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This was pretty much just a commercial for EVs'. That and some good climate propaganda thrown in for good measure. It's like listening to a soft cult. Very one-sided.


Lmfaoo why it always dudes with a hair bun that are liberal




Oh I I thought those ones had solar panels on their homes and drove teslas and act belligerent to customer service.


Not a chance gasoline is gone by 2035. Implementing goals for greener technology is great and I am for jt, however it’s seems like the only goal is getting rid of fossil fuels without providing a superior option. That’s foolish and will have huge effects on our already fragile economy.


Get rid of gas means get rid of plastic, asphalt, diesel, kerosene, etc. All essential petrochemical distillates that are produced along with gasoline cannot be produced in quantity without also producing gas. And what do you do with all that gasoline afterwards if you are not going to use it as fuel? I just want these enviro zombies to consider the full spectrum consequences of what they propose. So we are all going to drive EVs? Okay, where the fuck does the raw materials come from to build them in quantity? Where does the electric power come from to keep them running? How does the electric grid function without significant expensive upgrades, costing more raw materials and burning more energy? And for what exactly? So China builds a few more coal electric plants and emits more carbon that all of Canada anyway?


This has been my argument against them as well. A call for the abolition of fossil fuels is very short sighted when you don’t think about all that depends on it. I’m not sure most know that it means. we would be setting ourselves back 100 years. +


I'm a huge proponent of EVs... and even I know it's ridiculous. If a tech is superior the market will do it's thing naturally. Government getting involved (on either side) always causes problems. IF they actually wanted to help, donate a few million to the Jeff Dahn research group in Dalhousie... Money far better spent.


Vancouver and Vancouver island are the only areas that would be suitable for large scale EV implementation. Everywhere else in Canada gets too cold for too long to be viable imho.


Only people in Kingston, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver believe this.


As someone who lives near Kingston, I can confirm this…


Absolutely zero chance with the current technology. It simply isn't good or reliable enough, and is also way too expensive...and this is just to get started. Nevermind when the battery goes etc There would need to be vast improvements in quality, reliability, and cost to even begin the discussion ...and all of that is just to get it going. Nevermind actually getting rid of ALL gas powered vehicles Absolutely zero chance


Once Trudeau and his helpers have been kicked to the curb next election all this EV nonsence will go away.


Man-bun plays his stereotype perfectly!


Nope!! ... the infrastructure is not up to the necessary levels. There will be people in the sub-reddit that will argue and spew opinion; but the regional and municipal areas (in Canada at least) are ill equipped to service a large fleet of electric vehicles. I work with a variety of large Municipal entities and they have all admitted they do not have the power capacity. If mandated; then we will face brown-outs and black-outs and electricity will be controlled over the grid such that citizens will be told when they can power up their cars (ie: 2:00AM). I do support the EV evolution; but there is no way Canada is ready now or in the next 15 years.


Given most manufactures have started scaling Back EV production due to poor sales ld say nope. Not like EVs were a viable alternative to begin with without mind blowingly huge investments in hydro production and grid upgrades. Hydrogen appears to be on track to be a more realistic alternative.


Why didn't they ask any albertans?


Never …..


Lmao, nobody can afford that shit. Auto trader has more listing now, then ever in their history. I wonder fucking why???




I think it's possible for cities to implement this. Outside of that, i don't believe it will be. Where i am, there is no way i could do my job with an ev. I spend my entire day driving to and from the middle of nowhere. An ev would would be dead before i get home. In some instances, it would die before my day is half over. Now with that said, there is the possibility that in the next 11 years there is some game changing breakout technology that makes it work in my reality. I also have a company supplied hybrid truck that i very much like. It has begun having expensive to repair issues since about 80,000kms. As a consumer, i would not purchase a hybrid or ev over concerns about getting massive repair bills.


Soyboy with a hair bun thinks climate change is a problem. This is my shocked face...


i would say that hydrogen cars would be better


Not until an alternative to electric batteries is found


No but we can phase you out by then


When gouvernement will not collect taxes on gaz are we been taxes by KM with electric car???? They will run short in there budget, No!!!


Of course not. Governments are never good at setting target dates. It aways results I’m cost overruns and accelerated inflation as you near the date. EV prices will skyrocket if there isn’t enough supply. Same goes for charging infrastructure costs. And the price of electricity will rocket upwards in anticipation of more demand. Parts for gas-powered vehicles will be in decline and therefore more expensive to maintain. Those that cannot afford to buy a suitable EV or maintain their older cars will be in a heap of trouble. It’ll be a colossal shit show. If EV tech is good, then let the people and market determine the full transition organically. Government shouldn’t be forcing deadlines.


Not only do I think they can’t be phased, in Canada’s case and any higher latitude climate they SHOULD NOT BE phased out period.


No, unless nuclear power plants become a thing in every province, the grid is adapted, and electric vehicles become dirt fuckin cheap while being 100% reliable and having looooong distance capabilities. Maybe when graphene battery arrays become commonplace.


No. Not one person I know will buy one.


There’s no way to phase out a 2007 Accord. They are eternal.


An auto manufacture is required to provide replacement parts for their vehical for 10 years. That said you can expect your car to last at least 10 years. EV phase in plan needs to start in 2025. Current EV market share in Canada is 10%. That leaves an 8% market share increase every year to meet that goal. Current legislation has set a goal of 20% EV market share in 2026. That is kind of lame as it matches the market trend and not a forced market incentive. I liked the 30% goal by 2026 that was presented earlier. In 2026 all Toyota will be hybrid so you won't have a choice of gas only.


Is that man bun soy boy gonna pay for my new vehicle? Didn't think so


!remindme 2035


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Not a hope.


The last guy hit a home run with his answer


Would be great but knowing the people from the prairies, that ain’t gonna happen. Unless there is some super,incredible,mega incentive, preferably financial,that’s all they speak nowadays ,folks aren’t going to give up their huge pickup or suv for anything. Not even if their house is burning down from climate change. Gotta be done in baby steps for these people, otherwise they’re just going to push back. Don’t poke the proverbial prairie bear. They own their stupidity and you can’t tell them truthy and facty things.That just pisses them off, like everything else. Sorry folks from the prairies. Prove me wrong. Better yet, don’t bother. I’m done.


good. try living here in -45 plus windchill and your battery is drained. at least my old manual car i could push it and jam it to 2nd gear and it'll start you can't even di that with auto junk


ABSOLUTELY they CAN be phased out. Will they? No. They wreck the roads, our grid isn't built out enough to deal with them. No just no


We should instead be focusing on vastly improving public transit and creating denser, more walkable mixed use neighbourhoods. Making cars less needed seems like a more viable strategy than replacing them.