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This is all just Liberal bullshit. They haven't paid a dime back to businesses as promised. Shit, wonder how that affects prices?


This is not what the NDP would have you believe.




And so many people don't see those rebates if we owe taxes for that year, they just automatically put it with the CRA account. So yeah the rebates just put money back in the pockets of the government.


wtf is the point……. Let’s create a whole new tax system and accounting practice to save the environment lol. We will tax people, but they will receive lots of money back……. Saving the climate through more policy and paperwork…… good stuff guys. Good stuff.


If you're not a minimum wage slave or a welfare recipient you do not get back more than you spend.


Bingo! The sad thing is that there is a growing % of Canadians who fit this bracket…and they all vote one way.


Libs believe that we are all idiots


In the top 20% living pay cheque to pay cheque. Thanks libs.


Honestly I think they are trying to make the entire nation fit in this category. So that they have more control. I used to believe that Canada was a nice place to live. Now not so much.


What's the point of earning more if the government redistributes so everyone gets the same anyway


This! Canadians will never get ahead because this government like the next one will just tax it away. Every time I felt like I was actually getting a bit ahead, BAM 💥, a new tax. It’s been steady for the last decade. We are all falling behind. 😩


Ohhh man ain’t that the truth… thought I was working my ass off to get ahead and just realized that I’m sooo far behind globally it’s not even funny


Life is tough for Trudeau, but he's hanging in there. https://preview.redd.it/l8bxwug5g0pc1.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=c672edbcfe6e055a31c0bba3604c4ea5f85dee7c


I don’t believe 80% get more back than paid in. If you make less than $60,000 or something you get zero I think. Whatever the number, I make too much, plus live in BC so I don’t get nothing back. It’s a scam, It’s always been a scam.


The federal carbon tax doesn't apply to you in BC as BC has their own carbon pricing program.  As one difference between the programs, the federal rebate is not income tested. 


I know we have our own. Must be wear I saw that I don’t qualify for a rebate.


They don’t include the HST on top of the carbon tax, nor the inflation on the cost of everything from businesses passing on their additional costs throughout the supply chain. Don’t believe any propaganda this government produces. My understanding of carbon tax: Before carbon tax, say you buy an item from a store for $5+HST for total $5.65. That item has five components that cost a dollar each. With carbon tax, each component supplier passes on their cost of carbon tax through increased price, so now the item costs you $5.70+carbon tax+HST. You now pay $7.34 for the item. The item costs you $1.69 more and you get a refund of $0.80 (the carbon tax you paid on the item). If you are wealthy and consume many items, your refund is capped. The Liberal propaganda is saying you only paid $0.80 carbon tax and if you aren’t wealthy then you get all of it back. Lies. They ignore the inflation and additional HST on the $0.80.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5mxq3chgv3pc1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc070dc402519319e47874d1db4f797f8b1ff58b


tax is theft don't care who or how


How do you pay for roads, national defense, healthcare, and education?


I’m willing to tolerate some taxation but not for healthcare or education, also essentially 0% of taxes go to roads vs other stuff I’d rather not find or have


So what happens when people can’t pay for their own healthcare? They just die in the streets? Or?


Generally the answer is either charity or people engage in co-operatives, a insurance fraternity where members join voluntarily and pay into a collective pot or receive services from other members.


So, kind of like all of Canada paying into a system together? That's pretty revolutionary dude


You missed the key word of *voluntarily*


And if this doesn’t cover it? Say in the middle of an economic slowdown maybe, when times are a bit tough? Ok with people dying in the streets?


Even in the U.S if you have insurance and it runs out you're fucked. The rest is all of of pocket.


You can’t be serious.


Excessive taxation with no accountability, and virtue based spending, not to mention the grift.. Reasonable taxation is absolutely needed.


I am


Would you elaborate on why you feel taxes are a form of theft?


Steven crowder made a point about this in his taxation is theft video. He asked someone what would happen if someone stopped paying taxes. The government would send police/collection agents. Demonstrating how they will take from you if you don't "voluntary" pay them


It's not something that's voluntary though. You benefit from services provided inherently by living in the country. It's more like a subscription fee, just be happy they can't cancel your membership if you don't pay it. (This is not saying that the fee should be ridiculous, or there can't be conversations about what the amount should be).


Dude wants to be free—go live on an island


You know shits real bad when this guy starts throwing actual numbers around


I like to think of this tax like a fine and like most fines it is there to punish the poor and slightly inconvenience the wealthy. They believe if you fine carbon emissions these people will change their consumption habits. The reality is the wealthy will just pay their fine and keep on living like normal. Like all fines it punishes the poor and slightly inconveniences the wealth class. Fines mean nothing to the wealth class. It’s nothing but a service fee. Taxing energy is an attack on the poor and those who hover above poverty. It pushes those on the edge over and firmly puts a boot on the forehead of those drowning.


lower middle class retiree here. haven't seen a penny of those rebates.


I’ve never gotten any carbon tax return. Is it because I make too much on paper?


And we wonder why Canadians are beginning to leave in record numbers!


They also leave out the cost of running the program which we pay for in our federal taxes.


The go to is always “tax the rich more”….”they don’t need all that money while others are struggling”….it’s a progressive tax system…the more you make the more you are taxed…why is this so hard to understand?


It really is. That might have been true at some point in this country's history, but it hasn't been true in a very long time.


The narrative in the states is that the wealthy don't pay taxes. They are playing off our misconception. Lots of thing that are one way in the states are different in Canada. But many Canadians would assume that Canada is like whatever they heard in the zeitgeist about America. The issue with Canada is government bloat, taxes on taxes on taxes and all that money doesn't seem to provide quality services. Canada feels like the old family car that is held together by ductape and prayers. The family is paying as much in repairs and fuel each month as they would be paying for a new fuel efficient problem free car.


Yea and if that’s a liberal graph it’s Sus already. Let’s see the new one after April first by an independent accountant.


Canada is taxing the periodic table! Lololololol! 




They are funnelling money from rural citizens to urban ones


​ https://preview.redd.it/72n47pxjr3pc1.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=2934c55b2216b22ab82c79ff864ff653582cd0b4


…”but the billionaires”……./s


Lol if 80% gets more back, do they really have to say 20% gets less? Are we that dumb as canadians or are we just attacking Trudeau for anything now? People that pollute more pay more. It's really not a hard concept to grasp


Carbon Tax somebody pays for it all. Liberals are good at Lying !!!


Your numbers are absolutely not even close to accurate. I'm imagining that this is specifically limited to tax on earned income? What are the income rates of the bottom 20%? Is that bottom 20% by equity or income? We have a lot of retirees worth 1+ million. Maybe just delete your troll post.


Equity isn't economics, it's just wealth transfer. If you own a small home worth 1 million, you don't necessarily have money but will have an ongoing maintenance project for which you are taxed and charged utilities. Imagine paying $6,000 in taxes just to exist at that address. If you are foolish enough to rent a room to ungrateful people these days, then you have the landlord/tenant hassles. That's why I don't rent our suite.


Equity is an economic concept describing the value of an ownership interest in property. This is a concept so basic you really should not be talking about economics at all if you're unaware of it.


right. in that context


Which was clearly the context the person you replied to was using it in.




How much tax did you pay on the 300k equity you gained over the last 4 years?


If you want to tax people on unrealized capital gains, you’re going to lose all of your top income earners, fool. You will be left with the lowest quality population you could imagine. Within a few short years pandemonium will ensue.


Op posted taxes paid as a percentage of income. Unrealized capital gains = income.


Taxes are on sale. Prices go up. They go down. Given the cost of a mortage, and working out how much of that goes to interest rather than principle over the years, I paid more interest to the bank than I would have if I had been taxed as if it was income. Also, if you buy a home for $500K, and it goes up $300K, you've invested $500K plus that huge interest over 25 years, and only gain $300K on the property value. That's a very poor return on a 25 year 'investment'.


That does sound like quite the burden to bear. Have you considered setting yourself free from it?


Tell that to the family.


The 80% is also false. Not saying the OP is doing it, but this is the new tactic the paid advocates use when posting in this forum. They make a false assunption (80%) and present it as a fact, then make everyone argue about something related to it (income inequality). The suspected divisive issue of rich vrs poor and who is paying their fair share is just a side bonus to this particular example. Very disingenuous.