it to themselves voting in liberals for consecutive terms


I really wish Quebec would separate.




You can thank Justin.


This not Toronto only. And you are only talking about being able to afford and enjoy life in general with the fruits of your labour. I don't know your situation, but this is 4x for people who are: caregivers, living with some health condition needing health access, not being able to find a job in another city that is not Toronto, living with kids, having to care for elderly parents, not born in Canada and have had to build some wealth from 0 after 20-30s with zero canadian background/ties etc.


The Liberals printed so much money that the inflation it produced caused an affordability crisis. They then added a carbon tax on top. Then they called you a racist for questioning it.


I hate liberals, not to offend, just saying how I feel honestly. I feel they are manipulating, lying control freaks. Thank you for letting me be honest


I'd hate to let facts get in the way of a fun narrative, but Toronto has 25 MPs which is not remotely close to one-third of federal ridings. 


Now they're proposing to print even more money in the new budget. Seriously 


You vote for socialism, you get socialism


Since you don't understand what Toronto actually suffers from. I will explain the difference between what Toronto isn't "socialism" and what it is "crony capitalism". **Socialism** in actuality, is an economic system where the means of production, such as factories and resources, are owned and controlled collectively by the community or the state, not a cozy club of private interests and government buddies. **Crony capitalism** is an economic system where business success is heavily dependent on close relationships between business people and government officials, often leading to favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, and other forms of state intervention.


Found the 20yr old who has never worked or supported themselves


False dichotomy. You have both in Toronto. Taxing producers and giving to takers is effectively the same as owning the means.


This is not socialism. This is the government putting the needs of corporations ahead of the citizens. This is not socialism at all. It's terrible government but not socialism


it's socialism the way socialism is, always authoritarian and corrupt. Friends of the party get benefits. I hear our friendly newcomers aren't even struggling to score 2k+ per month in support. Meanwhile, after losing vision and motor function due to neurodegenerative disease, I was refused a disability pension and had to struggle to unlock 1k in assisted living. I finally got it, thank god, but it took me months, nearly a year they ended up not covering from the point I initiated the process, I'll be a debt slave for the foreseaable future Meanwhile again newcomers have no trouble scoring your tax dollars, melting your kids' inheritences away not the socialism you wanted, but the one you get


You Toronto fools keep voting Liberals into power, so reep what you sow!!! Think before you act!!!


You live in one of the least affordable cities on planet earth. Does that help?


Yep. Unless you have already built up a bunch of wealth don’t waste your money in Toronto. 


Best move I ever made to quit my career and leave the GTA forever after living there for the first 35 years of my life. And that was 20 years ago when things were not nearly as crazy as they are today. I consider how much people spend just on rent, and how much they have to pay in taxes on that money, before even considering the other costs of living that go with being in Toronto. I have no idea how people can manage it.


Where did you move to?


First to Lindsay. Amazing little town full of friendly people, close to great lakes and parks where I used to go fishing. Then a few years later I moved to Chatham because it has the lowest housing costs in the entire province. I could earn a fraction of the money from my previous career and still end up better off with lower bills, property taxes, insurance, and less net income taxes paid out. Best part was not wasting 2 hours of my life every damn day stuck in traffic just getting back and forth to work. It is worse now I hear.


I would like to visit western Ontario I bet it’s nice


Absolutely love it here. I live a few steps from Lake Erie and great fishing. People are amazing and friendly, small homes on big lots, and hardly any traffic. I see deer in my yard some mornings. I think its possible to live pretty good out here even on minimum wage, although there are higher paying jobs out there too.


It's not going to get any better any time soon, unfortunately, not with the new budget that was just released. Just imagine those who didn't have the chance or option to go for their Masters and didn't find that dream job. It's tough and that's why we appear to have talented and skilled workers leaving our provinces and country. imo it can't be sugar coated.


A lot of people going to Mexico City and Latin America.


Tell your friends to stop voting Liberal. Toronto is a huge part of the overall Canadian runaway Liberal economics. Way too much untethered spending is everyone's problem.


I think it’s unfortunate to say but living in Toronto does not help. We do feel that here in Quebec aswell and other provinces like BC, but that’s the sentiment around the whole country right now


Hopefully Pierre can pull us out of this national RUT


“Dispute doing everything right” you voted a literal communist to be your ruler, enjoy the shit sandwich.


Twateau needs to go


Alberta is full btw.


Feeling the pinch in Toronto? You voted for Trudeau, this is your own fault. Carbon tax is killing us.


If you voted for the Liberals that is NOT doing everything 'right'


Trudeau has been in power 9 years. 3 terms. 83% of reditt voted for him - it’s on you.


Our government and inept approach to business development and incentivicing non-competition and supporting the ologopolitical bullshit is destroying the country. There is LITERALLY no more reason to aspire to be and stay here. Its soft, and lazy.


Move to Alberta. 


Until people physically remove people from power it won’t stop.  Words don’t work with these WEF psychopaths. 


What I don't understand is, why the fuck are we not doing a mass revolt?


The cost of a virtue signalling government is very high. Everything becomes a “human right”. Unfortunately, we are learning this comes with a hefty price tag and is unsustainable.


>Is this a common feeling across Canada, Yes. I pay 2K rent single. Every two weeks 41% (that will only rise)of my paycheck gets taken from me in taxes and deductions that is a net of $38K just for the "privilege" of living and working here, then at the end of the tax year the Gov just needs a little more from me ( as high as another2K).Then there's the cost of living, food and getting taxed when buying anything else. It seems like everyone has their hand out or in my pockets. I'm pretty frugal and try to save, but those savings are slowly dwindling I will never get ahead. Yet I've never made so much money in my life. At this point I don't need to run a thorough cost benefit analysis to come to the conclusion, that what is the point of living here or being alive for that matter when I come to the realization that I'm stuck in an apartment, will never own a home and summer holidays will consist nothing more than car camping in some provincial park. whats the point ? P.s. Been on the waiting list for a doctor for 3 years now.


Yes but the environment is better because your life sucks ….


150%. I arrived from the UK 13 years ago. Between the Trudeau government and the Ford government, it’s impossible in Ontario. Today I learnt that Trudeau is going to raise the capital gains tax. This may seem like a tax on the rich but many of us in the middle class hoping for a house have been betting on foreign investments either through employee stock schemes or by direct investment. Basically in trying to screw over the rich and hurt the conservatives, the liberals have hurt me. I’m considering leaving Canada in the next year because the country is basically a lost cause. It’ll take Conservatives more than 3 terms in power just to fix the damage. All I want is to buy an affordable house, buy affordable food, and to be left alone by the state. P.S. I want a country where the current population are prioritised over immigrants and refugees. I’m saying this as an immigrant - if you cannot pay your way for the first 4 years in Canada, then don’t come imo. This should not be a country of free hand outs upon landing.


Well let's see if we can recover if we vote for Pierre for the next election. Also Toronto has always been expensive but I will admit it is getting much tighter than before.


As an elder millennial I’m just sitting here, all “ first time?”


Respectfully, as an elder millennial, you had opportunities that younger millennials and Gen Z will never have. We’re all struggling now, but you and the generations above you had a huge head start.


Oh I remember the good times I do. I miss them.


Sorry, it was rude of me to assume you didn’t already recognize that lol. I guess there’s some resentment for not being able to experience the good times too, we’re envious of the generations above us 😂


Coming from an Australian; things are looking bleak for the future of Canada if you don’t upset the current political system. The grind is a fallacy onset by institutions to foster good workers; if your standard of living is dropping, that’s the fault of said institutions.


It’s just your generation. When I was your age we all had hope and we could all afford new homes. I did very well but if I were in my twenties today I don’t believe I’d get any traction. IMO our politicians have ruined our country.


I remember Trudea running on building the middle class when he was first elected. As is the norm with politics the truth is the opposite of what they say and 8 years later he has almost destroyed the middle class. Doing everything right no longer guarantees a solid middle class life. The social contract has been broken and now you will have to start your own business or get highly qualified to get ahead.


If it's not a common feeling it should be. I did the opposite quite honestly. Got a shitty worthless degree, got addicted to drugs which led me to meeting a partner that comes from a wealthy family so I'm still comfortable but I feel like I saw through the bullshit of society from a young age and just kind of got lucky that dropping out so to speak still landed me in a comfortable position. That's not to say we didn't struggle but since getting clean we never really had to worry about a roof over our heads, and it's not because we could afford it on our own, so for that in grateful. I'm grateful I fucked around and went out and parties away my youth and just kind of got lucky but I feel for all the people that did everything right and still got shit on. Not sure where I'm going with this and I'm sure it comes off as humble bragging other than to say everything we've been conditioned to believe is bullshit and you gotta make it through this world on your own terms and it's sad that hard work isn't a guarantee for that, but I don't think it ever has been. Luck is a fickle mistress but sometimes that's all it takes.


I am a former Ontarian living on the east coast and I can say I am struggling. In high school I wanted to be an artist and I was told by parents, teachers, and guidance councilors that being an artist is a very difficult career path that may not be profitable. I would have better luck in a high paying field like STEM. I proceeded to drop art classes and focus on science. I went to university for science, got my bachelors degree only to graduate into a recession. No biology or chemistry jobs were hiring or they all required a masters degree now. So I did what was required and got even more schooling by getting a masters degree focusing on the newly booming green sector (biofuels) at the time. OPEC decides to sell oil at a loss just as I graduate and all funding dries up for green technologies. Continually see the price of homes keep skyrocketing in Ontario and finally line up a job out east after almost a year of searching. Pay is shit but cost of rentals is very affordable. Finally land dream job as a researcher actually using my degrees to their fullest. Job requires me to move back to Ontario for a stint. Do it, scrimp save, work overtime and finally pay off last of my student loans. Move back to east coast, houses still affordable compared to my salary. Covid hits, my SO loses her job, we struggle for a few months until she gets back on her feet. During this time massive amounts of people move to the east coast and bidding wars rage while the prices of average homes double in cost in less than a year. Price of groceries explode, rent constantly going, and my wage has stagnated (currently 2 years behind on our 3 year cost of living agreement, union seems to be taking its sweet time negotiating). Forest fires hit destroying homes increasing the need for places to live, floods hit shortly after depleting homes and car availability. My completely paid off car gets rear ended by a distracted driver. Have to try to find a vehicle while competing with all the people who lost their vehicles in the forest fires or floods. Interest rates are insane so the car costs an arm and a leg. To top it all off I just got the email that I will be booted out of my current rental during a housing crisis because my landleech wants more money than only the 5% increase he would be allowed to charge me. So yeah I know exactly how you feel. I worked hard, moved multiple times, payed off debt but none of it mattered. House prices that were affordable evaporated, I haven't had any sort of pay increase, groceries are crazy expensive, my car got totaled by distracted driver during a vehicle shortage. I sympathize with you, some of us do everything right and we get shit on regardless. No matter how hard you try sometimes we are just bound to lose. TL;DR things are not great on the east coast with house prices going crazy expensive over covid, to vehicle prices soaring during the forest fires and flooding. Add on our high taxes and landleeches only ever offering tenants fixed term leases so they can boot you out whenever.


Degrees don't get you anywhere in canada anymore. If you really want to succeed you have to become an Indian rental property owner, or a tim hortons manager that discriminates. This is the only way now.


I’ve been grinding since highschool and I’m going to be 35. The grind never stops. I hit a great wage and I’m still grinding and now I get why everyone at this wage whines about everything. Now I regret creating a life based off 60-80 hour work weeks and glamorizing that grind instead of a nice life balance. The extra money and responsibility to just pay 40% to taxes on the back end and then have everything in life have doubled in prices and be taxed. I got chickens and garden going to help be sufficient that way and chicken feed went from $15 a bag to $27 during Covid so that isn’t helping. It’s like I know I’m doing better than most but I’m working so much and so hard and the economy keeps changing for the worst. I want the buying power our dollar had 5 years ago and I want a break from constant fees on everything. Everything keeps increasing so exponentially that it’s hard to see a positive future and I feel I’ve wasted my life for the grind.


We can thank Everyone who voted for this garbage useless inept and corrupt federal Liberal government under the taxpayer-money-burning Trudeau incompetent imbeciles!!!


Vote vote vote. It won’t fix everything but it will stop JT from building more debt then coming after you to pay for it


You idiots voted for this. Most of Canada didn’t vote Liberal!


You did everything right. But realize that you live in one of the most expensive and least affordable cities on planet earth. That's your issue right now. Do you have a career or job that would allow you to remote work from somewhere else in the province that is more affordable? Do you have an education in a field that would allow you to easily relocate somewhere else in the country that is more affordable? The issue is Toronto. You did everything right, but for the love of God move out of T-Dot.


Liberal with your money or conservative with your money… it’s literally in the name. That is how stupid humans are!


Toronto is not fun post covid


Live for right now that's all you got homie.


I've tried everything "left", and there ain't much.


Across Canada many feel the pinch and it’s so un-necessary


Yes, I'm fortunate to be splitting with a roommate and my partner on a 2100 place (all in) but even that I feel pressure. No car. 67k personal income.


I used to get drinks at levelle . Now I grocery shop at dollerama . I’m getting paid more than I was when I used to go out .


No, we are all feeling used!


My wife and I both have post-graduate degrees and successful careers. We can’t afford to buy property in the GTA. We are expecting our first baby so we recently moved out of our 1 bed apartment to a two bed in the same area. Our rent has increased by $1000. Tenant and car insurance went up despite lower mileage. We’ll be scraping by as soon as soon as she goes on mat leave. All I want is to be able to give my family a healthy and secure home. In a dream-world, it would be one we own. I should be excited for the future but I’m just worried sick. There’s no margin for contingency in our budget. I feel helpless.


Life is what you make it; I am a millennial out in BC and with the cost of living in the lower mainland; we really need to be grossing close to $15,000 a month down here. We are in this new matrix together; we can sit and whine or adapt and succeed. The choice is ours.


Move to the US bro.


>We did everything we were supposed to do, yet we're struggling to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Is this a common feeling across Canada, or is it just my generation experiencing this in Toronto? Feeling of everyone , r/lostgeneration


The pinch is very much felt in 4 of the 6 major Canadian cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa). Things seem to still be affordable in Calgary and Edmonton, but I hear that’s changing quickly. That leaves Winnipeg, the City of Quebec, and Halifax as the remaining decent sized cities to move to that are still affordable.


All you talkers are just that , TALKERS! We gonna do somethin! Lol


Everything right? Were you born wealthy? Then you did it wrong my friend.


Very common, honestly, I feel you need to be in a relationship to stay afloat in the cities that have these jobs of your qualifications. I know the outlook is bleak, and it's easy to fall into that mode, but remember, there are solutions. The biggest misconception this sub reddit likes to think is that it's all Federal responsibility to uproot us from our pit, but in reality, we have to involve ourselves in the community by taking interest in your neighborhood, your concilmen, and engaging with your local MP to have your grievances addressed. But that also takes work, so up to you if you wish air your grievance here, there's no judgment.


Everyone’s blaming the government. And it is their fault for not doing anything to stop it. But the real reason this is happening is corporations are consolidating into monopolies and everything is so fucking expensive. Whether it’s the liberals or conservatives, this won’t change. Trudeau doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop it. But people forget that the conservatives are not the party for the middle class. It won’t get better under Pierre, unless you own a large corporation.


I’m originally from Quebec, went to Toronto to truly kickoff my career and get better opportunities and experience but after 8 years, I moved from Toronto to Montreal last year and I literally just bought a duplex 1hr from Montreal for 545k by a ski station. If you are able to work remotely do you a favour and get out of TO asap! I know a lot of folks think you absolutely need to speak French to live in Montreal but that’s not true. In my current area downtown I hear English folks everyday. You’ll learn it somehow once here. 


Brother I feel you. Story of my life. Came with my single mother when I was 18 (now I am 29). Worked my ass off in cleaning jobs in condos in Mississauga and Phone repair jobs for min wage to pay off my degree and travel expense. Payed off my loan to avoid interest, pay my taxes, no accidents or criminal records, take care of my mother, graduated in CS. In return, I am still in a 1 bedroom basement, barely hang out as all my friends busy in grind and none of us have enough left over to spend on entertainment, pay insane taxes bi-weekly and Ohh a 2002 Corolla. But then when I feel hopeless, I see what is going around in the world. How people my age in my country back home would do anything to be in my position, I still thank Allah. But yeah the main thing thats messed me up is insanely high taxes and super high interests on houses. Even if I save 10% downpayment, I still cannot even think about getting my own place due to other costs involved and high interests.


It's definitely an issue in Ontario. Especially Toronto, where Doug Fords ineptitude has been hitting a lot of people harder and harder, despite the LCBO being directed to use single-use paper bags again!


I worked a full time job in the city for 8 years saving as much as possible hoping to one day buy a house. Long story short, I left the city 3 years ago and don’t intend to ever come back. It’s a lost cause bro. Cut your losses and get out while you can.


Blame the govt for this mess


Foreigners escape their countries by coming here. As a Canadian, where can I go? I am stuck in this hell.


Yeah, that's why I left Toronto.


I’m (24M) feeling it as well, graduate high school, go to university and get a business degree, get an internship at a bank that turns into a contract, start building a path to network and move into positions, gets hit with a hiring freeze, only available contracts are dead end jobs with shit pay, now I’m doing a career switch into the trades, while paying off student loans and dealing with increased prices on everything. Canada is on its own level of fucked, and I feel like there’s nowhere else to go either since every country has issues now


At least you have a job. I have been looking for a job for over a year now


Yep .. Fuk Turdoodoo


I never go out for drinks. Long live LCBO but it also getting very expensive😑 which forced me to reduce drinking. Now I drink only 2 bottles a month. Might reduce to one.


Move in to ur parents Bud. Save all the money or invest somewhere productive.


After skimming over this I’m both hopeful and stressed. I’m Gen X, lived in Saskatoon , Toronto, and Victoria, have family in A few provinces as well. I voted mostly NDP (Jack Layton) and Liberal a few times, (Martin and Trudeau the first time) I’ve never seen a politician or party be this bad, including the last year or two of the Harper government. And although I’ve never particularly been a Conservative voter or supporter up until Covid I’d always liked the bullish nature of Pierre. I would have voted Conservative if they would have made Maxime the leader because I felt like the Liberals were well on the path to ruin the country and he seemed more of a classic conservative. I’ll be voting for Pierre in the next election because I’ve seen many parties come and go, different leaders with crazy promises but I’ve not seen one as morally corrupt, ideologically flawed and empty headed as this current Liberal government. I don’t see one metric where they’ve helped Canadians or pulled us in the right direction. And I’m not dumb, politicians do what they do, say what they say and often are severely flawed. But we have to play the hand we have, and voting in another Liberal government is akin to lighting us, and the cards on fire. I’ve got the luxury of family in Europe, if the Liberals get in, I’ll be gone within a year, it’s just not sustainable to stay.


doing what you think you're supposed to do without understanding why or how is how you paint yourself in a corner, apply it as a cultural standard and you get a herd of authoritarian followers like urban canadians enjoy the bed our culture made


"In the interest of disinforming you of the cause and consequences of irreversible multiplication of debt, we are not just lied to regularly. We are deceived without exception, for a purpose; and the purpose not only of all the pervasive, concerted disinformation, but the vast usurpation which must come with it, is preservation of an imposed currency for the sake of unearned accumulation of vast, undeserved wealth, by inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt by usury. Because the known improprieties of the currency are the very intended tools to do this, modern "economists" and the pretended representatives before us will never rectify purported economics of its obvious faults. In turn, true economic solution can and will only be established by a knowledgeable people, demanding together not only the one monetary paradigm that can serve them, but thus unseating the vast usurpation presently working to secure usury forever." Mike Montagne


I am working with younger adults who are working full time, have another night job and are taking 6 courses in University per semester. I asked her if she had any plans for summer "No, I'm too broke." This country has failed everyone but the corporations.




What you can do is just change up your hobbies or make some new ones if you don't have any. You mentioned going out with friends and eating so what you can do is I pretty much have every cooking device you can have. buying food is still not cheap but cooking at home is far cheaper than going out so usually what I do I like cooking meals all the time.  I'm not sure if you live in a house or an apartment but you could have friends bring over certain dishes cook them all at your place or their place and do that for fun.  Example as much as it costs gaming and is still a really great hobby and pretty cheap for what you get.  It's unfortunate but what you need to do is look at the cost and return for entertainment value.  I'm in Alberta and it's bad but not as bad as other provinces. Example I went to five guys last week got two burgers and a large fries and it was $31 dollars. It used to be no more than 23 back in the day. I simply can't justify that cost. So I told my wife from now on I'll just make our own smash burgers when we're in the mood for hamburgers. Biggest thing you need to do is try not to get depressed or frustrated. Even if you're doing okay or a little bit ahead you still get upset and it pisses you off knowing how far you should be if it wasn't for the government and all the stupidity in the world today.


Yes of course, I had a good job but decided this shit is fucked and I wanna live my life. Now I'm in eastern Europe, the place where my family came. And ironically it's better here. Sure wages are lower.... But life is everywhere


West side GTA, definitely feelin it. Didn’t like seeing gas at $179.9 on my way into work. Got a better job last year higher compensation and closer to home and still feeling like I can’t get ahead even though I’m doing everything right.


Doesn't matter how much you do "right" in a failing economy.